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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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Headlined Show, Responder Resilience April 10, 2024

In this eye-opening episode of our podcast, we delve into the life of Rob Rudewicz, a man whose career in law enforcement spanned two decades, culminating in his retirement as a Captain from the Hartford Police Department. Rob's journey is not just a tale of policing a city he grew up in, but it's also a raw exploration of his own personal battles with addiction, depression, and anxiety. His story is one of vulnerability and courage, as he shares his experiences with unflinching honesty, offering listeners a rare glimpse into the complexities of life behind the badge.

Rob's tenure in the police force was marked by both traditional and non-traditional roles, even serving as acting chief of police, which brought its own unique set of challenges and triumphs. We explore how these experiences intertwined with his early life traumas, further complicating his journey towards recovery. The conversation takes a deep dive into the ways in which the pressures of the job exacerbated Rob's struggles with addiction, and how adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) played a role in his depression.

Adding another layer to his inspiring story, Rob discusses his contribution to "The Expand Man Chronicles," a recently published book that sheds light on personal transformation and recovery. This episode is not just about the struggles; it's about overcoming them. It's about Rob Rudewicz's ultimate success in finding true recovery and the lessons we can all learn from his journey. Join us as we uncover the resilience of the human spirit, through the eyes of a man who faced his demons and emerged victorious.

Headlined Show, Responder Resilience April 3, 2024

In this enlightening episode, we delve into the impactful world of first responders and the mental health challenges they face, through the lens of Captain Chris Moore's personal and professional experiences. As a key figure in his department's Behavioral Health and Peer Support Team, Chris opens up about his own battle with post-traumatic stress, diagnosed in 2018, following years of dedicated service. His story is one of vulnerability, courage, and the transformative power of support and openness.

Throughout the episode, Captain Moore sheds light on the concept of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) scores, discussing the profound ways in which early life traumas can shape responses to stress and crisis in adulthood. This conversation extends into the broader topics of alcohol use within our culture and the unique role of faith and religion within the fire service, offering a multifaceted view of the challenges and coping mechanisms present in the lives of first responders.

Moreover, Chris introduces us to the life-changing program, Save a Warrior (SAW), detailing his journey as an alumnus and the program's holistic approach to healing from Complex Post-Traumatic Stress. Through SAW's evidence-based interventions and community support, Chris highlights the path to recovery and the importance of addressing mental health with comprehensive care and compassion. Join us as we explore these crucial themes, guided by Captain Moore's insightful reflections and his mission to help others by sharing his journey with unyielding honesty and transparency.

Headlined Show, The Sports Doctor April 3, 2024

Mary Mitchell, Chicago Sun Times Award-Winning Journalist & Senior Advocate joins me along with Dr. Cathy Subber, Chiroropractic Physician, Owner of Naperville’s Advanced Care & Founder of Branch Moms. Then, it’s 'The Sport Doctor Is In' with some Bob Gajda wisdom and your questions and emails!

Headlined Show, Financial Fitness with The Money Doctor March 31, 2024

Guest John Sosville, Mergers and Acquisitions Consultant of Platform Brokerage joins The Money Doctor today. What’s your exit strategy? What’s your business worth? Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right.” The same may be true about selling your business. Join us for 30 minutes that just might change your business exit strategy!!

Headlined Show, Shadow Politics March 31, 2024


 We were honored to interview Senator Joe Lieberman — a long-time supporter of DC statehood — in November 2021. We discussed with the senator, our current statehood bill and its chances for moving through the United States Senate. In addition, we discussed his bipartisan work with "No Labels" and their attempts to reach bipartisan consensus in both houses of Congress. We were excited to have this strong statehood advocate give us the benefit of his extensive experience in the U.S. Senate. Joe was the first senator to introduce a statehood bill in the Senate. He will be missed.

