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Guest Occupation: Neil Gaur Founder of Portal to Ascension
Guest Biography:

I: A message from Neil: How it all started…

I was raised in a Hindu family and I pretty much considered myself an atheist Hindu. I say this because I would do all the rites and rituals that my family told me to, but I never truly believed. I just did what I did because it was expected of me. When I graduated high school in 2000 and went to Cal State Fullerton I began interacting with a variety of different people and exploring a range of music. I began writing poetry that, in turn, became spoken word pieces that I would present at open mics in Orange County. My poetry portrayed a lot of confusion, questions and a spiritual connection to life with an underlying feeling that something is missing or out of place. As a freshman in college I discovered a series of videos from 3 individuals: Nassim Haramein, Jim Self & Jordan Maxwell. I started watching a ton of videos taking me down all sorts of rabbit holes. I found out about the Sumerian Civilization and the ancient Extraterrestrial race known as the Annunaki. This led me to Zachariah Sitchen and Erik von Danken’s work with the Sumerian Scriptures.

II: Transformation

This awareness took me back to the religion I was raised in, Hinduism. I looked at this faith from an entirely new perspective… dissecting all that I could. The information on vibration and connection to quantum physics and the universe that was portrayed in the Sumerian Scriptures were very similar to the Hindu text. The Hindus speak of vibration and frequency and how this connects to meditation and other holistic practices. There were too many coincidences. I then began to realize that a lot of cosmic truths of our existence were hidden within the Hindu scriptures.

My mind was blown. I was reading translations of the Sumerian scriptures that were the exact same stories found throughout other religions in the world. However, these scriptures dated back 1000’s of years before the world bibles spoke of the same stories. I also discovered that these similar stories were talking about a race of Extraterrestrial beings. The Annunaki who came from a planet called Nibiru, which is the 10th planet in our solar system that has an elliptical 3600 year orbit around our Sun. This information lead me to the notion that either the majority of major religions in the world are inherently wrong because they are taken from these texts, or all the world religions are actually talking about Extraterrestrial beings.

This made a lot of sense to me and I went down the rabbit hole of information and awareness. I delved deep into the conspiracies and the corruption. I felt that there was a disconnection in the world and that we as a species are wandering aimlessly allowing ourselves to be manipulated and controlled. I was so angry, feeling that I had been lied to my entire life. That everything I know was wrong; however, I also felt reassured that I had always known something was not right. I stayed in the darkness for a while, a bit scared and very confused. I wanted to do something and help shift the consciousness on the planet.

III: Breakthrough

In 2006, after 6 years of intense research, I created a Facebook group called “2012 Consciousness, Mind, Evolution and Presence”. I created this group because I was interested in knowing who would join and sharing all this information with my friends. Within a matter of months 100’s of people began joining and within a year we had a few thousand members. In 2007, I had a download in which I was called to change the name of the group to “Consciousness: Evolution and Presence”, and then a few months later to “Cosmic Consciousness: Presence”, until eventually in summer of 2008 I had a dream in which I was told that the name of the organization will be “Portal to Ascension”.

That was the same exact Summer I was laid off as a financial analyst and I met a group of individuals that became my soul family. Summer of 2008 was when Portal to Ascension was born in spirit, in physicality and with direction. Soon after we conducted our first event at a holistic center in Costa Mesa, California called “Ginger’s Garden Wellness Center”. From that moment up until today we have been creating revolutionary events that ultimately lead to two conferences (Cosmic Reunion 2012 and Cosmic Reunion: Fourth Density) in 2012 and then into our state of the art online webinar platform we are currently using.

