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Guest Occupation: Experiencer, MILAB, Author, NDE, Contactee, Clairvoyant, Spiritual Development Coach
Guest Biography:

Tana Newberry survived a near death experience in 2002. In that moment she realized the ability to channel, saving her life and ultimately changing it forever. Soon after, Tana became passionate about sharing her psychic gifts. 

​Much of her work currently takes place in Benicia, California, which is close to Bay Area. She offers Psychic ET Experiencer Readings, Tarot Readings, Crystal Readings, Crystal-Reiki Healings and Sound Vibrational Healings. She teaches a multitude of Psychic Development classes helping Contactees, Experiencers and Spiritual Seekers to identify and cultivate their Psy abilities. Her trainings exploring telepathic communication, automatic writing, receiving clairvoyant images and receiving conscious state ‘downloads’ of information, among other methods.

Tana's extraterrestrial contact goes as far back as childhood, but memories and new experiences only started to surface around the time she began using her psychic abilities and had her first UFO sighting. Her ET involvement centers around the production of Hybrid children as she recalls 10 years of experiences which include conception, gestation and retrieval.  She also identifies as a MILAB experiencer. 

Tana is involved in the Ufology Community, now attending and sharing her projects at conferences. She can be found teaching, presenting and conducting one-on-one Psychic ET Experiencer Readings. Sessions are conducted using her ET Experiencer Oracle Deck ​which Tana co-authored with Miesha Johnston.The divination deck is dedicated to the topic of Ufology and extraterrestrial contact. When used, it both validates encounters and clarifies details about personal experiences. Contact agendas are represented as well as ET species and Galactic Planets of Origin.

​In addition to her psychic work, Tana currently leads UFO Nightwatch Encounters in the Bay Area, California and on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. UFO Nightwatch Encounters features tours with military grade night-vision goggles, so you can enjoy your own personal UFO sightings!

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Spiritual, Tarot & Other Cards, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, Lifelong Contactee, Telepath, Galactic Messenger, Teacher
Guest Biography:

Judy Carroll was born in Queensland, AU, in 1952. Her family background is Creole, English, and Romany (Gypsy). She left school to become a professional Flamenco dancer, following in the footsteps of her grandmother, who was a dancer and clairvoyant medium in the Romany tradition. Judy feels that this background helped her to assimilate the encounters she's had with Grey ETs since early childhood. Sixty years of these ongoing and at times fully conscious encounters has given her a deep insight into this phenomenon that is happening to many thousands of people world-wide.

The ET Visitors advised her to meditate so as to facilitate easier telepathic communication, and to study Tai Chi and natural healing. In 2011, Judy attended a meeting on an ET ship that involved a discussion on the past and present situation on Earth, including the hijacking of the planet many millennia ago. In light of this, she wrote a book on the ET history of Earth, the hijacking of the planet by a rebel force and the subsequent manipulation of scriptural accounts of events that took place in the distant past.

She has written three books; Human by day, Zeta by Night, the Zeta Message, and her new book which is just out, The Extraterrestrial Message.

Guest Category: Literature, Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Inspirational, Access Consciousness, Meditation, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, Nutrition Specialist & Personal Development Counselor
Guest Biography:

“PERSEVERANCE is 100% self-control,” says South African author, Brett Austin, who authored the inspiring book, To All the People of The Planet.

Austin says writing this book was a way he could help change lives of those in need.

Brett Austin is a former plumber and disc jockey.  He is a father, author, nutrition specialist, and personal development coach.  "I try to share my miraculous weight-loss and transformation story at workshops, talks and festivals."

“I guess I’m a different kind of plumber now. I help my humankind to clear their inner pipes and live more miraculously healthy lives with God,” he said.

“I got a massive wake-up call as my health was deteriorating and I could see two potential paths my life would take - one I'd carry on as I was, grossly overweight and unhealthy, and not live beyond 40, or I'd transform my life and live into my eighties, writing numerous books, which would support millions of others to also live greater lives for good too.”

Austin said that as a child, he always knew by 40 he would be traveling the world however, he never knew how, he just knew he would be.

He said his role model is Bob Proctor because of his motivational speaking and exceptional knowledge.

