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Guest Name
Royce Morales
Royce Morales Love Inspire Focus Empower  Renowned Spiritual Teacher Transformational Inner Journey Guide Author
Guest Occupation
Expert on Reincarnation, Renowned Spiritual Teacher, Transformational Inner-Journey Guide, Author of "Want: True Love, Past Lives and Other Complications
Guest Biography

Royce Morales arrived in this life with an insatiable quest to understand the mysteries of the mind, emotions, and spirit. For years she religion hopped, tried every personal development training and spiritually-based course, only to feel even more frustrated, lost and confused.

Quite inadvertently, this inner delving opened her own intuitive gift of groundbreaking transformational tools that got to the core of personal blocks, subconscious programmed fears, and self-sabotaging limitations. ​

People became curious, so Royce began teaching small groups. Lives began to shift almost miraculously. Students awakened to their Higher Possibilities, discovered depths of who they really are and why they're here. Pain, anger, confusion, frustration, and hopelessness dissolved. Stuck repetitive patterns ceased. 

Most significantly, spiritual concepts integrated and became applicable, rather than just nice-sounding theories.  

In her Perfect Life Awakening center, Royce continued to teach small groups for several decades. With each group that arrived, she discovered more ways to help people empower themselves. 

Observing what's going on in the world, and with the ease of technology, she decided it was time to make her teachings more widely accessible. Royce developed an intensive, remote program that's just as powerful as her small group classes.   

It's called "Empower Your Life."

"Royce is an authentic channel of consciousness!" - Donna Duffield, Prophet of Love podcast host

Empower Your Life

The Empower Your Life course offers profound, inner transformation, that can shift how you perceive everything, especially yourself. It's an insightful wake-up call, giving you applicable tools and Real World mindfulness practices to start or accelerate your spiritual journey. 

Rather than reading yet another self-help book, Empower Your Life is experientially discovering and breaking through core, false, subconscious notions about yourself that are running (and perhaps ruining) your life.