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Guest Occupation: Journalist, an award-winning Interviewer and Commentator
Guest Biography:

Derek McGinty is a journalist, an award-winning interviewer and a commentator. He got his first job on the air back in 1984 at WHUR radio in Washington DC. From there he went to WAMU-FM where he launched a nationally syndicated daytime talk show on NPR. By the end of the century he’d been a correspondent on the CBS broadcast Public Eye with Bryant Gumbel and HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.

After two years in New York as anchor of ABC’s World News Now and World News This Morning, It was back to his hometown of Washington DC to anchor WUSA’s fledgling 7pm local newscast.

At WAMU 88.5 FM, Derek launched a nationally syndicated daytime talk show on National Public Radio. By the end of the century he’d been a correspondent on the CBS broadcast Public Eye with Bryant Gumbel and HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel. 

After two years in New York as anchor of ABC’s World News Now and World News This Morning, it was back to his hometown of Washington, DC to anchor WUSA*9’s fledgling 7:00 pm local newscast. 

In all those incarnations Derek has believed that ideas matter more than ideology, so after leaving WUSA in 2015, he launched a website in hopes of keeping the conversation going. 


Guest Category: Entertainment, History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: The Relationship Help Doctor
Guest Biography:

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, The Relationship Help Doctor, provides urgent and ongoing care for relationships in crisis. Her mission is to provide the insights, information, and inspiration for clients and audiences to know why and how to transform relationship with themselves and with other humans to be honest, respectful, and safe in all ways. Even the United States Marines have sought her help!

An active member of the Evolutionary Business Council (as am I) which has a combined Member reach of 400 Million+, Dr. Rhoberta Shaler is well known and respected for her transformational work globally.

She is also the Author of sixteen books including "Escaping the Hijackal Trap" and "Stop! That’s Crazy-Making", she hosts two popular podcasts: Transforming Relationship with Emotional Savvy: The Relationship Help Show and Save Your Sanity: Help for Toxic Relationships. Her YouTube channel, ForRelationshipHelp, has reached over 275,000 views.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Healing Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress
Guest Biography:

Janine Regan-Sinclair, known as ‘The Consciousness Architect’ is a Certified Therapist, Healer & International Speaker. She is an author of 4 books and 35 Self-help Audios. She will be sharing her pioneering insight into healing trauma on the level of mind, body and particularly Spirit; the aspect that she believes to be, the missing piece of the healing puzzle.

She will also be sharing information about the Cube of Consciousness and how it manifests our health and our reality. Janine has also successfully been removing disease programs from the DNA and will explain how this is possible during her interview. Janine is a pioneer in her field and her testimonials speak for themselves.

Janine's Books:

Janine has published 4 books to date. The first one is an educational book for people interested in the meaning of life and personal / spiritual development. The other 3 books are adaptations of her personal diaries, filled with stories of her out of body experiences and Astral Travelling adventures.

All images and links are available on my web page here>>

My Self-Help Audio Programs:

Crystal Ki Mind Detox & Development Programs

Formulated by Janine Regan-Sinclair - The Consciousness Architect

These unique programs combine skills used by some of the most famous visionaries of our time including Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Diamond Energy Healing, Hypnosis and Quantum Healing. The Post Traumatic Growth and General Self-Help audios also contain binaural beats to help maintain the correct brainwave frequency. Suitable for 18+, (10+ Minors supervised by and adult.).

There are 5 specific program sets to help with many other areas in your life and must be used in the correct order, beginning with Program 1 (Silver), 2 (Gold), 3 (Platinum), 4 Diamond and ending with program 5 (Pearl) in each category. These categories include Weight Loss, Perfect Partner, Abundance, Spiritual Growth and Money.


Audios for Post-Traumatic Stress and Addiction:

There are different groups of audios for various mind management processes. The first being to help with Post Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury, Addiction and cleansing the body of stressful energies. The General Audios deal with Anger, Rage, Sleep Issues, Limiting Beliefs, Victim Consciousness, Poverty Consciousness and Manifesting Desires.


Twitter:  jregansinclair


Janine Regan-Sinclair

10 Harley Street, London, UK

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Inspirational, Motivational, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Meditation, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Ordained Interfaith Reverend, Leader, Visionary, Spiritual Counselor, Intuitive, and Teacher
Guest Biography:

Rev. Janice Hope Gorman was born and raised in Mankato, Minnesota. She is happily married to her best friend of 33 years, Dr. Paul Gorman. They are blessed with five children and six grandchildren.

Rev. Gorman has a Bachelor of Science degree from MSU and she is a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. She was ordained by the National Interfaith Seminary and she is a Certified Oneness Blesser of Deeksha’ from the Oneness University of India. She is the Founder and the Director of the Hope Interfaith Center, which is 501(c)(3) Spiritual Wellness Center located in Mankato, Minnesota. The mission of the Hope Interfaith Center is to inspire all in Oneness to create a better world by empowering people to recognize and honor the Divine in self and all.

