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Guest Biography:
A passionate artist with many strings to her bow, fuelled by an inexhaustible creative force,.... The Queen Ladybug made her debut appearance in a band named Head Ritual with Gary (guitar) Jeppo (bass) and Dunner(drums) in 1987 at the age of 17. 
The QLB had joined Head Ritual as wind, keyboard player and backing singer. She soon began moved to lead vocals when she discovered her poetry was easy to fit with the music.
The Star was first written by the guitarist Gary Holmes and was originally very different than is heard here now. HR were punky, grungy, spiritual anarchists, heavily into magic and mayhem. QLB was given permission to rewrite 'The Star' and use the song in her own way after the band finally split due to apathy from the boys in 1995.
She continued to write music and lyrics throughout her life and worked with various artists both live and in the studio. 
Some of her best work was performed acoustically in a duo called 'Me n 'Er', in around 2002- 2005 where QLB paired up with another talented female artist called Julia Nelson. They co-wrote many songs as well as performing and recording each other's original work together. 
Courage was written by QLB and recorded with Julia during this time.
QLB continued to write and work alone borrowing various musicians and producers for recording and live work. 
During times of great strife and bereavement, words and songs would download to the QLB as if channelled from an outside source. A chance meeting in deep meditation with the deceased saint John Lennon led the Queen to write a song named Here I am. 
Here I Am was recorded many times, but the QLB was never quite satisfied that the sound she was trying to produce had ever materialised. However she did write and direct a video to this song which ultimately led her to the great John Lennon channel Marcia Macmahon.
In 2011 the QLB did her last, and ultimately best show ever, with a band she had worked with for around 4 years named AZIAM. Their spiritual views differed greatly, QLB was praising God whilst the rest of the band were protesting that there is no God. Equally unmatched was their musical taste, and so the Queen retired to write a book and concentrate on solely looking after her family and deal with debilitating illness.
With the family growing ever more independent and herself in a more gracious state of surrender than ever, the QLB will return to record an album of her complete works sometime in the not too distant future.
The beautiful Bass of AzIam Player Pete Fishwick died last year of cancer after managing to play in the band with us for four years despite his ongoing heart problems. He was a hugely talented musician who also played the mouth organ very well and was a big blues fan. He was the easiest of the guys in that band to work with. I loved him and miss his presence on here. 
Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Energy Healing, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Founder Energy Edd
Guest Biography:


As a young boy, Edd played with energy between his hands and throughout his body. With a passion for science and physics, Edd searched for the scientific explanation of the energy he was experiencing. In 1994 he met the distinguished physicist, Dr. William Levengood of Grass Lake, Michigan. Dr. Levengood was able to measure and quantify Edd’s energy output in his laboratory. Along with his work with Dr. Levengood, Edd took part in laboratory experiments with Dr. John Gedye and Charles Pyler. Through their measurement and assistance, he learned how to increase his energy output, to turn the energy output off completely, to control the switch of the polarity of the energy from positive to negative, and to affect the lab equipment from a great distance (even thousands of miles). Edd and the scientists designed and carried out countless experiments with Edd’s measurable output of energy continually increasing with precision. Today, Edd teaches others about this energy work and travels across the country offering his help to those in need.

Dr. W. C. Levengood, Bio-physics Research, has determined that  Edd trained his autonomic nervous system to interact with the ever shifting isomeric configurations, called “resonant energy”, that are ubiquitous in all living organisms. By attuning this resonant energy with a patient, he then shifts the frequencies of their energy in a way that gives maximum benefit for healing. Through biofeedback mechanisms, he senses the changes in isomeric configurations and is able to shift them in a way that influences metabolic processes in a positive way, at the quantum level, and it creates , in most cases, tingling , heat and an awareness of energy flowing through the recipient's body or bodies. Dr. Levengood published his fist peer reviewed paper about this energy with Edd's help in his lab , which is called , Evidence for Charged Density Pulses Associated with bio-electric fields in Living Organisms.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Co-Founder of Access Consciousness
Guest Biography:

Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned entrepreneur, speaker and best-selling author. Raised in the ghettos of Los Angeles, Heer is the co-founder of a diverse range of businesses around the world, including PROA, a resort in Costa Rica that utilizes biodynamic land management and Castellodi Di Casalborgon, a luxurious castle in Italy. A conscious and creative business leader with a profound understanding of the power of entrepreneurship, Dr. Heer draws upon his personal experience and unique perspective to invite people from every culture, country, age and social strata to create the money, business and life they truly desire. In addition to his diverse business portfolio, Dr. Heer is co-creator of Access Consciousness, a popular personal development organization operating in 173 countries, and is the author or co-author of nine books including “Right Riches for You” and “How to Become Money.”​

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Mother, Educator, Activist
Guest Biography:

I  live with my husband and three small children in Oxnard, California, an agricultural town on the Pacific coast.  The abundant farms drew my family to California from Mexico three generations ago: one set of grandparents followed the crops as migrant farm workers and never left; the other grandparents worked in a sugar beet factory that gave birth to my hometown.

