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Patrice Chaplin
Patrice Chaplin, Playwright, Author, Holy Grail Researcher, Writer, Columnist and Secret Society Explorer
Guest Occupation
Playwright, Author, Holy Grail Researcher, Writer, Columnist, Secret Society Explorer
Guest Biography

Patrice Chaplin is an internationally renowned playwright and author who has published more than 25 books, plays and short stories. Her most notable work includes Albany Park, Siesta, which was made into a film staring Jodi Foster and Isabella Rossellini with music by Miles Davies, Into the Darkness Laughing, Hidden Star, Night Fishing, Death Trap and City of Secrets.

Patrice's journey into the Holy Grail's mystery first began when she stumbled upon the Spanish city of Girona in 1955, as a fifteen-year-old girl who had left London in search of Bohemia. She fell in love with this ancient Catalan city, and with its esteemed poet and Grail custodian Jose Tarres. Over the years, Patrice became increasingly involved with the Holy Grail material, Kabbalah, and the history and purpose behind Rennes-le-Château, including the enigmatic Bérenger Saunière's commissioned work there.

As a Bohemian in Paris during the 50's and 60's, she spent time with Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. She was married to Charlie Chaplin's son Michael and during her avant garde journeys through occult circles, her friends included Salvador Dali, Jean Cocteau (the last listed Grand Master or helmsman of the Priory of Sion, the secret society mentioned in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code), who gave her a starring role in one of his films, Lauren Bacall, Miles Davis and experts on the esoteric practices of the Kabbalah in Spain. City of Secrets is the extraordinary true story of one woman's journey to the heart of the Grail legend.

In 2003, Patrice began making greater sense of everything she had experienced with her lifelong friend and former lover Jose Tarres. Jose had just suffered a near fatal heart attack and decided it was time to reveal many of the secrets he had been guarding from the world, including her. Patrice learned about Jose's private society in greater detail - a society which has for generations held the Grail, protected Kabbalah information, and numerous documents, including Saunière’s letters and texts. In 2004, at the recommendation of Jose Tarres, Patrice journeyed and completed the Venus initiation 'treading the 7 stars', accessing the 11 doorways under the Great Bear.

In her recent memoirs, City of Secrets: One Woman's True-life Journey to the Heart of the Grail Legend and The Portal: An Initiate's Journey into the Secret of Rennes-le-Château, Patrice opens the door publicly to new and compelling elements of the Rennes-le-Château and Grail mystery: the little-known, yet crucial, Girona connection, and its imprinted daleths (portal sites) leading up to the peak of Mt. Canigou in the Pyrenees.

As an accomplished writer, Patrice has contributed to many collections of short stories, including Black Valentine and The Minerva Book of Short Stories 1. Her plays, documentaries, and short stories have been extensively written and adapted for radio. The short story Night in Paris has been translated in many countries, and other short stories of hers have appeared in magazines and newspapers, including The Independent.

Patrice's stage play From the Balcony was commissioned by The National Theatre in London in conjunction with BBC Radio 3, and was performed at the Cottesloe Theatre.

Patrice has written articles for publications including The Guardian, The Independent, The Sunday Times, The Jewish Chronicle, The Daily Mail, Marie Claire and The London Magazine.

Patrice is the director of The Bridge, a non-profit organization that leads workshops based in the performing arts as a new and unique way to help fight addiction. She continues to write and contribute to the BBC.

Today, Chaplin finds herself deeply embedded in the Grail's mystery, and at the heart of Rennes-le-Château's controversies. She continues in her initiatory work and research, residing in London. Her latest book is Mr. Lazarus.