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Guest Occupation: Crop Circle Researcher, Author, Photographer, Electrical Engineer, Consultant, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Best known for his research into the crop circle & UFO subjects since 1983. He provides the only continuity between the past crop circle research era and the present, along with his friend and colleague, Busty Taylor.  His long view of both the genuine phenomenon and the human-made phenomenon provides unique insight into the subject. His research results indicate the intelligence behind the phenomenon is interacting with both crop circle researchers and many of the people who make the hoaxes.  

He has publicly stated since the late 1980's that the phenomenon indicates a future period of human chaos. The period indicated, supported by current trends, can be changed with human awareness and he believes there are serious eco-political implications and that the future direction of the planet is at the center of the phenomenon.

In the final analysis Andrews believes the phenomenon is challenging people to a higher level of consciousness. Some native elders agree with Colin’s assessment which is supported by the2012 Mayan Prophecy, which his latest book, along with his wife, speaks: 'The Complete Idiots Guide to 2012'

He is an accomplished photographer, who has been invited to show his photographs in art galleriesacross the United States, including the Philadelphia Art Museum and the Cortland Jessup Art Galleryin Provincetown, Cape Cod.

Colin Andrews, electrical engineer by profession, is the man who coined the term "Crop Circle." Among his many accomplishments: he started the first research organization, Circles Phenomenon Research (CPR); designed high-tech surveillance operations attempting to film a circle being made; and advised Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet and Queen Elizabeth on the mysterious phenomenon. He compiled the largest data base in the world on the subject.  Colin has written numerous books including the classic Circular Evidence (1989) with co-author Pat Delgado, chosen by the Queen for her prestigious Summer Reading List. He is frequently highlighted in documentaries on the subject and was a consultant with the Mel Gibson movie Signs. His most recent books include The Complete Idiots Guide to 2012 and The Complete Idiots Guide to the Akashic Record written with his wife, Dr. Synthia Andrews. He is currently making his archives available to the public in books such as Government Circles, The Andrews Catalogue and The Assessment.

He has spent 29 years making presentations at universities, schools and public venues as well as participate in government meetings and brainstorming.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Healer, Illuminator, Peace Shaman, Enlightened Master, Author
Guest Biography:

Author of "The Impeccable Warrior of Light" and "Enlightenment and Self Healing - Shaman's Wisdom Symbols", Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song is an International Mayan Peace Shaman, spiritual teacher and energy healer. She is a holy Medicine Woman donated by Spirit to heal humanity and Mother Earth.

She is the embodiment of the Divine Mother of the Universe and showers us with Love through Prayer Songs, Sacred Ceremonies and Teachings.

A miraculous being, She removes shamanic amnesia and mystically quickens our spiritual essence. As an Impeccable Warrior of Light, She is able to remove our pain and limitations, opening doors to our Highest Destiny!

A descendant of the Maya and Huichol Native Traditions, Peace Mother was trained in Mayan Soul Retrieval Limpias and Sacred Ceremony by Don Jacinto Tzab, one of Mexico's greatest Mayan Shamans. She travels the world, carrying on the Peace Shaman Work of Her Mayan Lineage.

She is a devotee of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda and credits Guru's Grace for establishing within Her the Sacred Mantras of India. Peace Mother is gifted with the highest degree of healing sound and Her thunderous Prayer Songs and Light-charged sacred Ceremony bring healing balance to all beings, the land, waters and sky.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Spiritual, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Associate Professor, Psychologist, Couoples Therapy Specialist, Advanced Clinician, Editor, Publisher, Author, Writer
Guest Biography:

Mo Therese Hannah, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Siena College. Loudonville, New York. As a practicing clinical psychologist specializing in couples therapy, she is an Advanced Clinician in Imago Relationship Therapy and serves as an Academic Faculty Member of Imago Relationships International, the professional training organization for Imago Therapy. Having served since 1996 as Editor/Managing Editor of the Journal of Imago Relationship Therapy, she has published five books and produced numerous articles and presentations on topics related to relational psychology.

With Joe Marrone, Ph.D., she is the author of The EQ (Social-Emotional Intelligence) Program, which teaches elementary aged children the principles and practices of good character and of equitable and respectful relationships. Dr. Hannah directs the EQ Program at Siena College, in which Siena students are trained to teach the EQ lessons to children in Capital District-area schools.

Dr. Hannah's interest in abusive dynamics and their impact on interpersonal relationships and in forensic psychology led her to plan and chair the first Battered Mothers Custody Conference (BMCC), held January 9th and 10th 2004 at Siena College. At that conference, many of the nation's leading attorneys, batterers' intervention experts, authors, and advocates working in area of battered mothers custody issues gathered to present their cutting-edge knowledge and experience. The second BMCC is slated for January 8th and 9th, 2005.

Guest Category: Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Lawyer, Running for California Senate, 9-11 Truther, Political Activist
Guest Biography:


My name is Bill Veale.  I have decided to run for the United States Senate, and I am seeking your support.  After a lot of reading, I have come to the conclusion that the attacks of 9/11 were in essence an inside job perpetrated at the highest levels of the U S government.  I have done my best as a private citizen to demand action from my elected representatives and from opinion leaders throughout the country.  There has been no satisfactory response; in fact there has been what I regard as an apathetic silence, almost without exception.  Since no one else has seen fit to make the events of 9/11 the focus of a Senatorial campaign, and because Senator Dianne Feinstein’s response to my entreaties has demonstrated ignorance, or apathy, or complicity, I have decided to give the people of the State of California the choice to elect a leader who thinks their government has betrayed them in the most unspeakable manner, and who thinks that the fight to expose and bring to justice all those responsible is more important than anything else that he is capable of doing.

Guest Category: Legal, History, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author, Nutritional Performance Coach, Life Management Consultant, Professional Speaker, Personal Success Coach, Entrepreneur, Nutritional Counselor
Guest Biography:


Wayne Pickering, N.D., Sc.M. is an Author, Nutritional Performance Coach, Life Management Consultant, Professional Speaker and Personal Success Coach with over 26 years entrepreneurial experience. He has spoken in five countries and has shown thousands how to enjoy life totally free of health problems caused by poor eating habits.

His prognosis was death at age 30. Now, at 63 years young, Wayne is an award winning Triathlete & double nominee for the Healthy American Fitness Leader Award.

Wayne is a Florida State Licensed Nutritional Counselor whose programs are approved for continuing education credits by the Florida and Alabama State Boards of Pharmacy and The Florida Board of Dentistry.

He's Dubbed as 'The Mango Man' because of his passion for eating fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits, like Mangoes.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Writer, Co-Producer, Egypt Historian, Researcher, Author
Guest Biography:

Catherine Dees is a California writer and editor with an abiding love for Egypt and its brilliant, still-unfolding legacy. Two of her lifelong interests come together in the story of Omm Sety: the enigma of human consciousness, and the lost history and wisdom of the ancient world. Catherine was co-producer of the exhibit, Continuum: the Immortality Principle, and historian for The Alexandria Project, a search for the tomb of Alexander the Great and the lost Alexandrian Library. She is currently developing an exhibit that explores the human capacity for compassion. Catherine is a member of the American Research Center in Egypt and the Egyptian Exploration Organization, and is a sponsor of the Amarna Royal Tombs Project in the Valley of the Kings.

Guest Category: History
Guest Occupation: Hypnotist, Consultant, Instructor, Teacher, Past Life Regressionist, Computer Programmer, Motivationalist
Guest Biography:

Peggy Kelly-Davis BCH, C.I., CPHI - Board Certified Consulting Hypnotist

National Guild of Hypnotists Certified Consulting Hypnotist & Instructor
5-PATH® Certified Hypnotist & Instructor
7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Certified Teacher
Certified Past Life Regressionist


Peggy Kelly-Davies is the founder of The Hypnosis Connection in Bowmanville, ON. and a Masters level and Board Certified Consulting Hypnotist and Certified Instructor through the National Guild of Hypnotists, the oldest and largest training and professional association in the world with 12,000 members in 72 countries.

Also an Award Winning Certified Instructor for 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® through The Banyan Hypnosis Center in Tustin, California, Peggy served as a Director on the Board of the Ontario Association of Hypnotherapists for 2 years, and is currently President of the Toronto East NGH Chapter, and Vice-President of the Mississauga NGH Chapter.

She is the senior 5-PATH®/7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Instructor in Canada, which is recognized and accredited by the National Guild of Hypnotists, so graduates from the 5-PATH®/7th Path Self-Hypnosis® course are professionally certified by both organizations.


Peggy left a 15-year position as a Computer Programmer for a career in Motivational Hypnosis, which came about as a result of a childhood fear of insects that emerged, making her life very uncomfortable during the summers of Ontario.

She pursued hypnosis as a method to release the fear and became so convinced of the effectiveness of the science that she trained as a Certified Hypnotist, and later certified as an Instructor of Hypnosis.

Completing her initial training with Dr. Georgina Cannon at the Ontario Hypnosis Centre, the largest stand-alone hypnosis clinic in Canada (where she now presents specialty courses) Peggy then successfully completed advanced training under Cal Banyan personally at the Banyan Hypnosis Clinic in California.

Through her clinic, The Hypnosis Connection in Bowmanville, ON., Peggy is dedicated to helping her clients succeed in a supportive and confidential environment where she focuses on smoking, weight loss and self-confidence issues plus fears and phobias, addiction, psychosomatic illness, learning difficulties, sexual issues, trauma issues and much more.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Radio Show Host, Assistant Editor, Foreign Policy Advisor
Guest Biography:

Scott Horton is the host of Antiwar Radio for KAOS Radio 95.9 FM in Austin, Texas, KUCR 88.3 FM in Riverside, California and, where he is also assistant editor. Horton conducts interviews with journalists, politicians, pundits, lawyers and experts on foreign policy and war-time law. Guests have included Eric Margolis, Ron Paul, Ray McGovern, Daniel Ellsberg, Russel Means, Harry Browne, John Cusack, Pat Buchanan, Noam Chomsky, Lew Rockwell, Patrick Cockburn, James Bamford, Sibel Edmonds, Glenn Greenwald, pseudonymous Matthew Alexander, Andrew Bacevich, Robert A. Pape, and near weekly appearances by Gareth Porter.

Horton won the Austin Chronicle’s “Best of Austin” award “Best Iraq War Insight and Play by Play” for Antiwar Radio in 2007.

Horton hosted six shows in Austin, Texas, including Say it Ain’t So on controversial micro broadcast station Free Radio Austin which was followed by The Way Sh*t Is, The Best I Can Tell, the Philip Dru Interviews, the Weekend Interview Show and KAOS Report. He also hosts a weekly broadcast for Pacifica Radio’s KPFK 90.7 FM in Los Angeles

In 2004, Horton served as foreign policy adviser to Libertarian Party presidential candidate Michael Badnarik.

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government