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Guest Occupation: Cetacean Researcher, Dolphin Communications Expert, Delphin Tel-Empathic Communication Authority, Psychologist, Shaman, Scientist, Educator, Author, Producer
Guest Biography:

In 1978, Joan Ocean first met John C. Lilly, MD, cetacean researcher, and felt very moved by the information he shared. She offered to work with him on his underwater dolphin communication project. Although this volunteer work did not come to pass, Joan felt a connection with Dr. Lilly and his extraterrestrial experiences that seemed to stimulate her eventual relationship with the dolphins. The dolphins then began to contact Joan through meditation and expanded consciousness, but being a non-swimmer, she did not yet enter the water to meet them.

After meeting Jean-Luc Bozzoli and experiencing his dolphin-inspired, multi-media art presentation, Ms Ocean learned to swim and began swimming with cetaceans in oceans and rivers in many countries. When a California Gray whale came close to the island shores of British Columbia, and looked directly into her eyes, Ms Ocean experienced a communication between herself and the whale that changed her life forever. She understood that cetaceans around the world are trying to communicate with us. She experiences the gentle communication of the dolphins and whales as sound holography, a language that intensifies physical senses, bypasses rational-cognitive paradigms, resonates directly with our cellular intelligence, and awakens multiple levels of perception and consciousness.

In 1984, Mr. Bozzoli and Ms. Ocean founded their organization, Dolphin Connection, to explore the advancement of human consciousness, biophysics and spirituality by producing visionary films, books, artforms and Ocean Seminars encouraging friendships between people and ocean-swimming dolphins and whales.

Ms. Ocean has led dolphin-communication workshops in many countries, including Egypt, England, former Soviet Union, India, Australia, Japan, Spain, Indonesia, Peru, Israel, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, the Bahamas, Dominican Republic and Polynesia, where she has swum among Spinner, Bottlenose, Spotted, Common, Amazon, and White-sided dolphins, also Blue whales, Fin, Right, Sperm, Gray, Sei, Humpback, Pilot, Melon-headed, Beaked, Brydes and Orca whales. She has dedicated her life to studying cetaceans by respectfully joining them in their natural habitats and becoming their friend.

She continues to conduct daily personal research with the cetaceans from her Dolphin Connection home in Hawaii. Identifying dolphins by name and noting their family groups, Joan has befriended Pods A, B and C in Kona, Hawaii. Her video film of her daily interactions with the Hawaiian Spinner dolphins is entitled: Dolphin Connection: Open To The Sea.

Regarded as an authority on the subject of Dolphin Tel-Empathic Communication, she has developed the methodologies of her work, entitled Participatory Research, in which human and cetacean species are equally conducting research with each other. Joan has shared her research and knowledge with audiences at both the International Whales and Dolphin Conferences and The Prophets Conferences over the past ten years and has been interviewed in magazine articles and for television by such shows as, CBS' 48HOURS program, Animal Intelligence in 1999, and the TBS [Tokoyo Broadcasting System] programs on dolphins. She has been the subject of numerous radio interviews including an appearance on the Art Bell radio show as his guest in 1998.

A Master of Science in Counseling Psychology, Joan Ocean is a psychologist, shaman and scientist who creates environments that support people in transition from one lifestyle, one dimension, and one physical form to another.

Ms. Ocean is the author of two books, published in ten languages:

Dolphin Connection: Interdimensional Ways of Living and Dolphins Into The Future

In 1989 while swimming in Hawaiian waters, she was approached by a pod of 100 spinner dolphins who surrounded her and then continued to swim with her for two miles. Ms. Ocean understood their empathetic and sound communication through feelings, intellect and acoustic imagery. It is a meeting of the minds in all the cellular receptors of our body.

Her most recent communications from the cetaceans include a process using neuro-sonic harmonies and precise tetrahedral resonances for advancing into varying frequencies of refined, loving energies inhabited by other sentient beings. She can access vibrational-frequency-environments that exist beyond Time. Once beyond Time, we can travel anywhere in the local Universe. This experience has been replicated artistically by Jean-Luc Bozzoli in his latest film.

Joan and the dolphins have been visiting the many futures of planet Earth and using the knowledge obtained there to awaken people to the powerful significance of their own futures and their present lives.

Implementing the teachings of the dolphins, Joan facilitates Week With Joan Ocean Seminar where people visit future worlds and parallel realities accompanied by the dolphins.

The evolution of human beings through gentle enlightenment and natural joy has been the center of Joan Ocean's work for the past 27 years.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Psychology, Science, Spiritual, Shamanism, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Systems Analyst, Sacred Geometry Expert, Inventor, Lecturer, Consciousness Explorer, Consultant
Guest Biography:

Dan Winter is an electrical engineer, trained as a systems analyst with IBM. He has a global reputation after 30 years of world tours teaching sacred geometry, biofeedback, physics of consciousness, science of heart coherence and bio-architecture. His web site is which has many videos with computer graphics and links to his many other websites that go into the deep science of fractal coherence. Dan is the world’s leading pioneer of heart coherence science at the heart of quantum science, holistic healing advances, and the future of interactive global TeLeComm, emphasizing 'TLC' for coherence. Those who know Dan Winter and follow his international lectures and scientific breakthroughs realize that he is a unique genius who speaks an advanced science language that attempts to wrap your head around coherent applications for practical everyday use. For example, Dan has developed a $19.99 app for the i-phone that brings heart coherence into the conversation, a great biofeedback tool for personal or business relationships.  

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Author, Editor in Chief, Explorer, Archeologist, Historian
Guest Biography:

Frank Joseph is the editor in chief of Ancient American magazine and the author of Atlantis and 2012, The Destruction of Atlantis, The Lost Civilization of Lemuria, Survivors of Atlantis, and The Lost Treasure of King Juba. He lives in Minnesota.

Guest Category: History, News, World News, Science, Theory & Conspiracy, Variety
Guest Occupation: Teacher, Consultant, Executive Coach, Leadership Trainer, Kinesiologist, Alternative Media Investigator, Founder of Project Camelot, Producer, Director
Guest Biography:

Bill Ryan has a BSc in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology (Bristol University, UK, 1974), and followed this with a brief stint in teaching. For 27 years he was a management consultant specializing in personal and team development, leadership training and executive coaching. Major long-term clients included BAe (formerly British Aerospace), Hewlett-Packard, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

In November 2005 he inaugurated the Project Serpo website, the report of an alleged disclosure, in stages, of a US-alien exchange program which took place over 40 years ago. While he had been interested in UFOs, Free Energy research and alternative medicine (he is trained as a kinesiologist) for over thirty years, his first contact with the UFO community at large occurred after establishing the Serpo website. He resigned his management consultancy post in May 2006, having founded Project Camelot with Kerry Cassidy.

Please click here to read more of the history of Project Camelot - which is a topic in itself, way beyond this brief summary. Essentially Camelot was a bold (and highly successful) adventure into cutting-edge investigative alternative media research, generating over 100 full-length video interviews on a number of alternative and controversial subjects addressing some of the most important issues of our times.

Some of the subjects addressed are summarized in the two embedded videos opposite, each of them excellent summaries of Camelot's work in general - and Bill's philosophy and personality in particular.

Bill is currently based in Europe, but travels widely. Project Avalon is his new site, which he runs independently. He is dedicated to continuing the mission of Project Camelot, addressing current global problems with a spiritual focus and a proactive, practical and community-based approach.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Writer, Author, Journalist, Healer
Guest Biography:

She has been writing since high school starting with a monthly newspaper and later starting one of her own. In addition to writing articles online, she has two books for sale online. The first book The Walking Wounded is a book for women on healing the wounds from the past and walks women through healing from past abuse using information the Lord provided when she was suffering from abuse. Her second book is Prophetic Dance which is about prophetic dancing as given by the Lord and how to use it for him. She is currently writing another book on the Healing Wounded that will be for men.

Deb has been healed of migraine headaches of 21 years through her faith. During that period she lost jobs often because of the headaches. Since recovery she has become a pastor and helps others overcome hardships with spiritual healing. And counseling.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle
Guest Occupation: African Shaman, Spiritual Healer, Lecturer, Christian Psychologist
Guest Biography:

Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 20 years. Born in West Africa, he traveled with his Shaman grandfather, Job Unegbu, who offered healing to people afflicted with epilepsy, elemental attachments, leprosy, mental curses, depression, and other physical illnesses.

His healing education was further enhanced by the techniques he learned from another great man, His Eminence, Sir George King, founder of The Aetherius Society, whose spiritual and yoga teachings offered a strong foundation from which Jude has built a life dedicated to serving humanity and loving all things.

Combining his knowledge of African Shamanism and the King technique, Jude lectures at colleges and private institutions about health, Earth changes, and protective practices. He also teaches the Spiritual Healing technique and offers Spiritual Healing at hospitals and in his private practice.

Jude also offers Spiritual Healing to animals. He has found that dogs and cats typically respond well to this healing technique.


Dr Jude Unegbu is a resident shaman and healer at Beneveda Medical Group in Beverly Hills, California. Jude has been a spiritual healer for more than 16 years.

Born in West Africa he trained under his shaman grandfather who healed people afflicted with a wide variety of physical illnesses. Jude's spiritual learning was enhanced by the healing techniques he learned from Sir George King, Founder of the Aetherius Society.

Combining his knowledge of African shamanism and the King techniques Jude's healing procedures utilize all of the major chakra or energy centers to fill the body with spiritual energy and to drive out illnesses. He can help with mental and emotional problems as well as physical ailments.

Some of the conditions he has successfully worked with include depression, anxiety attacks, epilepsy, leprosy, ADD, high blood pressure, back pain, body injuries, cancer, stomach problems, sleep disorders, addiction, relationship issues, job issues, and elemental attachments (popularly known as ghost attachments). Jude also finds spiritual healing is effective for a variety of childhood issues including depression, ADD, OCD, autism, epilepsy, and sleep issues. He blesses homes, offices, and animals to rid them of negative influences.

Jude lectures at colleges and private institutions about health, earth changes, and protective practices. He also teaches spiritual healing techniques and offers spiritual healing at hospitals, and in private practice.

Jude holds a PhD in christian psychology from Reform Theological Seminary.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Ship Captain, Commander of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Marine Wildlife Conservation Interventionist, Activist
Guest Biography:

Captain Paul Watson
Founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Co-Founding Director Greenpeace Foundation

One of our greatest warriors for Planet Ocean, Captain Paul has over four decades of experience at sea, and more than two decades as Master and Commander of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society voyages to protect, defend, and conserve the Earth's wild oceans.

He earned his experience in the Norwegian and Swedish Merchant Marine in the sixties and early seventies, and served as First Officer on Greenpeace voyages between 1971 and 1976.

Since 1979, he has commanded over 200 primarily offshore voyages in storms, ice packs, through canals and treacherous currents, and dangerous confrontations without a single accident or a single injury to his crew or to anyone else. In fact, on many occasions he has commanded two ships simultaneously, relaying orders to a subordinate captain when it has been necessary to deploy two ships at once.

Captain Watson is a sea captain in the truly traditional sense - where he is the master and commander of his own ships and is not dictated to by a corporate Board. He makes the decisions and he bears the full responsibility for his actions.

In 1994, Sea Shepherd acquired a miniature submarine Mirage. A spokesperson for the Canadian Navy publicly stated that no one at Sea Shepherd knew anything about operating a submarine and it was ridiculous for Sea Shepherd to acquire one. He guaranteed that someone would be hurt.

Captain Paul Watson responded to the Canadian Naval spokesperson at the time by saying:

"Since World War II, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has boarded more ships, rammed more ships, engaged in more high seas confrontations and sunk more ships than the Canadian Navy. They are hardly in a position to presume to judge what we are competent or capable of doing."

Their record speaks for itself: All these years later - still no injuries.

I have been honored to serve the whales, dolphins, seals - and all the other creatures on this Earth. Their beauty, intelligence, strength, and spirit have inspired me. These beings have spoken to me, touched me, and I have been rewarded by friendship with many members of different species. If the whales survive and flourish, if the seals continue to live and give birth, and if I can contribute to ensuring their future prosperity, I will be forever happy."

Without a doubt, the Sea Shepherd is the most experienced marine wildlife conservation interventionist organization in the world, and Captain Watson is the single most experienced marine conservation sea captain on the high seas today.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Statistician, Biomedical Sciences Doctorate, Civil Engineer, Chinese Medicine Researcher, Author
Guest Biography:

I am currently a VIGRE postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Statistics at Stanford University. I received my Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences in August of 2007 from the University of Texas, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Houston, with an area of focus in Biomathematics and Biostatistics. I conducted my work at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in the Pharmaceutical Development Center under adviser Robert A Newman. My background is varied. Prior to my work in Texas, I obtained a BS in civil engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a masters degree in Oriental Medicine from Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, Portland, OR. After obtaining my master's degree I operated an acupuncture clinic in Portland for a couple of years. In my study of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I became interested in the use of plant compounds for treating diseases, cancer in particular. This interest eventually led to the publication of two books, which were essentially summaries and syntheses of published preclinical and clinical studies. Between books I met Dr. Newman, and he later invited me to M.D. Anderson to work on a Ph.D.

My primary interest is in developing statistical and dynamic models to predict the pharmacokinetic properties of plant-derived compounds, as well their pharmacological effects on cancer cells. The approach I have taken is systematic in that rather than studying a particular compound or a small set of similar compounds, I am interested in developing larger, more complex models to predict the properties of arbitrary compounds. Accurate predictive models will be useful to efficiently screen large libraries of compounds for promising drugs. Due to synergistic interactions, combinations of compounds can sometimes be more effective than single drugs. Thus I am also interested in modeling drug interactions, which can depend upon protein-drug binding affinity and protein-protein interactions. Specific research interests include:

  • Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models and other statistical models for predicting drug activity and absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion (ADME) characteristics
  • Statistical learning methods, including kernel learning methods (support vector machines, for example)
  • Prediction of protein-drug binding affinity and protein-protein interactions using knowledge-based approaches
  • Learning methods for relational data
  • Systems biology, in general
  • Methods to quantify drug interactions (synergism/antagonism/additivity)
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science