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Guest Occupation: Co Author, Energetic Balancing Researcher, Acupuncturist, Energetic Healer, AIM Inventor
Guest Biography:

Stephen Lewis, Developer of The AIM Program, Co-founder of EMC², and Co-Author of the novel Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness has been exploring energetic balancing for more than 25 years. His path began with an interest in oriental philosophy combined with German psychiatry, specifically the work of W. Reich who believed energetic imbalance was the cause of all pathology.

Eventually Lewis was led to the healing arts. His degrees include acupuncture and homeopathy, both of which are forms of energetic healing. Lewis' extensive studies and research led him directly to the insights upon which EMC² 's spiritual energetic balancing technology is based. Lewis' energetic balancing technology, called AIM, has been used by thousands of individuals worldwide and has earned the endorsements of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Rev. Michael Beckwith, author Kevin Trudeau and many others.

EMC² 's purpose is to find imbalances in consciousness and offer energetic balancing as a way to assist living beings in the clearing and release of those imbalances in order to increase their well-being. Lewis has always made an explicit distinction between the healing that is the natural result of a shift in consciousness as compared to the medical trio of diagnosing, treating and, hopefully, curing. That medical trio is the work of medical professionals and is done TO you. Healing, on the other hand, is definitively in the realm of spirituality and must be done BY you. Lewis points out that true healers don't actually heal you, but rather teach or inspire you to find the healing power that you naturally possess. All healing is a result of your consciousness directing your Life Force. And, in that realm, because everything is energy, anything is possible! The character of Max in the novel Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness by Stephen Lewis and EMC² co-Founder Evan Slawson is based on the life and work of Stephen Lewis.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Dietitian, Nutritionalist, Speaker, Clinical Nutrition Specialist, Consultant, Academic Instructor, Researcher, Vegetarian Hall of Fame, Author
Guest Biography:

Brenda Davis, registered dietitian and nutritionist, is a leader in her field and an internationally acclaimed speaker.  She has worked as a public health nutritionist, clinical nutrition specialist, nutrition consultant and academic nutrition instructor.  She is currently on a diabetes intervention research project in Majuro, Marshall Islands.  Brenda spent 8 months in Majuro in 2006 and returns for 4-6 week periods once or twice a year.

Brenda is a past chair of the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association. In July 2007, she was inducted into the Vegetarian Hall of Fame.

A co-author of seven books - best-sellers, Becoming Vegan, Becoming Vegetarian, The New Becoming Vegetarian and Defeating Diabetes, Dairy-free and Delicious and the newly released, Becoming Raw and Raw-food Revolution Diet.

Brenda lives in Kelowna, British Columbia with her husband Paul. She has two grown children, Leena and Cory.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Medical Director, Family Physician, Diplomat, Associate Professor, Radio Show Host, Holistic Medicne Practicioner
Guest Biography:

Pieter J. DeWet, M.D., M.D.(H), FAAFP, ABHIM
Holistic Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Homeopathy,  Family Practice, Chronic Disease Management

Dr. Pieter J. DeWet has been in private practice, practicing Wellness medicine since 1997 and is the owner and medical director of Quantum Healing Institute in Tyler, TX.  Dr. de Wet graduated medical school in 1985 and has been a family physician since 1991 when he obtained his Board Certification in Family Medicine through the American Board of Family Medicine.  He has been a fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice since 1994 and completed a fellowship in Faculty Development in 1994.  He has been a Diplomat of the American Board of Holistic and Integrative Medicine (not recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties) since the year 2000.  In 2007 he also received his Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative medicine license. 

Dr. DeWet completed his residency in family medicine at the University of Texas Health Center at Tyler in 1991. He pursued a career in academic medicine at UT Health Center starting immediately after his residency until he left UT Health Center in 1997 to go into private practice. Dr. DeWet was associate professor of family medicine and associate program director of the family practice residency program. He was intimately involved in the development of numerous chronic disease management programs at the University of Texas Health Center. He was also the founder and director of the Center for Nutrition Preventive Medicine there from 1995-1997.