The morning breeze brings the scent of the season’s crop. Some morning smell of celery; others strawberries.  Not all smells are sweet. I was asked by an Angelino (a resident of Los Angeles), “Why does Oxnard smell bad?”  The pungent odor of fertilizer spread over the land makes a lasting impression on the “outsider.” Those of us who live here rarely make any comment about the fragrances which sometimes tiptoe and sometimes stomp into our awareness. For us, it’s the aroma of life in our slice of the world.

This intimacy with the land fuel’s my passion for the subject of water conservation, and my strong activist roots transform my passion into action. My father raised me to be a change agent. He refused to swallow his own destiny as a child farmworker. Against all odds, he earned a college degree with the assistance of the G.I. Bill. My childhood memories include my father loading my sisters and me into the stuffy station wagon to take us to the United Farm Workers (UFW) marches and college lectures delivered by his heroes of the Chicano movement. In the summer of 1988, again he loaded us into the station wagon. We drove 200 miles to Delano, California. We gathered among 3,000 mostly farmworker families to pray for the health of Cesar Chavez, founder of the UFW, on his 29th day of his fast. His fast was to draw attention to pesticide use on fields he understood to cause birth defects among farmworker children.

My own entry into water conservation began with the launch of Azul Conservation Products, a distribution business of water conservation products to retailers and industry. Ultimately, I distributed over 80,000 shower timers around the country. In 2010, my small business was honored with a WRAP (Waste Reduction Awards Program) award from the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). In June 2011, I was profiled in Ventana Magazine as one of Southern California’s most notable “Progressive Thinkers” on the leading edge of the sustainability movement.

My training in Public Policy from the University of Chicago taught me to become a relentless researcher. While building Azul, I discovered while conserving water in obvious ways is important to reducing water scarcity, most water wastage occurs in the production chains of the foods we consume. This research led to Eat Less Water.

When I began my farm visits I saw how the dishes we put on our table entails a far-reaching story about the earth’s water cycles. By telling some of these stories and by bringing the reader face-to-face with people directly involved in the food-production process, the book makes vivid for the reader the seldom-seen connection between the choices each of makes while shopping for groceries and the looming threat of global water scarcity.

It took seven years, 16,000 miles of travel and a whole lot of faith to finish my new book “Eat Less Water (ELW).”  The official release is this Wednesday, November 1, 2017:

"As a researcher trained at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, Florencia sets out to understand problems afflicting vulnerable communities and looks for solutions. Her articles appear in the San Jose Mercury News; the James Beard awarded Edible Communities Magazines and her blog. Florencia has recently been featured on several radio programs including NPR member stations, and Entertainment Weekly. Eat Less Water received the prestigious Gift of Freedom Creative Nonfiction genre prize from A Room of Her Own Foundation (AROHO). She lives in the coastal town of Oxnard, California with her husband and three children. Please join us as we visit with Florencia and discover why it’s important for us to understand that “the same amount of water saved over the course of a year in the bathroom can be saved in a week in the kitchen, because seven out of every ten gallons of water is used for food production.”

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Founder of Family Futures Media, Intervention Healer
Guest Biography:

Noah Alvarez, affectionately called Buddha-Noah, is the Founder of Family Futures Media, as well as a healing facilitator for families and households in need all around the globe.

Noah landed in Los Angeles, CA in December 2012 with his girlfriend and dog in tow. Over the course of 5 years he has become one of the most sought-out intervention healers in Southern CA and beyond. While his young age is notable, his stature and wisdom assist in carving a path that is unique to his particular spiritual experience. 

Not only has he served celebrities with his counsel in their times of need, but he has served the underprivileged and homeless communities alike. 

His most notable work is with the Family Futures Healing Tour, which launched in the fall of 2017 and is set to return in the first quarter of 2018.

