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Tracey Ash
Hi There
I am writing to you about Tracey Ash's new book release. This is her 3rd release, and it is already gathering significant pace. The book is titled 'Ancient Egyptian Celestial Healing', published by Findhorn Press. This book travels with you to enter The Source Codes- a high frequency miracle- resource for powering intelligence and excellence. Celestial Healing exposes new scientific and historical evidence on ancient knowledge technologies that accelerate miracles in your life and world, where it matters most.
I’ve attached an article written by Tracey Ash with additional details, and I can arrange for more information and photo’s, and arrange interviews, if you’d like. 
Would you be interested in covering Tracey Ash, during one of her workshops, or while she is showcasing at a Festival or Expo?
At the very least, I can promise that the book is engaging, and an interesting read. Please let me know if you want to and I'll send you a print or digital copy. Thanks for reading through this email.
Kind regards
United Kingdom

Source Codes for High Frequency

This book has a high frequency template
of its own beyond the words written in
it...I knew when I was deep writing it, I
was flying! Now that it's just beginning to
be read 'tingling' before reading is usually
commented. This is exactly what I was
hoping. I want people to read it, feel
it, live it!

I believe in the magic of intention and dedicated spirituality practice. I believe
in simple effective awareness and transformation 'HOW TO' that takes us into the
MAGNIFICENCE to step up into the personal and planetary positive change so
critical during these evolutionary times. I researched all my life to discover the
best journeys for effective spirituality, transformation and awareness that unlocks the
very key to living and contributing magnificently in life. I have researched the science
of consciousness and the simplest 'HOW TO' technologies that take us into believing,
living and manifesting miracles in our lives and worlds- where it matters most! I have
uncovered the dream of living high frequency and technologies to reconfigure our
energy systems to ignite and maintain incredible potential and health possibilities.
Life is extraordinary if we can embody high frequency to see and experience magic
and miracles. This magic ignites our life force. Our life force manifests more magic in
life. I believe we can all contribute during these evolutionary times. Only if we believe
in magic do we live it, manifest it, contribute to exciting solutions in the world we live
every day!

Every life experience is a golden seed of wisdom that loves and brings value to our
very existence. Since 1999, my world has been extraordinary, exploring new,
creative solutions to changing our stories to manifest a positive, purposeful, loving
world. It excites me to be be part of a new wave of non-duality spirituality pioneers of
positive change. Meditation is no longer the soft option but the key in exceptional
human potential and endeavour to heal our planet and humanity. In the book I inspire
you to become part of this new wave of pioneers where sovereignty is magnificence
and key to deconstructing outdated systems and structure. We are truly the change!
During more than two decades I researched and created awareness, transformation
and manifestation programmes central to magnificence and excellence. I questioned,
studied and deconstructed some the best and least effective approaches in the
human potential and spirituality arena. I figured the times we live are critical and we
do not have the time to waste in ineffective approaches and misinformation that tie
us into low frequency, duality, repeat pain cycle and pain agendas. I searched
passionately for the KEY to unlock more time, more life force, more purpose, more
contribution- these concepts we know but do we truly embody and live? I worked with
thousands of individuals unlocking and refining essential 'HOW TO' and research
papers (some in this book) to deliver the science on magnificent human potential
technologies. To truly succeed in helping individuals, I worked tirelessly to discover
the best meditation and transformation technologies to unlock life and purpose
magnificently in every individual who wished for positive change.

I could see the pitfalls of workshop bliss into the same low frequency repeat pain
cycles that can disconnect us from truly living. Or the workshop
highs, awareness and intention that nose dive in everyday life when we need energy
and awareness maintenance most. Ultimately, not really helping the individual
and communities we live in. This can create a conflicted spirituality, wall-paper that
ultimately needs to be peeled off to free life force so we can truly love and live! This
was the fascinating arena I decided to tackle! How to hit the heart of changing the
frequency of limiting stories, to finally be free, magnificent and a hero of positive

My life is about finding magic. I love magnificence, energy, ultimate and new
transformation and manifestation journeys. What is possible is BOUNDLESS and this
is truly exciting! I share with you peace, freedom, genius and divinity keys in THE
SOURCE CODES that manifest your greatest story amongst all possible stories. I
LOVE INSPIRING YOU LIVING! I am passionate about the embodiment of new high
frequency templates that serve humanity and planet. More than ever before, our
energy-fields require re-collaboration to awaken our life force so that we can shine
again. This is ultimate health. This is found in THE SOURCE CODES.

