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Kimberly Webber

The archetypes have appeared throughout ages in the time-space continuum to assist humanity as guides for navigating personal and planetary evolution. The divine feminine archetypes have been appearing through my contemporary symbolist paintings for the last 24 years and are designed to empower and uplift humanity, our beloved planet and the cosmos. 


Kimberly Webber’s oil paintings are created with a fusion of classic Asian and European Renaissance painting techniques. The process is an alchemical blending of Eastern and Western materials and concepts. The artist is utilizing sheer layers of pure powdered earth pigments including lapis, malachite, mica, gold and iron oxide to produce translucent, light responsive surfaces. The paintings are intricate and multi-dimensional with as many as 70 to 100 layers per work. Kimberly has been painting since she was 3 years old and and received formal training both in the US and in Italy. Solo exhibitions include New York City, Los Angeles, Carmel and San Diego California, Texas, Florida, Minnesota, the Middle East and Europe. Pomegranate Fine Art Publishers, Editorial Elefthería/Barcelona and Fresco Fine Art publish the work. It is the artist’s intention to create and offer sacred art that empowers the viewer and the planet.

Ronelle Wood

Myofascial Release Therapist Demystifies the Gossamer Connective Tissue that Conducts Light in Our Bodies and is Essential to Health

How Touch Can Heal Our Physical and Emotional Trauma 

The fascia, that cloak of gossamer connective tissue that surrounds and supports everything in our bodies, functions like fiber optics. It conducts light to all points of our precious vessel-and when it doesn't-when light is stagnant or blocked-there is pain and trauma.

Ronelle Wood, a leading specialist in Myofascial Release Therapy, knows the power of fascia from both sides - as a patient and as a healer. In her new book Touching Light: How to Free Your Fiber-Optic Fascia, Wood chronicles her path to discovering the life-changing technique that has made her a highly-successful, sought-after practitioner in her Ojai, CA clinic. Touching Light contains a powerful foreward by patient and myofascial convert, Gay Hendricks, PhD, author of numerous international bestselling books including The Big Leap.

In Touching Light, Wood looks deeply into the light-conducting nature of fascia and what that means for people, how it impacts their emotional and physical wellbeing - and how diminished light conduction can spur problems that someone might not even be aware of. She discusses how the process of Myofascial release differs from massage and how it can be combined with movement instruction to correct dysfunctional body mechanics.

Wood points out that sitting all day is the enemy of healthy fascia, and that post-surgical scar tissue can lead to serious issues, which Myofascial Release Therapy can eliminate or prevent. But fascia is more than just a physical matter. The light "freezes" when someone experiences trauma or stores unexpressed emotion.

That's how Ronelle experienced the miracle of Myofascial Release Therapy. For many years she had balanced an intense life as a successful speech therapist, mother, wife, and homemaker. But in the late stages of her last pregnancy, she accepted a new job in Santa Maria, CA while her husband finished out a contract in North Carolina for three months, leaving her to deal with moving details, finding a new residence, a toddler and-suddenly the unexpected early delivery of a baby in a new city - alone! Years later, during her first session with a Myofascial Release Therapist, she suddenly experienced the emotional release of her anger and pent up rage at being left alone during that anguished time in her life.

Ronelle cites not only the clear cause-and-effect between her specific pain or injuries and their emotional unwinding under the touch of myofascial release, but also case histories of her patients.

Furthermore, she also looks at such topics as:

--How temper tantrums conducted in specific circumstances are healthy

--How to feed your fascia

--How you can't heal what you don't feel

--The difference between pain and sensation

--A fill-in-the-blank exercise that isolates thought patterns held in fascia

--And why Myofascial Release Therapy is attracting not only new fans and patients--but also many people seeking a healthcare career that goes well beyond massage

To book Ronelle Wood for a revealing interview on our light bearing "inner-net," please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Ronelle Wood is gifted in her chosen field of myofascial release and a woman of exceptional talent as a writer, teacher, mentor, and public speaker. She speaks to the heart of the desire of hundreds of clients, students, readers, and listeners to heal and rid themselves of pain as well as develop their own abilities to facilitate healing. She is a source of simple but life-changing touch, wisdom, and words of inspiration that come from her own experience of healing physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. She sees that miracles can be achieved every day, and is dedicated to sharing with the world the truths she has learned.

