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Guest Occupation: Scientist, Writer, Researcher, Free Energy Activist
Guest Biography:


Wade, "groomed as a scientist from an early age", became fascinated by the subject of Free Energy when just a teenager. As is so often the case with those with a clearly envisioned life mission when so young, his life's path then propelled him through a series of hard-hitting experiences that qualify him to be one of the preeminent writers on the subject today.

Wade's website,, comprises over 1200 pages of deeply thought-out, intelligent and well-informed commentary on a number of the most important issues of our time. His direct personal experiences include working shoulder-to-shoulder for a number of years with Dennis Lee, who he describes as 'The Indiana Jones of Free Energy'. Wade attests that Lee's larger-than-life experiences, many of which Wade witnessed at first hand (including the viability of his technology) were authentic and occurred just as he reports on his site.

Guest Category: Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Playwright, Author, Holy Grail Researcher, Writer, Columnist, Secret Society Explorer
Guest Biography:

Patrice Chaplin is an internationally renowned playwright and author who has published more than 25 books, plays and short stories. Her most notable work includes Albany Park, Siesta, which was made into a film staring Jodi Foster and Isabella Rossellini with music by Miles Davies, Into the Darkness Laughing, Hidden Star, Night Fishing, Death Trap and City of Secrets.

Patrice's journey into the Holy Grail's mystery first began when she stumbled upon the Spanish city of Girona in 1955, as a fifteen-year-old girl who had left London in search of Bohemia. She fell in love with this ancient Catalan city, and with its esteemed poet and Grail custodian Jose Tarres. Over the years, Patrice became increasingly involved with the Holy Grail material, Kabbalah, and the history and purpose behind Rennes-le-Château, including the enigmatic Bérenger Saunière's commissioned work there.

As a Bohemian in Paris during the 50's and 60's, she spent time with Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. She was married to Charlie Chaplin's son Michael and during her avant garde journeys through occult circles, her friends included Salvador Dali, Jean Cocteau (the last listed Grand Master or helmsman of the Priory of Sion, the secret society mentioned in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code), who gave her a starring role in one of his films, Lauren Bacall, Miles Davis and experts on the esoteric practices of the Kabbalah in Spain. City of Secrets is the extraordinary true story of one woman's journey to the heart of the Grail legend.

In 2003, Patrice began making greater sense of everything she had experienced with her lifelong friend and former lover Jose Tarres. Jose had just suffered a near fatal heart attack and decided it was time to reveal many of the secrets he had been guarding from the world, including her. Patrice learned about Jose's private society in greater detail - a society which has for generations held the Grail, protected Kabbalah information, and numerous documents, including Saunière’s letters and texts. In 2004, at the recommendation of Jose Tarres, Patrice journeyed and completed the Venus initiation 'treading the 7 stars', accessing the 11 doorways under the Great Bear.

In her recent memoirs, City of Secrets: One Woman's True-life Journey to the Heart of the Grail Legend and The Portal: An Initiate's Journey into the Secret of Rennes-le-Château, Patrice opens the door publicly to new and compelling elements of the Rennes-le-Château and Grail mystery: the little-known, yet crucial, Girona connection, and its imprinted daleths (portal sites) leading up to the peak of Mt. Canigou in the Pyrenees.

As an accomplished writer, Patrice has contributed to many collections of short stories, including Black Valentine and The Minerva Book of Short Stories 1. Her plays, documentaries, and short stories have been extensively written and adapted for radio. The short story Night in Paris has been translated in many countries, and other short stories of hers have appeared in magazines and newspapers, including The Independent.

Patrice's stage play From the Balcony was commissioned by The National Theatre in London in conjunction with BBC Radio 3, and was performed at the Cottesloe Theatre.

Patrice has written articles for publications including The Guardian, The Independent, The Sunday Times, The Jewish Chronicle, The Daily Mail, Marie Claire and The London Magazine.

Patrice is the director of The Bridge, a non-profit organization that leads workshops based in the performing arts as a new and unique way to help fight addiction. She continues to write and contribute to the BBC.

Today, Chaplin finds herself deeply embedded in the Grail's mystery, and at the heart of Rennes-le-Château's controversies. She continues in her initiatory work and research, residing in London. Her latest book is Mr. Lazarus.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, History, Religion, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Associate Professor, Clinical Researcher, Humanitarian, Author, Volunteer, Doctor of Medicine
Guest Biography:

Neil Shulman, MD is Assoc. Professor in the Dept of Medicine at Emory University Medical School. His career has covered a wide spectrum of activities, including conducting clinical research in hypertension funded at a level of about $8 million for the National Institutes of Health and publishing in this discipline. He also co-founded the International Society of Hypertension in Blacks and helped launch the journal Ethnicity & Disease and the Heart to Heart Program which brought children from developing countries to the United States for life-saving heart surgery.