I discovered these high frequency templates that ignite a bigger-picture individual
and humanity- new love, new hero, new awareness and new healing beyond low
frequency, hard-hitting slow-evolving. My story is written in this book.
During the Arab Spring of 2011, I discovered The Source Codes on my journeys in
Egypt. My group and I, travelled into Egypt as everyone hurriedly left. I knew this
journey was important, one of peace, healing and mission beyond self. We
could change our stories and we could be the positive change at this important
turning point for humanity and earth. I journeyed through the stories of Ancient Egypt
into the Creation Myth that has defined our global mythologies. I am a time traveller
and time travel allows me to see into the nature, history and destiny of our existence.
It is positive and good- moving towards ONE.

Here is an excerpt from my book that changed my life and world. I now travel the
world changing the lives of incredible individuals who dream of a very different world
of positive change. Here solutions bring freedom, joy and love to create a world of
magnificent possibilities for our future generations. I love my mission, I love my world.
‘At noon on 21 March 2011 as the four day Return to Light Tour came to a close,the
group experienced the unprecedented super-power of the ancient Egyptian neteru,
the power of Source Codes, as in ancient times.The power of The Source codes rewired
back into consciousness. A continuous explosion of timeless ancient wisdom in
thousands of multi-orbs activity of white, blue, green, perfect energy spheres, orbs
with tails that culminated in a deep, rich, thick blanket of visible, opaque, white light,
on the floor of the temple. These are the transformation experiences we dream of.
And we filmed it. ‘

About Tracey- Part of a new wave of non-duality
pioneers of high frequency transformation, awareness
and meditation technologies.

TEACHER- she uniquely offers outstanding ‘HOW TO’ on
tackling conspiracy, toxic structures and manifesting
magnificent new stories. Researcher of consciousness,
ancient wisdom keeper and power site explorer, working
to inspire the next generation of positive change
influencers to ignite incredible solutions for the next
phase of planetary evolution as old structures crumble
even in our human potential arena. Her focus is truth,
magnificence, awareness, individual sovereignty and
contribution. She loves easy dismantling of outdated to
unlock your amazing world. She is offering new frontiers of empowering spirituality
for real world action and miracles every day.

Tracey is author of Findhorn Press (UK), OBooks (UK) and Natural Spirit (JAPAN).
Her impressive portfolio of clients throughout the world, ranges from international
businesses and thought-leaders, royal and Imperial household members, leading
scientists, award winning artists, actors and musicians, celebrities, sports
personalities and outstanding individuals who live extraordinary lives. Tracey values
and empowers each individual life, enriching the lives and relationships we cherish in
life. She is a catalyst for evolution, awareness and high frequency purpose. She
believes every individual can make a small BIG difference.

She hosts cutting-edge meditation, awareness & transformation training for Mastery.
She presents at leading expos. Schools and Retreats are hosted in UK, Europe,
Egypt and Japan. The three biggest organizations in Japan host Celestial Healing,
Awareness School Japan, Life Vision School Japan and School of Divine Alchemy.
She regularly works at spectacular earth power sites- the monuments and pyramids
of Egypt, Mt Fuji, Okinawa’s submerged pyramids, Mt Kurama, Kyoto (birthplace of
Reiki), Tokyo, Glastonbury, UK, Italy and Greece power sites. Earth power sites lock
the planetary healing and ancient wisdom grids of ancient monuments and pyramids
to ignite outstanding awakening, transformation and contribution at all levels of life.
She is an honorary member of PSI JAPAN and author of two research papers.
Tracey has featured in national press, TV, and radio.


Lori A Peters

I would  love to be a guest on your show.  My company,Together We Win, Ltd creates and supports activities and content in the areas of happiness and well-being. I focus on happiness and have created a website, blog, courses and workshops and other activities around the area of happiness. 