Once a speech pathologist with a Master’s Degree, Wood is now a respected authority on fascia and healing. Her own traumas and injury led her to seek authentic healing. When she realized that her high IQ couldn’t make the pain go away, she found out that her EQ (emotional intelligence) was even higher. She discovered through myofascial release and True Body™ alignment what she had never found in talk therapy, prescription drugs, or surgery.

Wood’s methods are a hybrid called True Body™, combining the science of body mechanics with myofascial release. You might say it is a “mat to table” experience. Since 2008, clients have been traveling from all over the world to her Sanctuary in Ojai, California, for this unique combination of treatment and instruction, because it provides the results they’re looking for. Clients get long-term relief from such ailments as plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff tears, joint pain, knee surgery, back pain/injury/surgery, hip and knee replacement, pelvic floor disorder, and fibromyalgia. They learn that decrepitude is not an inevitable aspect of aging.

On three mornings each week, Wood teaches True Body™ Alignment classes that will soon be viewable online. She leads specialty workshops focused on foot, joint, pelvic, and cardiac health. Her seminar “The Ronelle Wood Method of Myofascial Release” teaches therapists who want to adopt the techniques that are creating such positive long-term results for clients, many of whom have gone on to establish their own successful practices. By far the most popular workshop, “Self-Myofascial Release,” has attracted capacity participants since 2007. It now incorporates the Yoga Tune-Up™ balls made popular by Jill Miller in her book The Roll Model (2014).

Lasting health solutions are simple, yet not always easy. Ronelle’s clear way of communicating and her easy sense of humor leaves her students and clients with breakthrough information . . . new learning that works so well for them that they’ll use it and never forget it.

Touching Light: How to Free Your Fiber-Optic Fascia
Anna Pereira and Shari Alyse

The world is in desperate need of more world changers. The planet, people and animals are in need of help. Two women have created that change. They have gathered together over 800 thought leaders and world changers who are using their lives to make a difference in the world. Welcome to The Wellness Universe! The first of its kind directory, platform and community who are all here to serve. This has been created to be the 'go-to' resource for all things wellness in all 7 areas of wellness - Emotional, Environmental, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social and Spiritual. This is the one online place where you walk away feeling better. Find out how these 2 women are creating massive change in the world. 

Anna Pereira
'You are the center of the univere. You are a star shining bright. My hope and mission is for you to shine as brilliantly as you were meant to. Together, basking in the light of each other, we all shine brighter.' - Anna Pereira

This describes my mission. It is to bring out the best in you! I have been a creative entrepreneur with a strong attachment to spirituality nearly my entire life. I call myself an ‘evolutionary catalyst’ to raise awareness and create positive change. 

My background includes my own artistically based businesses in fashion and accessories handmade and manufactured, and corporate experience as head of a multimillion dollar division for a manufacturer of pet products.

As a motivational public figure, my inspirational posts are known worldwide.  Through my Facebook page Circles of Inspiration by Anna Pereira, I have helped the lives of over 800K.

Following my calling to truly make a global change, I am involved in several epic projects to better the world.  Most recently, I have founded The Wellness Universe, along with my partner Shari Alyse and our company is Soul Ventures Corp.

Focused on building the space for a flourishing network of heart-based entrepreneurs, as the leader of The Wellness Universe, it is rewarding helping modern day thought leaders and co-creators of change reach their goals personally and professionally. Through guidance and encouragement seeing world changers not only changing the world, but their world changing as well, is my life's greatest reward.

Bringing people together in this one of a kind epic wellness resource for anyonebrowsing our site to find encouragement, help, love, inspiration, education, advice, products and support from trusted sources is a dream come true.

I encourage empowerment, authenticity and attachment to spirituality as core building blocks to achieve anything you dream. I believe maintaining a positive attitude sees you through a situation with success. Authenticity is the epicenter to long term joy and success.

