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Guest Occupation: Song Writer/Composer, Producer, Guitarist, Engineer, Consultant
Guest Biography:

Songwriter/composer, producer, guitarist, arranger, vocalist, recording studio owner (RMCO MUSIC) recording engineer, live sound engineer, stage manager, and consultant for the music business

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Education, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Life Coach, Fear Expert, Emmy Award Winner
Guest Biography:

An Emmy-Award winner and repeat Oprah guest, Rhonda Britten was the first Life Coach on reality television in the world on the first-show of its kind, Life Doctor (Second Season the series name was changed to Help Me Rhonda). Next, Rhonda changed lives on the hit NBC reality show Starting Over and named its “most valuable player” by The New York Times and heralded as “America’s Favorite Life Coach” by TV Guide. To date, Rhonda has altered lives in over 600 episodes of reality television that aired in more than 25 countries and impacted millions worldwide.

Rhonda is a recipient of the “Smart Women of the Year” Award, “Coach of the Year,” a blog favorite at, speaks at TedX and for numerous corporations and organizations such as; Southwest Airlines, Blue Shield of California, Northrup Grumman and many more.

To create a support network, Fearless Living Institute was born which hosts free public introductory classes, online courses, in-person weekend workshops, seven-day Starting Over Intensives and certifies Fearless Living Life Coaches plus Train-the-Trainer Programs.

Rhonda’s four books include her bestselling Fearless Living, which shares her groundbreaking work called the Wheel of Fear, Change Your Life in 30 Days, Fearless Loving and Do I Look Fat in This.

Rhonda is a world class keynote speaker, television personality and master life coach.


Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author of World Top Secret
Guest Biography:

RODNEY M. CLUFF, author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! was born and raised in the American colony of Colonia Juarez in northern Mexico. He became interested in the Hollow Earth Theory at the age of 16 while working on a New Mexico farm where the farm manager told the workers of the theory. He thought, What an ideal place for the Lord to hide the Lost Tribes of Israel!

After graduating from high school, Mr. Cluff served a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Mexico where he met his wife. One year after his release, they were married in the Mesa Arizona Temple and now have five lovely children, fifteen lovelier grandchildren, and two even lovelier great-grandchildren!

They moved to Phoenix, Arizona, where one day Mr. Cluff noticed an advertisement of Raymond Bernard's book, The Hollow Earth in a tabloid newspaper. He sent for it and thereby began many years of study and writing which has led to the present work. After 16 years with the Arizona Department of Health Services working as an Information Technology Specialist, Mr. Cluff retired and now lives with his wife Keta in the retirement community of Sun City, Arizona, and continues his research into evidences for hollow planets as a hobby.

He firmly believes: OUR EARTH IS HOLLOW!  Backed with scientific evidence, including satellite photos of the polar holes, analysis of the observations of polar explorers, analysis of earthquake data and much more -- coupled with evidence from the scriptures and history that the Lost Tribes of Israel are now FOUND within the Hollow of Our Earth, he presents his argument in favor of the Hollow Earth Theory.

It is his hope that someday, he may have the privilege of visiting his cousins of the Ten Tribes in the North Countries of the Hollow Earth! The author's own ancestry is of Israelitish origin, of the Tribe of Ephraim, and can be traced back to the Exile of the Ten Tribes from Palestine when they were carried captive into Assyria in 721 B.C.

The Ten Tribes were held captive for over a century by the Assyrians, but then escaped over the Caucasus mountains sometime before Babylon conquered Assyria in 605 B.C. They made their home in the region of the Crimea and the Steppe of Russia just north of the Black Sea up until the first century B.C. While there, they were ruled by an illustrious leader named Odin. The Roman armies threatened to conquer the region so his ancestors, because of their fierce love of freedom and independence, determined to migrate. From their custom of burying their dead in burial mounds, their migrations have been traced from the Black Sea up the valley of the river Dnieper in Russia to the Baltic Sea and from thence to northern Germany and Scandinavia.

One branch of these people became known as the Sakae or Saxons and settled in Northern Germany. Shortly after the Romans left the British Isles in the fourth century A.D., certain Celtic tribes of the British Isles invited the Engles, Saxons, and Jutes (who had previously raided the east coast of England as pirates) to bring their bands over and help defeat other Celts. From the eighth to the eleventh century they were known as the Scandinavian Vikings. They became the most volatile seapower and military force in Europe. They often attacked coastal areas with fleets that ran into the hundreds of ships and highly organized armies of several thousand. The French became weary of being looted each harvest season and so they invited the Vikings to accept a large section of France and raise their own crops. The Norsemen agreed and the territory became known as Normandy, or loved of the Norsemen.

The Author's Clough-Cluff forefathers were of the Vikings who settled Normandy in France. They came to England with William The Conqueror in 1066 A.D. In the distribution of lands among his officers, a large estate fell to one CLOUGH in Yorkshire. This estate has been transmitted from father to son until the present time and is known as the Esquire Clough Estate, and is situated about 26 miles from the old city of York.

In the year 1635, fifteen years after the first Pilgrims immigrated to America, at about the age of 19 to 21, John Clough with his brother sailed from London, England on the Clipper ship The Elizabeth. Upon arriving in America, John Clough settled in Massachusetts. One of his descendants, David Cluff, changed the spelling of his last name when he joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (commonly known as the Mormons) in 1830. Therefore, all Cluff's in the world, to this author's knowledge, are descendants of this David Cluff, whose ancestry can be traced back through the Saxons and Vikings to the House of Israel.

In 2003, Rodney was contacted by Steve Currey of the Expedition Company of Provo, Utah who asked him to help plan an expedition to Our Hollow Earth.  They put together the Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition with plans to take an airliner into the Arctic to pin-point the location of the North Polar Opening, and then follow that with a sea expedition chartering the Russian Nuclear Icebreaker, the Yamal.

Unfortunately, in 2006, three months before the departure date of the over flight of the Arctic, Steve discovered he had 6 inoperable brain tumors, and died two months later.  His family cancelled their involvement in the expedition and returned all expedition members' monies.

Many expedition members expressed interest to continue the quest to reach Inner Earth, and so an expedition member, Dr. Brooks Agnew offered to be their new expedition leader.  Dr. Agnew formed a new expedition company, put up a new expedition website and began to gather donations for the new North Pole Inner Earth Expedition.  Unfortunately, Dr. Agnew resigned September 8, 2013 citing losses to his electric car company.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: President of Rodriguez Communications, Veterans for DC Statehood-New Columbia
Guest Biography:

Hector Rodriguez was born in Puerto Rico and raised in Lorain, Ohio.  In 1968 he arrived in Washington DC after completion of service as a Viet Nam Era Captain in the United States Army Strategic Communications Command.

He was appointed as Program Development Specialist and was assigned to a White House cabinet level agency under former Vice President Hubert Humphrey’s office. He worked with the Federal departments and national and community organizations in developing initiatives to reverse poverty and increase participation in federal programs.

In 1970 Mr. Rodriguez served as a special consultant to the US Commissioner of Education where he coordinated programs advancing education opportunities for children in low income municipal school systems.   

In 1972 he engaged our nations’ urban crisis at the National Urban Coalition. As Deputy Vice President for Cities Operations, Mr. Rodriguez worked with community, government and industry leaders on solutions for our riot torn urban centers. He assisted in organizing and managing 60 urban coalitions in our nation’s cities. He received the “Outstanding Service Award” NUC’s highest recognition for his service and contributions to our cities.

Mr. Rodriguez authored and presented the original proposal to the DC City Council, establishing what is now the DC Office of Latino Affairs which continues to generate millions of dollars in services to thousands of needy residents in the District of Columbia.

In 1991 in response to disturbances in the Mt. Pleasant /Columbia Heights neighborhoods Mr. Rodriguez launched the Las Americas Avenue Development Corporation and created a Tri-Neighborhood international tourism model advancing small business incubators, economic development and job creation. He also created a plan for the DC International Enterprise Zone.

Mr. Rodriguez was appointed to a cabinet post in 1998. As Director, DC Office of International Affairs he conducted protocol with embassies and high ranking officials in behalf of the Mayor and the District of Columbia. He also developed programs to position the District for international trade, commerce and investment. Among his accomplishments was a trade agreement he authored between DC and the Republic of Panama Chambers advancing trade and  commerce .

By nature Hector Rodriguez is a creative, solutions- driven institution builder. His professional and private life has been dedicated to public service, political participation and community economic development.

Selected civic activities and achievements:

Twice presented testimony before the US Senate- DC Full Vote/Latino participation.US government;Multiple testimonies before the DC Council- housing, economic development, education, international;Vice Chair, Committee to Support the DC Home Rule Charter-1974;Candidate, DC Council-1979,1980, 2002;Member, George Washington University Center for Small Business Advancement;Guest /Delegate White House-Summit of the Americas, Miami 1994;PresidentClinton; International Committee-US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce;VIP Escort Officer ,US Defense Department;Grand Marshall, DC Latin American Festival.

Selected Awards:

White House Communications Award- for providing support to the President of the US; George Washington Honor Medal-from the Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge; Latino Community Achievement Award- as author DC Office of Latino Affairs; Exceptional Service Citation-from the US Secretary of Transportation; Distinguished Community Service Award-New Human Foundation.

Mr. Rodriguez has a Bachelor of Arts from Kent State University where he majored in Communications and Political Science. He has proven leadership abilities with expertise in government operations, program formulation, economic development and international affairs.

