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Cynthia Jordan

The year is 1923. The Santa Rita Well has come in, oil is booming and Miss Pearl's Parlor is open for business! Miss "Heather with her feather" dreams of becoming a movie star in the silent films. Cynthia takes you on a fascinating historical journey with music, song and stories you will never forget. Wait until you hear about Suzy Poontang!


Cynthia Jordan embarked on her career in music as a songwriter in 1983 when her song Jose Cuervo became the number one country song of the year. Cynthia studied classical piano for 12 years with concert pianist Dr. Nino Albanese. In 1997 she moved to Nashville where she signed a record contract to compose and produce 11 CDs of Ambient Piano Music for Page Music. Today her music can be heard on radio stations worldwide including the popular cable radio show Soundscapes. Within a year Cynthia had over 4 million downloads of her music. After receiving countless letters and emails on how her music helped with healing, she began researching the many benefits of music and created her program Music A Powerful Soul-ution. Cynthia began her speaking career and received her DTM with Toastmasters. In 2003 she began her writing career with Butterfly Moments, an autobiography about her journey with music. Her story Tita was accepted for “Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul” and she has written several articles on “the power of music” for various publications. In 2005 Cynthia’s husband announced they were moving to San Angelo, Texas, to return to the oil business. She quickly became involved with what she found to be a fascinating West Texas town, rich with history, and created a show she calls Ahh Radio that airs every evening on KCSA 97.1. In 2012 she compiled another book If This Was Heaven…, a collection of vignettes she had recorded for her show and a syndicated radio show in Dallas. Curious that Fort Concho and Miss Hattie’s Bordello are the two main tourist attractions, Cynthia started talking to locals about San Angelo’s history and learned it was founded with saloons, gambling and brothels to service the fort. At one time it was known as “The Naughty City across the river.” She decided to write a musical to tell San Angelo’s story. For the next few weeks, Cynthia did many hours of research, reading, and interviewing locals to write her new musical. One morning, Cynthia had a strange experience. She kept hearing the words, "Tell them why we did it… we weren't bad people," over and over in her head. She has since learned that many authors have had similar experiences, especially when writing about history. “Why did they do it?” she asked herself. The answers swiftly came: a widow, an orphan, a bad experience, abuse, shame in becoming a fallen woman, poverty, homelessness. Pearl the musical became Pearl the novel, full of fascinating West Texas history and a better understanding of our human nature and women of the time. Pearl quickly became a regional hit and Cynthia kept hearing, "I want more," from her readers. In December of 2014, she released Diamond, the sequel to Pearl. The sequel begins where Pearl ends, during the 1920’s Santa Rita oil boom in San Angelo, Texas. It is a time when real cowboys were worth their weight in gold as stunt men in the silent film industry. Upon meeting two movie scouts at Miss Pearl’s Parlor, “Heather with her feather” goes to Hollywood to become a movie star. On her journey she meets colorful characters like Charlie Chaplin, Mae West and movie consultant, Wyatt Earp. Cynthia's father was born at Universal Studios, where his father Sport was an equestrian for western movies during the 1920s. Cynthia is currently writing the prequel to Pearl she calls Ruby. The Civil War has ended and young, adventurous women are heading west. “Carefully, Isabella removed the ruby necklace from the hem of…”

Quiet Journey by Cynthia Jordan
John Herlosky

A Sorcerer’s Apprentice: A Skeptic’s Journey into the CIA’s Project Star Gate Follow the Fascinating Story of One Man’s Journey into the Realm of the Fantastic The CIA-sponsored psychic spies with the ability to extend their consciousness to accurately describe targets not only half a world away but to look into the future as well. It all sounded like science fiction to John Herlosky after reading an expose by former member of the CIA’s Project Star Gate, Dr. David Morehouse. Two years later, skeptical but intrigued by the possibilities implied, John entered the classroom of Dr. Morehouse to find out the truth—and never looked back. Sorcerer’s Apprentice (TrineDay, April 2015) by John Herlosky is an autobiographical account of the author’s experience learning the CIA-sponsored scientifically validated form of extrasensory perception called “remote viewing.” The book chronicles the author’s journey from interested skeptic to operational remote viewer working his first mission as well as his former life as a police officer and private military contractor. He takes you on a journey from the crushing depths and pathos of the wreck of the Titanic to the fate of a downed pilot missing for 19 years from the first Gulf War. Witness the personal turmoil as the author’s long-held beliefs clash with the powerful implications of his experiences. This book is not only an engrossing story of adventure but also a look into what it is to be truly human.