Always be you ~ The best version of you!

Shari Alyse

Shari Alyse is the Co-Founder of The Wellness Universe. Shari is the CIO (Chief Inspirational Officer) of Soul Ventures, Inc., a company focused on being a catalyst for positive change on the planet. She is presently working on several other world-changing projects with partner, Anna Pereira, CEO of Soul Ventures, Inc. 

Motivated by her own healing from childhood trauma, Shari spends her days inspiring others through different mediums that she is passionate about. She is a motivational public speaker, published author, and video blogger. Shari inspires 100k people daily on her Facebook page Sharing with Shari, her website, as well as other social media sites. 

It is Shari's mission to help rebuild what some called “broken” spirits by being the catalyst to help them reignite the light each of us have burning within us. Shari believes, "We all have unique gifts to offer the world and once we learn to embrace, celebrate, and share these gifts, we truly can light up the world." 

 Shari says, “Besides talking, I am equally passionate about travel. My idea of the perfect life is spent on planes, trains, and automobiles seeing the world. I have pep talks with myself daily.  It is rare that you will find me without a smile and it is rare that I'm not trying to make you smile. I would say I have a pretty simple but extraordinary life!” 

Shari presently lives in Los Angeles with her boyfriend and their cats, Hershey and Piper.

Would love to hear from you! Contact me at

Dan Rust

For more than 20 years I have been helping people develop the skills, habits and mindset needed to drive high-trajectory careers.

HarperCollins is publishing my new book, "Workplace Poker" on March 15. The book is a compilation of the best ideas and juiciest stories related to career success.

Your listeners will be amused, horrified and educated by the stories, and take away practical “real world” insights they can apply to their career plans immediately.

The essential premise of my work is: Talent, ambition and hard work are usually not enough to drive a high-trajectory career. A careful study of those who have driven their own fast track career growth reveals an additional set of subtle competencies. This "game under the game" includes mastery of corporate anthropology, positive office politics, self-assessing one's own "blind spots," and a broad range of other skills, habits and mindset.

Some great questions to ask in an interview would be:

What do you mean by the “game under the game” which you refer to in your book? What are some of the unique challenges faced by younger workers today and they enter the workforce, and what can they do to accelerate their career prospects? What about older workers, what can they do to keep the momentum in the last 5 or 10 years of their career? What about people who hate the idea of office politics? How can they get good at something they disdain? What are some of the most significant trends today in terms of career growth and management?

Workplace Poker was written for talented, hard-working people who have been pushing themselves, doing everything “right” to advance their careers, but things just aren’t working out for them. Either their career isn’t advancing as rapidly as they think it should, or as fast as they want it to. Or maybe their career is even backsliding in spite of all their hard work. This book opens their eyes to a whole new set of career advancement skills and strategies, because for most people hard work and talent isn’t enough.

In the book I describe my own personal epiphany, being a hard working employee and watching as others who were clearly less “talented” advanced faster. And as a corporate trainer, I’ve spent decades helping people learn all of the standard workplace productivity skills. But I have seen over and over again that high-trajectory careers are often not correlated with hard work and talent. But that’s not to say they are accidental or random.

When you carefully “unpack” career fast-trackers, and sort out the ones who have benefited from family money, connections, education, etc. – you’re left with a small group of people who have clearly DRIVEN their exceptional career success, and those people have a number of things in common. Originally I set out to develop a training program focused those commonalities, the skills that ARE correlated with fast track career success, and that program eventually morphed into this book.

Reader comments Video:


Dan Rust is the founder of Frontline Learning, an international publisher of corporate training resources. His award-winning keynote speeches and workshops focus on employee engagement, productivity, and career management. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Scottsdale, Arizona.

Book Review from the Library Journal:

Workplace Poker: Are You Playing the Game, or Just Getting Played?

