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Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Jon Land is the USA Today bestselling author of 50 books, including ten titles in the critically acclaimed Caitlin Strong series: Strong Enough to Die, Strong Justice, Strong at the Break, Strong Vengeance, Strong Rain Falling (winner of the 2014 International Book Award and 2013 USA Best Book Award for Mystery-Suspense), Strong Darkness(winner of the 2014 USA Books Best Book Award and the 2015 International Book Award for Thriller, and Strong Light of Day whichwon the 2016 International Book Award for Best Thriller-Adventure, the 2015 Books and Author Award for Best Mystery Thriller, and the 2016 Beverly Hills Book Award for Best Mystery. Strong Cold Dead became the fourth title in the series in a row to win the International Book Award in 2017 and about which Booklist said, “Thrillers don’t get any better than this,” in a starred review. It was followed by Strong to the Bone, winner of the 2017 American Book Fest Best Book Award for Mystery Suspense and the 2018 International Book Award for best Mystery as well as Thriller. It was followed by Strong as Steel (April ’19) about which Suspense Magazine proclaimed, “Get ready to sink your teeth into what just might be the best novel of 2019.” The book went on to win the 2019 International Book Award for Best Thriller/Adventure.

Most recently, Jon has taken over the MURDER, SHE WROTE book series based on the hit CBS television show starring Angela Lansbury.  His fourth effort writing as “Jessica Fletcher,” A Time for Murder, will be published in November of 2019 and about which Suspense Magazine proclaimed, “In a word, this book is a ‘Masterpiece.’ Land captured the essence of a Murder, She Wrote TV episode, and placed it into a book format that fans want, offering much more in regards to Jessica’s own life. We call Land a thriller writer but with A Time for Murder he has put his name on the short list of the top mystery whodunit authors of today.” It will be followed by the Agatha Christie-inspired Murder of Twelve in May of 2020. Within the past year, he also took over writing duties of Margaret Truman’s New York Times bestselling series Capital Crimes.

He also wrote the film Dirty Deeds, a teen comedy that follows the exploits of a high school senior attempting to complete ten impossible dares in a single night. The film (starring Milo Ventimiglia, Zoe Saldana, and Charles Durning) opened in eight cities in October of 2005, followed by a DVD release in January of 2006. Since then it has been downloaded over 50 million times via various streaming services.

He is a 1979 graduate of Brown University, lives in Providence, Rhode Island and can be reached at or on Twitter @jondland.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Entertainment, History
Guest Occupation: Not your typical Psychic! Celebrity Psychic Medium Featured on TLC, A&E, Discovery, CW, and more. All episodes of The Karyn Reece Show are available on YouTube.
Guest Biography:


  • Rated in the top 1% of psychics in her field with an over 98% accuracy (compared to the average psychic medium which is 50%) 
  • Former stockbroker, Bachelors of Science degree in Business (SUNY), Listed in Marquis's "Who's Who."
  • Provides very specific detail such as names, numbers, dates, and times and how it relates to your life in the present, past, or future
  • Receives her information directly from the spirit world rather than the client 


  • A PSYCHIC AND A MEDIUM: Gives her clients healing, clarity, and empowerment they deserve through psychic predictions and connections to their departed loved ones
  • PSYCHIC ARTIST: Instrumental in solving cold cases and unresolved murders for law enforcement
  • HAUNTED PHENOMENON AND EXORCISM EXPERT:  Removes negative energies and provides the restoration of peace and harmony.  
  • SKILLED PSYCHIC HISTORIAN: Provides professionals with detailed information on historical places and objects as she brings the past into the future. 
  • PRODUCER: Produces her own television psychic shows which all received high ratings. 
    • The Karyn Reece Show: Interviews celebrities and top paranormal experts in her field in addition to reading members of her live studio audience
    • The Unknown: Unlocking the history and spirit behind haunted locations within different communities

Karyn is also considered a rarity in her field for her artistic talent. Her artistic renderings and artistic execution of dead people and psychic events has been quoted by many as “incredible and exact!’


#podcast #health #KarynReece #DebbiDachinger #channel #love RobRowe #channel #stocks #DareToDream #medium #JamesVanPraagh #Instagood #Beautiful #tbt #Sales #Psychic #folow #repost #SheInspiresMe #creator #interview #DareToDream #spiritual #DeadPeople #EachforEqual #InternationalWomensDay #StrongWomen

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Comedy, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author of Happy Endings and a New Beginning, Inspirational and Motivational Speaker
Guest Biography:

Micheal Black's story is one of Defeat and Victory!

Author of "Happy Endings and a New Beginning.”

Michael has found his voice after keeping silent far too long. He's a survivor of multiple years of child sexual assault by 3 separate men outside his family unit. From that trauma came an early onset addiction to sex, which subsequently then became one with his fourteen-year love affair with drugs, and then turned over a new leaf…..sobriety.

He survived the AIDS epidemic, child sexual assault, abuse, rape, a survivor to meth, cocaine and even heroin, and conquered four months of aggressive chemotherapy. Michael was married, to a woman and divorced rather quickly. Lived the Gay life, had two committed relationships with men. Today, he is happily a woman who completes him.

