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Marilyn Cramer
Your Pitch

As a Medical Intuitive, I can see inside the body and find the root cause of a person's illness or disease. If a person's disease originated from emotional issues such as childhood trauma, I will receive messages or visions of what occurred. Donald Newsom suggested I be a guest on BBC Radio. My Purpose: To use my healing abilities and my higher powers, intuitive awareness, vision, compassion and leadership to help humans be empowered, healthy, happy, fulfilled, compassionate and passionate, and have a life filled with Love, Peace and Light. My Dream: To help with healing on all levels (physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually), which will generate more fully functioning adults who respond from a place of love and forgiveness rather than from adaptive and reactive behavior. This will help create a healthier, more peaceful and compassionate world.


Marilyn is internationally known for her alternative and complementary healing techniques, and for her Medical Intuitive abilities. She helps adults and children make permanent, healing changes on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Certifications: Reiki Master, Somatic Healer, Thought Field Therapist, Clinical & Alchemical Hypnotherapist, BioGenesis Practitioner and Mental Coach. Natural Abilities: Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant, and Telepathy. Communicates with Angels, Ascended Masters and other High Beings of Love & Light. As a Medical Intuitive, Marilyn can see inside the human body and help her clients find the root cause of their ailments. There have been numerous times when Marilyn would see an enlarged or diseased organ, tumors, ulcers, clogged arteries, bacteria or viruses in the cells, parasites, fungus, etc., and she would strongly advise her clients to see a doctor/specialist. With diagnostic testing, the doctor would discover the same thing - and Marilyn's client didn't know he or she had this illness/disease. Marilyn works closely with the Chief of Surgery at Northside Cherokee Hospital, and with surgeons, Naturopaths (ND's), MD's and Chiropractors. Not only is she a Medical Intuitive, but Marilyn is also a Medium, Telepath & Clairvoyant. Over the years, Marilyn has worked with clients who had cancer, ulcerative colitis, PNH (a rare form of bone marrow cancer), Lyme Disease, Crohn’s Disease, liver failure, Multiple Sclerosis, Sensory Integrative Dysfunction (children), Tourette Syndrome, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). terminal illnesses, Fibromyalgia, extreme fears and phobias, extreme childhood traumas, and numerous other emotional traumas, diseases and disorders. Marilyn uses a combination of methods with Reiki to facilitate healing.

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