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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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Headlined Show, Bill Martinez Live May 28, 2024

Breaking News, Day 234 Of The Israel Hamas War, China’s New Way Of Spying: Hiding In Plain Sight, Things The Devil Doesn’t Want You To Know, And The Left Is Panicking Over The Abysmal Polling Numbers Of President Bident

5 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- John Hulsman- China’s new way of spying: Hiding in plain sight.  Plus, Biden says ICC’s Karim Khan’s calls for prosecution of Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister is disgusting.  The author of The Last Best Hope: A History of American Realism says, “We will always stand with Israel.”

9:32-9:42a ET- Jeff Kemp- Things the devil doesn’t want you to know?  And the things he’s happy to see you’re ignoring.  The spiritual battle continues and will only intensifies like unending blitzes. My good friend, man of God, former NFL quarterback and ministry leader discusses.

9:46-9:58a ET-Kenin Spivak- The left is panicking over the abysmal polling numbers of President Bident.  But are voters realizing that it’s more than Biden, it’s the entire Democratic party that has supported these destructive policies.  The only thing left for Democrats is fear to keep Trump from winning. But remember, under Trump America was winning, until Biden made America losers again. The contributor to The American Mind magazine of the Claremont Institute and a successful businessman explains.

10:06-10:29a ET- Jack Wurfl- A 91-year-old survivor of the Holocaust says he’s alarmed at rising anti-Jewish demonstrations on U.S. college campuses. As Israel marked Holocaust Memorial Day May 5-6, he shares how he hid his Jewish roots to escape being sent to a concentration camp during World War II. Says he hopes his story will help young people in America understand about the horrors of the Holocaust and persecution of the Jews.

10:32-10:58a ET- Eric Holman- Military Suicide Rates Are at an All-Time High; Here’s How We’re Trying to Help. The reasons for the Air Force increase are not fully understood, coming after years of effort by all of the military services to counter a problem that seems to defy solution. Operation Soul Rescue Is Saving the Lives of America's Elite Warriors explains the former USAF Combat Controller and 2x Bronze Star Medal recipient who ran for Congress.

Headlined Show, Responder Resilience May 29, 2024

Join us as we reveal the raw, unfiltered look at the human side of animal control with Jennifer Merenda, Chief Animal Control Officer, City of Bridgeport, CT, and Gina Gambino, Head Animal Control Officer for Monroe, CT.  We get a behind-the-scenes look at the careers of these seasoned professionals and gain a deeper understanding of the vital role they play in our communities.

We explore what Jennifer and Gina wish the public knew about their profession and the impact of public perception on their daily lives and mental health. Jennifer and Gina openly discuss the stark contrasts between working in urban, suburban, and rural settings. Despite the myriad challenges they face, both women share what motivates them to return to work each day with renewed vigor. They also touch on the personal impacts of their careers, including the toll on their wellness. A poignant part of our conversation delves into whether animal control officers are regarded on par with other emergency personnel and first responders, a topic that elicits heartfelt responses from both.

Headlined Show, Bill Martinez Live May 27, 2024

Memorial Day-The Holiday That Makes All America’s Holidays Possible, Not To Be Confused With All Other Military Holidays, Memorial Day Is The Most Solemn As It Is A Specific Day To Honor Those And Their Families Who Have Paid The Ultimate Price For Our Freedoms

3 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:58a ET- Bill Federer- Memorial Day-The Holiday That Makes All America’s Holidays Possible. The American Minute creator, nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc. asks what would America be without Memorial Day?  Would there even be an America?  We must always remember the over 2.8 million causalities of war from 1775-2019.  Not to be confused with all other military holidays, Memorial Day is the most solemn as it is a specific day to honor those and their families who have paid the ultimate price for our freedoms and this American Idea.

10:06-10:29a ET- Jon Fleetwood- Jon of reveals how many viruses the NIH has been performing risky gain-of-function experiments on since 2017. And is Klaus Schwab really stepping down from his post at the World Economic Forum (WEF)?

10:32-10:42a ET- Joe Mantegna- The Tony-winning actor and Emmy-Award-winner Gary Sinise with actress Mary McCormack, long-time supporters of veterans’ causes and our troops in active service, once again are coming together for the 35th annual National Memorial Day Concert.  Broadcast live from the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, the Concert will air on PBS nationwide Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 8pm ET/7CT.

10:46-10:58a ET- Kenin Spivak- The left is panicking over the abysmal polling numbers of President Bident.  But are voters realizing that it’s more than Biden, it’s the entire Democratic party that has supported these destructive policies.  The only thing left for Democrats is fear to keep Trump from winning. But remember, under Trump America was winning, until Biden made America losers again. The contributor to The American Mind magazine of the Claremont Institute and a successful businessman explains.

Headlined Show, Shadow Politics May 26, 2024

Patriarchal Congress/Hypocritical Representative says do as i say, not as I did! Our guest, PETULA DVORAK, Columnist, The Washington Post - Republicans introduced 22 bills to overturn DC laws so far this Congress — including the DC CRIMES Act and a vote to prohibit individuals who are not US citizens from voting in DC elections. Members of the paternalistic House of Representatives are eager to dictate to Washingtonians how we should govern and what our priorities should be. We may have just commemorated 50 years of DC Home Rule, but both Democrats and Republicans alike have turned the DC statehood movement back 30 years — with the help of the City Council. Tune in and let's discuss the hypocrisy!

Headlined Show, Angel Talk May 25, 2024

Title: Joy and Happiness Can Be Ours

We shape our lives through the power of our attention, and we are seeking to be fulfilled with joy and happiness. Join us as we share the many ways to increase and amplify the joy and happiness in our life.

Don't miss this exciting radio show on Angel Talk.
Sponsored by The Living Light Center a Church of Faith and Healing

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The Sports Doctor Guest, Sue Williams May 15, 2024
Australian Sports Hypnosis Performance & Recovery Specialist

Dr Sue Williams DQC is a passionate horse rider, devoted mother, and proud grandmother. Beyond these roles, she is deeply committed to making a difference in people's lives through the incredible power of natural therapies.

Sue's journey into the world of holistic healing began years ago, fuelled by a desire to explore alternative approaches to health and wellness. Today, she is a multifaceted practitioner, specializing in various modalities such as Clinical Hypnotherapy, Quantum Journeys Hypnosis, NLP, life coaching, mindfulness, and more.

With a Doctorate in Quantum Counseling, Sue has dedicated herself to mastering techniques that harness the body's innate ability to heal and thrive. One aspect of Sue's practice that she is particularly excited about is bioenergetics, where she utilizes cutting-edge technology like NES Health scans and infoceuticals to assess and rebalance the body's energy systems.

Whether it's for humans, horses, dogs, or cats, her goal is to optimize well-being and vitality on all levels.

Shadow Politics Guest, Ben Nelson May 12, 2024
Chairman of the Open World Leadership Center

Senator Ben Nelson served two-terms in the United States Senate representing the State of Nebraska from 2001-2013. During his tenure, he earned a reputation as a moderate who was adept at bringing his colleagues on both sides of the aisle together to find compromises on some of the biggest issues facing the country.

Earlier in his career, Senator Nelson was Governor of Nebraska. As governor, he pledged to bridge the gap between rural and urban areas to move forward as "One Nebraska" and to create a more efficient and effective state government. In 1994, he became the first Nebraska Governor to be elected to a second term in two decades.

Senator Nelson earned a bachelor's degree in 1963, a master's degree in 1965 and a law degree in 1970 — all from the University of Nebraska. Nelson also received the 2011 Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Nebraska College of Law and an honorary doctor of letters from the University of Nebraska in 2013.

The Bev Moore Show Guest, Barron Ryan May 10, 2024
Pianist, Composer, Songwriter

Composer Barron Ryan was recognized by Smithsonian Magazine as a Top 10 Innovator for his capacity to take inspiration from a narrative, discover its melody, and communicate a story through music.

Honey, If It Wasn’t For You is the true story of a song written by Barron Ryan and Don Feagin. Don, a professional

songwriter, wrote the words and Barron wrote the music. But this wasn’t your average collaboration. That’s because Don died in 1981—six years before Barron was even born.

Barron releases his original work without copyright. He gives it as an offering, with the hope that it will make the world a better place. When the work of writing or recording is finished, he prefers the results be enjoyed by any who might be edified by them. He made this ‘videobook’ of Honey, If It Wasn’t for You in that spirit:

Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Yvonne E L Silver May 07, 2024
Confidence Catalyst - Speaker - Coach - Mentor - Author

Yvonne E.L. Silver is a Confidence Catalyst and the Founder for Women & Wisdom Media (& Flourish!).  She teaches her clients how to have more success in business. The results her clients experience is elevated confidence, to have clarity and vision, to powerfully lead and engage their staff, ask for bigger sales - creating a sustainable business that is balanced and fun. 

Yvonne is a Speaker, Executive Coach, Bestselling Author, Mentorship Chair, Radio Show Host and Reiki Practitioner, trained in Emotional Intelligence.  In 2018 Yvonne received a Women of Inspiration Award for her work designing and chairing Mentorship Programs, and professionally holds designations of CEC, CPHR (HRIA) and Reiki Practitioner.  As the author of the overnight bestseller "Words, Women & Wisdom: The Modern Art of Confident Conversations" her group programs and Wisdom Circles help women entrepreneurs and aspiring female leaders have more Confident Conversations.  Her special needs son Alex is following in her entrepreneurial footsteps, using his artistic talent to sell his paintings to raise money for Operation Smile surgeries.

Dare To Dream Guest, MARIA WHEATLEY May 12, 2024
ley lines expert, dowsing expert, earth energies, Secrets of Sacred Sites

My guest Maria Wheatley is a second-generation dowser who was taught by European Master Dowers, her late father, and Chinese geomants. Maria is the U.K.’s leading authority on earth energies and ley lines that were skillfully incorporated into megalithic sites. Maria runs tours to sacred sites worldwide to experience Gaia’s numerous energies. Maria is an accomplished author of many books on sacred sites, dowsing, past life astrology. She discovered the Neolithic longheaded long-lost civilization of the British Isles that had a mythical appearance and memories of them were woven into legends of the Fey. Maria has recently discovered that certain geodetic energies correspond to healing musical harmonics – the Music of the Earth that flows into sacred sites. She has studied Neolithic Britain and Bronze Age prehistory at Bath and Oxford University and works closely with Gaia’s healing energies that can help the body to heal itself. Maria is also a Druid who follows the Celtic Path, and she has also written many diploma courses and runs that offers certificated courses on holistic subjects. Maria teaches advanced dowsing techniques which are not taught anywhere else in the world. 

To learn more: and 

Maria and I and other notable presenters are speaking in September at the Portal to Ascension Glastonbury UK Conference. Tickets 

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