It has been an amazing ride of self-discovery and adventure creating and evolving with Portal to Ascension. Every time I change direction in life and move away from creating events and putting my energy in Portal to Ascension, I am always lead back to this ‘work’ through synchronicity. I now know more than ever that this is my life mission. To bring together great minds and revolutionaries to inspire and increase awareness all around the world so we may shift our reality to one based on the principles of unity and love; as well as create a platform to show everyone on the planet who they are and what their true potential is.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Musician
Guest Biography:


Colin James Martin arrived in Los Angeles in August of 2016 with one goal in mind – to pursue his visionary dreams. Living out of his car and recording his first solo music album in laundromats and coffee shop patios, Colin has truly embodied like few others the home-free lifestyle of a dedicated artist while remaining steadfast and dedicated to following his heart. He shows up in life as an example of humility and gratitude in a world drenched with fear and uncertainty. A true revolutionary and community builder, this young man has a lifetime of achievement ahead that our human family shall ALL benefit from. Look for him on the big screen, the record store, and on the street corner, wielding his crystal laden guitar, offering a song from the heart.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: corporate training, entrepreneurs, keynote speakers, Conscious Communication experts
Guest Biography:


With a combined 50 years on stage, George and Tracey joined forced to teach “Messenger training from the inside out.” Together, they help women in business, speakers, authors, coaches and entrepreneurs to step into their authentic voice and own any stage. Through live events and unique coaching programs, Tracey and George gently guide women through a deep dismantling of egoic attachments, replacing them with empowering truths, turning Spiritual Practice into Practical Business Strategy.

With years of experience in corporate and corporate training, and as an entrepreneurs, keynote speakers, master trainer, Conscious Communication experts, George and Tracey have spoken to, trained and coached tens of thousands of people internationally. Tracey has shared the stage with luminaries such as Les Brown, Lisa Nichols, Marianne Williamson and more. George is a recognized coach to performers, athletes, C-suite executives and entrepreneurs for nearly three decades, having shared the marquis with inspirational greats Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley and Brian Tracy. As an expert in Feminine Leadership, Tracey co-authored the 3-category Amazon Bestseller “Faces of the New Feminine Leadership” and was a top ten finalist in “North America’s Next Greatest Speaker” competition. George has written 8 books, is a former lawyer, single dad, two time cancer survivor and now “presence advisor” to some of America’s most noted rock musicians. Together, what sets George and Tracey apart is the love that is infused in everything they do, speak, teach and create.

Together, this due Co-hosts the popular women’s empowerment event, “Own, Honor and UnleashTM” and the unique messenger training program “Speak with SoulTM” as well as the podcasts “The Deeper Conversation” and “Prosperity Playground”.

George and Tracey have invested their lives in the intellectual and spiritual understanding of conscious communication. They’ve seen first hand the power words can have. They’ve invested their lives in understanding how. Whether exploring the depths of spirituality or discussing leadership strategies for the 21st century – or both – George and Tracey provide valuable inspirational insight because over their lives, they’ve done it. The programs offered by Amazing Women International, Inc. have been called the Harvard MBA of Conscious Communications. Together, this dynamic duo guide Messengers ready to create, embody and lead transformational conversations in our world. Tracey and George founded “Voices for the Voiceless;” a not-for-profit fund to support women, children, animals, cancer survivors and mother Earth.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Entrepreneur, speaker, author and personal development coach
Guest Biography:

Meiyoko Taylor is an entrepreneur, speaker and personal development coach. He is passionate about helping others improve their lives by providing them with the tools and resources to fuel their Passion, Purpose, and Profits. He wrote the free eBook: “Habitude: A Step by Step Guide to Busting Bad Habits and Creating Good Ones.” Meiyoko's latest book is called “Find Your Amazing- 5 Steps to Transforming your life”, where he helps readers unlock their true potential and create their own version of success.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Technology, Variety
Guest Occupation: Guitarist,Keyboardist,Arranger
Guest Biography:





Ghosts. On. Television. Fleeting images on the screen, there and gone. Until they return again, conjuring up the past. The present. And sometimes the future ...

Bride of Chaotica's new fourteen song CD serves as a tribute to over a half century of television, broadcasting an array of exotic instrumental tracks ranging from the eerie elegance of the Pink Floyd - meets - Happy The Man incandescence of "Traumerei", to the intense firestorm impact of "Pagan Jeopardy", to the futuristic rendition of the '60's Top 40 folk-rock classic "California Dreamin", Additionally, the band's "live-studio" recording philosophy is embellished here with additional brass, woodwinds, keyboards, and strings on many of the tracks, creating a whole new listening experience for the trio's long time fans and supporters.