With a focus on the "new nuclear family," as well as "preserving home and soul partnerships in the 'new world," Alvarez spends most of his time working to build up families, one household at a time.

Instagram - 

  • @BuddhaNoah
  • @FamilyFuturesMedia

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  • @familyfuturesmedia
Guest Category: Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Relationship Counseling, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Engineer Inventor/Founder FLFE
Guest Biography:

Would you like a consciousness environment comparable to 1,000 monks praying for you?  Or to raise the vibrations of a cell phone or other devise so instead of harmful  EMF waves it gives off positive ones. My two guests today have developed technology to give you an energy that will raise your vibrations/consciousness and those in your environment.  Meet Jeffrey Stegman and Clayton Stedmann.

Jeffrey Stegman’s focus has been on creating a high consciousness culture in his businesses, which parallels his own personal spiritual path. Jeffrey is the co-owner of two manufacturing businesses, including one that has been in business since 1835. FLFE is a confluence of Jeffrey’s manufacturing, engineering, business and spiritual evolution.

Clayten Stedmann has worked in the education, training and coaching business for over 30 years. For the last 20 years he has focused on business as a spiritual path in his coaching practice. Since discovering Consciousness Kinesiology (CK) in 2004 he has done over five million CK calibrations and created over 10 consciousness assessments and several unique energetic medicine protocols. FLFE is a continuation of his purposeful intention to create the conditions for humanity to have a higher level of consciousness.

Focused Life Force Energy (FLFE Innovations Corp) is a service company providing a subscription to greatly increase the level of consciousness of a property and/or around a mobile object to a very noticeable and beneficial level and provides a free trial so that people can feel it themselves before subscribing..

For centuries people have been making pilgrimages to places around the world known for their cleansing, healing, restoring and loving energy. The highest aspects of this energy can be expressed on the spiritual path and also by being a loving parent, a devoted husband or wife, a hobbyist gardener, a full-time farmer, a dedicated photographer, a steadfast employee and a business owner.

For almost as long people have been working on ways to re-create and harness this energy through study and inventions. People such as Albert Einstein,  Nikola Tesla, Masaru Emoto and Buckminster Fuller are just  a few of the better known of hundreds of researchers who understood that perhaps the greatest contribution to humanity’s evolution that we can make is to raise our own consciousness and sought ways to accelerate that process.

The study of atoms and later quantum physics confirmed what ancient spiritual teachers had been stating for centuries; ‘the law of nature states that everything has a vibration.’ Today most of us use terms like ‘ I do/don’t like the energy or vibe of that room, business or person.’

As humanity evolves new ways of measuring these vibrations emerge. A recent discovery has made it easier to measure vibration in everyday life in order to facilitate positive changes in people’s level of consciousness.

In the latter half of the 20th Century, a very successful psychiatrist, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., after treating thousands of patients, began to see common levels of thinking, feeling and acting.  He realized that people’s challenges and advances depend on their level of consciousness. He first outlined a scale measuring levels of consciousness or vibration, named the ‘Hawkins Map of Consciousness’, in his New York Times bestselling book ‘Power Versus Force’ (1995). Hawkins, along with a group of researchers, over a period of more than twenty-five years, used kinesiology to measure the level of consciousness in everything they could imagine; people, books, music, events, countries, locations.

Hawkins documented these consciousness levels in a scale from 1 to 1,000. On this scale 200 is the level above which we begin to add energy to everything around us. Below 200 we are net consumers of energy. A few of these levels are: Shame, which vibrates at 20, Fear is 100, Courage is 200, Acceptance is 350 and Love is 500. Enlightenment levels range from 600 to 1000. Today tens of thousands of Hawkins students and practitioners in multiple disciplines use the Hawkins Map to measure and effect change in quality of life and personal evolution.

In 2008 two men met through a mutual friend. They were both working on accessing and utilizing high consciousness fields.  Jeffery Stegman was creating high consciousness fields and cultures in business and Clayten Stedmann, as a coach in business as a spiritual path, was creating high consciousness fields for healing the human mind, body and spirit.

They came together with an inventor who had devoted his life to creating free energy for humanity.  Although he did not create a free energy device, He had discovered a way to re-direct and focus large amounts of life force energy (also known as subtle energy) on an object.

