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Karen A Dahlman
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In my third book, The Spirit of Alchemy: Secret Teachings of the Sacred Reunion, I explore the practical applications for today's world of the esoteric wisdom of the great alchemical practitioners of yesteryear. This book is the expansion of my first two books that takes the reader into advanced spiritual teachings and insights garnered from her life’s work with everyone’s favorite tool, the Ouija Board. Within this book, the Ouija becomes the Great Oracle as the Spirit Friends continue to reveal the timeless wisdom of the ages. In this paradigm-shifting book, Karen shares the secret teachings of alchemical transformation as told amongst a modern day backdrop of poignant TRUE stories. Ms. Dahlman shares adventures into mystical dreams, ethereal visitations, spirit messages, synchronistic events and stimulating discussions that inspire the Initiate along one’s own journey of the Alchemists’ Greatest Work yet, experiencing the Sacred Reunion with eternal, spiritual truths. Awaken and engage real magic! In real time (on the show) I'd like to explore, share and engage the listeners to discover their Highest Selves (their connection to the Divine) with tried and true techniques for "plugging" into this consciousness. Discuss the "how tos" for stepping into their empowerment, reclaiming it and making that connection to their Higher Selves, including the guidance of Spiritual Beings. Discuss the benefits of making such a connection and offer hope and the promise of easy ways to do this within their own lives. PS: I tried to upload the book cover to this book, but after many attempts, it wouldn't show up. Please let me know if I can email this to your directly and/or the book cover is shown on my website. Thank you.


Karen A. Dahlman is known as a leading, expert Ouijaologist within paranormal and metaphysical circles. Since 1973, Karen has been directly communicating with her Spirit Friends via the Ouija Board, while receiving consistently profound and relevant messages from the varying consciousness and sentient beings with whom she maintains relationships. She is the author of her recently released book, The Spirit of Alchemy: Secret Teachings of the Sacred Reunion and from 2013, The Spirits of Ouija: Four Decades of Communication. Karen holds a master’s degree from the University of New Mexico in archetypal art psychotherapy and is experienced in hypnosis and past life regression. Having a strong, spiritual connection to her Spirit Friends, as she has throughout her entire life, Karen shares within her books the positive benefits of using the Ouija Board and other creative means as pathways for being in contact with the various spiritual dimensions that exist among us. Her writings teach us to discover our greatness within and find expression of this within the world for purposeful and meaningful life experiences.

Photo of The Spirits of Ouija Book Cover