Learning to play the “game under the game” is how Rust, Frontline Learning founder and a 30-plus-year corporate training consultant, views the compilation of strategies and skills necessary to make decisions and achieve goals. The tools and techniques described here do not replace hard work, talent, or ambition, nor do they involve unethical manipulation. Instead, Rust makes the “game under the game” transparent, giving practical, executable insight into reading people, navigating workplace politics, identifying blind spots, improving interpersonal communication, executing self-promotion, developing emotional resilience, and managing energy to go the distance. Weaving real-life stories in a smart, informal, no-nonsense style, from individuals who have applied these strategies within their own career trajectories, Rust highlights their application and increases the reader’s understanding. VERDICT Written particularly for students of business and workplace culture, the author’s observations and strategies will undoubtedly speak to those reviewing a career misstep or contemplating a career change as well.

Workplace Poker - Are you playing the game, or just getting played?
Mohan Anand


Myself, Mohan Anand, pioneer of VOLCANO HEALING THERAPY, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapist, Aura Reader, Counselor & Yoga Therapist. I have been practicing & teaching for past 22 years. 
Our therapies include Counseling, Hypnotherapy, Volcano Reiki, Volcano breathing, Aura Reading, Aura Cleansing, Acupressure, Reflexology, Acupressure Massage, Acupuncture, Stress Management Discourses,Yoga & Meditation. 
Help me introduce -VOLCANO HEALING THERAPY  to the World, the first of its kind. It's very very powerful form of spiritual & healing energy that works in 4 dimensions. It can destroy your obstacles, heal your subtlest karmas and even destroy any evil forces or entities troubling us in a subtle level.  It also helps for better concentration, strong will power & achieving your goals. The Volcano Healing Energy  heals physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems, as well as family and fertility problems.
Women Wellness World(3W) is an unique concept and first of its kind in Central India. 3W provide 6 Dimensions of wellness programes ie. Physical, Spiritual, Intellectual, Social, Emotional & Occupational. It's Mind-Body-Soul Rejuvenation. 
Experienced distance energy healer.
Mohan Anand is a remote healer with more than twenty years of experience in remote healing and energy healing and is a unique Volcano healer.
Nathen Aswell

I’m a speaker and recording artist based in Vancouver, Canada, and I’ve been a musician for over 40 years. For most of that time, I had two musical lives: my “Saturday Night” life (playing in cover bands in hotels, casinos, bars and clubs), and my “Sunday Morning” life (playing in Spiritual Centers). In 2010, I decided to leave my “Saturday Night” life behind and focus on “making every note count” by creating music that helps to inspire and heal. As of 2014, following in the footsteps of my partner, Jana Stanfield (, I now present “Keynote Concerts” - a mixture of music AND message - at conferences, Spiritual Centers, and in my concerts. My message (and brand) is “Small Steps Big Life”; I help people to re-member that life is a series of Small Steps that move us toward a Big Life, and thus help them to reduce stress and eliminate feeling overwhelmed.

In addition to my Keynote Concerts, I’m also sharing my message by leading Men’s retreats and workshops, and by hosting a weekly online video podcast (which is also called “Small Steps Big Life”).

I think that the message that I share would be helpful to your listeners, and I think that they’d find my mix of music, stories, and humour educational and entertaining.

AND - I think that they’d find the instrument that I play - the NS Stick (an 8-stringed electronic instrument that can be plucked like a bass, strummed like a guitar, or tapped with both hands like a piano) - fascinating too.

Thanks for your time and attention. I look forward to hearing from you. :-)


Nathen Aswell is a gifted keynote speaker, recording artist and musician based in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and he believes that his calling in this life is to inspire and heal through his talks and his heart-centered music-making. His CDs “Little By Little” and “YES” are celebrations of life, transformation, evolution and the oneness of humanity, delivered in a variety of popular music styles.

Nathen honours his calling by speaking and performing at Conferences, Concerts, Men’s Retreats and Churches both nationally and internationally, presenting his music, stories and humour with his voice and the NS Stick (an 8-stringed electronic instrument that can be plucked like a bass, strummed like a guitar, or tapped with both hands like a piano).

He also hosts “Small Steps Big Life”, a podcast which showcases people sharing stories about their unique AND universal journeys.

Nathen Aswell "Little By Little" (audio CD)
Cress Spicer

Hi There

I am interested in being a guest on your show.