Another pursuit of Neil’s has been focused on improving access to health care in underserved communities in the U.S.A. He helped recruit doctors and nurses to rural areas, while developing rural community clinics. He also authored the book Doc Hollywood, which was developed into a film starring Michael J. Fox. The objective in associate producing this film was to encourage youth to consider seeking a career in rural underserved communities.

Neil has also attempted to contribute to improving medical literacy by writing books on medical and health topics for kids and adults. His book Your Body’s Red Light Warning Signals has been developed into a website so consumers can quickly access information relating to important symptoms. He also co-authored a book which has been used to teach the basics of the history and physical exam to over 8000 undergraduates at Emory so they can be better consumers of health care.

His children’s book What’s in a Doctor’s Bag? has resulted in the development and distribution of health related television spots on public television in the U.S.A. and Canada. Neil has also written articles on the value of humor in improving communication and health. His “live” performances focus on humor and medical literacy, and are targeted toward kids, adults, and seniors. He also enjoys volunteering in performing comedy for fundraisers for Free Clinics and other charitable ventures.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Public Speaker, Coach, Author, Multiple Tragedy Survivor
Guest Biography:

"I have discovered that guilt, shame and anger are a function of the mind, not the spirit, and simple adjustments in thinking can dissolve these emotions.”
– Cindy L. Herb

Bad things do happen to good people, and it is beneficial for them to hear that it is not their fault. Cindy L. Herb, The Joyful Survivor, and a first-hand survivor of pain offers tools to overcome life’s adversities and find more joy in life. She helps others become Joyful Survivors.

Cindy L. Herb has a story to tell. It’s a story of tragic events, trauma, guilt, and shame. It’s a story of not just surviving the isolation and loneliness that followed, but overcoming personal and health obstacles and thriving.

Cindy has become an inspiration as The Joyful Survivor. She shares her story in her book, Awakening the Spirit: The Open Wide Like a Floozy Chronicles, and through public speaking, and coaching.

Her book and her talks are engaging, entertaining, and inspiring. Her love of life and joy is contagious. Audiences benefit from her messages, especially those individuals who have suffered a painful past or feel unsure of their future. 

Cindy has personal, first-hand experience of overcoming adversity, including:

  • childhood rape at age 9
  • inappropriate sexual contact from an alcoholic father
  • being stalked and pursued by sexual predators
  • growing up in a dysfunctional family
  • a near-death experience
  • being mugged at gunpoint
  • surviving melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer
  • living with many debilitating illnesses, including a rare immune deficiency disease
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Near Death Experiences, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Holistic Health Innovator, Personal Physician, Holistic Chiropractor, Transcendent Meditator, TV Show Host, Columnist, Yoga Practicioner
Guest Biography:

Dr. Khalsa holds a bachelors degree in biology from the University of Colorado, Boulder; and a doctor of chiropractic degree from Cleveland Chiropractic College, Los Angeles. He is currently a Holistic Chiropractor with Beneveda Medical Group in Beverly Hill, California.

With over 30 years in the Holistic Health field as one of its leading innovators. Dr. Khalsa has been the personal physician to some of the leading personalities in Hollywood including (Academy Award winner) Forrest Whitaker and to the top Spiritual leaders of our age including Yogi Bhajan who he personally studied advanced yogic healing techniques for over 25 years. Dr. Har Hari also has been a practicing Holistic Chiropractor for over 21 years and has help thousands attain to greater health and wholeness. In addition Dr. Khalsa also has mastered the art and science of Sat Nam Rasayan an ancient healing art using the transcendent meditative awareness to create profound healings.

Dr. Khalsa's extensive experience includes working with top Hollywood stars on and off the set as well as back stage at concerts with major music industry performers. In addition, Dr. Khalsa hosted a local cable television program from 1997 to 2000 called "Radiant Health" that featured top experts in all forms of Holistic Healing.

Dr. Khalsa has had feature articles about his work in Allure, Maxim, Cosmopolitan and Who magazines and has been featured on local Los Angeles News Shows. Dr. Khalsa has had extensive training in many fields of healing including Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA), Body Restoration Techniqe (BRT), and the Brimhall 10 Steps to Wellness method. Dr. Khalsa specializes in Zone Healing to correct all imbalances; physical, mental, and spiritual.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Yoga, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Infectious Disease Expert, Science Advisor, Bacteriophage Biology Specialist, Microbiologist, Alzheimer Researcher
Guest Biography:

Dr Tyler Kokjohn has a Ph.D. (Biochemistry) from Loyola University Chicago and am a Professor of Microbiology at the Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine. He is also a adjunct Senior Scientist at Banner-Sun Health Research Institute (Sun City, AZ) working as a team member researching Alzheimer’s disease (AD) biochemistry and the effects of immunotherapy on AD pathology and dementia.