Dr. DeWet has been co-host of a nationally syndicated radio program called Healthy, Wealthy & Wise since 2004. He and his wife Cindi are where hosting their own XM radio program called "The Quantum Healing Hour" on SIRUS XM 131, weekdays from 4 to 5PM CST (5 to 6 PM. EST). Now Dr. DeWet can be found on Toginet Internet Radio, Live from 2-3PM CST (3-4PM EST). Dr. DeWet has spent his entire career in medicine starting from the time he entered medical school to search for the most effective, least harmful and the most cost effective methods to treat patients with complex health challenges, and currently treats patients from all around the country and worldwide for diseases and health conditions ranging from the most simple to some of the most complex. Dr. DeWet approaches all patients holistically, which means he focuses on body, mind and soul and routinely addresses and assists in the treatment of patient’s physical, emotional, social, mental, environmental and spiritual issues as it relates to their overall health situation. He is determined to find and treat the root causes of illness in each patient that he sees which is one reason why Dr. DeWet is credited for getting very good results with the majority of his patients, especially those that are willing to make the commitment to heal all aspects of their health challenges.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Astronomer, Computer Science Doctorate, Venture Capitalist, Information Technology Specialist, Writer, Advisor, Author
Guest Biography:

Jacques F. Vallee serves as a General Partner of Euro-America Ventures, a Silicon Valley group that invests in North America and Europe, primarily in high-technology. He was born in France, where he received a B.S. in mathematics at the Sorbonne and an M.S. in astrophysics at Lille University. Coming to the U.S. as an astronomer at the University of Texas, where he co-developed the first computer-based map of Mars for NASA, Jacques later moved to Northwestern University where he received his Ph.D. in computer science. He went on to work at SRI International and the Institute for the Future, where he directed the project to build the world's first network-based groupware system as a Principal Investigator on Arpanet, the prototype for the Internet.

A venture capitalist with Euro-America since 1987, Jacques Vallee has spearheaded early-stage investments in over 60 high technology start-ups. One third of these companies reached the public markets. They include, SangStat Medical, a biotechnology firm based in Menlo Park, California and Nantes, France; Accuray, a medical device company specialized in robotic surgery; Ixys, a power semiconductor firm; and Ubique, Inc., a web teleconferencing company (acquired by AOL).

Other investments that he led for the fund include Com-21, P-Com, Harmonic Lightwaves, Regeneration Technologies and Mercury Interactive, all of which made successful IPOs on the Nasdaq market. He has also served as a director of Class Data Systems, a networking company (acquired by Cisco), and recently Alter-G, a medical device company. In Jan 2010, HandyLab was acquired by Becton-Dickinson.

Jacques is a member of the science board for the French Genopole, based in Every specializing in life sciences and was elected as a Trustee of the Institute for the Future. He has contributed a "Letter from California" column for Le Figaro.

Apart from his work with information technology and finance, Jacques has had a long-term private interest in astronomy, in writing fiction and in the frontiers of research, notably unidentified aerial phenomena. He also serves on the scientific advisory board of Bigelow Aerospace in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was awarded the Jules Verne Prize in Paris for a science fiction novel in French.

Jacques and his family settled in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1969.

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Investing and Finance, UFOs, Science, Technology, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Medical Marijuana Patient, Stockbroker, Bone Tumor Survivor, Author
Guest Biography:

Mr. Rosenfeld's story in his testimony before the State of Michigan Committee on Government Operations on Tuesday November 28th, 2006: "I appreciate coming to the great state of Michigan. My name is Irvin Rosenfeld and I am the longest surviving Federal Medical Marijuana patient in the United States. There are five patients currently in the country and there will only be five because the Bush Administration shut down the program in 1992.

I have severe a bone disorder. This caused bone tumors to grow all throughout my body, growing into the muscles and the veins. As a teenager, I had many operations. I was using all kinds of drugs and I was an advocate against marijuana in the late 1960's. Why would a healthy person use an illegal drug when I would hold up my baggie (of pills) and say look at what I have to take, be thankful you're healthy.