John Herlosky Author and Journalist John Herlosky was born in Syracuse, New York. He was educated at Marquette University majoring in Mathematics with minors in Philosophy and Engineering, as well as earning a degree in Criminal Justice from El Camino College. He has worked for two large metropolitan police departments as a police officer and academy instructor. John has also worked as an EMT and private military contractor. He has spent more than half of his life in the martial arts. John is considered an expert in the field of human performance technologies and has worked with members of SEAL Teams One and Three during Project Trojan Warrior II, a mind-body integration program. Skeptical but curious about the CIA’s Star Gate psychic warfare project, he attended a class in remote viewing taught by a former member of the psychic spy unit, Dr. David Morehouse, in the spring of 1999. He now works with former Office of Naval Intelligence agent and author Amy Waters Yarsinske on MIA/POW matters as well as selected investigations. His hobbies are flying, diving, and sailing. John Herlosky currently lives in Southern California. This is his first book.

Michael Freed

Okay, I'm an unknown voice in the alternative community who has proposed a solution to virtually any effort on the part of anyone trying to force any potential toxin on the general population. Check out A Single Change on my site to see what I mean. If you then scroll back to the first blog, you'll see the problem I'm running into.

I came up with a way to get around any chance of legitimate protest on the part of the politicians making these rules to protest our efforts in diminishing their control. However the general public are far too indoctrinated into transferring their devotion to a father figure to those in positions of Central Authority. My most open-minded friends who risk nothing by supporting my idea are going through some uninteresting mental gymnastics in order to avoid fully contemplating the idea or the implications. Anyhow, take a look at it, see if you agree with any of it and please let me know what you think. I'm also going to copy/paste this to the contact form on your site to make sure that this gets through.


Basically, we are a top-down culture. We believe in having a strong central authority possibly for no other reason than we've had several centuries of expulsion, torture and murder for not believing as our kings instruct us to. Thus, we have a strong drive to want the continuation of it. Where this becomes a problem is when those in authority begin causing great harm to the rest of us. Sure, we know they are only people and no less prone to the individual vices we have laws to protect us against. But we also seem to transfer paternal devotion to those in central authority. So basically, the world's worst criminal could do anything so long as we first learn to call him by the title of President. At this point, how is it any different from that of King, the very person the Constitution was written to protect the people from?

We are being forced to ingest poisons, inject them into our children and breathe them by people who insist they are safe. Well then, they can hardly protest if we were to insist that they and their families had to do the same, right?

Karen Schoen

National speaker and Consultant on Agenda 21 and Common Core
1. The UN plan to monitor and control all aspects of human activity, now controlling America. 2. Common Core = Limited learning for lifelong labor.


Karen Schoen, originally from New York, currently resides in the Florida panhandle. I am a former teacher, dean and business owner who became an activist and now devotes my time speaking, blogging and writing. Karen travels throughout the United States educating Americans to the true enemy of America, Communism and its many forms: UN, Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development, Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc.

I have a Bachelors Degree in Education, minor in History and a Masters Degree in Liberal Studies and post graduate credits from the New School of Social Research where I was trained in psychological manipulation now applied in schools. Putting the pieces together and connecting the dots is my specialty. I am one of the founders of the AgEnders (Americans ending Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development.) I write for blogs, newsletters,, and , to name a few. I am also a contributor for,

I co-host my radio show, “American Freedom Watch Radio,” on and you will find many videos on I head the team of AgEnders, dedicated to educating Americans about UN Agenda 21 which calls for the inventory and control of every aspect of human activity while indoctrinating Americans into global governance. The Regime uses environmental issues to control the population, destroy American exceptionalism, individual rights, private intellectual and real property, family values, religious values and nationalism. School programs like IB and Common Core are designed to transform Americans into accepting collectivism and social justice..

I ran for office FL State REP Dist 5. Look for
I have testified in front of the Florida Legislature on many occasions. In addition to being a founder of the AgEnders, am a Director of Panhandle Patriots, and a founding member of Florida Citizens Coalition. I am a founder of project Feed the Beast No More. We focus on being proactive not reactive.

I believe in Truth, Education, Conversation, Action. 2015 is the year of Action. The corruption and cronyism in state government is as bad as in the Federal Govt.
Should you need a speaker on any Sustainable Development issue, Property Rights or Common Core contact Karen.

