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Jessica Alstrom


My name is Jessica Alstrom and I am the co- founder of Transcendence International Consciousness Academy at Transcendence Wellness Center. I am a spiritual teacher, intuitive Life Coach, medical intuitive, author, and radio show host. I have reviewed your show and I believe that I would be a great guest for you and your audience! I am contacting you requesting a guest spot on your radio show to share information and services.

At TIKA, our quantum level guidance practitioners are focused on deep healing and personal development providing tools, coaching and coaching certification as shadow hunters and integration specialists. We are dedicated to the transformation and empowerment of seekers through self-realization who are ready to accelerate their healing journey through awareness, integration and transcendence with Quantum Light Healing methods that go to their roots releasing traumas and blocks effectively.

During the interview I plan to talk about:

-Our approach and philosophies integrating spiritual development and science, such as epigenetics, holistic healing, Intentional creation, meditation and more.

-A new book, Me Myself and I

-Our new online free and fee based group-coaching programs.

-Quantum Light Coaching Certification.

-Where people can go to access hours of free Information in podcasts and YouTube videos.

With cutting edge Quantum Level healing methods gaining momentum in practice and awareness for their effectiveness, we are excited for the opportunity to share our platform, information and services on the radio, expanding the potential for the transformation of human consciousness.

Thank you for your consideration and look forward to booking with you soon!

Jessica Alstrom

Overland Park, KS 66213


Booking Contact:

Christine Thomas



My name is Jessica Alstrom and I am the co- founder of Transcendence International Consciousness Academy at Transcendence Wellness Center. I am a spiritual teacher, intuitive Life Coach, medical intuitive, author, and radio show host. I have reviewed your show and I believe that I would be a great guest for you and your audience! I am contacting you requesting a guest spot on your radio show to share information and services.

John Hammell

I am the President of IAHF and publish a newsletter subscribed to by thousands of double opt in people from around the world who share common interests in health freedom (access to everything sold in health food stores as well as natural products sold on the web), alternative health and healing (am a Naturopath) and a variety of arcane topics including Codex Alimentarius, Health Freedom, the New World Order,the Club of Rome, Genocide, Geoengineering, Transhumanism, Morgellons Disease, etc I am an outside the box thinker with my own unique global information sources gleaned by "walking the path less traveled". I recovered from a life threatening illness (schizophrenia) via a suppressed alternative treatment mode 37 years ago (orthomolecular medicine). I've had attempts made on my life for public speaking about the nutritional approach to treatment that saved my life and for lobbying to defend consumer access to the worlds most innovative natural products. I am a musician and have been in bands, I sell an aphrodisiac on the web that is also useful for endurance athletes who want to remain out of oxygen debt, and for anyone who wants to lower their stress levels, and feel  healthy in general due to widespread annoyance factor of having a free spirt like me "in the neighborhood". I am an athlete who loves blowing the whisle on scum like as the people who are spraying us twith billions of metric tons of toxic chemicals, weaponized parasitestoxic chemicals etc as effort to sabotage our environment so as to turn us into microchippppped slaves. I love to sing the blues, play trombone, and hand drums- have been a pro musician and have sung in church choirs even though I seriously distrust all organized religtion and feel most comfortable in a native sweat lodge.


Been on hundreds of radio shows including Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Jeff Rense show, Gary Null Show, too many to list over the years, am almost 60 years old.

Marisa Moeller

I am a psychotherapist who utilizes alternative, creative. and expressive arts with my clients. I find using an eclectic mix of healing modalities allows the client to find the tools that best work for them!

United States

Marisa Moeller, PhD, CHt. CHHT, is a psychotherapist in New York. She utilizes alternative, creative, and expressive arts with her clients.  She has worked for The Department of Social Services, Department of Child Welfare Administration.  She has been in Private Practice in both New York City and Dutchess County, New York for over 20 years.

Colleen McCool
Colleen McCool is a portrait artist, blogger and peace activist. Save the children, just say NO to prohibition! Trigger less violence, racism, tyranny and ruined lives! 
Since 2006 McCool has awarded two "Rebel with Just Cause" portraits yearly, each dedicated to the freedom philosophy or the American dream. True American patriotism is a willingness to shoulder our duty, to challenge the government when it’s wrong, to be a Rebel with Just Cause!
Restore justice in America; construct science based drug policies about saving and rehabilitating instead of ruining lives.  Support for the federal war on drugs is inconsistent with support for individual freedom, constitutional government and the teachings of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
We do not support any warring policy. We will not be divided by faith, nationality, circumstances or ancestry. Celebrate our similarities, build bridges of tolerance to differences in race, religion and lifestyle. That's how we create peace and abundance. We are Rebels with JUST CAUSE!
United States

I worked for several newpapers in the Houston area and for the Sweetwater Reporter. I was also an account representative for KTXS television and had an office on the square in Sweetwater.