McKamey Legacy CD : The Rising Of The Son - single Songs : The Rising Of The Son Christian Music, Gospel, Music, Religious
Mark Bishop CD : Forget The Sea Songs : Take To The Sky Christian Music, Gospel, Music, Religious
Lydia Walker CD : Beloved Songs : Shades Of You Acoustic, Christian Music, Country, Music, Singer/Songwriter
Love Collide CD : Resonate A Ripple To A Wave Songs : Yahweh Christian Music, Music, Pop, Religious, Rock, Singer/Songwriter
Kristina Craig CD : Angel With Tattoos Songs : Glory Shine Christian Music, Contemporary, Country, Music, Religious, Singer/Songwriter
Shadow Politics Guest, Jill D Lawrence April 07, 2024 Award-winning journalist

Award-winning journalist Jill Lawrence is an opinion writer and the author of "The Art of the Political Deal: How Congress Beat the Odds and Broke Through Gridlock." A former columnist, commentary editor and editorial board member at USA Today, her previous positions also include national political correspondent for USA Today, managing editor for politics at National Journal and national political writer at The Associated Press. Her writing on politics, policy and culture has also appeared in The Los Angeles Times, The Bulwark, NBC News Think, The Daily Beast, Politico Magazine, The Week, Al Jazeera America Opinion, The Atlantic, AOL's Politics Daily, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Lawrence is a contributor to The Surge: 2014's Big GOP Win and What It Means for the Next Presidential Race and co-author of Governors and the Presidency: How They Campaign, How They Govern, for the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers, and Phoning It In and Failing to Show: The Story of the 2014 House Primaries, for the Brookings Institution.

Among Lawrence's national awards and honors are the 2021 National Society of Newspaper Columnists award for online columns, the National Press Club's 2016 Lee Walczak Award for Political Analysis, a 2010 Sigma Delta Chi award from the Society of Professional Journalists for her Politics Daily columns, and a 1995 National Headliner Award for her AP columns. Columbia Journalism Review named her one of the top 10 campaign reporters in the country in 2004. Washingtonian magazine included her on its list of 50 "best and most influential journalists" in 2005.

A highlight of her tenure at USA Today was "One Nation, Divided," a series which she proposed after the stalemated 2000 election and which ran in 2002. The stories were based on research and reporting throughout 2001, both before and after the 9/11 attacks, in the archetypal blue and red towns of Montclair, N.J., and Franklin, Tenn. In 2003, the IRE Journal published an article Lawrence wrote about how and why the towns were chosen and the tools she used to find the information she needed.

A thoughtful analyst as well as a social-media aficionado, Lawrence has discussed political and policy developments on MSNBC, C-SPAN, Sirius-XM, public radio and many other media outlets. She was an adjunct professorial lecturer at American University in 2014, teaching on the relationship between politics and the media.

The Bev Moore Show Guest, Brie Burke April 05, 2024 Actress, singer, model, activist
Brie Burke
Actress, singer, model, activist
Bio 👇
  • Brie Burke is an actress, singer, model, activist, and CEO/Founder of D.A.Y.S. (Depression Awareness & Youth/Young Adult Suicide) Nonprofit Organization. She has been kept busy within the last five (6) years, starring in 27 films, various commercials & music videos. Brie is currently also working on her first music cd, which she hopes to release in 2024.

Brie started her acting career on the stage at the age of seven (7), she has been in eight (8) community musical theatre productions and can sing in 5 languages. She attended New York’s Broadway Artists Alliance (BAA) where she auditioned along with 3,000 other youth & young adults, worldwide, for one of 120 coveted spots in their acting/singing program. She was fortunate to work with & be coached by TONY Award winners and current Broadway Performers, as well as NYC’s top Casting Directors, Agents, and Acting/Singing Coaches. When not acting, Brie writes, directs and/or produces when possible.

As the CEO/Founder of D.A.Y.S. she is dedicated to the prevention of youth & young adult suicide, as well as assisting those suffering from bullying, depression, and the loss of a loved one due to suicide. Brie hopes to be “a spark to light the way out of the darkness for those suffering from depression, bullying, or the sadness and despair of losing a loved one to suicide”. She dedicates her organization and platform to the memory of her cousin, David, who committed suicide at the age of 22.

