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Guest Occupation: Esoteric Researcher, Consciousness Explorer, Writer, Author, Keynote Speaker
Guest Biography:

Jason Gregory for years has been a researcher in the fields of suppressed history, esoteric knowledge and the origins of humanity. Growing up his whole life within the comforts of the west, he chose to live a more humble existence in the land of Asia. Jason’s life in the east naturally moved him into the exploration of consciousness and the world within. In this journey he was profoundly influenced by the philosophies of Vedanta, Buddhism, Hermeticism, depth psychology, the Occult and the way of the Tao which are all reflected into his writing. Bestowed with this knowledge Jason continues to focus his energy on one’s self-realization in the spirit of evolving creation while dismantling the illusion of separation.

Way of the Weirdo – Book

Way of the Weirdo was officially launched May 1st in three formats, softcover, hardcover and ebook. Since that time it has reached many around the world and is fast becoming a book of true value. Way of the Weirdo is a fresh new look at the world of the unknown and what “truth” really is. Many believe it is the greatest book to reach the average individual a little less aware. Best-selling author Graham Hancock endorsed Way of the Weirdo because he could see that in these times of change Way of the Weirdo would be a manual for humanity to explore the depths of our consciousness and our enlightened future. Way of the Weirdo is available worldwide.

Jason’s YouTube site:

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, History, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Michael P. Mau, Ph.D.,  is the author / editor of, The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies

My mediumship for the Great Brotherhood of Light is relatively recent, so I can make no claim to possessing a natural gift of clairvoyance from childhood. In fact, my clairvoyant and clairaudient faculties have only been gradually opening up over the past five years and continue to do so under a systematic training program designed and coached by certain disincarnate adepts of the Brotherhood.

During a particularly low point in my life I took some time off from my business in Asia to return to Honolulu, my hometown. It had been over thirty years since I had left and I was not really sure why I wanted to go back there. From my perspective today, I now understand when the Masters want me to travel to such and such a place, images of this destination dance in my mind until I actually arrive there.

I arrived in a bewildered state. Outwardly, I appeared content and successful to many of my old friends and relatives but inwardly something was gnawing at me. Two of my novels had just been published in Asia, but after the momentary thrill of being a published author, the feeling of discontent returned. Perhaps it had been precipitated by the breakup with a love partner and the death of my mother a few years before. Yet, after the grieving over these two events had run their course, the deep sense of dissatisfaction returned. It was clear that these traumatic emotional events had triggered within me a general malaise.

Guest Category: Psychic & Intuitive, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Physician, Author, AIDS Issues Activist, Researcher, Writer, Lecturer, Geopolitical Expert, Radio Show Host
Guest Biography:

For over a decade, prior to his retirement, Dr. Monteith led a delegation of physicians from Santa Cruz County to the House of Delegates of the California Medical Association. For 10 years he led the battle within organized medicine in California to address the AIDS epidemic as a medical issue rather than a civil rights issue. As a result of his experiences trying to implement an effective medical approach to the HIV epidemic, he wrote the book, "AIDS:The Unnecessary Epidemic", the widely circulated pamphlet, "To Deceive a Nation", and more recently, "A Nation Deceived and Betrayed." Supported by physicians across our nation, his public health approach to the HIV epidemic was eventually accepted by the California Medical Association. Unfortunately, powerful forces continue to oppose the dictates of doctors. Dr. Monteith currently spends five hours daily on talk radio in California. He writes extensively, and lectures on geopolitics. He has spent 30 years researching the causes for America's spiritual and moral decline.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean, Writer, Educator, Philosopher, Poet
Guest Biography:

Dr. Jeff Kane is a philosopher whose work has focused on the intuitive and imaginative elements of human knowledge. His world was forever changed in 2003 when his eldest son Gabriel died, propelling Jeff to explore meaning and other realms of existence. His book of poetry, Life as a Novice, expresses the powerful and raw emotions felt by all those who grieve. However, the awakening to a world beyond, the evidence for the indestructable bond of love, and the spiritual knowledge gained from looking within can offer hope to the hopeless.

Dr. Jeffrey Kane was appointed vice president for Academic Affairs in July, 2002. Prior to his appointment, he served for one year as the acting vice president for Academic Affairs, and for the five years prior, as the dean of the School of Education at the LIU Post campus.

Dr. Kane is responsible for the academic quality of the educational programs taught by LIU faculty members across all of the campuses. During his tenure, he has used his position to further extend the University's focus on students and their educational needs. Working with the deans and faculty members, he has helped to establish numerous innovative programs that offer students new and dynamic opportunities to further their education. With recently developed programs such as a doctoral degree in interdisciplinary educational studies at LIU Post, a joint master's degree in social work at the LIU Brooklyn and LIU Post campuses, doctoral degrees in pharmacy and physical therapy at LIU Brooklyn, and an interdisciplinary bachelor's degree in forensic science at LIU Post, he has guided the University in aggressively pursuing its mission of "Access and Excellence" in higher education.

Dr. Kane has led the way toward expanding the ranks of full-time faculty members while continuing to work with them to further develop the quality of teaching across the institution. He also has promoted effectively the importance of faculty scholarly activity as an intellectual foundation for an institution that is devoted to discovery and to the pursuit of knowledge. While meeting the demands of his current position, Dr. Kane has continued to write on matters related to the growth of the human mind including, most notably, contributing to and editing a volume of original essays titled "Education, Information and Transformation," which was published by Merrill Prentice Hall.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Education, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Reverse Speech Technology Developer, Consultant, Trainer, Author, Lecturer, Show Host, Writer, Inventor, Hynotherapist, Public Speaker
Guest Biography:

David John Oates, an Australian aged 54 years, is the founder and developer of Reverse Speech technologies. He was the first person to ever document speech reversals in human speech in 1983 and has worked extensively since then on research and development, as well as maintaining a therapeutic and consulting practice.

David has had an active career spanning 24 years, furthering the field of Reverse Speech as his full time occupation. He has developed new theories, and designed therapeutic and training techniques. He has published several books on Reverse Speech, including Beyond Backward Masking, Voices From The Unconscious and Its Only A Metaphor, and numerous tapes and training manuals. He has lectured around the world to crowds of thousands, and trained hundreds of students. He has also instigated some of the first mainstream studies and presented Reverse Speech on 1000s of radio shows, including his own show, The David John Oates Reverse Speech Show that ran successfully for 3 years syndicated coast to coast in the United States where David lived for 10 years in the 1990s. In the United States he has appeared on dozens of television programs, including CNNs, Larry King Live, Geraldo, Leeza Gibbons, Strange Universe, Extra to name a few. In Australia, he has appeared on such shows as, Good Morning Australia, Today Tonight, A Current Affair, and Today. His work has also been featured in 100s of papers and well known publications such as The New York Times, Harpers Review, Omni magazine and Discover magazine.

David has been compared to Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and Nicola Tesla and his work described as being of Nobel calibre with far reaching ramifications in such fields as law enforcement, business and psychology.

He is a certified Hypnotherapist and Trainer, and currently attends to his therapy and corporate consulting business using reverse speech techniques. David is also an accomplished public speaker, maintaining an active international speaking and training schedule as well as a popular guest on many international radio and TV programs.

He currently resides in Adelaide, South Australia.

Guest Category: Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Empath, Visionary, Intuitive, Consciousness Researcher, Author, Lecturer, Counselor, Trainer, Consultant, Advisor, Teacher, Writer, Art Director, Graphic Designer, Editor, Promoter, Business Manager, Photographer, Poet
Guest Biography:

Penney Peirce is a respected and gifted intuitive empath with deep psychological understanding, visionary ability, and business sense. She is one of the early pioneers in the intuition development movement, having worked since 1977 with organizations like the San Francisco-based Center for Applied Intuition, The Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution, and The Intuition Network.

A popular author, lecturer, counselor, and trainer, Penney specializes in intuition and sensitivity development, "skillful perception," personal energy and frequency training, dreamwork, and future trends. She travels widely, working throughout the US, Japan, South Africa, and Europe as an advisor to business executives, scientists, psychologists, other consultants and trainers, and those on a spiritual path. She has counseled tens of thousands of people worldwide about life and business direction, and the fulfillment of destiny.

Penney has been on the faculty of The Kaiser Institute, working with their Intuition Fellowship program to train hospital CEO's, health care consultants, and philanthropists in the development of visionary skills. She also works with The Arlington Institute, a group of futurists in Washington, DC. She has teamed with shamans, led spiritual tours to Mt. Fuji, Peru, Egypt, and the American Southwest, and been a TV talkshow host. She has spoken and taught at colleges and conferences internationally; and appeared on radio and television interview shows internationally.

Penney is the author of:
• FREQUENCY: THE POWER OF YOUR PERSONAL VIBRATION (Beyond Words/Atria/Simon & Schuster 2009)
• THE INTUITIVE WAY: THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO INCREASING YOUR AWARENESS (Beyond Words 1997; second edition Council Oak Books 2005; 3rd edition Beyond Words 2009)

Penney contributed to and is featured in other books, including:
• BREAKING THROUGH: GETTING PAST THE STUCK POINTS by Barbara Stanny (Powerful Woman Press 2006)
• RETURN OF THE REVOLUTIONARIES by Walter Semkiw, MD (Hampton Roads 2003)
• The PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE and WHEN LIFE CHANGES, OR YOU WISH IT WOULD by Carol Adrienne (William Morrow 1998 and 2002)
• OPENING THE INNER EYE and INTUITING THE FUTURE by Dr. William Kautz (iUniverse 2003, HarperCollins 1989, 1987)
• THE FOURTH WAVE: BUSINESS IN THE 21ST CENTURY by Herman Maynard and Sue Mehrtens (Berrett-Koehler 1996)

Penney has also been featured in such magazines as OMNI, Woman's Day, First, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, New Age, and Intuition. Penney's work has been used as part of the curriculum at Coach U, The Coaches Training Institute, Holos University, the Spiritual Psychology program at University of Santa Monica, and the University of Johannesburg Graduate program in Business Leadership.

As a former corporate art director and designer (Atlantic Richfield and American Hospital Supply Corp), Penney is well-versed in graphic design, copywriting, tech writing, editing, advertising, and promotion. She is able to communicate articulately from both sides of the brain, and is known for her down-to-earth ability to solve problems creatively. For many years Penney was business manager for, and copresenter with, trance medium Kevin Ryerson, who gained wide popularity through his connection with Shirley MacLaine.

Her schooling was completed at the University of Cincinnati School of Design, Architecture, and Art, The New School and Columbia University in New York City, and Disney's California Institute of the Arts near Los Angeles. Since her schooling in art and design, she has studied continuously in the areas of psychology, East-West philosophy, world religions, expanded perception, meditation, personality typing, astrology and numerology, and personal growth, both from books and from gifted individuals. She is a talented photographer and poet, and designs and maintains her own website. She makes her home in Marin County near San Francisco, CA.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Remote Healer
Guest Biography:

After 30 years in the so-called Wholistic or Natural Health Field I have developed an ability and a system using the laws of physics, intention and non-contact muscle testing to access anyone or groups of people anywhere in the world and delete the frequency or energy cause of any problem they may have whether physical, mental or emotional. This includes and is not limited to virus, bacterial infections, fibromyalgia, post traumatic stress syndrome, pain of injuries, migraines, etc. The results are generally instant and immediately verified by the person being treated.

Eliminating these frequency/energy causes on "call-ins" to a radio program and speaking about the depths of this work make for an interview and program that people never forget, especially when days-weeks- or years of suffering disappear in seconds. Since we are deleting only frequency causes no medical type of claims are made nor do they need to be.


John has been on a healing journey for over 30 years that has taken him from coast to coast, from Sarasota on the east coast to Santa Cruz on the west and places in between. It has been a wondrous and enlightening journey of meeting and learning from some of the most fascinating and enlightened Chiropractors, DOM's, Homeopaths, Physicists and therapists in the country. On this quest for answers to his own life challenges John not only found answers for himself but also discovered and created a way to accurately test and treat the needs by distance of anyone, anywhere in the world. His work instantly changes the life of anyone he works with by accessing and deleting the frequency/causes of mental, emotional, or physical issues of virtually any kind.

This is not a treating of the problem, but is a deleting of the causes, just like hitting the ʻdeleteʼ key on your computer, whether it is a human being, a pet or even your living or working environment. All of this is done from a distance whether it is from across the table or to anywhere around the world.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing
Guest Occupation: TV Host, Veteran Correspondent, News Anchor, Broadcaster, Journalist, Keynote Speaker, Stress Disorder Spokesperson, Author
Guest Biography:


Rita Cosby is a renowned TV host and veteran correspondent who anchored highly rated prime-time shows of FOX News Channel and NBC. She is currently a special correspondent for the top rated CBS syndicated news magazine Inside Edition, and throughout her illustrious career, has conducted exclusive interviews with more than twenty world leaders and many other major newsmakers. Honors for the three-time Emmy winner include the Matrix Award and the Jack Anderson Award. She was also selected by Cosmopolitan Magazine as a "Fun and Fearless Female." A recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor and the Lech Walesa Freedom Award, she hosts the National Memorial Day Parade broadcast to all US military installations around the world.

Significant proceeds from QUIET HERO go to the USO's Operation Enduring Care program. Having served as a keynote speaker alongside many military leaders such as Admiral Mike Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Rita is working tirelessly to give voice and raise awareness on the critical issue of Post Traumatic Stress and the debilitating long term effects confronting our troops and thereby impacting all our citizenry. She has become the nation spokesperson for ICAMI's (International Committee Against Mental Illness) stress disorders program and the United Stress Disorders Association, which focus on helping those with PTSD. QUIET HERO has also become required reading in psychology and social work courses focused on trauma and recovery in several U.S. universities, including NYU and Fordham.

Because of her "extraordinary journalism and exemplary service on behalf of her community." October 11th, 2010 was officially named "Rita Cosby Day" in the State of New York. Her first book, Blond Ambition, was a New York Times bestseller. Her second book, QUIET HERO, is enjoying tremendous success, already hitting several bestseller lists which include: The New York Times, The Washington Post and USA Today.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, News, Local News, World News, Politics & Government, TV & Film