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Guest Name
George Steinfeld
Dr. George Steinfeld, Psychologist, Holistic Practitioner and Human Behavior Expert, Writer
Guest Occupation
Psychologist, Holistic Practitioner, Human Behavior Expert, Writer
Guest Biography


My name is George Steinfeld, Ph.D. and I have practiced psychology in Connecticut for over 40 years. I have been highly trained in human behavior and in effective ways of helping people: In addition, I am a Approved Clinical Supervisor in Marriage & Family therapy.

I practice from an Holistic perspective, employing primarily a Cognitive-behavioral and energy approach. My interest is in helping to relieve suffering in the quickest and most effective way possible.

- You identify life situations that cause problems in daily living
- We figure out good ways to deal with life's challenges
- To change problem  behaviors, habits, and thoughts to
- Improve emotional health and deal with  stressful situations
- I am also interested in your spiritual concerns

When thinking about using the professional services of a psychologist, it is important to choose a health professional with appropriate skills and experience. The rest of this site contains more information about my  background and work as a practicing psychologist.

I have worked in mental hospitals,child guidance clinics, prisons (addicted inmates) and private practice.

I have over 40 professionals publications, and many local, state and  national presentations.