Describing himself as “transformed”, Austin said his proudest achievement is losing 65kgs and transforming his life.

“My book, To All The People of The Planet, is a personal transformation story, and a guide packed with tips, tools and even menus to give people access to how I lost 45kgs in 18 weeks and a total of 65kgs, without dieting. I felt there are many people who would benefit from my story and I wanted to share how I started this way of life three years ago, and how I lost, and kept the weight off.”

His message to the youth of today and other aspiring writers is to persevere.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Licensed Dually and Globally Ordained Master Reverend, Former National TV Talk Show Host, Radio DJ, Author, Public Speaker
Guest Biography:
Licensed Dually & Globally Ordained Master Reverend in good standing since 2013. Former National TV Talk Show Host, Radio DJ, Author and Public Speaker. 
Tania, The Rebel Reverend, takes a position of simplicity with accuracy without compromise. The “in your face" Modern day Paul takes up her cross daily to spread the gospel and as Jesus told the crowds “I did not come to bring peace but rather a sword”. Her motto is simple, spiritual accountability Matthew 12:36 “Every careless word shall be accountable to God” and her slogan as crucify hypocrisy Matthew 7:5 “Remove the plank in your own eye before you judge me”.
Our spiritual overtone towards Jesus has at best regressed. Mankind has contributed this edifying religious propaganda with a blazing accuracy of global spiritual ignorance. And in the miscarriage of religious lies and deceit, we run from one spiritual emotional fix to next through watered down “feel good” sermons from every global religious pulpit. Tania wants nothing less than her brothers and sisters around the globe to be taught His truth rather than the world’s truth.
With Jesus being the only one to walk sinless, her slogan of humility is "I don't always practice what I preach". In keeping it real leaving the "holier than thou" attitude for the pious of self righteousness, Tania sets out to proclaim the good news rather than offer watered down sermons that entertain rather than teach. Simply put, she is meet people where they're at and where Christ wants them to be in hopes that they will not be carelessly lead away from false doctrine. With many souls hanging in the balance, Tania’s places her spiritual accountability on a much to a much higher podium as to not lead the Lord’s children astray.
The One Percent Insurgent
(The “Sold Out” Solder for Christ)
”Fighting the Good Fight against Legalization in our Churches”
For most young girls in the 1970’s, having an easy bake oven or daydreaming about having her own family was on every little girls Christmas wish list. But not for eleven year old Tania as her only wish was to be unconditionally loved, rather she was born into a family of addiction, abuse and neglect. And despite her harsh family dysfunctions, she persevered.
From a young age, Tania did not have the luxury of being a kid, as her life was abundantly surrounded with greed, lust and an inescapable appetite of pain and suffering.  And while she was remarkably resilient, she would later overcome and shine upon heaven’s door steps.  Hand chosen by heaven as a modern day Paul, her signature would be paramount in proclaiming and glorifying Jesus Christ.
With no real sense of belonging, she would suffer many horrors that nobody should have to.  And despite all that she would endure, she did not sway from her divinical calling in fighting the good fight. With an extensive history of abuse stemming from her father at a young age, being repeatedly beaten up and bullied in various schools and foster care homes, multiple suicide attempts, sustained domestic abuses, Tania found it hard to be socially accepted, thus fighting became her norm. A new plate form of survival for security would form through martial arts training.
A few years had passed where Tania’s world would be monumental in paving her future.  Mustering up the strength to leave her abusive husband nor any monetary resources for legal fees in exhausting custody hearings, she answered a luring business ad which would charm her into an industry that was mysterious as much as it was enticing.  A world of borderless intimacies but a lifetime of pain and regret would guide her deep into the rabbit hole of spiritual debt.  Money and a collage of materialistic possessions would eventually grant her a place with society’s financial and privileged elite as she rung her way up the ladder to what the world deems as success.
Now having achieved worldly success, Tania would remarry to a Russian international crime syndicate.  And although this marriage did provide some sense of security where she now felt safe against her first husband, it was dysfunctional at best as she was encouraged and allowed to continue in the adult industry.  A choice needed to be made as the spiritual accountability haunted her, thus she chose her heavenly Father over her lucrative business that provided expensive worldly possessions that had buried her into a deeper destructive lifestyle down the path of despair. Tania was quoted, “On the outside, I appeared to have it all but on the inside I had nothing. I was the walking dead.  I had no heart left.” Still the small voice in her fuelled her too take up her cross and banking on Jesus’ promises of rest, deliverance and restoration.  Fishers of men became her motto as she ventured out to disciple, meeting people where they were and where Christ wanted them to be.
Mathew 28:19-20 "Go therefor and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Guest Category: Entertainment, Philosophy, Religion, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Metaphysical Practitioner, Light code activator, author, spiritual adviser
Guest Biography:

Dr. Edwige -  is a Metaphysical Practitioner, Light code activator, author, and spiritual advisor.  In service to humanity, she has become the living embodiment of the Cosmic Mother or to the indigenous peoples the Peacock Goddess. She now walks between both worlds: In the physical, while connected multi-dimensionally with higher realms of existence and holding the holographic energetic template form for all Starseed races as we dawn a new beginning in time.  She ushers in change as a surrogate of divine femininity. By demonstrating what is achievable by us all, she walks the Highest Path, constantly traveling to all the dimensions, passing through every Gate of Ascension, in possession of the Codes & keys to your total activation.  She has come to assist and guide us through the many processes of Ascension and to usher in the Feminine Healing necessary for the Great Shift.

Experience the amazing transformational gifts that Dr. Edwige holds and is here to share with humanity.

She is a powerful receptor of pure Light essence bestowed by The Divine Source Creator. Dr. Edwige uses Ancient Star Language in her work that is done on a cellular level, raising your frequency, transmitting sound directly for your soul, reaching deep into your core to clear old memories and programs, activating your higher consciousness, bringing attunement to you as a multi-dimensional being that you are.  These light codes will help to unlock your divine blueprint awakening your DNA and activation of your Crystaline Light body.

She declares that we are all that holds us back from inner-peace and succeeding and will show how to experience expansion into your multiverse reality and your next powerful step in evolution!

Her award-winning book “You’re Not Crazy, You’re Awakening” will change the way you see the “Awakening” while answering the age-old question of “Are we alone?”

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Founder of Rock Dust Local
Guest Biography:

In the late 1980's the founder of Rock Dust Local, Thomas Vanacore, was introduced to soil remineralization as a viable local alternative to conventional fertilizers and soil amendments with benefits extending to global concerns such as climate change. The idea is that by revitalizing the earth's green mantle acre by acre atmospheric carbon can be captured, reversing rising levels of atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions; Local action and global benefit. Being a mason and stone carver by trade Tom had extensive experience working with rocks and minerals and years of experience with mines and quarry operations. This and Tom's connection to the early revival of organic farming  in Vermont set things in motion. 

In 1991 Tom decided to try his hand at starting a small business sourcing and delivering local rock dusts to regional farms. This would be a first step to introduce remineralization to area growers.  But as Tom says "I couldn't give it away". But times have changed.  25 years later, after continual work with rock dusts in organic farming himself, and building up a network supply of regional sources, Tom and Joan, his wife and partner of over 15 years, decided to try again.  Rock Dust Local set up shop at a local Farmers Market in Vermont hawking 5 and 10 lb. bags of "Local Rocks for Local Crops".  "I literally had to stand out in front of the table and call people in, like an old fish monger." That's how it got restarted in 2010.  From there Rock Dust Local began delivering rock dust in bulk to regional growers interested in nutrient dense farming,  many of these growers learning from experienced farmers and educators like Dan Kittredge, Gary Zimmer and Eliot Coleman.  Building the website and store came about by people calling up for information and bags of rock dust. And the story has just begun.


Rock Dust Local was established as the first company in North America specializing in local and regional sourcing of rock dust for remineralization.  We are the largest distributor of regionally sourced rock dust and a growing presence in the field of agrominerals.  This is still a small business. We like to work directly with our customers.  Our mission remains the same; to revitalize the earth's green mantle one acre at a time. We support local agriculture by providing the BEST rock dusts, fixed carbon and biological companion materials through sustainable and responsible business practices with a dedication to affordability, quality and localization. We believe biologic management practices can provide a major solution to the growing problem of climatic instability by sustainably capturing carbon as well as reversing the decline in nutritional value and yields in commercial agriculture.  We believe family farms are the future strength of the land.

