After 30 years in the so-called Wholistic or Natural Health Field I have developed an ability and a system using the laws of physics, intention and non-contact muscle testing to access anyone or groups of people anywhere in the world and delete the frequency or energy cause of any problem they may have whether physical, mental or emotional. This includes and is not limited to virus, bacterial infections, fibromyalgia, post traumatic stress syndrome, pain of injuries, migraines, etc. The results are generally instant and immediately verified by the person being treated.
Eliminating these frequency/energy causes on "call-ins" to a radio program and speaking about the depths of this work make for an interview and program that people never forget, especially when days-weeks- or years of suffering disappear in seconds. Since we are deleting only frequency causes no medical type of claims are made nor do they need to be.
John has been on a healing journey for over 30 years that has taken him from coast to coast, from Sarasota on the east coast to Santa Cruz on the west and places in between. It has been a wondrous and enlightening journey of meeting and learning from some of the most fascinating and enlightened Chiropractors, DOM's, Homeopaths, Physicists and therapists in the country. On this quest for answers to his own life challenges John not only found answers for himself but also discovered and created a way to accurately test and treat the needs by distance of anyone, anywhere in the world. His work instantly changes the life of anyone he works with by accessing and deleting the frequency/causes of mental, emotional, or physical issues of virtually any kind.
This is not a treating of the problem, but is a deleting of the causes, just like hitting the ʻdeleteʼ key on your computer, whether it is a human being, a pet or even your living or working environment. All of this is done from a distance whether it is from across the table or to anywhere around the world.