I went to college in Miami in 1971 and there, against peer pressure, I tried marijuana and it did nothing to me. I didn't get high, it did nothing to me. People around me were getting high, I thought they were self inducing it. About the tenth time I did it, I sat and played a game of chess for 30 minutes and I hate chess. I used to have trouble sitting and I sat for 30 minutes. That was the first time in 5 years I did that. I had morphine, I had Quaalude, these were all prescription. It dawned on me that I hadn't taken a pill for about 6 hours. This was the first time I had done that in 5 years."

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Electric Bass Player, Music Teacher, Columnist, Recording Artist, Top Electric Jazz Bassist
Guest Biography:

Music has been the reason that I get up every morning (that, and my kids kneeing me in the stomach at 7am). I'm an electric bass player and I've won awards, toured the world many times over, and played a million concerts world-wide. I've played with nearly every great drummer, guitarist, pianist and horn player that are out there today. Many people regard me as the best electric jazz bassist in the world (does this include all the dimensions times infinity?)

One dark cloud was the cancer that overtook my son. When he became sick, I retired from playing and stayed home with my boy to take care of him. In order to make a living, I started The Players School of Music in Clearwater, Florida. This way I could stay in Clearwater and put a little attention on music through the explanation and demonstration of it to my students.

Two good things happened; my son was cured of his cancer, and The Players School has become one of the finest schools to learn how to play bass, piano, drums or guitar. I'm touring a lot, which, after all, is the name of the game. Nothing replaces the experience of reaching for new music every night in front of an appreciative audience. Keep an eye out for us. I tour with Danny Gottlieb on drums (Danny played drums with Pat Metheny for years), Othello Molineaux (the steel drum player who played in Jaco Pastorius' band) and Richard Drexler on piano and upright bass (Richard came out of the Woody Herman Orchestra). It is maybe the smokingest jazz ensemble I ever played in.

I am a practicing fool because I have this really deep need not to imitate as a bassist. I grant you that it is hard to find totally new bass concepts. But, if you don't look for them, then how can you find SOMETHING that is yours alone? I don't have the technique that many young players have today. And so I rely on my imagination to find new ideas that might be impactful to the people who listen to me. I recently found a totally new way to play the bass guitar, a method of playing that has opened many harmonic doors for me. I will showcase this method on a future recording of mine.

Jazz is my passion when I wear the leader's hat. I have found a lot of new ways to approach the electric bass that I am quite proud of. But, as a sideman, I can play funk like a swamp rat sitting on a hotplate, and I can rock like a rotweiller chained up in front of a piece of ribeye. I've been working hard to find a producer with some forward vision of giving the 4 or 8 bar solo on a pop tune to me instead of the guitar or the synth player. But, so far, the concept seems laughable to most producers. "A BASS PLAYER? PLAYING A SOLO? ON A BEYONCE RECORD?" I didn't realize that my instrument, for all the visibility it has achieved over the years, still is not regarded that highy in the music industry. I am out to change this, if I can.

Regarding the fans that I have, I have noticed over the years that fans of rock music often had a broader appreciation of music in other styles than some jazz fans have had. Rock fans have been incredibly supportive of my music and therefore I would like to say Thank You for all you have done and said about my bass playing. This does not go unnoticed.

I will keep you posted about gigs and new projects that I am involved in. To those people who have supported me and my playing, I send you my love and thanks.

Best to all, Jeff

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Education, Courses & Training, Music
Guest Occupation: Author, Lecturer, Professor, Philospher, Founder, Director of the Global Dialogue Institute
Guest Biography:

Ashok Gangadean, Ph.D., is truly an international connection. An accomplished author, lecturer and philosopher, Dr. Gangadean has worked with numerous organizations such as UNICEF and the United Nations. He has written several books on global reason, philosophy and dialect and is Founder/Director of the Global Dialogue Institute, which specializes in cultivating common ground and deeper global awareness among diverse worlds in our emerging global communities. He was the first Director of the Margaret Gest Center for Cross-Cultural Study of Religion at Haverford College and has participated in numerous professional conferences on inter-religious dialogue and East-West comparative philosophy. Dr. Gangadean has appeared on NBC News and CNN Headline News, in addition to being a guest on the national series Thinking Allowed


Ashok Gangadean, Professor of Philosophy

Biographical Note
Ashok Gangadean is Professor of Philosophy at Haverford College (Haverford, PA) where he has taught for the past thirty nine years. He was the first Director of the Margaret Gest Center for Cross-Cultural Study of Religion at Haverford, and has participated in numerous professional conferences on inter-religious dialogue and East-West comparative philosophy. . .