To quote William Albrecht "May rocks their silence break and speak nationally through a better knowledge of soil for food as the basis of national health and thereby a national strength for the prevention of war and for the simplest road to peace. Our future national strength must rest in our soils."- The Albrecht Papers, Vol.I

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Pets and Animals, Science, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: im Padilla is the Founder of Gain the Edge, a go-to guy for all things sales, and a master collaborated whose purpose is to help entrepreneurs.
Guest Biography:

Jim Padilla is the King of Collaboration, a Visionary at the Helm, and CEO of Gain the Edge Jim has created an army of heart-centered sales rock-stars. Along with his wife Cyndi, they have partnered with top industry leaders to exponentially increase their online launch, and back-of-room revenue. Jim sets up a strategic sales system and a sales force that averages over 25,000 sales conversations per year in a variety of formats. Gain the Edge is the secret weapon of choice for many industry experts; anchoring over $100 Million in sales for the likes of Josh Turner, Justin Livingston, Lisa Sasevich, and Bill Baren. Jim keeps his team and his clients on the cutting edge of sales conversions strategies.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, News, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Technology
Guest Occupation: Drummer,Songwriter,Author
Guest Biography:

D   O   A   N   E

P   E   R   R   Y






“Determined, talented, driven, passionate” …these are just a few of the adjectives people use to describe this multifaceted percussionist. A professional musician since 1972, Doane Perry has been called one of the most prolific and versatile drummers in contemporary music.

His career spans over 28 years with the internationally acclaimed progressive rock band Jethro Tull, incorporating 18 world tours, countless records, videos, and DVDs, and a Grammy. As a performer, composer or producer, he has appeared on more than 100 records to date, many of which have attained gold or multi-platinum status, and on numerous #1 records in multiple genres. He has worked in the recording studios of New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, and London. And as an author, he has been a featured writer for musical magazines, anthologies, book publications, websites, CD liner notes, Jethro Tull concert programs, four treasure hunts and one crossword puzzle!

Born June 16, 1954, in Mount Kisco, New York, Doane began piano lessons at the age of seven and later picked up drums when he was eleven. “The Beatles arrived on the scene and changed everything,” he says, adding with a smile and his characteristic charm, “and the possibility, however unlikely that might have been, of young girls chasing me down the street if I took up the drums!”

Determined and smart, even at the young age of 14, Perry had his own working band. He spent his time gigging on weekends until he graduated from high school at 17, filling a brief beat as a Baskin-Robbins ice cream vendor. He never stopped studying music, crossing a myriad of styles and absorbing music from some of his major percussive influences, which included Ginger Baker, John Bonham, Mitch Mitchell, Keith Moon, Billy Cobham, Tony Williams, Elvin Jones, Max Roach, Barry Altschul and Clive Bunker (Jethro Tull’s first drummer) amongst many others.

The year 1972 found the 18-year-old already a professional, juggling time between school and gigging — which ultimately created a serious conflict. Having to choose which direction to go, Perry made the life-changing decision to pursue his music full time.

No sooner had he made his choice, then Doane embarked on gaining a broader understanding of as many musical genres as possible. This opened doors to both live and studio work — Rock, Pop, Jazz, Fusion, Latin, Classical, R&B, Folk, Indian, Middle Eastern, Asian, Celtic, Broadway Shows, TV, and numerous film scores. It was New York City, and the age of diverse thriving ethnic and world music surrounded him. “It was a wonderful time to be a young musician, particularly in that city,” says Doane.

Perry’s love not just for music but also for literature and learning had him attending Browning, St. Bernard’s, and Collegiate Schools in New York City. He also spent a brief time at New York University, and was part of extension programs at The New School, Rutgers, Julliard…anytime his busy music schedule would permit and immersed himself in private musical study in Jazz and Orchestral Percussion.

To purchase Tone Masseve’s “Amp L’étude” visit

For more information:



Also visit Doane Perry's official website at

Guest Category: Entertainment, Music