MARY MILLER is an internationally known speaker and educator. She was born and raised in the Boston, Massachusetts area. Mary received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1971 from Boston State College and went on to obtain a Masters degree in Social Work (MSW) in 1973 from the University of Connecticut. Although now retired from clinical social work, she has many years of experience as a psychotherapist in community mental health centers and in private practice.
Mary began her social work career in 1968 as a counselor and youth worker in a cutting edge youth rehabilitation program called Adolescent Counseling in Development. As a counselor she obtained over a thousand hours of training in Gestalt therapy. She also studied Transactional Analysis, Rebirthing, Bioenergetics, Re-evaluation Counseling and Psychodrama. In 1975, Mary founded an alternative mental health center called the People Place, which she directed for several years. In 1982, she founded a second alternative health service called OffSpring that provided support services to families who had lost young children. As a result of that work Mary authored two books:
Transitions Through BirthandEnded Beginnings. From 1984 to 2006, Mary worked with John Miller as researcher and teacher at the Gentle Wind Project, examining alternative pathways to good mental health. The Gentle Wind Project was a good will nonprofit that offered free mental and emotional support to anyone seeking help. The Project researched and developed balancing instruments that were known throughout the world for their effectiveness. The instruments were available on a donation basis. The Project also donated stress relief instruments to impoverished and war-torn countries as well as places that were affected by natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes. In 2003, Gentle Wind became the target of a cyber smear campaign, and along with an unethical government official who joined forces with the cyber smear group, they set out to destroy the efforts of this nonprofit. After years of litigation, Gentle Wind finally closed its doors in 2006 at the hands of the unethical government official. The Gentle Wind Project left behind records showing that thousands of people had benefitted from this company's efforts. The story can be found in Mary's book, Caught in the Act of Helping.
Mary Miller continued in her quest to find alternative, reliable pathways to alleviate mental and emotional distress. She is now the director of an alternative mental health group that uses the I Ching Hexagrams in the development of their personal balancing instruments. Mary's new book,The Magic of the I Ching: Ancient Symbols To Soothe the Soul, will be available next year, in 2012.