Reflection on the Evolution of my Research, Scholarship and Teaching: Setting the Context for my Work
Four decades ago my early focus began in the areas of Logic, Ontology and the Philosophy of Language. My primary concern over the years has been to seek to advance the perennial search for the fundamental grammars of thought (logic of consciousness), the grammars of reality (formal ontology) and the deep structures of language and discourse (logic of natural reason). .

Research and Teaching Interests: philosophy of logic and language; global ontology; global and comparative philosophy; global ethics; global wisdom; Hindu, Buddhist, and Zen tradition in global contexts

Guest Category: Education, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Guest Occupation: Attorney, Contractor, Author, Photographer, Artist, Extraterrestrial Contactee, Psychologist, Pole Shift Researcher, Planet X Investigator, Beekeeper
Guest Biography:


Gordon James Gianninoto - Attorney, Contractor, Author, Photographer, Artist, and Extraterrestrial Contactee

He had many childhood UFO and ET encounters. He saw his first UFO in 1964, a one mile diameter mothership launching 3 saucers over San Juan PR harbor. Selected as a future astronaut at age 15 he received a grant from the National Science Foundation to study astronomy, astrophysics, and space science at the Hayden Planetarium in NYC. He attended the University of Virginia School of Aerospace Engineering, but later got a degree in psychology at the University of New Haven, Connecticut. While going to law school in New Hampshire, at Franklin Pierce Law Center, now UNH Law, he worked as an intern at the United Nations Center on Transnational Corporations on a Code of Moral Conduct for Transnational Corporations. Upon graduation he worked as a hearing officer for the Environmental Board of the State of Vermont before opening up a trial law practice in Connecticut. After having worked his way through High School, college and law school as a contractor, he decided to prepare for poleshift by moving to Maine in 1985 where he has worked as a commercial fisherman and contractor since.

In a lifetime of many many psychic, telepathic, and ET experience, he had his first vision of pole shift 1973 in a long and detailed dream and had a waking vision of same thing 1988. He long realized a pole shift would bring open contact with ETs. Together with his wife of 22 years, Janet, they have seen dozens of ET ships and have had all manner of voluntary, positive contact experiences. Their favorite UFO activity was spending 3 days with Dr. John Mack, Dr. Rudolf Schild, and Dr. Edgar Mitchell in Rangeley, Maine in 2003.

Living on a mountain top blueberry farm on the Maine coast, Gordon is also a licensed shortwave radio operator and a beekeeper. His wife is a psychic and a shaman, with many ET contacts herself. Looking around to see who was saying what they were saying, they discovered Zetatalk in 2006 and have become strong supporters. For more than 20 years they have lectured widely, and in many radio interviews on the approach of Planet X, Poleshift, and the aftertime involving open contact with unselfish ETs and frequency or dimensional change for the entire earth within 100 years after poleshift. Many of his interviews are available for free on Youtube, and his writings are regularly published in UFO DIGEST, on line.

Gordon James Gianninoto will bring a lifetime of ET contact, telepathy, psychic experiences and visions as he describes how we are about to experience Pole Shift - the crust of the planet separating from the core and reattaching. The event will bring unimagined challenges to our lives.

Gordon has been on over 700 broadcast, satellite, shortwave, and internet radio stations. It is safe to say that between 20 and 50 million people have listened to his inspiring descriptions of our future and what we can do about it, for it and with it. Gordon has been interviewed many times by George Noory, Kevin Smith, Daniel Ott, Robert Pepino, Michael Vara, Robert Schmalzbach, Christopher Rudy, and many others. A frequent comment of those attending his presentations is that 'There are things I hoped, things I felt, things I thought about, but were never able to express. You put these things into words, touching me deeply, and changing me forever. Thank you."

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Theory & Conspiracy