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Guest Occupation: Executive Director
Guest Biography:

I've never forgot my roots and know that I'm truly a product of the community I serve in the capacity as Executive Director of Unity One. I've overcome adversities that would defeat the average person because of my belief in God and count even my challenges as joy. Cornell Ward

Cornell Ward spent most of his youth involved with activities that led to the demise of his community. Thus, his athletic talents, ease for sports and coaching, has given him a vehicle to send over 700 youth to Division I, Division I AA, Division II, Division III, and NAIA schools around the country.

Cornell Ward worked from 1994-2005 as Kedren's Family Service Center & Head Start volunteer resource coordinator. In Los Angeles County, Kedren operated 26 facilities offering educational programs for children 3 to 5 years of age and basic learning skills such as the alphabet and the identification of geometric shapes. Cornell Ward developed Kedren's annual "Family Fun Day" event where more than 2,000 people converged in Watts. The event featured free food and rides, including a carousel and a train. "We’d have a ton of fun" said Cornell Ward. In addition, he worked effortlessly on the team to generate resources for the facilities to teach classes in English, Spanish, Cambodian, Japanese and Armenian as well as offer adult and youth continuing education, literacy and computer courses, career development, tutoring, after-school athletics and college preparatory classes.

Guest Category: Self Help, Motivational, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: busiensswoman
Guest Biography:

When Karen Bowersox’s granddaughter was born with Down syndrome, she saw the challenges her mother faced trying to find clothes that fit her properly. After extensive research she still could not find any clothes made specifically for people with Down syndrome and so took matters into her own hands, launching her own fashion line Downs Designs.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Journalist
Guest Biography:

Robert Littal’s vision for BlackSportsOnline has remained the same since its creation in 2005, to provide an alternative take on mainstream sports and sports entertainment stories in an intelligent and creative way, with a secondary goal of helping minority writers and journalist who haven’t been given an opportunity to thrive in the world of online media.

Guest Category: Business, News, Marketing, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Chairman and Founder
Guest Biography:

Saeed David Farman is an international Icon a Futurist, New Humanity Movement Founder & Leader, Pioneer of Quantum Transcendental Transformation Shift in ASCENSION.

Saeed currently resides in city of Angels or Los Angeles, California, USA. He was born in Iran, Tehran on July 21st, 1955 and was brought up in Persian and Islamic tradition migrating to USA in 1979 studying and working in Technology and later researched for many years in Consciousness, ET disclosure & Spirituality, He also have 5 star kids with his ex-Peruvian wife and has traveled to Energy sites in Cusco & Machu Picchu, Peru.

Saeed is the Founder & Director of ALCHEMY EVENT a Consciousness event that for past 5 years has changed many lives.

For past 25 years Saeed has been be researching different fields and sciences such as UFOLOGY, ET studies, MARS, Terra Forming, Teleportation, Time travel, Spiritual UFOLOGY in ET Contact, Islamic UFOLOGY/ ET in Quran, Quantum Physics, Sacred Geometry, Mysticism, Sufism, Bible Code, Pyramidology, Tibetan Buddhism, Christianity, Meditation, Bible Prophecy, Healing, Channeling, Telepathy, Future Life Regression 30,000 years forward, had few Near Death experiences that has changed his views in life, Flotation Tank out of body research, Remote Viewing, Nostradamus Prophecy, Baba Vanga prophecy, Hopi Prophecy, Hollow Earth, Pole Shift & Ascension.

Saeed Studied Advanced Pure Mathematics in UK passed the university of London test plus Computer Science extension courses in UCLA, California.

Saeed has 27 years of Management experience in computer industry been CEO, President and Vice President of different companies in Distribution and manufacturing with managing over 30 employees he has achieved over $20 million in annual sales record in D& B.

Saeed has also studied Sufism of Grand Saint of all saints Ibn Arabi of Andalusia, Spain & Moulana Jalaaudin Rumi's Philosophy under Sufi Master PIR Vilayat Inayat Khan former head of Sufi order of America the Chishti Sufi order for many years.

Saeed is IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) Advanced Energy Healer.

He does Guided out of body meditation with Shamanic healing as well.

For past 5 Years Saeed has created 10 amazing 3 days Alchemy events in Los Angeles that has generated interest in Consciousness & ET disclosure communities.

His next event is in London Heathrow Sheraton Hotel April 11-12-13, 2014 with over 33 keynote speakers which is called "MASTERPIECE"

Saeed has New Visions for New Humanity that will change the future like nothing before!

His Alchemy event website:


facebook pages:

You Tube Channel:

Saeed's contact info:

EMAIL: Phone: London: +44 20 3287 4887 USA: +1-310-908-6682

Guest Category: Cosmology, Courses & Training, UFOs, Numerology, Medium & Channeling, Tarot & Other Cards, Astrology, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Internet Radio Talk Show Host
Guest Biography:

The Vinny Eastwood Show is not here to wake people up, it's here to help the many who should have their stories told. 

With 1 rule, HAVE FUN!.
If they're having fun, the audience is having fun. Especially because you will hear talk about the most serious and in some cases positively horrifying realities of our world, from all sides. Agree or disagree the intention is to just hear someone out, simply let those who have already done the research, deliver their conclusions as only they can mostly because Vinny doesn't like researching, but instead talks to the researchers.

Not only on air but in the streets! Right alongside protest leaders, fearless truth, but ridiculously funny. Armed with a camera, Vinny aka MR NEWS sets out to give real issues, real politicians, real celebrities and researchers, the coverage they deserve. With a different point of view that the mainstream media will either ignore or cut into soundbites that never reflect the reality with real information.

The same things that are happening in the USA are happening in New Zealand, that's why it's called The New WORLD Order, because no one on Earth can hide from it. So we have to face it with a smile, some courage and a sense of duty to prevent worse things from happening!

The show is about unity, truth, fun, laughter and giving people a platform. 
They get archives published free online and on youtube. That way the next time someone asks them a question they can just send them a link! So it makes it easy to promote themselves. "Activists are generally quite modest people and would never go around shamelessly promoting themselves, fortunately I was born without a sense of shame and there's nothing shameful about shameless self promotion. 

If you support me and what I do, then you're simply supporting virtually any spectrum of research and activism that you could ever think of. Simply because it's the truth, simply because it's interesting, or simply because it's light hearted and occasionally laugh out loud fun, it's hard to not become a regular listener, resistance is futile!

Now through our joint-venture with American Freedom Radio we bring you A list researchers and activists from around the world 5 days a week!

As Vinny always says: 
"if the mainstream media won't do their job, don't fight, let's just replace them, because they're no longer relevant!" 

"we should come together on the points we agree and those we don't we can leave for another time."

Guest Category: Education, World News, Politics & Government, World, Motivational, Sex, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Eckankar clergy
Guest Biography:

Richard Wildasin is a member of the Eckanar clergy and a former engineer and scientist. "I'm an avid runner and cyclist and try to maintain a healthy balance between my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life. I enjoy talking to people about the many varied and interesting spiritual experience they have had and how life provides what's best fo us to grow, if we ask and are willing to put our love and effort into it."

Guest Category: Sound Healing, Philosophy, Religion, Science
Guest Occupation: Eckankar Clergy
Guest Biography:

Darlene Kershner is a member of the Eckankar Clergy and lives in central Pennsylvania. "I have a wonderful family with a husband, two daughters and a cat. I love nature, hiking, good books, and exploring this spiritual life. I currently work for an adult support program in a practical nursing school."

Guest Category: Philosophy, Religion, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Talk Show Host, Author, Public Speaker, Private Investigator, Certified Hypnotherapist, Past-life Regressionist, Minister
Guest Biography:

David Love is a talk radio show host, board certified hypnotist, advanced past-life regressionist therapist, and Reiki healer.

He writes and speaks extensively on applying ancient mystical philosophy (he is a Rosicrucian and Spiritualist) as means for personal growth and development.

David’s current focus is on empowering people to develop effective personal success strategies.

He has written over ninety Internet articles on metaphysical, philosophical, and spiritual topics, along with dozens of guest media appearances.

David is the author several books including: The First Truth: A Book of Metaphysical Theories and Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle.

David also co-authored a chapter for best-selling series the Adventures in Manifesting Series: Soulful Relationships (with Lynn Rose and Bob Doyle).

He is also a past article contributor to the Sedona Journal of Emergence. In December of 2015, Arielle Ford relationship expert and author of the best selling book "The Soulmate Secret", included a chapter in her new book "Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate" about how Det David met Dr Lana Love called Soulful Synchroncities. David and Lana are honoured to have their names included in Arielle's book with other well-known public figures like Harville Hendrix, John Gray, Dr. Helen Fisher, Neale Donald Walsch, and Marianne Williamson.

David and his Australian partner Dr. Lana Love, are the hosts of Universal Soul Love, a weekly “social activist” talk radio show. They discuss topics (with celebrity guest appearances) ranging from environmentalism, animal abuse, human rights, gender equality, mental health, alternative medicine, personal development, spiritual growth, and self-sustainable living.

David has over twenty years of experience working in the America judicial system as an investigator. As a career private investigator, he specialized in criminal defense investigations (working with violent criminal offenders), domestic matters (such as infidelity surveillance, child custody, and child support collection), missing persons (including fugitive recovery), complex financial fraud, corporate investigations, and civil litigation support. His clients included corporate executives, business professionals, public figures, and political leaders.

David is a committed advocate for missing, abused, and neglected children. He is passionate in promoting civil liberties, animal rights, and environmental protection.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy