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Guest Occupation: Art Collector, Author, Count, History Scholar
Guest Biography:

Count Alexandre Bothuri Bàthory is a descendant of the Royal Bàthorys who ruled Transylvannia and Hungary in the Middle Ages and were ranking members of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order founded by the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Alexandre is an art collector and author. His new novel is entitled She Messiah.

Alexandre de Bothuri Bathory is a direct descendant of the noble Bathorys who were the rulers of Transylvania and members of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court of the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund.

Alexandre was born at la Faisanderie in Chatou (Le Vésinet) France in 1954 to a prominent noble family (Hungarian and Italian descent) who are known in history as Important Art collectors and patrons, Museum and University founders, as well as Archaeologists and Landowners in Burgundy, France, Hungary, Poland, Tuscany, Russia and Greece. At one point they owned the most important collection of Thrace Gold artefacts discovered on their domains, which was confiscated after WWII and never recovered.

After graduating from Saint-Cyr and Stanislas College in 1969, he followed the steps of his physician grandfather and entered Medical School in Paris but also attended Art and History classes at the Sorbonne and at the Ecole du Louvre under the guidance of scholar Madeleine Ours and with his friend Caroline Kennedy, President Kennedy's daughter, and later Queen Farida of Egypt. During those years he developed then a special bond with Queen Farida of Egypt, President Leopold Senghor from Senegal, Richard Nixon, Mr and Mrs. Ronald Reagan, the future US President and first Lady, former King and Queen Michael of Romania, the Giscard d'Estaing, President and Madame Georges Pompidou, President Charles de Gaulle  (a visitor at the family castle near Bourges during Alexandre's childhood), Princess Sybille de Bourbon-Parma, the Royal Family of Yugoslavia, Prince Orlov, and the late Princess Grace of Monaco who shared the same passion for painting, poetry and humanitarian causes.

Alexandre is a well-known history scholar specializing in Middle Age studies, Joan of Arc, the Stuart dynasty, the Crusades, the Italian Renaissance, the Neapolitan School, French painting of the 17th to 18th centuries and the Napoleon era (owning part of the original Templar Archives and Beauharnais-Leucthenberg' s Archives). He is involved with Medical Research and collecting Royal Art of historical importance and provenance for the permanent collections of Major Museums and Exhibitions all over the world, including the Louvre, the Château de Fontainebleau, Versailles Château -Musée, Château de la  Malmaison, Chaumet Museum in Paris and Hong Kong, The Metropolitan Museum in New York, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the Stewart Museum, the Haggerty Museum in Milwaukee, the Chicago Art Institute, the Frick Collection, The Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts New York, The Nassau County Museum, Rosslyn Harbor, The Getty Museum, California, The Osaka Museum, Japan, to name a few of them.

The "de Bothuri-Bàthory Collection" is currently a label of excellence and provenance known around the world by Museum curators, Art scholars, students and so far by a large public in America, China and Europe.

Alexandre's ultimate goal is to establish a permanent Museum to display his entire collection and extensive library in Seborga or someplace else that could benefit from the assistance to the local economy and culture it would bring.

Guest Category: Arts, History
Guest Occupation: Filmmaker, Author, Writer, Producer, Director
Guest Biography:


Carol Rainey has been making award-winning documentaries for PBS, cable, and commercial distribution for over two decades.  Although in the past she has focused mainly on scientific and medical subjects, Rainey is currently working on a feature-length documentary about a subculture of people who steadfastly report paranormal experiences that fly in the face of mainstream science.

Several of Carol Rainey’s narrative short films and original screenplays have also won grant awards and a degree of notoriety. She has written additional feature-length screenplays and teleplays and co-authored the book “Sight Unseen,” published in 2003 by Atria: Simon & Schuster.  She has developed considerable skill in writing grants and proposals that regularly bring in funding for both her own projects and those of clients.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Recording Artist, Concert Artist, Composer, Pianist, Pioneer of New Age Music
Guest Biography:

Grammy nominated pianist David Lanz has enthralled music lovers around the world for decades with his engaging playing style and original compositions.

Lanz, who was nominated for a Grammy in 2000, is well known as a top instrumental recording and concert artist, reaching worldwide prominence with his number one Billboard hit, Cristofori's Dream.

His unique impressionistic style is emulated by countless pianists, and his compositions and arrangements performed and studied around the world.

On his latest CD Liverpool - Re-imagining the Beatles, this legendary platinum selling recording artist now turns the musical spotlight on his two greatest songwriting role models, John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

Not content to just record a collection of Beatle covers, Lanz poured his heart and soul into these arrangements, re-imagined through his own highly defined musical voice. The results are more a collaboration, than just mere tribute. David is joined here with several featured musical guests and collaborators including, world flutist Gary Stroutsos, cellist Walter Gray, and the late legendary session musician, Larry Knechtel, in one of his last recorded performances.

Listen, as they come together to rediscover and re-imagine the Beatles.