With the band's new emphasis on their classic British psychedelic-rock leanings, and deployment of the concise background arrangements that were first displayed on last year's EP 'Winter Tales', Bride of Chaotica's material is now shaded with instrumental drama only hinted at on their 2012 debut 'Bamboo Transistor'.

The new tracks on 'Ghosts on Television' are 3-D micro-movie soundtracks unto themselves, and yet they still feature the trademark Bride of Chaotica analog live classic-rock sonics that are the stock in trade for guitarist-keyboardist-arranger Bill Bechtel, bassist/synth-bassist Robert "Red" Redmond, and drummer/percussionist Tim Tuthill, who have been performing at festivals, clubs, art galleries, city parks, and video facilities on Florida's west coast since 2009. Taking their name from a classic 'Star Trek: Voyager' episode, the group's debut CD received rave reviews in international publications like 'Progressive Magazine', '10 Pages', and 'Big

Takeover Magazine'; and tracks from both the band's debut and subsequent EP 'Winter Tales' were featured on college and independent radio stations across the country and on National Public Radio's syndicated show "Undercurrents". Bride of Chaotica's new CD 'Ghosts on Television'  released on January 14th, 2017

by Longview Records. The release coincides with the 50th anniversary of the first Human Be-in, a gathering of the new counterculture tribes in the San Francisco area at Golden Gate park that drew an audience of 20,000 people and featured speakers such as Timothy Leary and Allen Ginsberg and music by the Grateful Dead, the Jefferson Airplane, and other bands of the new psychedelic era.

Bride of Chaotica's latest CD 'Ghosts on Television' is available from CD Baby, I-Tunes (through CD Baby), Amazon, and GooglePlay.

Influences: Bride of Chaotica's arrangements are influenced by late '50's- early '60's cool-jazz era artists (Miles Davis/John Coltrane/Wes Montgomery), '70's fusion groups (Return to Forever/Mahavishnu Orchestra), and British psychedelia (Jimi Hendrix/Cream/Pink Floyd).

To purchase ‘Bride of Chaoticas’ exciting new CD entitled 'Ghosts on Television' visit CD Baby or

For further information and concert date information about Bride of Chaotica visit …  


Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Author and American political activist and co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK
Guest Biography:

Medea Benjamin is an American political activist and the co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK and the co-founder of the human rights group Global Exchange. She has been an advocate for social justice for more than 40 years. Described as "one of America's most committed -- and most effective -- fighters for human rights" by New York Newsday, and "one of the high profile leaders of the peace movement" by the Los Angeles Times, she was one of 1,000 exemplary women from 140 countries nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the millions of women who do the essential work of peace worldwide. She received numerous prices, including: the Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Prize from the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the Peace Prize by the US Peace Memorial, the Gandhi Peace Award, and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Award. She is a former economist and nutritionist with the United Nations and World Health Organization.

In 2000, she was a Green Party candidate for the California Senate. During the 1990s, Medea focused her efforts on tackling the problem of unfair trade as promoted by the World Trade Organization. Widely credited as the woman who brought Nike to its knees and helped place the issue of sweatshops on the national agenda, Medea was a key player in the campaign that won a $20 million settlement from 27 US clothing retailers for the use of sweatshop labor in Saipan. She also pushed Starbucks and other companies to start carrying fair trade coffee.

Since the September 11, 2001 tragedy,  Medea has been working to promote a U.S. foreign policy that would respect human rights and gain us allies instead of contributing to violence and undermining our international reputation. She has organized many protests against the U.S. interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. Medea has also been on the forefront of the anti-drone movement. Her direct questioning of President Obama during his 2013 foreign policy address, as well as her trips to Pakistan and Yemen, helped shine a light on the innocent people killed by US drone strikes. She published Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control in 2013. She also organized the first-ever international drone summit and lead delegations to Pakistan and Yemen to meet with drone strike victims and family members of Guantanamo Bay prisoners. She wrote the forthcoming book Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection, and organized an international summit on Saudi Arabia in March 2016.

