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Guest Name
Amorah Quan Yin
Amorah Quan Yin, Author, Channel and Pleiadian Emissary of Light
Guest Occupation
Author, Channel, Pleiadian Emissary of Light
Guest Biography

Amorah Quan Yin is author of: The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka, The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ba, Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution, published by Bear and Co. She is channel for the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, Andromedan Emissaries of Light, Ascended Masters, Intergalactic Federation of Light, and others, and founder of Pleiadian Lightwork - Dolphin Star Temple.

Amorah's fourth book, AFFINITY: Reclaiming the Divine Flow of Creation is now in print and available at most bookstores.

Pleiadian Lightwork is the name given to the healing, spiritual activation, and ascensions techniques which are part of the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School. This mystery school system is essentially the resurrection and contemporization of the ancient Lemurian, Atlantean, and Egyptian systems. Its chief purpose is that of assisting in bringing about the second coming of Christ en masse, when a minimum of 144,000 humans attain to Christ consciousness on Earth. This will trigger an enlightenment wave through the Earth and all her people, and planetary ascension. The time of the great planetary spiritual awakening is now. By learning to live impeccably, anchoring Higher Self in our bodies, restoring our souls, and aligning multidimensionally with the Great Central Sun, the Source of All That Is, we shall be victorious!