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki

The Sandra Grazzini-Rucki story involves a mother who  encountered a nightmare in a family court that resulted in being forcibly removed from her home, and her children unjustly taken. As a result of proceedings, Sandra was court ordered into a “lifetime of servitude”. She lost everything important to her, and lost her freedom as well.

The Grazzini-Rucki case reached a crisis on April 19, 2013; when Sandra’s two teen daughters ran away after being placed in the custody of a relative whom they feared. The daughters were missing for two and a half years and since being found their story has received international attention.

With seeming he said/she said accusations and confusing terms like “parental alienation”, the truth may seem difficult to reach. Still, with hundreds of stories, the media has yet to find it. Now, the whole unbelievable story is told; it’s a story of domestic violence, court cover-up and a compliant media covering up the whole sordid tale. A lawyer is forced to represent her client while “under arrest”, a mother of five with no criminal record is jailed with a convicted murderer, and years of violence and criminal activity by a dangerous man is ignored.

Fox 9 News Coverage of Grazzini-Rucki Case, includes last known footage of Sandra's daughters before they ran away, again the girls raise abuse allegations that have been ignored by the Court:
David Rucki (ex husband) police reports, protective order application:
14 year old girl
“I am 14 and in June I will be 15. I am here today to say a few thing to not only you but Ms. Friedrich and Dr. Gilbertson.
“I would first like to say I am appalled by the way this court has treated me and my brothers and sisters.
I have not only been called fat a number of times by Julie Friedrich but have been ask if I was pregnant and been called a down right liar by not only Ms. Friedrich but also Dr. Gilbertson. I’m not only disgusted be the way they talk to me, my brothers and sister, but pissed at the way this court has accuse me of being a liar. I’m 14 and in a couple of months I will be 15. I know the difference between a lie and the truth.
I stand here today to tell you the truth about my father. To begin with, he has not only told my family that he is homicidal, but sat us down at kitchen table and yelled at us saying that he was not only going to kill me but my brothers, sister and mom. Not even a week later I received a horrifying voicemail of 6 gunshots. He has also choked, slapped, and hit and verbally abused my mother repeatedly throughout their. marriage. He also has lost it on us kids more than a number of time physically and verbally. Also he has made sexual comments to me over the year about my boobs look bigger and so forth and over the year many of my friends could not hang out with me because of my father. The day my father officially moved out of the Ireland place home was not only a day of peace and happiness but safety in the household.
“And second I would like to say it was absolutely absurd of you to remove us from our mom’s care. She has been nothing but loving and our rock and you not only removing us from us from her but not letting have contact with her for 6 months, 19 days except for the one 3 hour meeting on January 11. It is down right cruel, ruthless of this court. I ask you to let me live with my mom, let me be happy because all this courtroom has done has cause misery and heartache. Thank you for your time.”
13 year old girl
“Your Honor,
“I am 13 years old. I am here to speak my voice because I have never been given the opportunity to do so.
My father has frightened and hurt my family. After the divorce was final, my father kept repeatedly threatening and shocking myself and my bothers and sister and my mother. I have been called a liar and have not been able to say what I believe without a court member discriminating me.
I wish to be with my mother, because my father has brought nothing but pure torture to my family.”
(Contact Person: Jane Johnson)

"For the last five years I have had to endure the loss of my children. They alone were my world.  I have had to witness from afar the repeated abuses of them go unheard and ignored. They came forward repeatedly to the Lakeville Police Department, Judge David Knutson, and Child Protective Services. Psychologists Reitman and Gilbertson and Guardians ad Litem Julie Friedrich and Laura Miles also knew the truth of the abuse that my children suffered, but each time their pleas fell on deaf ears.

Nothing is more sacred than a child's life. And they should have had an avenue to be heard and action taken to ensure their safety. 

The proof of abuse I brought to my trial was also ignored and dismissed with the wave of a gavel. 80% of the evidence documenting David Rucki's violent behavior, stalking and physical and emotional abuse was not allowed to be present at my trial. My witnesses were also denied attendance by Judge Asphaug. Now I am paying the price for doing what any loving parent would do for their children - protect them from harm." SGR Prepared Statement Read at Sentencing by Family Law Attorney Michelle MacDonald

Barbara With

Since 1987, I have been a psychic channel. But when I started spontaneously automatic writing back then, I had no idea the long and amazing journey I was beginning. 

The story really starts in 1970, when I began getting readings from my friend’s mother. Junice said she was like an antennae, picking up messages from my higher power and relating them back to my human mind. There were no spirits, angels, or dead people, and certainly not Albert Einstein.

After almost twenty years studying with Junice, I began to channel. I was writing a letter to a friend when my hands suddenly became independent of my thinking, and the most beautiful messages poured forth. From my work with Junice, I knew what was happening, but was still surprised and delighted to discover I had this gift.

In 1993, I began channeling groups. With two other associates, I wrote a book about our experiences. Diaries of a Psychic Sorority was released in 1997. The beautiful voices I was channeling referred to themselves as “Angels.” They said they were here to teach us “world peace, one person at a time, starting with self.” From this arose a revolutionary process to resolve conflict first within each of us individually. We tested the Angels’ process on our own conflicts, and Conflict REVOLUTION was born.

In 1998, my literary agent called to say a tabloid in London was looking for an interview with Princess Diana Spencer from beyond the grave on the one-year anniversary of her death. I had never done anything like this, but had been having experiences of being visited by spirits of those who had passed over looking to get messages to their living loved ones. I decided to reach out to Diana and do the interview. It was amazing, and although the tabloid was not interested, it led to Party of Twelve: The Afterlife Interviews, my next book. In it was an interview with Albert Einstein. His voice was like an old familiar friend, and I knew he had been with me for years.

In 2005, I did a tribute to him in honor of the 100-year anniversary of his Miracle Year. Imagining Einstein: Essays on M-Theory, World Peace & The Science of Compassion became an award-winning book that led me around the world, sharing my gift and his messages of world peace and Conflict REVOLUTION.

In December 2016, I released the second, Einstein, et al.: Manifestation, Conflict REVOLUTION & The New Operating System. This full-color illustrated volume is the definitive articulation of Einstein’s work from beyond the grave. It includes his unified field theory, maps of human consciousness, and the complete curriculum for anyone to practice Conflict REVOLUTION. The book tour began last November in Paris, Copenhagen, and Oslo.

Some possible interviews:

My story: this is a fascinating true story. As a public speaker, I am articulate, quick witted and have years of experience in front of audiences.

Psychics: Compassion as the Fifth Fundamental Force of the universe and the birthright of every human being, how it works, and what it means practically. How Einstein has delivered scientific theories through me that he could not complete while living.

Party of Twelve: My experiences channeling famous dead people working from Afterlife for World Peace. Princess Diana, John Kennedy, Adolph Hitler, Gianni Versace, Jesus of Nazareth, to name a few.

Conflict REVOLUTION: Einstein said we cannot solve our problems at the same level that they are being created. Con Rev illustrates how each individual can become the change and resolve conflicts first from within the self, in a new arena of personal energy.

Thank you so much for your consideration!

United States

Barbara With grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota and currently resides in Wisconsin. She is an international peace activist, award-winning author/publisher, psychic channel, composer, performer, workshop facilitator and inspirational speaker. She has authored five books on metaphysics, including Einstein, et al.: Manifestation, Conflict REVOLUTION, & The New Operating System, runner up in the 2016 Best Book Awards for New Age; Imagining Einstein: Essays on M-Theory, World Peace & The Science of Compassion, winner of two 2007 national book awards; Party of Twelve: The Afterlife Interviews, winner of the 2008 Beach Book Awards for Spirituality; her autobiography Party of Twelve: Post 9/11, and Diaries of a Psychic Sorority.

Barbara began composing music at the age of 12, and started her career as a professional performer at 17 years old. She tour the US until 1989, and has won several regional music awards, including Best Female Soloist in the 1978 Minneapolis Connie Awards; Favorite Female Vocalist in the 1981 Twin Cities Reader Awards; in 2001 was runner up in John Lennon Songwriting contest for her song Voices In The Wind; in 1993 her trio Les Amies was selected as one of Minneapolis’ Best Bands in Yamaha Ticketmaster Best Unsigned Band Contest; and Barbara’s video of her song Dancing On The Beach won 1st Place in the 1986 Northwest Cablevision Music Awards.

Her other books include: Guerrilla Publishing: How To Become a Published Author for Less Than $1500 & Keep 100% Of The Profits, a candid look into the world of publishing and step-by-step instructions for building a small publishing company that caters to your artistic, financial and professional needs; UNINTIMIDATED: Wisconsin Sings Truth to Power, the true story of the world’s longest running peaceful singing protect at the Wisconsin State Capital in Madison; and STEAL THIS BOOK, NOT MY VOTE, the true story of the corporate takeover of the Wisconsin state governoment. Barbara also helped found the Wisconsin Citizens Media Coop, which has been reporting the real news of Wisconsin since 2011.

These days, Barbara travels the world, teaching Conflict REVOLUTION, channeling Einstein and the Party, inspiring people to become the change, and singing her original music. In her off time, she lives on Madeline Island in Lake Superior, and enjoys sipping cosmos and contemplating the imposition at Tommy’s Burned Down Café.

Brandon Shalton

Ubuntu is an idea manifested. It is an economy of contributionsim. The world is ripe right now for this transformation and all it will take is 'One Small Town' to implement this novel way of life where every one single person benefits.  One town's transformation will create a domino effect for all the neigboring townships. Once it is seen in real time, once it is lived in and all who participate and all who witness it will have their "aha" moment.  The  'penny will drop' at the simplicity & beauty of it all.  We will wonder why we waited so long to implement this ancient yet new concept of contributionism. Ubuntu is indeed "direct action". We are the one's we've been waiting for and our time to transform is now. If not us, who? If not now, when?

Contact me anytime with any questions: 609-332-6526. Kat Lopez,  Media, Ubuntu USA

In transit....

Psychic Cortney Kane Sides

I know each of us has an essential purpose and place in the universe. Realizing what these are for each individual becomes possible when I connect with my guides. When channeling their messages, I receive symbolic images, which I then interpret through painting. These renderings can truly help you connect with your inner and outer energy and help you understand the truth of who you are, how your energy is forming your life now, and how to shift your energy in different ways in order to bring fulfillment. So, please ask me your most important question; I can answer with clear, specific guidance on how to deepen your insight into how to create your own change and how to move forward in your life.

I also have the ability to connect with passed loved ones and bring forth messages from the other side to you. This is one of my favorite things to do for my clients. As I lost both of my parents at a young age, I believe knowing that we are still connected to our loved ones - and can still communicate with them - is so important.


Cortney is a psychic, published artist, published author, and event speaker. She recognized her psychic abilities at a very young age and is a third generational psychic. With multiple deaths within her family and friends, Cortney’s abilities were intensified. Through years of meditation and without any artistic background, Cortney started to paint the visions and messages she received from her guides.


MI ParaCon, Souis Saint Marie, MI
Dragoncon, Atlanta, GA
Scarefest, Lexingoton, KY
HandPicked Happy Hour, Scottsdale Resort & Conference Center, Scottsdale, AZ Haunted Con, Prescott, AZ

Through the Veil, Atlanta, GA Year of the Dragon, AZ

Recent TV Appearances:
Real Reality Productions, The Keven Smith Show
Recent Radio Appearances:
Coast to Coast with George Noory, Positively Incorrect Radio Show, Game Con Radio, Spiritual Image Productions, Divine Whispers Radio, Voice of the Angels Radio Show, All We Are Radio Show, In the Flow Radio Show, Top Org Radio, Nor Cal Ghost Hunter Radio Show, Epiphany Radio Show, Our Common Ground Radio Show, Hillary Raimo Show, Spirit Talk Radio, Dominique Diprima Host of KJLH Radio, Chris Base WKKC Radio, The Soul of San Diego 1240 AM, India DeClair, US Talk Network, Front Page US Talk Network, WHCR Radio with Brother Leroy, For the Soul, From the Soul with Lisa Smith, The Kevin Smith Radio Show, Haunted Times Radio, Paranormal Research and Resource Society Radio, UFO’s and the Paranormal Radio Show, Darkness Radio, Through the Veil Radio Show, WRPT Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack, Ghost Chatter Radio with Jimmy Morris, Positively Psychic Radio, CPR Radio Show, The AZ UFO Paranormal Show, Shadow Talk Radio, Paranormal Outreach Radio, Another Reality Show, Real Life Radio, Spirit Talk Radio, Shadows in the Dark Radio, For the Soul From the Soul Radio, Dare to Transcend Radio, Earth Angel Radio, Ghost Chatter Radio Show, Positively Psychic Radio Show, Residual Hauntings Radio Show, KAPS Radio Show, Spirit Radio Show, Healthy Soul Radio, Paranormal Python, Radio, Divine Whispers Radio, Real Life Radio, Parawomen Radio Show, P.O.R.T.A.L. Talk Radio, Ghostology Radio, Paranormal Research and Resource Society, UFO’s and The Paranormal Radio Show, A Link To Heaven with Robbie Thomas, The Other Talk Show with Steve Smith WORL AM 660 Mysteries of the Mind Radio Show, The Meria Heller Show, The Free American Radio Show with Clay Douglas, ASPR Radio with Dr. Jimmy and Heather, WFAD Radio with Eliza Desautels, Healthy Life with Kathryn Morrow, D.D., Speaking of Strange, News Radio 570 WWNC with Joshua Warren, Talk City KFCC Poppoff Radio with Mary
Jane, KKNW Seattle Positive Choice Talk Radio, The Jerry Pippin Show, internets #1 radio show, Out of Time Radio, BUFO Radio, The “X” Zone Show with Rob McConnell and KLVI AM with Don Briscoe, WIPS Radio 1250.

