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Guest Occupation: Writer of novels, Storyteller, Bestselling author
Guest Biography:

R.L. Akers loves stories.  An international bestselling author, he loves hearing them, loves telling them, loves embellishing them, and loves forging them from raw materials.  He is convinced that every person who ever lived has an interesting story, and he’s only met one person in his life who came close to proving otherwise.

Holder of an undergraduate degree in computer science and a master’s degree in business administration, Akers has worked in software development as well as non-profit fundraising and publicity.  His love for children has led him in the past to be a foster parent and a coordinator of the K-5 ministry at his church, and he currently invests time each week in the lives of local high schoolers.  His interests include graphic design, orchestral movie soundtracks, and anything remotely creative.

Akers lives in West Virginia with his wife Sarah and the four children he loves most in this world.

Guest Category: Arts, Games & Hobbies, History, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Civic Activist who started the online campaign to Abolish the Electoral College on
Guest Biography:

MICHAEL BAER started the online campaign to Abolish the Electoral College on (

Abolishing the Electoral College would require an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  Michael would like to see presidential elections decided by the popular vote. One person; one vote should determine the one leader who is supposed to answer to all the people of America.

For the first two years, Michael’s petition received only 2,000 signatures.  In the last 10 days, it has received more than a half a million additional signatures.  The petition will be delivered to the President of the United States, and members of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.

Follow the movement to Ban the Electoral College on Facebook (

Mr. Baer currently lives in Monterey, California, where he focuses on Somatic healing for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for war veterans and their families. 

Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Nuclear Scientist, Magravs Energizer, Alternative Energy
Guest Biography:

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe was born in Iran in 1958. As the son of an X-ray engineer, he was introduced to the world of radiation and nuclear science at a very young age. In 1981 he graduated from Queen Mary College, University of London, as a nuclear engineer specializing in reactor technology system control.

Unsatisfied with the nuclear technology of the time, Mr. Keshe went on to develop his own system for the production of gravity and energy using a small plasma reactor that is clean and safe. He covered all aspects of the design of a new plasma nuclear system from the very beginning to its present stage. This has included the design, the fuel, the testing and practical applications.

Since 2002 he has been developing the full range of his technology for launch into the scientific world and industry.

European and international patents for the technology were applied for in early October 2005 for all aspects of possible use of the new technology, covering some hundreds of applications.

At the end of 2005, several static plasma reactors were built to confirm the theoretical principles of the technology. These static reactors all work at room temperature and at normal atmospheric pressure, and provide voltage and current.

Since the beginning of 2006 several prototypes of dynamic plasma reactors specifically designed to achieve lift and motion have been built and successfully tested.

Through the development of these new systems, deposits of nano-carbon have been generated, and Raman spectroscopy has confirmed that these are in Sp2 and Sp3 form.

The use of plasma reactors for health purposes has been tested, in cooperation with doctors. Some of the results achieved in these trials can be seen in the Health section of the Keshe Foundation website.

A paper was published about the direct capture of CO2 and CH4 from the environment, where the CO2 and CH4 were in a liquid state at room temperature and room pressure. The CO2 and CH4 were proven by IR and XRD spectroscopy performed by a Belgian university.

In July 2009, the first book, "The Universal Order of Creation of Matters" was published. In early 2011, the second book, "The Structure of the Light" was published. In October 2011, the third book, "The Origin of the Universe" was published. Several further books are currently being completed.

During the past decade, Mr Keshe has been actively teaching the Magrav plasma theory, as well as presenting the concepts of World Peace that must accompany the release of such technology. In 2015, Peace initiatives include, "The Peace Roadmap", a paper which outlines the procedure for establishing the promised World Peace. A Peace Treaty proposal to the Vatican is delivered by Keshe in Rome. In October 2015, The 3rd annual World Ambassador's Meeting, "Free Energy In Exchange For World Peace", was held at SSI with many nations in attendance. A Magravs Power Unit was presented to each of the ambassadors. All those who manufacture, distribute or receive Magrav Units are required to sign the World Peace Treaty.

In 2014, Mr Keshe opened the SSI lab to live 24/7 video. SSI lab tests with reactors, showed strong magnetic field pulses (up to 129 Tesla), and weight changes that have been recorded.

Fukushima Radiation Decontamination tests were done in Japan in 2014, with the nano-materials created in the SSI labs, in co-operation with the government of Japan. Mr Keshe wrote the paper, "Keshe Foundation Contribution to Fukushima Decontamination Solution".

Other recent papers from Mr Keshe include, "Oil, Gas, Protein and the Earth", "Bacteria and Viruses", "A New State of Matter (Gans)", "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)" and "The Unknown Truth about Homeopathy"

Throughout 2014 and 2015, Mr Keshe has developed and released products to the public based on the SSI lab technology.

The products include the "CO2 Capture Kit", which demonstrates how Keshe nano-technology can create useful new materials. The "Pain Aid Pad" and "Pain Pen" products are now available for processing pain. Most recently, the "Magravs Power Unit", has been manufactured, which is a plug-in plasma source that reduces energy requirements.  In October 2015, Mr Keshe taught a popular week-long course called, "The Blueprint Teachings" about how to build the Magravs Power Units.