“Hope”, as many people call her, was given that name by one of her early teachers – Hope means “Help Open Planetary Eyes”, which is the foundation of her work. Her vocation is mainly focused on spiritual teaching and mentoring to help people realize their own magnificence and personal power. She is passionate about the profound spiritual awakening, which is the hallmark of these times; that we are all ONE. Her teachings are universal in nature and do not represent the beliefs of any one religion or spiritual practice or movement.

READ the rest of her fascinating bio at:

Guest Category: Education, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: General Practice & Sports Medicine Specialist
Guest Biography:

I have been in Family and Sports Medicine for 20 years serving patients and athletes of all ages.  I have taken care of athletes ranging from High School, College, Semi-Pro and U.S. Olympic levels (soccer and Rugby).  I have a special interest in concussion management and non-operative joint pain care as well as all sports related injuries and illnesses.I am currently in practice in Geneva where I have been for the last 2 years.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Energy Medicine and Quantum Self-Healing
Guest Biography:

Dr. Sue Morter’s globally taught Energy Codes® coursework teaches individuals how to clear subconscious memory blockages. She is the co-creator of the Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique and founder of the Morter Institute for Bioenergetics, which teaches individuals self-healing techniques and uses Quantum Science for a new approach to life. Dr. Sue is author of the book, The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life. She is a renowned international speaker and the host of the GAIA TV show "Healing Matrix." Dr. Sue has been featured in several documentary films, including "The Opus," "The Cure Is…," "Discover the Gift," and "Femme" and is the author of the free (limited time) eBook called “The Top 3 Mistakes That Keep You From Fulfillment & Flow!”

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Drummer/Singer/Songwriter
Guest Biography:

T  O  N  Y

B  R  O  C  K



T   H   E   

B   A   B   Y   S




Tony Brock is one of the world’s most explosive and technically brilliant drummers. As a pro drummer since the age of 15, Tony’s playing credits feature a who’s who of world-class musicians. 

In addition to being a founding member of THE BABYS, Tony has toured and/or recorded with Rod Stewart during Rod’s heyday, Elton John, Jimmy Barnes, Jeff Beck, Bernie Taupin’s Farm Dogs and Roy Orbison to name but a few.

He has worked with such luminary producers such as Don Gehman, Ron Nevison, Keith Olson, Greg Lake and Jimmy Iovine. Tony’s production credits include Jimmy Barnes, Keith Urban and soundtracks from TV shows (Baywatch/Flipper) to movies (Just One of the Guys.) Remixing credits include 311, Korn and Ryan Down in partnership with Paula Jones.

Tony produced the latest BABYS album I’ll Have Some of That in his studio- Silver Dreams Studios, which is also where the band's first video was shot. 

He also makes a killer cup of tea! 

On August 29, 2016, Tony (along with Wally, John and Joey) were interviewed by Paul Nicholls on Platinum Rock Radio. Tony discussed reforming THE BABYS after a 3-decade hiatus. He said: 

“Both of us (Wally & I) wanted another shot at it. So, I said to Wally, 'I'm not gonna do it without ya', cause a lot of people alluded to the fact that Wally and myself were the sound of THE BABYS."


Purchase ‘The Babys Anthology’ album at

For more information about Tony Brock and The Babys


Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Strategist, Speaker, Author
Guest Biography:

Living an amazing life is not about finding the right answer, but instead happens when we ask the right questions, and Laura Steward intuitively knows the right questions to ask. From the wisdom she learned at her mother’s side to the insight she gained baking pies with her Grandmother, Laura has developed an innate ability to ask the questions that propel business leaders and entrepreneurs to incredible achievements.

Laura operates from a simple philosophy – “Treat people better than they expect to be treated”, and it is from this belief that she was able to carve her niche and stand out in the highly competitive IT field, building Guardian Angel Computer Services from a sole employee business into a leading provider of Managed Technical Services.

An avid reader, Laura’s understanding that questions control the outcome began at the age of six, when Laura watched her Mother question school policy, creating change and allowing Laura to immediately begin learning to read. Throughout her life, Laura questioned the decisions she made along with the decisions made by others. Based on the answers she received Laura was able to build, and fifteen years later sell, her highly successful IT business before starting Wisdom Learned, LLC, a company dedicated to educating leaders based on experience and wisdom learned in the trenches.

Laura is a sought after speaker, Nautilus Award winning and international bestselling author, business advisor, confidant and friend. She is the author of the Bestselling Book “What Would a Wise Woman Do? Questions to Ask Along the Way” which has remained on the Amazon Woman In Business bestseller list for over 90 weeks. Through her weekly Radio Show, Entrepreneur Master Class, keynote speeches, books, seminars, training and one-one sessions, Laura’s mission is clear – help people get off autopilot and create amazing, successful lives.

Today, along with inspiring entrepreneurs and leaders, Laura finds joy spending time with friends and family, cruising around in her convertible, walking along the beach or simply looking at clouds and figuring out what they look like. But no matter what she does, Laura always makes sure to ask questions along the way.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Business, Careers, Investing and Finance, Marketing, Management