She is the recipient of the White House Presidential Gold Medal Volunteer Service Award (2022), the World-United Pageant “Most Photogenic Award” recipient (2023), the World-United Pageant “Queen of Charm Award” recipient (2023), the St. Petersburg / Clearwater “Ladies in Film & Entertainment Award” recipient (2022), the State of Florida Office of Prevention Services “FIT Award” recipient (2021), the Miss Florida USA “Community Impact Award” recipient (2021 & 2022), the Miss Florida USA “Girlbossing Award” recipient (2020, 2021, & 2022), the Character GPS “Hero of Hope Award” recipient (2021), the Miss Florida USA “Community Engagement Award” recipient (2020), & the NAMI Pasco “Hero of Hope Award” recipient (2020).

In her free time, Brie loves to coach little league soccer, as well as play & referee Competitive Soccer.

Dare To Dream Guest, TIM TACTICS April 07, 2024 Tim is a tactical advisor and analyst within a covert sector of the German government working to understand the missions and strategies of non-human intelligences on our planet, in this solar system, and beyond.

My guest Tim Tactics is a governance expert from Europe. For almost a decade, he worked as a tactical advisor within the covert governance sector in Europe, which aims, among other things, to understand the missions and strategies of non-human intelligences on our planet and beyond. He was in experiments with so-called "exotic lifeforms," beings not from this Earth. Tim also reports on his numerous experiences with advanced technologies behind closed doors and shares his insider knowledge from ten years of work in undisclosed projects, especially on the topic of the current disclosure. His deep understanding of the mysteries of the universe comes from his extensive contacts.

Responder Resilience Guest, Rob Rudewicz April 10, 2024 Retired Police Captain and Author

Rob Rudewicz retired at the rank of Captain from the Hartford Police Department after a successful 20 year career. He held a variety of traditional and non traditional positions including acting chief of police. His early experiences growing up in the city combined with his police career contributed to a long term battle with addiction to alcohol, depression and anxiety. He shares his struggles over the years as well as his ultimate success in finding true recovery, honestly and openly in this podcast. 

Responder Resilience Guest, Chris Moore April 03, 2024 Fire Captain, Author, Speaker, Advocate

Chris Moore is a Captain with the Chesapeake Virginia Fire Department with over 30 years as a first responder and he is also a national touring speaker. Chris Moore is the son of a Norfolk, Virginia Police Officer and began his own public safety career in Virginia Beach, Virginia as a Volunteer Firefighter/EMT in 1993. As a volunteer, he put in as many hours as possible, picking the brains of the career members and soaking it all in, in hope of one day becoming a career firefighter. In 2000 Chris' dream became a reality as he was offered a job with the Chesapeake Virginia Fire Department as a firefighter paramedic. Chris has served in a variety of assignments including Firefighter Paramedic, Field Training Officer, Recruit School Instructor, MDA Fill the Boot coordinator, Foam Team, PPE Team, Fire Lieutenant and he currently serves as a Captain and a key member of his Departments Behavioral Health and Peer Support Team. Chris has served all over the diverse city of Chesapeake, by providing responsive and caring service to protect and improve the quality of life of others. He has also deployed on various task forces for aid in his home state of Virginia and deployed to Louisiana after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Chris has received numerous awards and commendations for his selflessness, bravery, commitment and dedication to the fire service. He most recently received the Fire Chiefs Medal of Commendation for his personal work and vulnerability in the field of first responder mental health and wellness. Chris was formally diagnosed with post-traumatic stress related to his years of service in 2018. In 2020 he decided that helping other first responders by sharing his journey in a completely open, honest and transparent format was another way of giving back and he started speaking at conferences and symposiums across the country. This let other first responders know that there is help out there as well as hope. He received his PTSD service dog, Lewis, in the summer of 2020. He is also a published writer in Fire Engineering Magazine, has been on numerous podcasts and news stories and is in the renowned documentary PTSD 911. Chris is also an alumnus of Save a Warrior. Chris is a dedicated advocate for awareness, prevention, education, training on Post Traumatic Stress and First Responder Suicide Prevention. Chris continues to candidly share his journey with PTS and speak to, not just fire but all public safety agencies across the United States, with the hope of ending the stigma behind mental health in the public safety community.

Just discovered picture Northampton, England, June 6, 2010 Kevin Annett (left) speaks to UK police about the location of Church-State ritual torture of disabled…
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