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Guest Occupation: Public Speaker, Author, Business Turn-around Expert, Life Management Facilitator, Personal Success Trainer
Guest Biography:

Ron Ball is one of America's foremost public speakers. He has spoken in front of packed crowds of as many as 75 thousand people, presenting live business seminars to more then 8 million people in 21 countries. With 12 books on financial and life management to his name, he's also a prolific bestselling author with book sales topping nearly two million copies.

As president of the Ron Ball group, Ron Ball is a recognized business turnaround expert, teaching aggressive success strategies to hundreds of thousands of business people. He's spoken his words of wisdom alongside such figures as Zig Ziglar, former President Ronald Reagan, John Wooden, Charles Stanley, John Maxwell and many others.

Tens of thousands of business professionals have attended Ron Ball's special seminars on problem-solving. Ron's unique jump-start techniques can help any business or person get going and growing from the very first day.

Make Ron Ball you're personal success trainer. His amazing information can immediately improve your success odds for everything from your finances to your relationships; from your business to your spiritual life.

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Investing and Finance, Marketing, Management
Guest Occupation: Author, Channel, Pleiadian Emissary of Light
Guest Biography:

Amorah Quan Yin is author of: The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka, The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ba, Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution, published by Bear and Co. She is channel for the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, Andromedan Emissaries of Light, Ascended Masters, Intergalactic Federation of Light, and others, and founder of Pleiadian Lightwork - Dolphin Star Temple.

Amorah's fourth book, AFFINITY: Reclaiming the Divine Flow of Creation is now in print and available at most bookstores.

Pleiadian Lightwork is the name given to the healing, spiritual activation, and ascensions techniques which are part of the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School. This mystery school system is essentially the resurrection and contemporization of the ancient Lemurian, Atlantean, and Egyptian systems. Its chief purpose is that of assisting in bringing about the second coming of Christ en masse, when a minimum of 144,000 humans attain to Christ consciousness on Earth. This will trigger an enlightenment wave through the Earth and all her people, and planetary ascension. The time of the great planetary spiritual awakening is now. By learning to live impeccably, anchoring Higher Self in our bodies, restoring our souls, and aligning multidimensionally with the Great Central Sun, the Source of All That Is, we shall be victorious!

Guest Category: Paranormal, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Speaker, Educator, Clinical Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Counselor, Youth Worker, Researcher, Teacher, Mental Health Reasearcher
Guest Biography:

MARY MILLER is an internationally known speaker and educator. She was born and raised in the Boston, Massachusetts area. Mary received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1971 from Boston State College and went on to obtain a Masters degree in Social Work (MSW) in 1973 from the University of Connecticut. Although now retired from clinical social work, she has many years of experience as a psychotherapist in community mental health centers and in private practice.

Mary began her social work career in 1968 as a counselor and youth worker in a cutting edge youth rehabilitation program called Adolescent Counseling in Development. As a counselor she obtained over a thousand hours of training in Gestalt therapy. She also studied Transactional Analysis, Rebirthing, Bioenergetics, Re-evaluation Counseling and Psychodrama. In 1975, Mary founded an alternative mental health center called the People Place, which she directed for several years. In 1982, she founded a second alternative health service called OffSpring that provided support services to families who had lost young children. As a result of that work Mary authored two books:

Transitions Through BirthandEnded Beginnings. From 1984 to 2006, Mary worked with John Miller as researcher and teacher at the Gentle Wind Project, examining alternative pathways to good mental health. The Gentle Wind Project was a good will nonprofit that offered free mental and emotional support to anyone seeking help. The Project researched and developed balancing instruments that were known throughout the world for their effectiveness. The instruments were available on a donation basis. The Project also donated stress relief instruments to impoverished and war-torn countries as well as places that were affected by natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes. In 2003, Gentle Wind became the target of a cyber smear campaign, and along with an unethical government official who joined forces with the cyber smear group, they set out to destroy the efforts of this nonprofit. After years of litigation, Gentle Wind finally closed its doors in 2006 at the hands of the unethical government official. The Gentle Wind Project left behind records showing that thousands of people had benefitted from this company's efforts. The story can be found in Mary's book, Caught in the Act of Helping.