Between Jeff’s experience in engineering and Clayten’s knowledge and extensive practice in Consciousness Kinesiology and the Hawkins Map they re-engineered the original device to broadcast a high consciousness wave to specific locations around the world. At first, Clayten and Jeffrey used the device and associated technology to raise consciousness around the world as a public service project. As they were able to increase the power available and the ability to positively affect a property, they brought the consciousness raising technology to the public as ‘Focused Life-Force Energy’ (FLFE). FLFE Innovations Corp was formed in Nelson B.C., Canada to create the infrastructure to offer the service and to support customers on the FLFE wave.

Today after an additional 9 years of research and hundreds of customers and testimonials Jeffrey and Clayten are beginning the process of increasing public awareness of this unique consciousness raising technology. FLFE Innovations Corp offers a monthly FLFE subscription on a property or on a mobile object (FLFE Mobile, also known as the FLFE Bubble).  The technology associates (entangles) the FLFE device with an address or photograph of an object using custom developed software integrated with the FLFE device and creates the FLFE wave that works with the property or object. The FLFE wave will clear negative history (on a property), raise consciousness and increase greatly the positive energy available for people and animals on the property or in a specific radius around the FLFE Mobile Object, as well as many other enhancements.

I have been using the energy for over a year and have seem positive improvements in my health and interactions with others, and in my holistic environment with difficult neighbors moving away, algae clearing from water bordering my yard, neighbors congregating in front of my house, other stopping to visit and not wanting to leave and more.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Actor,Musician,Author,Executive Director
Guest Biography:







Keith Thibodeaux is the Executive Director of Ballet Magnificat! since 1993. Keith first came to national attention as the drum-playing son of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz on the now classic "I Love Lucy" show. Hailed as a child prodigy, Keith started drumming at the age of two in Lafayette, LA. His abilities led him to a national tour, a starring role as "Little Ricky Ricardo" and various acting stints on television, including The Andy Griffith Show, Route 66, The Shirley Temple Playhouse, Hazel, and many more.

While attending the University of Louisiana in Lafayette, Keith joined and recorded with the then mainstream rock band, "David and the Giants." Keith left the group after several years, but, following his (and fellow band members) Christian conversion, the band regrouped under the same name and went on to become one of the nation’s top contemporary Christian music groups. As a drummer, singer, and songwriter for the Dove nominated "David and the Giants," Keith toured extensively for 10 years in the United States, Canada, Jamaica, and England, recording 9 albums before leaving the group in 1989 to pursue other interests.

Keith has been featured in such publications as Newsweek, People, Saturday Evening Post, Modern Drummer, CCM, and Classic Drummer Magazine. He has also been a guest on NBC's The Today Show, Entertainment Tonight, CBS's Good Morning America and The O'Reilly Show.

In January of 1991, he joined his wife Kathy on the road with Ballet Magnificat! and in 1993, Keith became Executive Director.  In addition to his current responsibilities at Ballet Magnificat!, Keith still finds time for the drums and recording. Keith's book, Life After Lucy, tells the story of his life as Little Ricky on the I Love Lucy show, and subsequent encounter with Jesus Christ as Savior. Life After Lucy is sold in bookstores and in the Gift Shop section of his website. Keith and Kathy have one daughter, Tara, who is a dancer and choreographer and married to Bryce Drew, former player in the NBA and head basketball coach at Valparaiso University.

Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Music, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Founder and director of The American Meditation Institute
Guest Biography:

Leonard Perlmutter is the founder and director of The American Meditation Institute in Averill Park, New York.

Leonard also serves as the author and editor of “Transformation,” the Journal of Meditation as Mind/Body Medicine.

Over the past thirty-nine years, Leonard has served on the faculties of the New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts and the International Himalayan Yoga Teachers Association in Calgary, Canada. He has studied in Rishikesh, India and is a direct disciple of Swami Rama of the Himalayas––the man who, in laboratory conditions at the Menninger Institute, demonstrated that blood pressure, heart rate and the autonomic nervous system can be voluntarily controlled. These research demonstrations have been one of the major cornerstones of the mind/body movement.

Mr. Perlmutter has presented informative workshops on the benefits of meditation and Yoga Science at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, The Albany Medical College, The New York Times forum on Yoga Science, the Commonwealth Club of California, the University of Wisconsin School of Nursing, the Washington University Medical School, the University of Colorado Medical School and the West Point Association of Graduates.

Since 2009, Leonard’s Heart and Science of Yoga® empowering self-care program has been certified for continuing medical education credits by the American Medical Association and the American Nurses Association for continuing medical education credit.

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Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Yoga, Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Spiritual