Jean Jacques Ranger

CHILDREN, PARENTS & FAMILIES alike who are being VICTIMIZED at WARP SPEED - this by AKA State Party Social Services agencies << CPS = CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES - YOUTH PROTECTION / - FOSTER CARE NETWORKS >> - who ARBITRARILY and FORCEFULLY RECRUIT innocent, vulnerable and helpless children into their NETWORKS / SYSTEMS ... this for the purpose of EXPLOITING these CHILDREN.


Such actions are clearly << CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY & in fact appear to resemble state party backed and openly run semi-sophisticated modern day HUMAN TRAFFICKING SCHEMES >> - which acts have equally been permitted to ESCALATE IN NATURE & OCCURRENCE ..... this mostly due to the endless FUNDS & RESOURCES used on EXTENSIVE & LARGE SCALE COVER-UPS of the latter mentioned - this by the same LAWLESS, RECKLESS & DANGEROUS CPS - Foster Care agencies who perpetrate these UNSPEAKABLE ACTS .

Marilyn Cramer

As a Medical Intuitive, I can see inside the body and find the root cause of a person's illness or disease. If a person's disease originated from emotional issues such as childhood trauma, I will receive messages or visions of what occurred. Donald Newsom suggested I be a guest on BBC Radio. My Purpose: To use my healing abilities and my higher powers, intuitive awareness, vision, compassion and leadership to help humans be empowered, healthy, happy, fulfilled, compassionate and passionate, and have a life filled with Love, Peace and Light. My Dream: To help with healing on all levels (physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually), which will generate more fully functioning adults who respond from a place of love and forgiveness rather than from adaptive and reactive behavior. This will help create a healthier, more peaceful and compassionate world.

United States

Marilyn is internationally known for her alternative and complementary healing techniques, and for her Medical Intuitive abilities. She helps adults and children make permanent, healing changes on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Certifications: Reiki Master, Somatic Healer, Thought Field Therapist, Clinical & Alchemical Hypnotherapist, BioGenesis Practitioner and Mental Coach. Natural Abilities: Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant, and Telepathy. Communicates with Angels, Ascended Masters and other High Beings of Love & Light. As a Medical Intuitive, Marilyn can see inside the human body and help her clients find the root cause of their ailments. There have been numerous times when Marilyn would see an enlarged or diseased organ, tumors, ulcers, clogged arteries, bacteria or viruses in the cells, parasites, fungus, etc., and she would strongly advise her clients to see a doctor/specialist. With diagnostic testing, the doctor would discover the same thing - and Marilyn's client didn't know he or she had this illness/disease. Marilyn works closely with the Chief of Surgery at Northside Cherokee Hospital, and with surgeons, Naturopaths (ND's), MD's and Chiropractors. Not only is she a Medical Intuitive, but Marilyn is also a Medium, Telepath & Clairvoyant. Over the years, Marilyn has worked with clients who had cancer, ulcerative colitis, PNH (a rare form of bone marrow cancer), Lyme Disease, Crohn’s Disease, liver failure, Multiple Sclerosis, Sensory Integrative Dysfunction (children), Tourette Syndrome, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). terminal illnesses, Fibromyalgia, extreme fears and phobias, extreme childhood traumas, and numerous other emotional traumas, diseases and disorders. Marilyn uses a combination of methods with Reiki to facilitate healing.

Joanna L Ross

I am passionate about inspiring humanity about the unlimited potentials that are revealed in the thing we call, 'ASCENSION.' Ascension affects all aspects of our reality. Many are awakening to these very specific triggers that allow us to seek, discover, and unveil more of who we truly are as a new illuminated human species. There are few that will admit 'we never change,' 'our planet has remained the same' and those that do are simply living a life sitting on the fence about truly is surfacing throughout every corner around our planet and cosmos. A real life story about ascension, and tuning into the 5th dimensional potential of humanity and a new glowing earth with profound possibilities. We own this and it is time to start talking about it. I teach and inspire on all topics to do with human potential, personal ascension, planetary ascension, new earth, 5th dimensional possibilities, celestial family, first contact, first landings and our ET friends and family. Let's re-engage with Creation and our ever-expanding planet.


Joanna L. Ross, Founder, Intuitive Visionary, Esoteric Teacher, Ambassador For New Earth, Author, Public Speaker of multi-dimensional living, expansion and ascension specialist and ambassador for new earth energies. Joanna has been walking a highly empathic path of energetic synchronicities with her celestial team for her entire life, and moving through the various stages of conscious ascension, she has activated the Akashic skills and memories of celestial channel, intuitive visionary for new earth potentials.