Mary Miller continued in her quest to find alternative, reliable pathways to alleviate mental and emotional distress. She is now the director of an alternative mental health group that uses the I Ching Hexagrams in the development of their personal balancing instruments. Mary's new book,The Magic of the I Ching: Ancient Symbols To Soothe the Soul, will be available next year, in 2012.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Poet, Teacher, Performer, Professor, Think Tank Artist, Women's Spirituality Movement Pioneer, Mythologian, Lecturer, Writer, Doctor in Interdisciplinary Studies, Organic Farmer, Winemaker, Author
Guest Biography:


Visionary poet Patricia Monaghan celebrates the mythic in the ordinary, the spiritual in the mundane, the sensuous in the scientific. An impassioned teacher and performer, she has won awards for creative nonfiction as well as poetry. Her highly crafted work remains accessible to ordinary readers interested in spirituality, peace, and environmental issues. Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at DePaul University, Patricia is also Founding Fellow of The Black Earth Institute, a think-tank for artists seeking to connect social justice, environment and spirituality.

Patricia is also one of the pioneers of the contemporary women's spirituality movement and the author of classic texts in that field. She is vice president of the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology and a lecturer for the Women's Thealogical Institute. She also advises students in women's spirituality and mythology through The Union Institute and University. Her research in mythology focuses especially on the myths of Ireland; she holds Irish citizenship and returns to her ancestral homeland annually.

Patricia was raised in Alaska and lived there for many years. She earned her BA and MA in English from the University of Minnesota, her MFA in creative writing from the University of Alaska, and her PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies (science and literature) from the Union Institute in Cincinnati. In addition to her many published books, Patricia has published essays and articles in national and regional publications including The New York Times and the Christian Science Monitor . Her work has been featured in Best American Spiritual Writing and many other anthologies. She has been honored with a Pushcart Prize, the Paul Gruchow Nature Writing award, and the Friends of Literature award for poetry.

With her husband, Dr. Michael McDermott, Patricia is also an organic farmer and winemaker with an acre each of garden, orchard and vineyard in southwestern Wisconsin's Driftless Area. They are restoring seven acres of native prairie there and also enjoy harvesting native grapes, berries and herbs from the steep hillsides.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Natural Foods Chef, Author, Television Host, Alternative Health Activist, Top Chef Actress, Cooking Facilitator, Holistic Health Coach, Food Researcher
Guest Biography:

Andrea Beaman is a Natural Foods Chef, author, and television host dedicated to alternative healing and green, sustainable living. She was a featured contestant on Bravo’s hit reality TV show, TOP CHEF (season 1), is a food and health expert on CBS News, and has appeared on Barbara Walters, The View, Emeril Live and Whole Living on Martha Stewart Radio.

Andrea hosts the Award Nominated Fed UP! A cooking show that educates guests and viewers how to cook for, and cure, bodily ailments. Successfully healing her own “incurable” thyroid disease with health-promoting foods, exercise and other natural therapies was the catalyst that transformed Andrea’s life, health and profession, and she is passionate about sharing this information with others.

She is the author of The Whole Truth – How I Naturally Reclaimed My Health, and You Can Too! and The Eating and Recipe Guide – Better Food, Better Health, and Health is Wealth – Make a Delicious Investment in You!

Andrea teaches fun cooking classes and health seminars to a wide base of students at The Institute For Integrative Nutrition, The Natural Gourmet Institute, The James Beard House, New York Open Center, other schools around the country as well as a monthly contributor on Andrea is also a certified Holistic Health Coach working with clients, one-on-one, to help them achieve their health goals.

Andrea Beaman makes learning about health, food, and positive lifestyle activities, a joyful experience for everyone. Check out current events and classes and learn how to get healthy today!

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Hobbies, Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition
Guest Occupation: Writer, Health Researcher, Editor, Wellness Book Publisher, Spiritual Practicioner, Author, Marketing Consultant, Holistic Health Coach, Spokesperson
Guest Biography:


Bill Gottlieb has spent his lifetime learning about and writing about health—and helping millions of Americans achieve their health goals.

For 20 years (1976-1995), Bill worked at America’s leading health and wellness publisher, Rodale, Inc. He started as an associate editor of Prevention Magazine in 1976, and became a senior editor of Prevention in 1978 and assistant managing editor in 1980. In 1982, he was promoted to managing editor of Prevention Magazine Health Books, and in 1984 to executive editor. In 1986, he became editor-in-chief of Rodale Books, including Prevention Magazine Health Books. From 1986 to 1995, Bill was the editorial executive who helped lead Rodale Books from $100 million to $250 million in yearly sales, managing an editorial staff of 125 people, and supervising the publication of 75 books a year, including the mega-selling The Doctors Book of Home Remedies (16 million copies sold).