I would love to be a guest host providing any of the following:

Providing research around happiness- I have lots of resources available to discuss this issue and the research around it. Happiness as it relates to several aspects of one's life such as life balance, work, relationships and health and more. My story of transformation to becoming a happier much more satisfied person and how I did it. How to keep your happiness level up during higher levels of stress- again a mix of personal story with happiness research What is the Happiness Hangout? How to Get Happier ASAP What is the magic formula for happiness. I can also research specific topics of your choice on happiness and well-being.
United States

Credentials: Lori A. Peters

Over 23 years of presentations provided to very small groups and up to 1,000 participants. Topics include many soft skills, personal development, happiness, making personal connections, Live Happy...Live Better and many more.  Writer for The Magic Happens (TMH) Magazine Independent Consultant for Wellness Works for You. Several years of college teaching experience in counseling/social sciences. Over 23 years as a professional in higher education working with students and employers. Certified Program Planner from LERN®. Thirty years experience as a professional volunteer on a local and national level serving 3 terms at the highest national level. Honored to receive the highest local and national volunteer awards.

Contact Information: Lori A. Peters, BSBA- Marketing Management and MS in Counseling, Certified Program Planner I can also be reached at 330-207-9375.

Edmund F Kuell III

I provide wisdom and information on a wide range of vectors within the Spiritual Nutrition Institute framework. Food Supplement analysis and comnentary Inner Voice development techniques Live Q&A Retreat Promo with vevene sharing Discussion of SNi Consultations with revenue sharing The Spiritual Nutrition Way of Financial Healing How to create Social Sustainability


UPDATED Professional BIO | Edmund F. Kuell III | Spiritual Nutrition Master Professional Biography Edmund F. Kuell III Spiritual Nutrition Master SPIRITUAL NUTRITION Edmund F. Kuell III is a lifestyle educator and spiritual teacher with over 42 years of experience assessing and reversing nutritional deficiencies and a broad range of serious illnesses. He is the creator of Spiritual Nutrition, a unique way of integration and expansion of the main ancient systems of healing with the new leading-edge Health Medicine, all guided through personal spiritual guidance. He has successfully healed three of his own life-threatening illnesses and today enjoys completely restored health, superior vitality and unbounded consciousness. He has taught thousands this way to perfect health. He is the author of The Complete Lifestyle Nutrition Body-Sytems Guide! (1998), a comprehensive personal nutrition program development guide. As the Founder of Spiritual Nutrition, he teaches professionals and lay persons alike to find and follow their Inner Voice in health matters and spiritual concerns. His expertise is the integration of traditional American herbology, orthomolecular nutrition (vitamin, mineral, phyto-nutrient and enzyme therapy), European herbal and naturopathic therapies, Chinese tonic and medicinal herbs, Ayurvedic medicine and rejuvenative therapies, Bahamian "bush" medicine, and Tahitian and Kahuna healing methods - and how to coordinate them through following Inner Guidance. He has consulted widely throughout the United States and internationally. He teaches medical doctors and other health care professionals some 400 specific Spiritual Nutrition Protocols for their medical specialties as well as leading his clientele into the greater art of living a more spiritized life on the basis of superior health through Evolutionary Medicine. Edmund F. Kuell III has completed advanced Certifications in Lifestyle and Stress Management at both American and European research universities. In addition, he has studied Ayurvedic medicine with Triguna, the leading Ayurvedic Vaidya (traditional physician) of India and was one of the very first to use and teach Ayurvedic Medicine in the United States, as well as at Moolchand Ayurvedic Hospital, New Delhi, India, where he observed and participated in the successful outcome of cancer, malaria, vision loss, drug overdose cases and more. He also created and directed The Ayur-Rejuvenation Resort of the Bahamas where he conducted individualized herbal rejuvenation and traditional health restoration programs which includes natural therapies of sunshine, air and sea water. Let him help you to achieve superior physical health, calm your mind and accelerate your spiritual growth. The 26 Symptoms of Ascension Check out this important short succinct video. It will help you recognize inner spiritual and psychological changes YOU ~ or someone you love ~ - may need help with ... Ascension-Symptoms About the book: Have you read a handful of nutritional reference books but still have not fully engaged in an exact, comprehensive successful lifestyle and supplement plan of action? The Complete Lifestyle Nutrition Body-Systems Guide! provides such a plan of action and much more as it is spiritually based. This book is a unique, multi-use, personalized nutrition-program development manual that will soon be developed into an interactive website. It will empower you to create a systematic analysis and overview of your personal health status and determine what to do about it integrating the four main complementary world traditions of natural medicine. Precise, foolproof instructions will guide you through all of the steps necessary to understand and implement a comprehensive Lifestyle Nutrition Programme designed specifically for you - and your health concerns. This Reference Guide is useful for both the advanced practitioner and for anyone interested in simply getting well. It contains many herb uses not found in any other text as well as synergistic combinations that catalyze unique and previously unheard of healing results. Over two years of intensive full-time research and development on a foundation of forty years of clinical experience have culminated in this seminal and landmark work dedicated to bringing to everyone the very latest in innovative and integrative spiritually based Health Medicine access. Sections include: • Easy-to-Follow Integrative Instructions • How to Rebuild Any of Your 10 Major Body- Systems • Answers to Key Questions about Herbs • Chinese Body-Systems Energetic Herb Combinations • Western Body-Systems Healing Herb Combinations and Unique Single Herb Amplifiers • Ayurvedic Body-Systems Formulas • Scientific Study Summaries that Highlight the Historical Use of Herbs and Common Foods • Simple Fast-Start pre-measured Programs • Wholesale Access To Over 400 Health-Building Formulas • The Only Complete System of Natural Medicine Available Directly to the General Public What is Spiritual Nutrition? Spiritual Nutrition is a unique way to initiate and further conscious awareness of one's Inner Voice. To realize the importance of following this guidance. To heal the urgent needs of the body and mind. To attain vibrant health and visibly reverse all unnecessary illness and ageing. To spiritually uplift, accelerate and expand personal growth. To cultivate the spiritual discipline necessary to advance the Soul as the most important endeavor of life.

