I am passionate about inspiring humanity about the unlimited potentials that are revealed in the thing we call, 'ASCENSION.' Ascension affects all aspects of our reality. Many are awakening to these very specific triggers that allow us to seek, discover, and unveil more of who we truly are as a new illuminated human species. There are few that will admit 'we never change,' 'our planet has remained the same' and those that do are simply living a life sitting on the fence about truly is surfacing throughout every corner around our planet and cosmos. A real life story about ascension, and tuning into the 5th dimensional potential of humanity and a new glowing earth with profound possibilities. We own this and it is time to start talking about it. I teach and inspire on all topics to do with human potential, personal ascension, planetary ascension, new earth, 5th dimensional possibilities, celestial family, first contact, first landings and our ET friends and family. Let's re-engage with Creation and our ever-expanding planet.
Joanna L. Ross, Founder, Intuitive Visionary, Esoteric Teacher, Ambassador For New Earth, Author, Public Speaker of multi-dimensional living, expansion and ascension specialist and ambassador for new earth energies. Joanna has been walking a highly empathic path of energetic synchronicities with her celestial team for her entire life, and moving through the various stages of conscious ascension, she has activated the Akashic skills and memories of celestial channel, intuitive visionary for new earth potentials.