A longtime spiritual practitioner, Bill decided to leave Rodale in 1995 to become the volunteer publishing director of The Dawn Horse Press, the publication division of his spiritual community, Adidam.

In 1997, he returned to for-profit publishing. Since then, he has:

  • Written 11 health books that have sold more than 2 million copies, including the bestselling Alternative Cures.
  • Written hundreds of articles for many national publications, including Prevention, Reader’s Digest, Bottom Line Personal and Bottom Line Health, Self, Men’s Health and Natural Solutions.
  • Worked as an editorial and marketing consultant for many companies, including Time-Warner, Hearst and Boardroom Inc.
  • Formed the book packaging and editorial consulting company, Good For You Books, which packaged the award-winning Healing Spices (Sterling, 2011).
  • Trained as a Holistic Health Coach with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Bill also has extensive media experience. He was the spokesperson in a commercial for The Doctors Book of Home Remedies that was broadcast 50,000 times and generated sales of 2 million copies. He has appeared on national television and radio—including Good Morning America, CNN, NPR—and dozens of local TV and radio shows. He recently was the featured spokesperson in an infomercial for his book Speed Healing (Bottom Line Books), which was broadcast in cities nationwide.

Bill lives in northern California.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Health & Lifestyle, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Counsellor, Hynotherapist, Ufologist, Author, Metaphysician, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Mary Rodwell is the Founder of ACERN - Australian Close Encounters Research Network.  Mary is a co-founder of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters, or FREE.  Mary is a nurse, hypnotherapist and professional counselor who started explorations into ET experiences due to the "strange happenings" in the lives of her clients.  Her research has guided her to write about our "cosmic heritage" and the "new kids". 

Mary is recognised internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers in the UFO and Contact phenomenon. She is the author of Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life (2002), and The New Human: Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage. She is also the producer of EBE award winning documentaries, Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint? (2000), and Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing Blueprint? (2004).   In addition, Mary is the Producer of New Mind Records, a series of meditation and relaxation CD's that includes Inner Alchemy, Take Ten, Natural Mother, Mind Medicine, and Armchair Journeys.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive, Technology
Guest Occupation: Motivator, CEO of Morter Health System, Founder of Dynamic Life Training Seminars, Speaker, Master Instructor, Author, Researcher, Chiropractor, Wellness Trainer
Guest Biography:

Dr. Ted Morter, III, Practicing the principles he teaches, Dr. Ted Morter III, has truly mastered how to “BE, DO and HAVE anything you want…right now!”

He combines his inner passion with outward purpose to motivate to the maximum! Dr. Ted is CEO of Morter HealthSystem and a founder of Dynamic Life Training seminars of North America, one of the fastest growing personal and professional development companies teaching health and wellness technology for well over 40 years.

An international speaker, B.E.S.T. Master Instructor, trainer, author, researcher, and Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Ted develops and directs world-wide wellness training/treatment programs including the Living Your BEST-3 Day Intensive training and the rapidly expanding B.E.S.T. Trainings for health practitioners. With thousands in attendance, his programs reflect his personality of passion for the very best of everything he does! Exciting, motivating, and eye-opening are typical descriptions of his health and wellness trainings, literally keeping participants on the edge of their seats. Dr. Ted truly takes a no-nonsense approach to training by incorporating accelerated learning technologies to ensure participants learn at optimum, retain at maximum, and apply immediately, the knowledge to ensure peak performance for the rest of their lives! The changes are seen immediately by participants and the results are lasting!

Dr. Ted Morter is considered to be one of the most exciting speakers on the subject of health, wellness, and personal development, both nationally and internationally. He has worked closely and shared the stage with some of the top authors and speakers in the world including: Wayne Dyer, Kevin Trudeau, Ed Foreman, Ron Ball, Marshall Sylver, Dr Coldwell, Dr Barbara DeAngelis, Jack Canfield, Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr James Oschman, Janet Atwood, Dr Fabrizio Mancini, Dr Bob Hoffman, David Wood, T Harv Eker, Mark Victor Hansen, and many more!

Hundreds of thousands of participants have come from around the world to attend his programs and have had their lives transformed both personally and professionally.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Motivational