Mr Adrian Gilbert

Adrian Gilbert is a well known author of books on ancient mysteries and forgotten history. His most famous book is 'The Orion Mystery', which he co-authored with Robert Bauval but he has written many others. Particular fields of interest are pyramids, Mayan calendars, King Arthur, Ancient Britain, the Magi, Alchemy, Astrology and self-transformation.

England, UK.

Biography of Adrian Gilbert Adrian Gilbert was born near London on 26 July 1949. From 1962-7 he attended St Edmunds College, Ware, Hertfordshire—the oldest post-reformation, catholic boarding schools in Britain. From 1968-71 he was at the University of Kent at Canterbury ostensibly reading for an Honours degree in Chemistry. Once there he very quickly realised that, philosophically speaking, modern science is founded on quicksand. This only sharpened his appetite for the ultimate knowledge: to know who we are, where we come from and what is our purpose in life. In quest of the answers to these burning questions, he became more and more interested in philosophy and eastern religions. He took to practising yoga and studied deeply the works of Patanjali and other classic texts such as the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. He also read his way through hundreds of books on western philosophy including most of the works of Plato, Aristotle, Schopenhauer, Seneca and Nietsche as well as books by such modern luminaries as Camus, Sartre, Russell and Wittgenstein. At age 21, whilst sitting on a beach in Kent, he experienced an extraordinary awakening of a type described in the Upanishads. Unexpectedly, he became suddenly aware that the whole universe: the sand beneath him, the air he was breathing, the stars and moon in the sky and above all himself, were all particles of the same great being which we call God. Though it lasted for only a few minutes and is impossible to describe in words, this mystical experience changed his life. He now "knew" with the innermost parts of his being that there is another "world", surrounding and penetrating our daily reality. Following this experience he lost what little interest he still had in Natural Science his life now totally focused on finding practical techniques for self-transformation. The period of his twenties was spent living in two worlds: his inner, mystical world which continued to grow and the outer world of travel, jobs and relationships. During this time he continued to read voraciously and studied various systems of practical philosophy. On the work side, for some years he was employed in the publishing industry before in 1978, feeling that his brain needed disciplining, he retrained as a computer Analyst/Programmer. He continued to work programming computers for the next eight years. In 1986 he went back into publishing, working as a representative for Element Books. This career move was done with some forethought as he wanted to reconnect with the world of books before launching his own imprint. This he did in 1991 when Solos Press was born, its first title published being his own first work: "The Cosmic Wisdom Beyond Astrology". The intention behind the writing of "The Cosmic Wisdom" was that it should bring together scientific reasoning and mystical insight. As things have turned out this has continued to be the hallmark of Gilbert's writing and explains why his books have achieved wide recognition. In 1992 Adrian met up with Robert Bauval and together they wrote what was to become a huge, international best seller: The Orion Mystery (1994). This was followed by a string of other best selling books including The Mayan Prophecies (1995), Magi (1996), The Holy Kingdom (1998), Signs in the Sky (2000), The New Jerusalem (2002) and The End of Time (2006) . His latest book is The Blood of Avalon, which traces the Arthurian/Grail lineage to our present day. One branch of this leads directly to the late Diana, Princess of Wales. Given that Prince William has the middle name 'Arthur', he has the credentials to be the long-anticipated 'Once and future king'. Adrian has also written his first novel, Knight of Swords (previously titled Shadow of the Dragon), for which he hopes to soon find a publisher, and he is engaged in putting together several, very exciting TV projects relating to ancient, British history. Ancillary to all this work, he has set up a universal, on-line community called The Invisible College. Though still in its infancy, it is hoped that this will grow into a full-scale, esoteric community with lectures, tours, documentaries and other participatory work that will be made available worldwide. Free for anyone to join, its website can be found at At present Adrian does not have the time to run a separate, personal website but he has a YouTube channel at: He also has a Facebook page at Adrian lives in England with his wife Dee and their daughter Alice.

Sharron Rose

Jay Weidner and I creators of numerous documentaries have a new feature film, The Last Avatar. We have both been guests on Zany Mystic, Lance's show in the past. The Last Avatar is our first narrative feature film. Below is the press release. Jay, a former NPR host has been on the top shows in our market. Please let me know if this is of interest to you. Thanks, Sharron Rose, Producer, The Last Avatar For Immediate Release NEW FANTASY/SCI-FI FILM FROM DIRECTOR JAY WEIDNER IS A CALL FOR A GLOBAL AWAKENING BASED ON AN ANCIENT PROPHECY THE LAST AVATAR SPEAKS TO THE CHAOTIC TIMES IN WHICH WE LIVE (August 10, 2015, Boulder, CO) The Last Avatar is a unique film that crosses generational boundaries to awaken the idealism and visionary potential of the baby boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millennials. Its powerful message speaks to the chaotic and transformative times in which we live. WE ARE BECOMING CONSCIOUS OF OUR POWER TO REMAKE THE WORLD The Last Avatar is a mystical adventure film, the story of a young man who leaves Hollywood to find himself. What he finds is beyond his wildest imagination. Based on ancient prophecy, contemporary truth seeking and the future of humanity, The Last Avatar is a film that takes transformational themes and makes them relevant for audiences of all ages. Filled with love, magic, mystery, conspiracy, psychics, underground cities, secret societies, light bodies and much more, The Last Avatar tells the story of the emergence of Kalki Avatar- the final Avatar of our current Age of Chaos. Kalki is also a metaphor for the innate power and potential that lies within humanity to awaken and create a world of truth, harmony and possibility. International best-selling author and founder of The Institute of Energy Medicine, Dr. Alberto Villoldo noted, “The Last Avatar is delicious and masterful. The images are stunning, the acting great. I love the message, and, boy, are we ready for it.” The Last Avatar, a Sacred Mysteries Productions, is written and directed by Jay Weidner, whom Wired Magazine called an “authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions.” Weidner is a renowned filmmaker, author and scholar who currently serves as Director of Original Programming for GaiamTV. Weidner’s film direction includes the critically acclaimed feature documentary, Infinity: The Ultimate Trip, Journey Beyond Death, writer/director of the documentary series on the work of Stanley Kubrick, Kubrick’s Odyssey and Beyond the Infinite, and producer of over 25 documentary films. Considered to be a ‘modern-day Indiana Jones’ for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind’s destiny via ancient societies and artifacts, his body of work offers great insight into the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis. Produced by Sharron Rose (2012 The Odyssey, Timewave 2013), The Last Avatar stars Alexander Polinsky as Kalki (Charles in Charge, Saints and Soldiers); Adey, who also composed the original score for The Last Avatar, as Mary; Bob Jackson Miner, Monique Trinity Rose, Doug Warner and Sharron Rose. The film also features internationally acclaimed author Neale Donald Walsh (Conversations With God) as the legendary Count St. Germain. The Last Avatar producer Sharron Rose observed, “We have discovered that the film engenders meaningful conversation on the nature of reality, the innate power and potential of humankind and the art of creating a more harmonious, loving and empowering world.