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Guest Name
Cindy Herb
Cindy L. Herb, Public Speaker, Coach, Author and Multiple Tragedy Survivor
Guest Occupation
Public Speaker, Coach, Author, Multiple Tragedy Survivor
Guest Biography

"I have discovered that guilt, shame and anger are a function of the mind, not the spirit, and simple adjustments in thinking can dissolve these emotions.”
– Cindy L. Herb

Bad things do happen to good people, and it is beneficial for them to hear that it is not their fault. Cindy L. Herb, The Joyful Survivor, and a first-hand survivor of pain offers tools to overcome life’s adversities and find more joy in life. She helps others become Joyful Survivors.

Cindy L. Herb has a story to tell. It’s a story of tragic events, trauma, guilt, and shame. It’s a story of not just surviving the isolation and loneliness that followed, but overcoming personal and health obstacles and thriving.

Cindy has become an inspiration as The Joyful Survivor. She shares her story in her book, Awakening the Spirit: The Open Wide Like a Floozy Chronicles, and through public speaking, and coaching.

Her book and her talks are engaging, entertaining, and inspiring. Her love of life and joy is contagious. Audiences benefit from her messages, especially those individuals who have suffered a painful past or feel unsure of their future. 

Cindy has personal, first-hand experience of overcoming adversity, including:

  • childhood rape at age 9
  • inappropriate sexual contact from an alcoholic father
  • being stalked and pursued by sexual predators
  • growing up in a dysfunctional family
  • a near-death experience
  • being mugged at gunpoint
  • surviving melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer
  • living with many debilitating illnesses, including a rare immune deficiency disease