The Keshe teachings continued through 2015, with live online classes from the Spaceship Institute, and the weekly Knowledge Seeker Workshops. Hundreds of movies and videos have been published on Youtube, Facebook, and websites around the world, with many thousands of people following and practising the Keshe technology. Mr Keshe continues to give knowledge and show practical demonstrations on how to create nano-materials, new substances, energy, and lift.

Keshe Foundations are being founded in many nations around the world, including in USA, Canada, India, and Germany.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: business consultant, speaker, workshop leader, trainer
Guest Biography:

Marni Spencer-Devlin is a certified business consultant who increases profits and performance by creating passion in the work place for both leadership and employees. Passionate leaders enjoy greater clarity and decision-making agility. Passionate employees are more engaged, perform better and form more cohesive teams.  Passion is the sure-fire way to attract new clients because people can always tell when you love what you do and they tell others!

Marni is the former founder and president of ocdm marketing, a southern California marketing company she turned into a multimillion-dollar enterprise with seventy employees.

She is a sought-after speaker, workshop leader and trainer.

She was named a Top 100 Who’s Who by Women in Ecommerce Magazine and was a cover and featured article in Grey Matters Magazine. She is also a sought-after guest on various radio shows about business and motivation.

She is an author of two books, her bestselling autobiography, Crawling Into The Light as well as the metaphysical book, The Iceberg Principles, which outlines the philosophies that make her business strategies to successful.

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Marketing, Management, Education, Philosophy, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Musician
Guest Biography:

Coming from the Land of Love, meeting every breath as a cosmic hug, Shamanatrix Missy Galore creates music and art to galactivate hearts in Loveolution for all.

Pioneering the genre of psychedelic devotional disco, her self titled album Shamanatrix Missy Galore, is cosmically designed to make the listener shine!

Winner of the 2016 Global Peace Song Award for best pop song: Love*o*lution; & the Federation of World Peace + Love Award, her creations are dedicated to uplift spirit, unify hearts and inspire peace, love, joy + justice for all.

Fast with a freestyle as a singer and event MC her cross cultural creations transcend generations and nations.  Performing at festivals like Sundance, Symbiosis,, Burning Man and Prana Fest, as well as the United Nations, the Guggenheim + Warhol Museums and the Comedy Store her vibrant message of Love shines

Founder of FLUFF the GOODNESS.  Inspired by Shamanatrix Missy Galore’s song of the same name; the FLUFF experience includes Playshops, Comedy, Music + Art designed for all ages to enjoy and take part.

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Activist, Video Blogger, Filmmaker, Actor
Guest Biography:
 I am just a simple southern guy who was raised in a small country town in the south, who is still hoping to find a wife to start a family and settle down with. I do hope to make a movie one day about our culture of white supremacy. I have always connected with movies. I used to do filmmaking and acting but gave it up many years ago. The last few years when I'm not working trying to pay the rent I have been studying up on race and issues of race.
Growing up I was programmed by our racist society. I used the n_word growing up without even giving it a thought, and then because of suffering and abuse I endured I began to understand prejudice and racism. I made a promise to myself and God many years ago that I would always fight against prejudice and racism. One day I decided to make a video urging white America to recognize their inherited "white privilege" and to take a racial responsibility towards ending it. That video went viral. 

My challenge: Lets Make a Movement America!

I am asking for a Racial Healing Video Selfie Challenge from everyone, take the challenge! Let's fix this damn thing! (The video should address our culture and systems of white supremacy without a "but" in it and without denial and defense of it.)

Guest Category: Philosophy, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Life & Health Coach
Guest Biography:

Alannah Joy has over 30 years’ experience working as Spiritual Life & Health Coach for people and animals. She is highly intuitive and has both a traditional Medical background and a Holistic health background. As an Animal Communicator she helps people to understand their Pets better. With her Hospice background, she is gifted in helping people & their loved ones feel complete with their transition & that of their animals. She has had extensive training in nutrition, Light Therapy, and in working with vitamins, herbs, and cleansing. As she is also a Reiki Master and Ordained Minister, her healing abilities, combined with powerful prayers are very soothing and effective.

Guest Category: Plant & Animals, Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Nationally recognized speaker, award winning writer/journalist, film producer, master collaborator and project director
Guest Biography:

Dianne Gray is the President of Hospice and Healthcare Communications, (, an international firm focused on creating and furthering advocacy projects and education/communications initiatives involving all aspects of end-of-life and palliative care.


Dianne is a nationally recognized speaker, award winning writer/journalist, film producer, master collaborator and project director.  She is also a passionate advocate for improved communication and care for seriously ill patients, their families and the loved ones they leave behind.


In addition to being the President of the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation, Dianne also participates on the boards of International Children’s Palliative Care Network and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s Pediatric Leadership Council. She is also the co-chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Section of Hospice and Palliative Medicine’s Parent Advisory Group. Over the past twenty years, she has founded four non-profit organizations, each focused on improving life for seriously ill children and their families.


She is currently producing a documentary on end of life care for PBS and is collaborating with other major media partners and hospice professionals to produce a wide array films, books and other exciting projects. Dianne is an intrepid traveler who enjoys connecting people everywhere. Over the past several years, she’s worked, hiked, adventured, and/or presented in 17 countries and over 100 cities.


Wherever she goes, Dianne also sits beside with the ill and the dying, and still sees her family’s ten year pediatric hospice/palliative care experience with her son, Austin, (who died in February 2005) as the gift of a lifetime.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual