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Brenda McDaniel
 Brenda McDaniel Author of My Angel My Hero
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Author of My Angel My Hero
Guest Biography

Brenda E. McDaniel's story is unique in that it shows beyond a doubt that God and Heaven exist!! And his love, guidance, hope, and faith is everlasting.

My Angel My Hero is a written testament to the power of love, faith, hope, and strength. It details the life and death of a woman named Snowe (Brenda's mother) who came as close to being an angel as possible, and a veteran of WW II who fought in the war as a Navy man, her father Earl, who is her hero. Earl also fought the demon of mental illness, and eventually won both battles.

They both were the generation who saved the world from the evil of Nazism and the tyrant called Hitler and suffered through the Depression. Both, especially Brenda's mother, were Christians with a strong faith that helped them through difficulties and hardships. Their faith gave them joy and love all during their lifetime. And now, their love is eternal. Even in death, it continues for each other and their loving Savior Jesus Christ and his Father.

My Angel My Hero is a story of family, love, hope, courage, and faith. Still young in marriage, Henry suffers mental illness. This comes from an incident while serving in the navy where he was predisposed to harmful gases. Snow, his young wife then and a nurse didn't give up on him. She instead gave up college to take care of him. Together they have four children, Brenda, the author, being the third born.

This memoir is narrated with passion and from the narrator's voice, one can tell that it is written with love. This book would suit anyone living with a person suffering from mental illness.

Brenda E. McDaniel has a BS in Psychology and an MA in Counseling. She lives in South VA., and enjoyed writing since childhood poems and short stories. This is a dream come true!