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Guest Occupation: Author, International Teacher, Naturopathic Physician, Acupuncturist, Wellness Coach, Photographer, Radio Show Host, Writer
Guest Biography:

Dr. Judith Boice, award winning author, international teacher, naturopathic physician and acupuncturist, has a special passion for working with wellness and women's health. Dr. Boice conducts seminars throughout North America teaching people how to apply the secrets in "But My Doctor Never Told Me That!": Secrets for Creating Lifelong Health to achieve their personal life and health goals.

Dr. Boice has also created"The High Level Wellness Program©" to support individuals in achieving their personal life and health goals. She designed the High Level Wellness Program© for patients who wanted to improve their health but were unsure of where or how to begin.

Other creative passions include photography, music, and gardening. Her photographs have appeared in several magazines and newspapers, Trees for Life calendars, and Sierra Club Books publications. She also has a radio program, "The Mystic's Almanac."

A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Oberlin College, Dr. Boice is the author of several magazine articles and eight books, including "But My Doctor Never Told Me That!": Secrets For Creating Lifelong Health. Her book, Menopause With Science and Soul: A Guidebook for Navigating the Journey (Paperback), is a 2009 Nautilus Silver Book Awards Winner. Her most recent book The Green Medicine Chest: Healthy Treasures for the Whole Family won two awards in 2011: The Nautilus Silver Award winner for Wellness/Prevention/Vitality and the Living Now Book Awards Bronze medal winner for Health/Wellness .

Dr. Boice has been interviewed on several radio shows and has a youtube video. To watch or listen to her, go to her interviews page.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Psychologist, Holistic Practitioner, Human Behavior Expert, Writer
Guest Biography:


My name is George Steinfeld, Ph.D. and I have practiced psychology in Connecticut for over 40 years. I have been highly trained in human behavior and in effective ways of helping people: In addition, I am a Approved Clinical Supervisor in Marriage & Family therapy.

I practice from an Holistic perspective, employing primarily a Cognitive-behavioral and energy approach. My interest is in helping to relieve suffering in the quickest and most effective way possible.

- You identify life situations that cause problems in daily living
- We figure out good ways to deal with life's challenges
- To change problem  behaviors, habits, and thoughts to
- Improve emotional health and deal with  stressful situations
- I am also interested in your spiritual concerns

When thinking about using the professional services of a psychologist, it is important to choose a health professional with appropriate skills and experience. The rest of this site contains more information about my  background and work as a practicing psychologist.

I have worked in mental hospitals,child guidance clinics, prisons (addicted inmates) and private practice.

I have over 40 professionals publications, and many local, state and  national presentations.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Teacher, Consciousness Researcher, NDE Investigator, Author
Guest Biography:


Chris Carter received his undergraduate and master's degrees from the University of Oxford. The author of Parapsychology and the Skeptics (Second Edition due Spring 2012!), Carter is originally from Canada and currently teaches internationally.

Using evidence from scientific studies, quantum mechanics, and consciousness research, Carter reveals how consciousness does not depend on the brain and may, in fact, survive the death of our bodies. Examining ancient and modern accounts of NDEs from around the world, including China, India, and tribal societies such as the Native American and the Maori, he explains how NDEs provide evidence of consciousness surviving the death of our bodies. He looks at the many psychological and physiological explanations for NDEs raised by skeptics--such as stress, birth memories, or oxygen starvation--and clearly shows why each of them fails to truly explain the NDE. Exploring the similarities between NDEs and visions experienced during actual death and the intersection of physics and consciousness, Carter uncovers the truth about mind, matter, and life after death.

Guest Category: Near Death Experiences, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Scientist, Inventor, Public Speaker, Nurse, Activist, Researcher
Guest Biography:

Patricia, "Trisha" is a registered nurse with a Masters degree, activist, public speaker and patent holder for all natural skin products that are used for healing for various conditions. She researches, networks, and is often heard on radio programs all over the Internet as an expert in various communicable diseases and Public Heath and Natural Healing modalities.


Patricia Springstead is owner of ESP Botanicals, a premium quality patent product base made of pure chemical and artificial fragrance free all natural ingredients packaged in Myron Glass and other organic non-toxic materials. Premium products for a price. When only the best will do, go to ESP Botanicals. Also working with anu water – anu provides full bio-terrain remediation from the inside out.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, News, Science
Guest Occupation: Medical Professional, Artist, Writer, Blogger, Photographer, Outreach Expert, USAF Veteran, Intelligence Operation Specialist, Peace Activist, Green Energy Activist, Radio Show Host
Guest Biography:

Anita is a licensed medical professional, artist, writer, blogger, photographer, New Media and Virtual Outreach expert. Anita is a USAF veteran and worked as an Intelligence Operations Specialist in the US and in Europe. She studied English, Film, Political Science and Journalism in college and has worked with the Tampa Bay Veterans for Peace, Code Pink Tampa Bay and the Tampa Bay Indymedia Collective. Anita was one of the first organizers for HANDS ACROSS THE SAND, a global initiative to stop offshore oil drilling and promote energy alternatives. From 2007 until 2012 Anita was on staff for three presidential campaigns, Kucinich (D), McKinney (G) and Barr (G). She has organized for the Green Party and has been a state delegate and a member of the Women's Caucus.

Anita works hard to change the course of our country by reforming our media and electoral processes and by organizing voters and promoting candidates that are not corporate "owned." She supports MOVE TO AMEND, a national organization that is working to abolish Corporate Personhood. Anita is currently serving on the Hillsborough County (Tampa Metro) Soil and Water Conservation Board. She broke records by winning the election on 11/2/10 with 82,404 votes at over 37%. She spent less than $300 for her campaign!

Anita is a continuing student of Permaculture, Sustainability and the Transition Town Movement. She continues her advocacy by working on increasing awareness about the human impact and the environmental aftermath of the Gulf Oil Spill. She just launched her new company, Power New Media and Public Relations, hosts her own radio show, Wise Women Media and runs a resale business. When she has any spare time which is rare she is knitting, crafting, reading, researching, walking, doing yoga, swimming, singing, gardening and exploring in nature with her camera.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Filmmaker, Director, Producer, Composer, Editor, Spiritual Experiencer
Guest Biography:


Jonas grew up in the south listening to people tell the most fascinating stories. Storytelling became his passion leading him to become a filmmaker.

After moving to New York, he got his start at the award winning production company Rockhard Films.  During his time there, Jonas worked on all aspects of production ranging from Director, Producer and Editor.  Focusing primarily on music videos and commercials, he worked with top artist and clients including Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake, Spike Lee, Nike and ESPN.

In the winter of 2003, Jonas began producing his first feature documentary BEARS.  On this project he traveled across the country for two years, shooting over 200 hours of footage.

So after eight years behind the camera he certainly didn’t expect his next project to be his own story.  His second documentary, WAKE UP, follows him on a personal journey looking for truth and meaning after experiencing a very radical and surprising spiritual awakening.

Jonas is currently signed with Grand Large Inc. as a commercial director and hard at work on his follow-up feature, a southern gothic spiritual thriller, JUNE’S LAST WISH.



Jonas Elrod was leading an ordinary life until he woke up one day to a totally new reality. He suddenly could see and hear angels, demons, auras and ghosts.

The documentary movie WAKE UP follows this fascinating story of an average guy who inexplicably developed the ability to access other dimensions. Physicians gave him a clean bill of health and were unable to provide an explanation. What was it? Why was it happening to him? One thing was certain for this 36-year old man – life as he had known it would never be the same.

With his loving but skeptical girlfriend by his side, Jonas crisscrosses the country as he searches for answers and delves deeper into this thrilling world of the phenomenal and spiritual. Along the way, he encounters an amazing group of religious teachers, scientists, mystics and spiritual healers who help him piece together this intricate puzzle.

The film shows how all of us can search inward for our own peace and happiness while contributing towards a positive shift in global consciousness. WAKE UP is a call to consciousness to everyone who sees it; an invitation to accept that there is more to this life than meets the eye.

WAKE UP had its festival premiere at South by Southwest Film Festival in March 2009 and its New York City premiere, hosted by Sting and Trudie Styler, in April 2010. It is being released on DVD in September 2010 by Beyond Words, distributor of the acclaimed films “The Secret” and “What the Bleep Do We Know.” The movie is being privately screened throughout the fall of 2010

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Life Harship Sufferer, Pleiadian Contactee, Kundalini Experiencer
Guest Biography:

Colleen was born into a large family in 1960. The family was plagued with mental illness and depraved individuals that preyed upon the young and the weak. Colleen is no stranger to evil and has been confronted with the dark ones, even to the point of attempts on her life. At the age of 14 the wild and virtually uncontrollable 8th grader was sent away to live with a sister in Russellville Arkansas, within a year the unsupervised wild girl was sexual active and then pregnant.

Never having attended High School and always being treated like she were defective in her mind because she was not intelligent "like men are," Colleen let education go and became a full-time mother of 5 children. Were it not for her personal ethics that pained inside her every time she claimed to have graduated high school in order to look good on a job application Colleen would likely still have an 8th grade education to this day. At the age of 32 Colleen took her GED and did so well she was talked into taking classes at the community college she had gone to for the test.

When the youngest of 5 children started attending school all day Colleen began a full-time Biological Sciences program at the University of NV Reno where Colleen earned her nursing degree. Over the course of her lifetime Colleen has shown unusual resilience and tolerance for others, even those channeling the dark toward her in frequently tormenting, even life threatening ways. A chaotic military life made for a very adjustable, pliable personality in Colleen that is tough as nails when times get hard but completely flexible with life and people otherwise.

It was always in Colleen's nature to stick up for the underdog even when it was her but especially when it was someone else. Colleen has always been very adventurous and daring, too much so at times getting into situations that could have cost her her life but close calls never detoured her from pressing herself even harder the next time. As a girl and young woman Colleen was very much like a strong and powerful man, at 105 pounds and 5ft 4in tall Colleen was like a toy poodle that chases after Great Dane's unaware of the size issue.