Her work for justice in Israel/Palestine includes taking numerous delegations to Gaza after the 2008 Israeli invasion, organizing the Gaza Freedom March in 2010, participating in the Freedom Flotillas and opposing the policies of the Israel lobby group AIPAC. In 2011 she was in Tahrir Square during the Egyptian uprising and In 2012 she was part of a human rights delegation to Bahrain in support of democracy activists; she was tear-gassed, arrested and deported by the Bahraini government.

Benjamin is the author of nine books and her most recent is ‘DRONE WARFARE’. Her articles appear regularly in outlets such as The Huffington Post, CommonDreams, Alternet, The Other Words, and TeleSUR. Medea can be reached at: or @medeabenjamin.

If you'd like to book Medea Benjamin for an event or have questions about an event listed below, please contact Brienne at

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, Life Coach
Guest Biography:

Have you been told that if you follow your Heart, the money will come?  And did you find out that this wasn’t quite true for you? 

Like many of you, Jennifer quit her “real job” to embark on a career in healing work.  And she was dismayed and surprised to discover that the money did not come! 

What did come was debt and stress about money!  Here she was - following her heart, helping others, and yet wondering where was the love for her! 

Jennifer asked herself..... "Why was I struggling financially?"  

"How did I manage to accumulate $135,000 in debt?!!"

"Where was this magical support I was supposed to receive from the Universe?"

She was definitely angry at the Universe and angry at God for not providing for her when she was working so hard to help others.

And then she had a wake-up call.  Jennifer had an “Ah Ha” moment at one of the lowest points in her life.  She realized a key mistake that she was making with her relationship to her mission and my money.   Once she had this realization, she started to turn things around…

Especially now that the holidays are coming, people are feeling the financial pressure...

Many people out there are struggling financially and I would love for you to lend Jennifer's call to develop for the group of people that are spiritually in tune, are passionate about their life purpose and yet Love Incorporated is a guide to connecting with your innate wisdom and creating a truly magical and fulfilling life.  You don’t need to sacrifice your passion, joy, values, or integrity to have an abundant life.  Doing what you love is actually instrumental in creating true success.

Love Incorporated will inspire you to follow your heart and live the life of your dreams!

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Philosophy, Personal Development, Inspirational, Motivational, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Dr Nurse researcher Educater host foundation
Guest Biography:

Carl O Helvie, R.N., Dr.P.H. is a registered nurse with a doctorate in Public Health (Johns Hopkins) and over sixty years’ experience as a nurse practitioner, educator, author and researcher. He has published 8 books and chapters in 4 additional ones, and published 40 articles, presented over 55 research papers internationally and 60 papers for lay groups. Some of his books resulted from his development and over 35 years refinement of the Helvie Energy Theory of Nursing and Health that has been used internationally in practice, education and research by 9 countries.  During his academic career Helvie received grants up to $800.000 each for his work with homeless and low income populations and other projects. He has been recognized in most major national and international references such as Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Nursing, and Outstanding Educators in America and has two listings in Wikipedia. He received the Distinguished Career Award from the American Public Association in 1999. He was listed in 50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading in 2014 and has recently (2015) been nominated for Nurse of the Year Award by Medical News.

In 1974, Dr Helvie was diagnosed with lung cancer and given 6 months to live by traditional medicine. He refused chemo and surgery and choose instead to use a holistic approach of treatment including physical, mental and spiritual components based using concepts he learned in public health, from his research of and using in practice the Edgar Cayce readings and other sources. He has been called a pioneer in the field of Holistic Health and has taught and used this approach since 1970. For the past 9 years he has been host of the Holistic Health Show (radio) where he interviews leaders in alternative, integrative medicine and health who use all or parts of a holistic approach for chronic illnesses and wellness on BBSRadio and HolisticHealthShow  In 2012 he published a book on lung cancer that included the holistic treatment plan used when he had lung cancer (Amazon #1 Best Seller). He was subsequently interviewed on over 100 radio and television shows. Because of his belief in the value of a holistic approach for staying well and/or regaining wellness and his desire to help others he founded the Carl O Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation in 2014.  In 2017 he completed a booklet on Reducing Your Risk of Cancer: A Holistic Approach.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Medicine, News, Science