“ Director, producer and cast members are available for interviews. The film is available now in streaming format through Vimeo on Demand Contact: Nina Cardillo 303-647-1192, Media kit available at Direct link to Vimeo on Demand: Website: Facebook: Sacred Mysteries: ### SIDEBAR About Jay Weidner Called by Wired Magazine an “authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions,” Jay Weidner is a renowned filmmaker, author and scholar. Considered to be a ‘modern-day Indiana Jones’ for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind’s destiny via ancient societies and artifacts, his body of work offers great insight into the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis. He is the director of the critically acclaimed feature documentary, Infinity: The Ultimate Trip, Journey Beyond Death, writer/director of the documentary series on the work of Stanley Kubrick, Kubrick’s Odyssey and Beyond the Infinite, producer of over 25 documentary films. A former NPR Seattle talk show host, Jay was featured in the History Channel’s documentary, The Lost Book of Nostradamus and was associate producer and featured in the History Channel’s special, Nostradamus 2012. He was also featured in the documentary, Room 237, in Brad Meltzer’s Decoded, and in Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory (TruTV). Jay is currently director of Original Programming for the on-line streaming video company GaiamTV. About Sharron Rose Sharron Rose is a true Renaissance woman. An award-winning filmmaker, author, composer, choreographer, teacher and performer, Rose transits the worlds of art and commerce in a unique and compelling way. A Fulbright Senior research scholar, in 1983, she became the first American disciple of legendary Bollywood film star, Sitara Devi, which led her into a profound exploration both of the powerful artistic heritage of India and role of women in ancient and modern society. Sharron is the creator of Shasta Style jewelry and clothing line and author of The Path of the Priestess; A Guidebook for Awakening the Divine Feminine. Since 2000, she has been the president of Sacred Mysteries Distribution for which she directed 2012 The Odyssey, Timewave 2013 and produced 17 documentaries. About Sacred Mysteries The new millennium has proven to be the next “age of enlightenment.” Everywhere you look, fascinating ideas are being presented and old standards are being challenged. One company that is standing at the forefront of this freethinking and mystical knowledge is Sacred Mysteries Productions, a Boulder, Colorado-based company is dedicated to creating film and video programs that are well-produced, intelligent and mystical in nature. Co-owners Jay Weidner and Sharron Rose, pioneers in metaphysical exploration and consciousness, have been producing films since 2000 that expand modern civilization’s understanding of the wisdom found in ancient mysteries through the release of breakthrough, innovative filmmaking. Reviews and Testimonials for The Last Avatar “ A visionary, metaphysical feature film with a strong message and plenty of action… woven with the best from Eastern and Western religious and prophetic cosmologies; all this, in a compelling story, that will hold your interest to the very end. This is a film that is itself a wake up call. It encourages us to divest ourselves of negative programming and move into higher planes. It addresses the chaos that is happening in the world today and suggests a solution. I recommend this film to all that are looking for a possible solution to and a definite escape from chaos, both in their own lives and in the world." ~ Jennifer Hoskins, New Dawn Magazine “With an outstanding cast, evocative music and inspirational special effects, Jay Weidner delivers an adventure story packed with revelation of who we truly are and the alchemical key to our greatest awakening.” ~ William Henry, Author, Host of “Revelations” Radio "Very powerful, deeply loving and empowering medicine for the heart, mind, soul and spirit. Not just for the individual, but for humanity and it's awakening. Just brilliant!" ~ Zen Gardner, Writer and Philosopher.

Chris Medina

How I plan on changing the face of the Metaphysical World / Community by being truly authentic in what I do. The community has become over saturated with frauds and just plain old love and light crap that does nothing to help anyone. If anything it makes people turn away or become so dependent on readers that they are literally spending their life savings blindly. I call it as it is and do not believe in providing false hope.


I am a natural born Psychic-Medium with Native American ancestry. I provide expert metaphysical services for those in need of direction and or guidance in their life. I utilize my innate ability to connect with people on a true spiritual level to help guide them toward the path they are truly seeking. In essence, helping others help themselves.

I do not generalize when I read and I do not allow information to be given to me beforehand. I absolutely insist on these strict guidelines. It allows me to connect better with a person’s energy and true intention.

I have a very no nonsense approach with my readings and do not promote any type of false hope or ritualistic type practices. Pure and honest Psychic Readings is what I provide.

It is my purpose and life mission to continue to help those in need of true spiritual guidance and those that want to be heard.

Karen A Dahlman

In my third book, The Spirit of Alchemy: Secret Teachings of the Sacred Reunion, I explore the practical applications for today's world of the esoteric wisdom of the great alchemical practitioners of yesteryear. This book is the expansion of my first two books that takes the reader into advanced spiritual teachings and insights garnered from her life’s work with everyone’s favorite tool, the Ouija Board. Within this book, the Ouija becomes the Great Oracle as the Spirit Friends continue to reveal the timeless wisdom of the ages. In this paradigm-shifting book, Karen shares the secret teachings of alchemical transformation as told amongst a modern day backdrop of poignant TRUE stories. Ms. Dahlman shares adventures into mystical dreams, ethereal visitations, spirit messages, synchronistic events and stimulating discussions that inspire the Initiate along one’s own journey of the Alchemists’ Greatest Work yet, experiencing the Sacred Reunion with eternal, spiritual truths. Awaken and engage real magic! In real time (on the show) I'd like to explore, share and engage the listeners to discover their Highest Selves (their connection to the Divine) with tried and true techniques for "plugging" into this consciousness. Discuss the "how tos" for stepping into their empowerment, reclaiming it and making that connection to their Higher Selves, including the guidance of Spiritual Beings. Discuss the benefits of making such a connection and offer hope and the promise of easy ways to do this within their own lives. PS: I tried to upload the book cover to this book, but after many attempts, it wouldn't show up. Please let me know if I can email this to your directly and/or the book cover is shown on my website. Thank you.


Karen A. Dahlman is known as a leading, expert Ouijaologist within paranormal and metaphysical circles. Since 1973, Karen has been directly communicating with her Spirit Friends via the Ouija Board, while receiving consistently profound and relevant messages from the varying consciousness and sentient beings with whom she maintains relationships. She is the author of her recently released book, The Spirit of Alchemy: Secret Teachings of the Sacred Reunion and from 2013, The Spirits of Ouija: Four Decades of Communication. Karen holds a master’s degree from the University of New Mexico in archetypal art psychotherapy and is experienced in hypnosis and past life regression. Having a strong, spiritual connection to her Spirit Friends, as she has throughout her entire life, Karen shares within her books the positive benefits of using the Ouija Board and other creative means as pathways for being in contact with the various spiritual dimensions that exist among us. Her writings teach us to discover our greatness within and find expression of this within the world for purposeful and meaningful life experiences.

Photo of The Spirits of Ouija Book Cover
Aleya Dao

Seven Cups of Consciousness: Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher Realms book released by New World Library September 15, 2015 Imagine a life filled with happiness and purpose, where you are connected with the divine and perfect aspect of yourself, protected and guided by a loving angelic presence. Deep inside, you feel creative, passionate, and joyful — and all of that is reflected into every moment of your daily life. In Seven Cups of Consciousness: Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher Realms (New World Library, September 15, 2015), trailblazing spiritual teacher and author Aleya Dao shares how this kind of life becomes possible when you learn to consciously connect with the resources in the higher realms. Her book outlines a step-by-step process built around the “Cups of Consciousness” that are designed to give readers access to other dimensions. The seven cups she offers are simple concepts, such as “You Live in an Multidimensional Reality,” “You Are Never Alone,” and “Your Challenges Can Help You Grow.” Energetic practices and audio meditations help readers release limiting patterns and gain access to a higher consciousness. “Aleya Dao cuts to the core of soul work, with simplicity and complexity; simplicity in how she delivers... complexity in how we choose to let go of what we have known. Seven Cups of Consciousness is highly recommended for deepening consciousness and connection into greater Divinity and Wholeness.” — Simran Singh - Author & Publisher 11:11 Magazine/Radio “Drink copiously from this cup of clarity, wisdom, and joyful energetic alignment that Aleya Dao offers to all who are thirsting to live from the Higher Self.” — Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Life Visioning “A refreshing new approach . . . easy, fun, and enlightening to read.” — Sonia Choquette, New York Times bestselling author of The Answer Is Simple


Aleya is a sound healer, energetic practitioner, Minister in the state of California, Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico, and a Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado. She has been an alternative healer for 20 years. Aleya graduated from Lewis and Clark University in Portland, Oregon and earned her Master's Degree in Oriental Medicine from The Southwest Acupuncture School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She practiced in Telluride, Colorado for 7 years before moving to Santa Barbara, California where she serves an international clientele as a spiritual guide and sound healer. In 2001 Aleya had an enlightenment experience, which enabled her to perceive other realms, hear the angelic beings, and increased her empathic and clairvoyant abilities. Sounds True released her Light Body Healing Album in August of 2014. Her first Book, Seven Cups of Consciousness: Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher Realms with New World Library will be released September 2015.

Seven Cups of Consciousness, Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher Realms by Aleya Dao
Michael Ellegion and Laura Legere

Recently Formed Common Law Grand Juries Connect Us To the Galactic Councils Michael Ellegion, UFO Researcher, Contactee and Author of Prepare For The Landings!...Are YOU Ready? and Laura Legere, author of It’s Not Weird Anymore: An Extraordinary True Tale share info. about the newly formed Common Law Grand Juries in all 50 states. This very recent exciting event is a very significant historical moment in human history and allows the people of Earth to participate in Lawfully taking back our planet from the power elite/cabal. The Common Law Grand Juries will ultimately become a ‘planetary council’ connecting us to the Galactic Councils and helps us prepare for First Contact with our star families. The Common Law Grand Jury is outside of the corrupt corporate admiralty court system. The Jury is the fourth level of government and sits at the top, above the Supreme Court. As of Aug. 2014, all 50 states have been re-constituted for the administration of the Common Law Grand Jury in all counties. The people can bypass the corrupt admiralty court system and bring their issues to the Common Law Grand Jury. Yes, “really big things” are truly in the process of occurring. Join us at and find the organizers in your state and find out about becoming a Jurist. It is the Duty of the Grand Jury, if anyone’s unalienable rights have been violated, or removed, without a legal sentence of their peers, from their lands, home, liberties or lawful right, we (the twenty-five) shall straightaway restore them. And if a dispute shall arise concerning this matter it shall be settled according to the judgment of the twenty-five Grand Jurors, the sureties of the peace.

Michael was trained as a young child through the “Edgar Cayce method” of Channeling, and has done thousands of personal 90 minute Transformational Channeled Readings for fellow “Light Workers and Star People.” Check out the “NASA Star People Characteristics” list at—and see how many of these traits that you happen to have! Laura Legere considers herself to be a conspiracy optimist while she spreads the good news of what is taking place behind the scenes. She is a contactee and has 24/7 access to her star family from their spaceship. Through her earthly activism she is able to share information about the positive news on the ground as well as galactic intel. Laura’s focus of service and purpose is assisting people with healthy living, personal growth and spiritual exploration through her private practice since 1993 as a massage therapist and teacher of natural healing in essential oils. Laura is the author of "It's Not Weird Anymore: An Extraordinary True Tale and winner of the 2011 Readers Favorite Award. Please contact Michael at: 206-235-8402, or, and Laura at: 206-765-8996, or, for media interviews.