Joseph Carringer

My name is Joseph Carringer, and I am a Didgeridoo Sound Therapist and Musician for over 15 years.

Didgeridoo sound therapy is a holistic health and healing modality used as a deep meditative tool and therapeutic instrument, clearing energetic and emotional stagnation within the body for wellness.

Individual Sound Therapy Entrainment's are a powerful tool to help people through a variety of personal health and growth issues. The harmonic tones of the didgeridoo help people to release deep energetic and emotional stagnation that has collected throughout a person's meridian system and energetic field.


Joseph Carringer is a professional didgeridoo musician and sound therapist. In his sound therapy practice he uses concert class didgeridoos, combining Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian and organ theory with Ayurvedic Chakra philosophies creating a unique and powerful therapeutic sound healing experience. Joseph has been playing an Australian Aboriginal didgeridoo for over 15 years, using it as a deep meditative tool in his personal shamanic journey as well as a therapeutic instrument for his clients.

Dr Juliet Tien

My mission is to guide individuals to advance to the next level of success in all aspects of life: physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial. I have more than four decades of experience in holistic health working with people from all walks of life, across many continents. I specialize in holistic treatment for yeast and parasitic infections and their related illnesses including allergies, auto-immune diseases, cancer, diabetes, Hashimoto Syndrome, Irritated Bowel Syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, ulcerative colitis, etc. My Healthy Income Intensive Program (a home study program) and Easy, Fast, and Healthy Weight Loss (an all-day video workshop) are design to help people worldwide to have the instant access to the most comprehensive information possible through the Internet. My YouTube Channel: Dr. J’s Holistic Health is designed to educate, entertain, and inspire the general public regarding how to boost their total well-being using a holistic approach without drugs and surgery. In addition to helping individuals to become the best they can be, I also help corporations increase their productivity and profitability through a Corporate Wellness Mastery Program that aims at improving the total wellbeing of the employees and corporate executives. Specifically I incorporate an anti-yeast nutritional program, herbal therapy (using the herbal formulas I created almost two decades ago), stress management techniques (e.g., daily simple and easy home exercise. meditation, prayers, chanting, negative emotion releasing, etc.) The results are improved physical and mental health, and heightened immunity, energy, metabolism, and productivity. The following i the contact information: Dr. Juliet Tien (Dr. J) Tel: 213-489-1712 (Los Angeles) email: Skype: academyofvibranthealth YouTube Channel: Dr. J’s Holistic Health (

U. S. A.

Dr. Juliet Tien, D. N. Sc., affectionately addressed by her clients as "Dr. J," successfully conquered a severe case of yeast and parasitic infection that she had experienced from birth to her early twenties. In the process of healing, she was adopted and taught Chinese herbology by her Godfather: a Chinese medical doctor to break the “curse” of being a sickly child. This experience has also paved a solid foundation for her herbal knowledge, and enabled her to have formulated "Seven Herbal Wonders." ​​Since correcting her overweight (50 pounds +) and health problems, she has used her first-hand experience to help thousands of people achieve optimal health using the combination of an anti-yeast nutritional approach, Chinese herbal therapy, stress management, deep emotional releasing techniques, and other holistic therapy methods. ​​​​Dr. J was born in Taiwan and is a naturalized U. S. citizen. She received her bachelor's degree in nursing from National Taiwan University, her master's degree from Boston College, and her doctorate from the University of California, San Francisco in the filed of Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing. She is a former UCLA professor in her specialty field for seven years. She is the recipient of numerous awards and grants from prestigious institutions including the National Institute of Mental Health in the U. S. She was the host of radio and television talk shows titled “The Holistic Approach to Health and Success” in Southern California for near two decades. She was the founder of several holistic health institues and weight management centers. She was also the managing partner of an organic vegetarian restaurant, Dr. J’s Healthy and Tasty in Westwood, California for more than five years. ​Up to date, she has written countless articles for local holistic magazines including Awareness Magazine and Whole Life Times. She also posts numerous holistic health articles in Social Media including Facebook and LinkedIn. Recently she also created a YouTube channel: Dr. J's Holistic Health. ​Her two best-selling books,​ Breaking the Yeast-Curse: Food and Unconditional Love for Magic Healing and Healthy and Tasty: Dr. J's Anti-Yeast Cooking are included in the Easy, Fast, and Health Weight Loss, and Candida-Yeast-Parasite Cleanse packaged programs as a must-read.