Colleen's tough reputation was tried time and again growing up moving from one school district to another more often than she can count, all of them always on the poor side of town where Colleen was not always in the majority race. Under such trying and often times dangerous gang conditions Colleen learned how to put fear into those who challenged her and how to be very diplomatic under fire, resorting to blows only as a last resort when attacked.

A lifetime of seemingly unrelenting hardships and hostility from the dark never killed Colleen's happy go lucky spirit, that is until her 28 year old daughter died unexpectedly 2 years ago. For the first time in her life Colleen had lost all will to live but lacked the will to die either, she was simply ambivalent and adrift. Three hostile marriages, persistent problems with money and 20 years in a Christian cult came crashing in all at once as the anguish of losing a child overtook her.

In the depths of despair a shift took place that caused Colleen to call everything she ever knew or believed into doubt, earlier this year that positionless place Colleen found herself in was finally jerked into a new reality through a kundalini awakening that cleared all her chakras at once on January 31st of this year. On Valentine's day of this year a Pleadian man, an 8 ft tall giant who is a gifted and talented astyrophysicist known throughout the galaxy melded minds with Colleen causing her to awaken knowing things about physics she had never learned before and had sudden clarity on all the quantum physical matters that had puzzled and eluded her understanding before.

For the last several weeks Colleen has become consciously aware of her telepathic connection to mother Earth, other planets and stars and the alien peace keeping forces that have the dark pinned down here on Earth. Colleen was given the all clear, that humanity was safe because the dark were on the run as they realize that the aliens that had simply observed their activity in the past had suddenly began engaging Vril ships and human nuclear weapons of war.

As a Pleiadian contactee Colleen will no doubt have a role to play in building the world of tomorrow where the humans are free from the dark spirited carnivorous sentient reptilians who have been feeding on human suffering for 10,000 years. Earth will be restored to her original purpose which is to serve as an oasis for star travelers to visit and enjoy in peace, a vacation destination of intergalactic fame.

Colleen has become a virtual overnight hit with the pop New Age culture and spiritual people who have always been open to the possibility of sentient life from other star systems. After launching her first speech on July 27th to the very public YouTube site to report on her new knowledge of physics and alien affairs Colleen has attained International attention and support. Over 60,000 people had tuned in to hear what Colleen had to say in just 8 weeks time, clearly her messages are as timely as they are beneficial to others.

Colleen has joined this service so she can earn a living as a world teacher of Pleiadian physics, spirituality and new forms of community based governance without the need for a central government that only served to enslave Americans and other nations to paying taxes with over half their invested energies from working to earn a living. A living need not be earned and the abundance of nature need not be sold, bartering will be the new currency of energy exchange in the future economy that replaces the one that collapsing now.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Ancient Mayan Researcher, Pioneer of Time Transformation, Natural Time Visionary, Educator, Speaker, Author
Guest Biography:


Since 1995, Eden Sky has devoted her life to researching and teaching the mysteries of the Ancient Maya, their prophecies, and their astounding time science. Eden has studied directly under Dr. Jose Arguelles, the man who is largely responsible for the global interest in the Mayan Calendar System and the now infamous 2012 date, including a 7-week long residential seminary with Arguelles in Chile.

For the past 17 years, Eden has been the author and publisher of the annual “13-Moon Natural Time Calendar”
- a modern application of ancient time wisdom that offers a new paradigm calendar system, currently in use by people in 90 countries around the world. Her mission is bridging universal teachings of wisdom and compassion with the intelligence of cosmic cycles that we may actualize our potential in this great process now underway of
"The Shifting of World Ages."

As a pioneering force within the world-wide movement focused on transforming humanity’s relationship to the nature of time, Eden has participated in many international summits and conferences focused on calendar change, including "The World Summit on Peace and Time" in Costa Rica in which Eden was invited by Dr. Arguelles to serve on the Education Committee. As a “Natural Time Visionary,” Eden has offered many interviews and seminars, and has been highly active in organizing community and educational gatherings that share the wisdom of Arguelles’ solar-lunar-galactic calendar teachings.

In a recent journey to Guatemala, Eden received teachings directly from Maya elders and participated in several Mayan Fire Ceremonies, including one with Grandfather Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, 13th Generation Quiche Maya Priest; Head of The National Mayan Council of Indigenous Elders in Guatemala.

Eden Sky is a featured author in the recently published book entitled: “2013! The Beginning is Here” ~ an anthology of 13 authors, including Jose Arguelles, Ervin Laszlo, Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee, Carl Calleman, Geoff Stray, Aluna Joy, and others.

Eden Sky’s website ~ ~ hosts a 50-page Q&A on the Prophecy of 2012, info on the "2013!" book, and many free resources to assist people in reconnecting to the art, science, and spirituality of Natural Time.

Guest Category: Divination, Earth & Space, Spiritual