Tyler A. Kokjohn, PhD Infectious Disease Microbiology

Tyler A. Kokjohn, PhD, Science Advisor - Dr. Kokjohn is a specialist in bacteriophage biology, with special emphasis on the identification and characterization bacteriophage lytic to human bacterial pathogens. Dr. Kokjohn is Professor of Microbiology, Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ. He is a member of the American Society for Microbiology and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


Guest Category: Medicine, Science, Biology & Chemistry
Guest Occupation: Family Physician, Author
Guest Biography:

Pamela Wible, M.D., is a family physician born into a family of physicians. Her parents warned her not to pursue medicine. She followed her heart only to discover that to heal her patients she had to first heal her profession. So she led a series of town hall meetings inviting citizens to design the clinic of their dreams. Celebrated since 2005, Wible's pioneering model has sparked a populist movement that has inspired Americans to create ideal clinics and hospitals nationwide. Dr. Wible is co-author of the award-winning anthology Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change with Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey.

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Author, Medical Practices Researcher, Opthalmologist, Clinical Professor
Guest Biography:

Tom Harbin MD received his medical degree from Cornell Medical School, trained in ophthalmology at the Wilmer Institute of Johns Hopkins and has been practicing ophthalmology, with a specialty in glaucoma, for over thirty years. In his book, WAKING UP BLIND: Lawsuits Over Eye Surgery, Dr. Harbin exposes a breach of trust that took place in an area where least expected and at a well-respected medical center in Atlanta. This story sheds light on the game of big business where the bottom dollar became more important than human life.

In the early 80's, physicians began to notice problems with the gifted and powerful chairman of Emory University's Department of Ophthalmology. His patients complained of long waits and hurried exams, his bills to Medicare and other insurance carriers became suspect, and tissue removed from patients' eyes showed no sign of the disease that had been diagnosed. Because the chairman was increasing the university's prestige and profits, the university leaders paid little heed to the growing concerns of the other professors and fellows. After the chairman operated on the wrong eye of a patient, who eventually went blind from an easily detected and treatable problem, a departmental committee began an investigation and found other examples of patients' eyes harmed by neglect, improper billing and many other problems. Lawsuits and complaints by two faculty whistleblowers prompted another investigation, this time by the medical school's ethics committee, but the chairman was exonerated and the whistleblowers were reprimanded. Only after a national specialty society ethics investigation and more lawsuits was the chairman forced to resign.

Dr. Harbin provides the authoritative account backed by court documents, official transcripts, letters and personal interviews, in exposing this story.

Few people have the moral courage to speak out against misconducts performed by their superiors who have administrative and financial power over them; and when institutions financially benefit by suppressing corrective action, it takes individuals with superhuman courage to take a stand. These individuals, known as whistleblowers, must deal with the repercussions of these actions. Harbin exposes a problem that occurs not only in universities, but also in corporations, governments, churches, and every kind of organization. This book is a wake-up call to remind us that the people we look up to may not always be looking out for our best interests.


Dr. Harbin is a Board Certified Ophthalmologist specializing in glaucoma and related diseases. His undergraduate degree is from Vanderbilt University and his medical school degree is from Cornell University. He completed residency training at the Wilmer Eye Institute of Johns Hopkins and his fellowship training at Washington University. Dr. Harbin joined Eye Consultants of Atlanta in 1975 and practices at the Cumberland location.


Imagine trusting a doctor – with the best reputation for treating eye disease in the state – to do surgery on your eyes.  Now imagine the worst of outcomes.  Blindness in an eye that you learn, in fact, never needed surgery.  And the medical center where you were treated is ignoring the problem. Waking Up Blind is a story of how an eye surgeon – respected and admired – became the cause of an array of medical problems for his patients. Waking Up Blind is a story of how one of the nation’s premiere medical centers tried to conceal the growing medical scandal.

Author of Waking up Blind, Dr. Tom Harbin, exposes the lawsuits that tell the story of this medical scandal from the very beginning.  Using court documents, tape recorded conversations, interviews and personal observation:  Dr. Tom Harbin will unveil an inside view of the medical world that will shock the reader with its candid exploration of the dark side of medicine.

You're a doctor and you know a lot about medicine. But do you know a lot about the real world? Doctors learn a lot in medical school, but not enough. Only rarely will a course teach practical, useful, or pragmatic information to help with the myriad decisions that arise in day-to-day life. Dr. Harbin wrote The Student Doctor Network What Every Doctor Should Know... But Was Never Taught in Medical School to fill the gap: to help doctors deal with the business aspects of medicine, help doctors in training learn how to evaluate opportunities for the future, and assist practicing doctors in dealing with the questions arising day-to-day and when planning for the future.

Dr. Tom Harbin received his MD from Cornell Medical and trained in ophthalmology at the Wilmer Institute of Johns Hopkins.  He has been practicing ophthalmology with a specialty in glaucoma for over thirty years and is a Clinical Professor Emeritus at Emory University. Dr. Harbin resides with his wife in Atlanta, GA.

Waking Up Blind: Lawsuits Over Eye Surgery is his first book and is on the's Bestseller List. Dr. Harbin's second book is The Student Doctor Network What Every Doctor Should Know... But Was Never Taught in Medical School. Both books are hot sellers and are climbing the sales charts on Amazon!

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Guest Category: Medicine