Currently he is President of Rodriguez Communications, a consulting firm he founded in 2003 with the goal of connecting strategic markets and expanding business networks.

Guest Category: Business, History, Kids & Family, News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Executive Director, PTSD Foundation of America and Camp Hope
Guest Biography:

David Maulsby, Executive Director of PTSD Foundation of America and Camp Hope in Houston, Texas, has 27 years of ministry experience, most of those as a pastor.  David was the first member of the Foundation staff to meet and mentor veterans.  David also began the first support groups for our veterans, and later he also led a family support group.  Instrumental in the creation of Camp Hope, he now leads in development and financial support of the work of the Foundation.

The PTSD Foundation of America’s Mission is to combat Post Traumatic Stress and to bring healing to our military community (Active duty, Reserves and National Guard, veterans, and their families) through pastoral counseling, and peer mentoring, both on an individual basis, and in group settings.

It also raises awareness of the increasing needs of the military community through public events, media outlets, social media, service organizations, and churches.

It networks government agencies, service organizations, churches and private sector businesses into a united “Corps of Compassion,” to bring their combined resources together to meet the needs of the military community on a personal and individual and family level.  Our brave men and women in uniform understand duty, honor, and sacrifice.  Many have returned home with both the visible scars, and the unseen wounds of war.

PTSD Veteran Line:  (877) 717-PTSD (7873)

Office:  (832) 912-4429

Camp Hope

9724 Derrington Rd

Houston, Texas, 77064

Donations and Mail

PTSD Foundation of America

P.O. Box 690748

Houston, Texas, 77269

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Military, News, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Coach, Meditation Expert
Guest Biography:
Joshua Dunn has a background in meditation and spiritual understanding. He grew up going to ashrams. His full name is Joshua Merlyn Livingston Dunn.

My spiritual name is Mukunda. I believe there is a real magic to science and I welcome you to the experience. 

He has worked in theater in New York City and went to acting school as well. He has always studied people and wanted to learn from them. He started in golf business 11 years ago but has played golf all of his life. 

He was on the high school team. Back then, he loved the feeling the golf game gave him. Playing against himself and the environment. As people we are always playing and golf teaches us new ideas all the time.

Remember "Think Breathe Act " can a good process for any thing especially golf. 

You can think what ever you want but you must remember to breathe and then you act and it will come out well.

Guest Category: Fitness & Exercise, Kids & Family, Psychology, Personal Development, Motivational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Meditation, Sports & Recreation
Guest Occupation: In-demand speaker, Ordained Minister, Relationship & Love Coach
Guest Biography:

Dr. Renée Michelle Gordon is passionate about helping people find the love in their lives. She is an in-demand speaker, an ordained minister, a relationship & love coach, the author of the book Finding Your Love at Last: 5 Simple Steps to Attracting Your Soulmate Within 90 Days, and is currently working on her follow-up book that’s just for couples: Finding Your Love at Last: Duets—How Couples Can Make Beautiful Life Music Together. Dr. Renée has helped well over 500 couples find their love at last and is ready to help you do the same. Dr. Renée believes every couple’s relationship “problem” is nothing more than an opportunity in disguise. Dr. Renée is a regular on the hit Dr. Phil-produced television show, The Doctors, and is planning her own lifestyle/relationship TV show.

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Relationship Counseling
Guest Occupation: Co-Founder and Director of Facilities of the Veterans Community Project
Guest Biography:

Brandonn Mixon

Co-Founder and Director of Facilities of the Veterans Community Project.

Brandonn Mixon spent four years in the United States Army as a Helicopter Crew Chief and Mechanic with the 82nd Airborne Division. During his time with the 82nd he deployed to Afghanistan in September of 2011 and participated in Operation Enduring Freedom. During these deployments Brandonn’s unit provided assault support and casualty evacuation.

Brandonn was medically retired from the Army in 2013. He moved back home to Lee's Summit, Missouri and started a business that assisted Veterans in receiving low-cost/free heating and cooling services. Brandonn worked as the CEO of Airborne Mechanical until leaving the business to co-found Veterans Community Project.

The Veterans Community Project (VCP) is on a mission to eliminate veteran homelessness by providing transitional-housing and enabling access to exceptional 360-degree service solutions. Focusing first in the Greater-Kansas City area, VCP aspires to use Kansas City as the blueprint for achieving similar successes in cities across the United States. VCP has a long-term goal of eliminating Veteran homelessness nationwide.

VCP is a 501(c)(3) Missouri nonprofit corporation founded by Kansas City Veterans who were frustrated by rampant homelessness throughout the Veteran community. VCP is team of connectors, feelers and doers on a mission to help our kin, our kind. We move with swift, bold action, always motivated to serve with compassion.

Veterans Community Project

8900 Troost Ave.

Kansas City, MO. 64131

(816) 599-6503

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Military, News, Self Help, Society and Culture