Source Codes for High Frequency
This book has a high frequency template
of its own beyond the words written in
it...I knew when I was deep writing it, I
was flying! Now that it's just beginning to
be read 'tingling' before reading is usually
commented. This is exactly what I was
hoping. I want people to read it, feel
it, live it!
I believe in the magic of intention and dedicated spirituality practice. I believe
in simple effective awareness and transformation 'HOW TO' that takes us into the
MAGNIFICENCE to step up into the personal and planetary positive change so
critical during these evolutionary times. I researched all my life to discover the
best journeys for effective spirituality, transformation and awareness that unlocks the
very key to living and contributing magnificently in life. I have researched the science
of consciousness and the simplest 'HOW TO' technologies that take us into believing,
living and manifesting miracles in our lives and worlds- where it matters most! I have
uncovered the dream of living high frequency and technologies to reconfigure our
energy systems to ignite and maintain incredible potential and health possibilities.
Life is extraordinary if we can embody high frequency to see and experience magic
and miracles. This magic ignites our life force. Our life force manifests more magic in
life. I believe we can all contribute during these evolutionary times. Only if we believe
in magic do we live it, manifest it, contribute to exciting solutions in the world we live
every day!
Every life experience is a golden seed of wisdom that loves and brings value to our
very existence. Since 1999, my world has been extraordinary, exploring new,
creative solutions to changing our stories to manifest a positive, purposeful, loving
world. It excites me to be be part of a new wave of non-duality spirituality pioneers of
positive change. Meditation is no longer the soft option but the key in exceptional
human potential and endeavour to heal our planet and humanity. In the book I inspire
you to become part of this new wave of pioneers where sovereignty is magnificence
and key to deconstructing outdated systems and structure. We are truly the change!
During more than two decades I researched and created awareness, transformation
and manifestation programmes central to magnificence and excellence. I questioned,
studied and deconstructed some the best and least effective approaches in the
human potential and spirituality arena. I figured the times we live are critical and we
do not have the time to waste in ineffective approaches and misinformation that tie
us into low frequency, duality, repeat pain cycle and pain agendas. I searched
passionately for the KEY to unlock more time, more life force, more purpose, more
contribution- these concepts we know but do we truly embody and live? I worked with
thousands of individuals unlocking and refining essential 'HOW TO' and research
papers (some in this book) to deliver the science on magnificent human potential
technologies. To truly succeed in helping individuals, I worked tirelessly to discover
the best meditation and transformation technologies to unlock life and purpose
magnificently in every individual who wished for positive change.
I could see the pitfalls of workshop bliss into the same low frequency repeat pain
cycles that can disconnect us from truly living. Or the workshop
highs, awareness and intention that nose dive in everyday life when we need energy
and awareness maintenance most. Ultimately, not really helping the individual
and communities we live in. This can create a conflicted spirituality, wall-paper that
ultimately needs to be peeled off to free life force so we can truly love and live! This
was the fascinating arena I decided to tackle! How to hit the heart of changing the
frequency of limiting stories, to finally be free, magnificent and a hero of positive
My life is about finding magic. I love magnificence, energy, ultimate and new
transformation and manifestation journeys. What is possible is BOUNDLESS and this
is truly exciting! I share with you peace, freedom, genius and divinity keys in THE
SOURCE CODES that manifest your greatest story amongst all possible stories. I
LOVE INSPIRING YOU LIVING! I am passionate about the embodiment of new high
frequency templates that serve humanity and planet. More than ever before, our
energy-fields require re-collaboration to awaken our life force so that we can shine
again. This is ultimate health. This is found in THE SOURCE CODES.
I discovered these high frequency templates that ignite a bigger-picture individual
and humanity- new love, new hero, new awareness and new healing beyond low
frequency, hard-hitting slow-evolving. My story is written in this book.
During the Arab Spring of 2011, I discovered The Source Codes on my journeys in
Egypt. My group and I, travelled into Egypt as everyone hurriedly left. I knew this
journey was important, one of peace, healing and mission beyond self. We
could change our stories and we could be the positive change at this important
turning point for humanity and earth. I journeyed through the stories of Ancient Egypt
into the Creation Myth that has defined our global mythologies. I am a time traveller
and time travel allows me to see into the nature, history and destiny of our existence.
It is positive and good- moving towards ONE.
Here is an excerpt from my book that changed my life and world. I now travel the
world changing the lives of incredible individuals who dream of a very different world
of positive change. Here solutions bring freedom, joy and love to create a world of
magnificent possibilities for our future generations. I love my mission, I love my world.
‘At noon on 21 March 2011 as the four day Return to Light Tour came to a close,the
group experienced the unprecedented super-power of the ancient Egyptian neteru,
the power of Source Codes, as in ancient times.The power of The Source codes rewired
back into consciousness. A continuous explosion of timeless ancient wisdom in
thousands of multi-orbs activity of white, blue, green, perfect energy spheres, orbs
with tails that culminated in a deep, rich, thick blanket of visible, opaque, white light,
on the floor of the temple. These are the transformation experiences we dream of.
And we filmed it. ‘
About Tracey- Part of a new wave of non-duality
pioneers of high frequency transformation, awareness
and meditation technologies.
TEACHER- she uniquely offers outstanding ‘HOW TO’ on
tackling conspiracy, toxic structures and manifesting
magnificent new stories. Researcher of consciousness,
ancient wisdom keeper and power site explorer, working
to inspire the next generation of positive change
influencers to ignite incredible solutions for the next
phase of planetary evolution as old structures crumble
even in our human potential arena. Her focus is truth,
magnificence, awareness, individual sovereignty and
contribution. She loves easy dismantling of outdated to
unlock your amazing world. She is offering new frontiers of empowering spirituality
for real world action and miracles every day.
Tracey is author of Findhorn Press (UK), OBooks (UK) and Natural Spirit (JAPAN).
Her impressive portfolio of clients throughout the world, ranges from international
businesses and thought-leaders, royal and Imperial household members, leading
scientists, award winning artists, actors and musicians, celebrities, sports
personalities and outstanding individuals who live extraordinary lives. Tracey values
and empowers each individual life, enriching the lives and relationships we cherish in
life. She is a catalyst for evolution, awareness and high frequency purpose. She
believes every individual can make a small BIG difference.
She hosts cutting-edge meditation, awareness & transformation training for Mastery.
She presents at leading expos. Schools and Retreats are hosted in UK, Europe,
Egypt and Japan. The three biggest organizations in Japan host Celestial Healing,
Awareness School Japan, Life Vision School Japan and School of Divine Alchemy.
She regularly works at spectacular earth power sites- the monuments and pyramids
of Egypt, Mt Fuji, Okinawa’s submerged pyramids, Mt Kurama, Kyoto (birthplace of
Reiki), Tokyo, Glastonbury, UK, Italy and Greece power sites. Earth power sites lock
the planetary healing and ancient wisdom grids of ancient monuments and pyramids
to ignite outstanding awakening, transformation and contribution at all levels of life.
She is an honorary member of PSI JAPAN and author of two research papers.
Tracey has featured in national press, TV, and radio.