Cortney is a published author in holistic publications and ezines such as Hedra News and has been featured in holistic magazine New Connexion. Her art has also graced the cover of many Metaphysical magazines. Cortneys first book ‘Within the Power of Universal Mind was published by Schiffer Publishing in Spring 2011.

Cortney prefers audience interaction and speaks on:

· Interacting with Spirits on the Other Side: Using your Psychic Abilities · Identifying your Psychic Abilities
· Past Lives
· Knowing your Soul Purpose

· She also provides channeled messages to audience participants

Cortney is willing to travel the world to appear on television, participate in speaking events and present workshops related to raising the consciousness on our planet.

To contact Cortney:
Phone: 602.315.4850

Rise Harrington

Spiritual Self Mastery – Lessons on the Road to Ascension

Spiritual Self-Mastery is a path for beginners and initiates to begin empowering themselves and their lives through spiritual principles of Self-Mastery. It helps people make a spiritual connection to their Angels and Spirit Guides, with or without religion, to heal their lives and move towards their soul’s purpose.

Battling inner forces of darkness, a spiritual ‘how to’ primer would have made my journey so much easier through the first 40 years of my life. This manual is an invitation is to the younger generations in hopes of saving them from the bungling that we pre-millennials have had to suffer through. I wrote this book for the beginner I was and I expect readers to see results in their own lives the day they begin reading.   As we open communication channels to our soul, our higher self and our spiritual guidance, we walk a path of richer meaning and begin experiencing the loving, synchronistic, rhythmic flow of Spirit in all of life.

In this book you'll learn how to:

Open communications to your Angels and spirit guides

Discover the names of your Guardian Angel and spirit guides

Develop your intuition

Recognize the signs and suggestions from your spirit guides

Use a pendulum to confirm your insights and hunches

Increase your vibrations

Become grounded

Use your dreams as a life course correction tool

Achieve liberation through forgiveness


Medium and Author Rise’ (Resa) Harrington has developed universally shared spiritual teachings from her own life experiences. This includes the uphill climb with birth and trauma entity attachments, identity confusion, childhood sexual molestation and multiple Demonic possession attempts. Her material is expanded by the shared experiences with hundreds of clients in her Mediumship practice.

Rise's life challenges, spiritual studies and Angel guidance have enabled her to develop her own successful healing processes that culminated in the publication of her first book Spiritual Self Mastery – Lessons on the Road to Ascension. This book documents the path that Rise' developed in the resolution of her entity attachments as she rose from the darkness into the light, growing vibrationally through the years beyond reach of the dark and Demonic factors. This makes her an effective mentor and healer for people at all levels to raise themselves vibrationally in the same manner and begin to evolve into their highest expressions of soul self.

Rise' received higher metaphysical instruction and guidance from her Angels, Spirit Guides and the Ascended Masters. She has since become merged with her soul group of 11 other members and is now an earth-based member of this higher dimensional soul group called Evian. Soul mate Dorgeck co-authors her books as Bryan Jameison, his original incarnation name.

Rise' has practiced mediumship focused on assisting the Lost Soul population in the Astral realms since 1999. She went public in her Mediumship Practice in 2013 offering Diagnostic Readings for Lost Soul Entity Haunting, Attachment and Demonic Possession with recommended treatments. She also offers Spiritual Mentoring from her Facebook groups Mediums Are Empaths Empowered and Spiritual Self-Mastery. Rise' provides Angel and Spirit Guide readings from her website

Rise’s spiritual life path has been greatly influenced by her 20 years of mostly career related world travels to the Far East, Europe and Egypt. Rise’ is a certified Medium and a Minister of the Universal Life Church. She has been channeling St Germain (Adameus) privately for more than15 years and most recently has begun publicly channeling his higher self Spirit name Adameus.

She was raised in Los Gatos, California and now resides in San Diego County California.


Facebook Group:  Mediums Are Empaths Empowered

Facebook Group: Spiritual Self Mastery – Lessons on the Road to Ascension

Facebook Page: Soul Freedom -Healing From Earthbound Spirit Attachment