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Musician, Composer, Live Studio Sound Engineer, Bass Player, Guitar Player, Singer, Spiritual Teacher, Psychic, Channeler, Speaker, Healer of Vibrational Medicine, Author
Guest Biography:

Author and composer, Keith Blanchard, was born on November 30, 1963, in Houma, Louisiana, and had a typical middle class Catholic upbringing. In his early teens, he often entertained himself by pondering the big questions about God and the universe. Little did he know that the day would come when those questions would form the spiritual foundation upon which he would build the rest of his life.

In his late twenties, Keith went through a crisis that stripped him of everything he held dear and left him with no choice but to turn inward for answers. This he did, but the peace and stability he so wanted still eluded him.

When he was thirty-two, celestial beings began to appear to him, sharing glimpses of his future and the world's. Not only did they enlighten and guide him, they instructed him to pass their message on to others so that they, too, could learn a higher way of living.

Now in his forties and living a peaceful, stable life as a father, professional musician, and spiritual seeker, Keith continues to pursue his passion to both learn and teach about Truth.


Keith Blanchard, Musician, Composer, Live/Studio Sound Engineer, Bass Player, Guitar Player, Singer, Spiritual Teacher, Psychic, Channeler, Speaker, Healer of Vibrational Medicine (Radionics), Father, and Author of the Best selling book: The Divine Principle Anchoring Heaven On Earth.

Guest Category: Arts, Alternative Health, Sound Healing, Music, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Healer, Shaman, Teacher, Speaker, Radio Show Host
Guest Biography:

Stefan Wils, a Shu'em Healer and Shaman will be on the show Saturday as part of the Spirituality, Healing and Faith series. Stefan has given many thousands of healings starting in 1986 where Shuem Shamanic Healing offered courses, meditation, and healing live online. It started as a small healing practice and soon became a training center for those who like to use Shuem Shamanism as a way to spirituality, healing and transformation.

In 1998, Stefan founded the School of Transformative Shamanism where people learn to use shamanism as an instrument to find more peaceful and and balanced state of life. Shuem Shamanism can change one's perspective on life radically and in a relatively short time many people experience a more relaxed state that makes it easier to deal with life circumstances.

Stefan is an animated speaker/teacher who is able to let his students and clients share in widening states of consciousness in order to experience harmony and well-being in daily life and this is available to everyone through the internet.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Spiritual, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Physicist, Mathematician, Cosmologist, Environmental Engineer, Planner, International Consultant, Environmental Science Doctorate, Advisor, Author, Scholar, Scientist, Philospher, Editor, Assessor, Hydrologist, Consciousness Explorer
Guest Biography:

Edward R. Close, PhD, PE, is a recognized expert in environmental science, has served as environmental advisor to more than fifteen Fortune 500 companies, and has more than forty years experience in the environmental field. He is the author of numerous technical papers and five nonfiction books, including Nature's MoldRx - The Non-Toxic Solution to Toxic Mold (2007), as well as the DVD: Toxic Mold ? A Breakthrough Discovery.

Dr. Close holds degrees in math, physics and environmental science and engineering. He studied physics, math, philosophy, and creative writing at Central Methodist College, receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in Math and Physics in 1963. He spent one year in the graduate physics program at the University of Missouri at Rolla and one year in the environmental engineering PhD program at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Additional studies were completed at UCLA, UC Davis, Case Western Reserve and elsewhere. He completed his thesis and received his PhD in environmental science and engineering in 1988.

Dr. Close has more than forty years? experience in environmental planning and management, engineering, hydrology, hydrogeology, and industrial-waste management with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 1965-1978, and private consulting firms, 1978-1995. While working as a research hydrologist in the Water Resources Division of the USGS, he was chosen from hundreds of employees, nationwide, to become one of the seven scientists selected to form the first Department of Interior, Systems Analysis Mathematical Modeling Group, where he worked with internationally known environmental mathematicians, including Dr. Nickolas Matalas, Dr. John Bredehoft, and Dr. Benoit Mandelbrot.

In 1995, Dr. Close opened Close Environmental Consultants in Southeast Missouri. He continues to serve clients that range from Fortune 500 companies, mid-size and small local businesses to individual property owners as principal consultant with EJC Enterprises. He has worked in eleven U.S. States, on the island of Puerto Rico, and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Close is a member of numerous professional societies, including the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA), the National Society of Professional Engineers, the American Water Resources Association, the National Water Well Association, the American Institute of Hydrology, the Cape Area Engineers, MENSA, and the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE). He currently serves as Science Editor for ?Telecom,? an ISPE quarterly periodical, is a Registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the State of Missouri, a Registered Environmental Site Assessor, a Registered Well Installer, and a Registered Professional Hydrologist.

Dr. Close has on-going interests in language, linguistics, symbolic logic, and consciousness studies. One of his books, Transcendental Physics (1997), explores the interface of modern physics and consciousness and has been cited in numerous publications including Dr. David Stewart's book The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple.

