Traditional Indigenous Elders History Project
Established April 15, 2005 on unceded Squamish territory
A Message and Offer to British Columbia Secondary School Teachers
September 4, 2023
Dear fellow educators,
We are traditional clan mothers from the Squamish, Musqueam, Cowichan, Chilcotin, and Cree nations who are survivors of the deadly internment camps misnamed “Indian residential schools”.
For many years we have struggled to speak the real story of our experiences and the history of genocide in Canada in the face of official coverup. To that end, on our first Aboriginal Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2005 in Vancouver, we formed our own History Project to share with the world the uncensored truth of the worst crime in Canadian history.
We have examined the “first nations” curriculum being taught to secondary school students in this province. We are alarmed at how much that curriculum has suppressed and sanitized our real history. Something as basic as the fifty percent death rate in the “residential schools” that spanned decades is never mentioned in the curriculum; nor is the evidence of murder, sexual sterilizations, and other crimes against humanity committed by the guilty Catholic, Anglican, and United churches.
For many years we protested these crimes while the world ignored us, and yet our campaign eventually caused the admission of guilt by Canada in June 2008. But now we find that a false and misleading account of our suffering and Canada’s genocide is being taught to the next generation of Canadian children.
That is not only tragic, but a crime. For it is prohibited under international law to issue false or inaccurate accounts of genocide and thereby obstruct and delay justice.
And so, beginning this September 2023, we are commencing high-profile public education seminars across the province that will present the untold story and evidence of the Canadian genocide, and the details of our grassroots campaign that since 1998 has exposed it.
We would like to include you in this work, and so we invite you to attend these seminars. We are also offering to you our hard evidence of that crime that has been censored and edited out of secondary school and college curricula.
Our material includes court-submitted videotaped eyewitness accounts, voluminous archival documentation, and accredited forensic evidence that has been deliberately censored by the Canadian government, media, academia, and so-called “Truth and Reconciliation” bodies.
We encourage you to use our material in your classrooms. We have enclosed some of it, including the website that contains a downloadable pdf of the book we published in 2016 entitled “Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada”. ( That book can also be obtained from us in hard copy form along with other works we have published that are listed below.
Please study these historic works and our award-winning documentary film Unrepentant (2007) and use them with your students.
Also, we and our spokespeople are available to come and speak to your students.
As uninvited intruders on our land, you are obligated by law to cease colluding in Christian Canada’s coverup and sanitizing of its horrific crime, and to set the record straight. This is an opportunity for you to do so.
Please contact us for more information through our fiduciary legal agent Eagle Strong Voice of the Anishinaabe nation at .
The Elders of the History Project of the traditional Squamish, Musqueam, Cowichan, Chilcotin, and Cree indigenous nations
Please see these links and the following images:
Unrepentant film: (Winner of Best Documentary at the New York and Los Angeles Independent Film Festivals, 2007; DVD’s are available)
Exclusive interview on Genocide in Canada:
A Preview of Evidence of Genocide in Canada presented to the International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels, 2012-2013:
Official death records from “Indian residential schools” in Regina and on Vancouver Island.Two thirds of the children are dead or dying in the top record, caused by a murderous church practice of forcing healthy children to sleep with those dying of tuberculosis and then not treating them. (