Micheal Black is living proof of higher power and prayer, changes things!!

Aspiring to share his passion for life through writing and public speaking, Michael reveals intimate details of his lifelong journey through the pages of his tell-some book, “Happy Endings and a New Beginning.” Michael was born in Southern California and grew up with a lot of family around him. At eight years of age, his family moved to Northern California to a small town a couple of hours from the Oregon border. He lived there with his mother, brother and new stepdad in a small town with small-town values.

Unfortunately, those small-town values did not attach themselves to every person that Michael encountered. As such, Michael now speaks openly of the many years he endured sexual abuse by several different pedophiles, along with his sexual orientation and the struggles that illuminated because of his choices.

He struggled to live two separate lives as he had been raised in a home and church where homosexuality was looked down upon, yet he tried to live his own truth. In order to cope with the mass confusion festering in his young mind, Michael casually began using street drugs, which led him to a fourteen-year affair with those same drugs and so much more. It darkened his life path. At age 33, Michael's high-life partying came to an abrupt end, leaving him hospitalized and sober. He began looking to his Higher Power to sort out his life that was in a state of ruin. Now, years later, Michael shares his personal journey of mayhem over the years, how he met and fell in love with his wife and gives each one of us hope for a better tomorrow.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Sex, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author/journalist covering Washington, DC
Guest Biography:

Harry Jaffe is a legend among journalists and writers covering the city of Washington, DC — its politics, its crime, its heroes and villains. Beyond Washington, his work has been published in Playboy, Yahoo News, Men’s Health, Harper’s, Esquire and newspapers from the San Francisco Examiner to the Philadelphia Inquirer. He’s appeared in documentary films, TV and radio across the country and Europe.

Jaffe started reporting for the Rutland (VT) Herald in 1974. By 1977 he was a statewide reporting covering politics, nuclear power and the Legislature.

Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy asked Jaffe to become his press secretary in 1978. Moving to DC, he helped get Leahy’s message to state and local media while preparing the senator for reelection. He resumed reporting with States News Service, writing about Congress and the federal government for newspapers in the Bay Area in 1980. He learned the craft of long form journalism at Regardies and Washingtonian magazines. Jaffe found his niche covering the local Washington region, honing in on politics, true crime and media. As Washingtonian’s National Editor from 1990 on, he won many awards for investigative feature writing. His expose of toxic waste pits from World War I in DC’s Spring Valley triggered a $300-million ongoing cleanup.

With WRC-TV reporter Tom Sherwood, Jaffe co-authored Dream City: Race, Power and the Decline of Washington, DC, the definitive account of Washington’s emergence as a world class city, with Marion Barry as the main character. The New York Times named it one of the best political books of 1994. Published as an e-book in 2014, Dream City rose to the top of Amazon’s local history list. Universities across the U.S. have adopted Dream City as a text in Urban Studies courses.

Jaffe went on to collaborate with school reformer Michelle Rhee on Radical, her memoir and take on education in America. He followed that by collaborating with former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Michael Kelly, her astronaut husband, in their book ENOUGH; Our Fight to Keep America Safe from Gun Violence.

As an educator, Jaffe started lecturing at Georgetown University in 1984 and became an assistant professor of media studies at American University. In 1986 he taught journalism and media at the American University in Rome. He’s lectured at the University of Maryland, Towson University, George Washington University and Trinity College.

In addition to contributing to Washingtonian and other publications, Jaffe is at work on a number of collaborations and books, as well as treatments for dramatic productions.

Guest Category: Entertainment, History, Politics & Government, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author of My Angel My Hero
Guest Biography:

Brenda E. McDaniel's story is unique in that it shows beyond a doubt that God and Heaven exist!! And his love, guidance, hope, and faith is everlasting.

My Angel My Hero is a written testament to the power of love, faith, hope, and strength. It details the life and death of a woman named Snowe (Brenda's mother) who came as close to being an angel as possible, and a veteran of WW II who fought in the war as a Navy man, her father Earl, who is her hero. Earl also fought the demon of mental illness, and eventually won both battles.

They both were the generation who saved the world from the evil of Nazism and the tyrant called Hitler and suffered through the Depression. Both, especially Brenda's mother, were Christians with a strong faith that helped them through difficulties and hardships. Their faith gave them joy and love all during their lifetime. And now, their love is eternal. Even in death, it continues for each other and their loving Savior Jesus Christ and his Father.

My Angel My Hero is a story of family, love, hope, courage, and faith. Still young in marriage, Henry suffers mental illness. This comes from an incident while serving in the navy where he was predisposed to harmful gases. Snow, his young wife then and a nurse didn't give up on him. She instead gave up college to take care of him. Together they have four children, Brenda, the author, being the third born.

This memoir is narrated with passion and from the narrator's voice, one can tell that it is written with love. This book would suit anyone living with a person suffering from mental illness.

Brenda E. McDaniel has a BS in Psychology and an MA in Counseling. She lives in South VA., and enjoyed writing since childhood poems and short stories. This is a dream come true!

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Religion, Christianity, Self Help, Inspirational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Published Author of The-Duke Of Hell and Media Personality
Guest Biography:

Terry L. Cook has been a long-time published author and has written more twenty-seven books and a dozen best sellers. His latest really scary SCI-FI novel “The Duke Of Hell, The World's Final Dictator” is about the End-Of-The-World.

Terry holds AA, AS, BA, BS, and MBA Degrees, plus two college teaching credentials and two college certificates. He is a retired Los Angeles Police Professional, Military War Veteran, and a former National Guard Officer.

He is also an FAA licensed Commercial Jet Airplane Pilot (ATP) with 3000 hours of total flying experience. Additionally, he has appeared as an expert guest on thousands of international radio and TV shows during the past 25 years, including the prestigious 2012 H2-History Channel TV special entitled, "Countdown To Apocalypse", which was re-aired thereafter on Global television for several more years.

Watch the video trailer and read all about it in this most AMAZING book,

“The Duke Of Hell, The World's Final Dictator!”

It is 2020 and the world is on the brink of complete destruction as never before! Global political chaos is in the air everywhere, food shortages and famine are beginning, international wars and rumors of more wars are on the News daily, pestilence and disease are occurring worldwide, and with all international economies nearing collapse, it seems as if mankind has finally brought about its own doom.

Yet, is Mankind alone solely responsible for this predicament? Or is there some type of UNSEEN spiritual force behind it all? Indeed, is a secret, virtually unknown cadre of international leaders preparing the world for the coming of their Dark-Lord inside a UFO? Is there truly an unseen international conspiracy to bring about an End-Times Apocalypse in the making?

And have such circumstances been predicted for thousands of years by Prophecies? Could we be the final generation that is actually nearing such an earth-shaking cataclysmic conclusion? Or will Earth be SAVED by a friendly UFO invasion of benevolent SNAKE creatures from a different dimension? If so, will they actually help us or hurt us...???

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Entertainment, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Religion, Christianity, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Expert on How To Speak One's Truth. Author coach, speaker, life coach and literary producer
Guest Biography:

Lynn Everard, Author, Author Coach, Speaker, Life Coach and Literary Producer

Expert in How To Speak One's Truth.

Lynn is a product of incest. He grew up in a home with his alcoholic and abusive father and spent most of his life believing that in order to be safe he needed to be perfect, silent and invisible. At the age of 64, he learned how to speak his truth and now teach others how to do it. Author of, "How Speaking Your Truth Could Save Your Life and How it Saved Mine".

Lynn guides people in discovering and embracing their true selves and inviting them to walk freely into a future with greater self-confidence and limitless possibilities. He also helps people discover their hidden stories and limiting beliefs. Once discovered these stories can be rewritten so that people can live their best lives.

Lynn Everard is first and foremost a writer. He has been writing for over 40 years, professionally for over 25 years. He is the author of over 100 published articles, reports, and blogs. He has served clients as an editor, publisher, and ghostwriter. He is passionate about helping aspiring writers become outstanding authors of books and powerful authors of their own lives. 

In addition to being skilled in the mechanics of writing, Lynn also serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement to his clients.  

Lynn is the author of the forthcoming book, How Speaking Your Truth Can Save Your Life and How It Saved Mine and is the Co-Creator of the soon to be launched How To Speak Your Truth Workshop. By assisting his clients in writing their stories and their lives, he helps them speak their own truth.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help, Sex, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Expert on Reincarnation, Renowned Spiritual Teacher, Transformational Inner-Journey Guide, Author of "Want: True Love, Past Lives and Other Complications
Guest Biography:

Royce Morales arrived in this life with an insatiable quest to understand the mysteries of the mind, emotions, and spirit. For years she religion hopped, tried every personal development training and spiritually-based course, only to feel even more frustrated, lost and confused.

Quite inadvertently, this inner delving opened her own intuitive gift of groundbreaking transformational tools that got to the core of personal blocks, subconscious programmed fears, and self-sabotaging limitations. ​

People became curious, so Royce began teaching small groups. Lives began to shift almost miraculously. Students awakened to their Higher Possibilities, discovered depths of who they really are and why they're here. Pain, anger, confusion, frustration, and hopelessness dissolved. Stuck repetitive patterns ceased. 

Most significantly, spiritual concepts integrated and became applicable, rather than just nice-sounding theories.  

In her Perfect Life Awakening center, Royce continued to teach small groups for several decades. With each group that arrived, she discovered more ways to help people empower themselves. 

Observing what's going on in the world, and with the ease of technology, she decided it was time to make her teachings more widely accessible. Royce developed an intensive, remote program that's just as powerful as her small group classes.   

It's called "Empower Your Life."

"Royce is an authentic channel of consciousness!" - Donna Duffield, Prophet of Love podcast host

Empower Your Life

The Empower Your Life course offers profound, inner transformation, that can shift how you perceive everything, especially yourself. It's an insightful wake-up call, giving you applicable tools and Real World mindfulness practices to start or accelerate your spiritual journey. 

Rather than reading yet another self-help book, Empower Your Life is experientially discovering and breaking through core, false, subconscious notions about yourself that are running (and perhaps ruining) your life. 

Guest Category: Education, Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Love & Relationships, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Sex, Spiritual