Growing up on small farms in the Missouri Ozarks, Dr. Close acquired a deep respect and appreciation of nature. He is an avid outdoorsman, enjoying hiking, exploring, and horseback riding. Another of his published books, Big Creek ? History, Folklore and Trail Guide (2003), recounts his adventures exploring caves, farm sites, and Native American villages in south-central Missouri. While working with the USGS in Puerto Rico, he served as the expedition hydrologist with a group of ten scientists on the second-ever float trip down the Rio Tanama. The expedition went underground, floating through caves five times, while observing rare species of orchids, unusual geologic formations, and giant freshwater shrimp.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Engineer, Doctor in Physics, Space Researcher, Scientist, Writer, Experimentalist, Gravity Control Theorist, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Stoyan Sarg - Sargoytchev is a Bulgarian born Canadian. He holds engineering diploma and PhD in Physics in the field of space research. From 1976 to 1990 he was involved in space projects sponsored by the program Intercosmos coordinated by the former Soviet Union. He participated also a collaborative project with the European Space Agency. For his pioneering work he was rewarded with medals from Intercosmos, Russia and Bulgaria. In 1990 he was invited as a visiting scientist by Cornel University and worked in Arecibo Observatory, P.R. on a Lidar project funded by the NSF (USA). This was the place where the first SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program was operated before 1985 using the world largest radio telescope - radar. In 1991 he immigrated to Canada, where he worked on projects coordinated by the Canadian Space Agency. Since 2002 he is with the York University, Toronto, Canada. He has over 50 publications in peer review journals and a few patents related to space research.

During his 30-year work in space research Dr. Sarg was aware about some aerial phenomena that are unsolved mysteries for contemporary physics. After extensive study the history of physics and reviewing thousand of articles in different fields of physics he realized that there is a problem in the current understanding of space. Working extensively on this issue he arrived to a challenging new idea about the space-time, matter and gravitation. For a few years of intensive but morally awarded work he was able to develop and publish in 2001 his treatise "Basic Structures of Matter - Supergravitation Unified Theory" (BSM-SG). Dr. Sarg wrote three books in English and one in Bulgarian language. A book review of his theoretical monograph was published in Physics in Canada journal, v. 62, No. 4, p. 206-207, (2006). His work provided for a first time the missing physical relation between the EM field and gravity. This permitted him to analyze the enigmatic UFO phenomenon from a new physical point of view. One of the major predictions of the BSM-SG theory is the possibility to change the gravitational and inertial mass of a specifically design spacecraft. Being also experimentalist Dr. Sarg discovered an unique gravito-inertial effect by a laboratory experiments. This discovery, understandable only from the BSM-SG point of view, was reported at the Annual meetings of the Society for Scientific Explorations in 2007 and 2008 in Boulder, Colorado and also at the Annual meeting of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, 2010, Long Beach, California. His recent book is titled "Field Propulsion by Control of Gravity - Theory and Experiments" ( The described propulsion mechanism is completely different from the jet propulsion. It is invoked by EM activated plasma and does not need combustion or jet. The publications and experiments of Dr. Sarg are widely discussed in Internet. He believes that his discovery will contribute to the further advances in interplanetary and deep space travels.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Author, Composer, Speaker, Playwright, Artist, Spiritual Teacher, Disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Superconsciousness Researcher, Meditation Expert
Guest Biography:

Swami Kriyananda is one of the world's foremost experts on meditation, yoga, and spiritual practice. He has authored more than 140 books and composed over 400 pieces of music. Kriyananda is a member of the Club of Budapest, where he serves along with the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mikhail Gorbachev, Elie Wiesel, Jane Goodall, Peter Gabriel, and other leaders of the planetary evolution of consciousness.

A prolific and internationally regarded author, speaker, accomplished composer, playwright, artist, and world-renowned spiritual teacher, Swami Kriyananda refers to himself simply as "a humble disciple" of the great spiritual leader Paramhansa Yogananda.

Our audience will have a rare and unique opportunity to bask in the wisdom of a revered spiritual leader seldom accessible to the public. Swami Kriyananda is the last still-teaching direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda--world famous spiritual leader and author of Autobiography of a Yogi.

Swami Kriyananda will expound on the teachings of Yogananda.

"There are times when a human being, though perhaps not remarkable in himself, encounters some extraordinary person or event that infuses his life with great meaning, " recalls Kriyananda. "My own life was blessed with such an encounter in 1948. I met a great, God-known master whose constant vision was of eternity. His name was Paramhansa Yogananda. He was from India, though it would be truer to say that his home was the whole world."

For the last four years of Yogananda's life, the young disciple absorbed his guru's teachings and wisdom, and committed his life to furthering the Master's vision and message. Yogananda appointed him as head of the monastery, authorized him to teach in his name and to give initiation into Kriya Yoga, and entrusted him with the tasks of writing and developing what he called "world brotherhood colonies."

And for the last 60 years, Kriyananda has done just that.

Kriyananda's books and audios have sold more than 3.5 million copies worldwide and have been translated into 28 languages. He is the author of more than 140 books on a variety of topics, including leadership, education, creativity, and moral values. His bestselling titles include Awaken to Superconsciousness, God is for Everyone, Conversations with Yogananda, Meditation for Starters, The Art of Supportive Leadership, The New Path " My Life with Paramhansa Yogananda, Money Magnetism, The Essence of Self-Realization, Affirmations for Self-Healing, Education for Life, and his bestselling Secrets gift books. He has written extensive commentaries on the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita.

Guest Category: Arts, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Self Help, Spiritual