I have over 25 years experience working in different school boards as a student support worker with autistic,children and children with other developmental learning delays in Cananda and U.K.

I have over 20 years expereince practising reiki and teaching reiki and also am a certified bodytalk practioner, practising for 12 years.

I am writing a book about autisitc children and my expereinces with them in the schooolboard and when working with them doing reiki and how their sensitivity affect their behaviours.

I would love to share my knowledge with you

much gratitude



much gratitude


Patricia Zimmerman

My name is Patricia Zimmerman, and I am founder of White Dove Circle of Light and Love, a spiritual, non-profit organization where one can find true healing for the mind, body, and spirit.  

I am interested in becoming a talk radio guest.  My background includes 10+ years as an ordained minister, life coach, metaphysical teacher, QHHT and energy practitioner, and author.  My search for Truth seriously began about 25 years ago.  

There are many different teachers in life, each one specializing in a different area or topic; but the greatest teacher of all is life itself.  What I teach is what I have learned on my journey—“common sense” principles that, when understood and applied, really do work!

After 10+ years of helping people to heal (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically) and grow spiritually, I asked myself:  How I could help to make the world a better place to live?  How can I make a positive difference in the lives of humanity?  

The answer was to write the book, Self-Empowerment: The Only Way to Heal.  This self-help book was written to empower people when it comes to their health and well-being and to help people understand how life should be lived.  It explains how the mind and spirit work together to create either wellness or dis-ease in the physical body.  

The body was designed to be “self” healing.  Until we understand the spiritual aspects of healing, we can never understand how to heal the physical body.  True healing comes from within.

Another way I could help people to heal and grow spiritually on a much larger scale would be as a talk radio guest.  My focus would include topics on how to heal and grow spiritually which I have been teaching and/or practicing for many years, such as:

   * Mirrors - How to Use Them to Navigate Your Way through Life
   * The Emotional Body and How It Affects the Physical Body
   * Integrated Healing
   * Overcoming Fear
   * Understanding Addiction
   * Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and the Afterlife
   * Manifestation
   * Past-Life Regression
   * Spirit Totems and Spirit Helpers
   * and much more

Please give me a call if you would be interested in talking with me.  I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Have a wonderful day!


Patricia Zimmerman, Founder

White Dove Circle of Light and Love

Phone:  937.626.2392



White Dove Circle of Light and Love

Lighting the way for others to follow!

United States

Patricia M. Zimmerman is an ordained minister, metaphysical teacher, life coach, healing practitioner, author, and founder of White Dove Circle of Light and Love, a spiritual, non-profit organization where one can find true healing for the mind, body, and spirit.  She teaches classes on how to live life, looking at the self to bring about change.  Her greatest teacher is life itself.

Louise Crooks

I'm happy to discuss anything about folks who are venturing into coaching / healing services,and the challenges they face / pitfalls to avoid.   Or to discuss what to do when it comes to taking on specific marketing strategies / what to do to become visible and grow their list.

How to leverage their time rather than exchanging hours for dollars.

How to create sales funnels, starting with the free offer /gift on their site.

The mindset and how that can make or break a soul-opreneur.

Lots to choose from - I'm happy to discuss what might be a fit for your audience.

United States

Louise Crooks, aka The KeystoClarity! Coach, is an inspiring holistic business coach, radio show host, speaker, and co-author of Stepping Stones to Success – featured alongside Jack Canfield, and Deepak Chopra.

She brings an intuitive as well as pragmatic quality to her coaching, moving clients from the powerful vision of what they want to achieve in business, to creating a prosperous reality. She coaches soul-driven business owners, coaches, healers and transformational authors to grow their businesses with clarity and focus – building a solid business foundation and clarifying their niche to build a solid client-base and online community - through aligned and authentic visibility strategies that are a good fit for them AND their clients.

She explores the power of social media and online marketing, along with her expertise in Facebook and Online Radio, and through her training programs and coaching.

It’s her misson to ensure soul-opreneurs create success through authentic visibility to create the lifestyle they desire, make a difference, and promote inner and outer healing in the world – while having fun doing it.