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Magda Selmeci and Tippy Felzenstein

Requesting Interviews for Canadian author Magda Selmeci (Holocaust survivor from Hungary) via co-author/editor Tippy Felzenstein. The book is titled Life Under Communist and Nazi Regime: Hungary from War to Revolution

The book was just released on several sites. ( and includes the description.)

Mrs. Selmeci was the Former Controller (Financial) at Allied Chemical and holds a Master of Science in Theoretical Physics & Quantum Mechanics, York University (1973) and Studied Physics and Mathematics. at ELTE - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (1955.)

Contact Tippy Felzenstein in NY to arrange interviews with Magda Selmeci in Canada.


Mrs. Selmeci was the Former Controller (Financial) at Allied Chemical and holds a Master of Science in Theoretical Physics & Quantum Mechanics, York University (1973) and Studied Physics and Mathematics. at ELTE - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (1955.)

Bernie Taylor
There has been a longstanding narrative that dogs originally came from lost wolf cubs which begged at our campfires. The DNA evidence of dogs tells a different story where domesticated dogs and wolves have a common ancestor between 27,000 to 40,000 years ago (See study below). This coincides with Paleolithic cave art in Europe and where we might find an image of this first dog. A two minute video exploring this concept of the first dog in Paleolithic cave art is below.
I believe that the Paleolithic heritage of dogs and an alternative version of how they first became our partners may be of interest to your listeners. I am open to discuss these and other ideas on your show. Be sure to check if your favorite dog breed is pictured in the Paleolithic caves.
Best Regards,
Bernie Taylor
Portland, Oregon
United States

Bernie Taylor is an independent naturalist, thought leader and author whose research explores the mythological connections and biological knowledge among prehistoric, indigenous and ancient peoples. His works in these areas include Biological Time (2004) and Before Orion: Finding the Face of the Hero (2017). Before Orion is premised on Joseph’s Campbell’s hero's journey monomyth that is at the core of stories worldwide among indigenous peoples, the ancients, and our modern society. Before Orion explores a deeper root for this monomyth by looking at how hunter-gatherers viewed themselves within the natural and spiritual worlds through Paleolithic cave art from 40,000 ago. Taylor proposes that select cave paintings are fundamental pieces in the human journey to self-realization, the foundation of written language, and a record of biological knowledge that irrevocably impacted some of the artistic styles, religious practices, and stories that are still with us. Taylor addresses a profound archaeological elephant in the room by opening up an uncharted place in our history, which points to the cultural ancestors of mankind in western North Africa. 

Amanda Gifford

Hi James, I am a Long Time Ramtha student and have had contact experiences since I was a child. I have been to the ranch and had a transpersonal healing session or two with James. When I was at the ranch with my mom and other friends many years ago we had many incredible sightings including an armada ( hundreds) of ships late one night very high up. I would like to talk about the power of family constellations and its origins in South Africa with the sangomas ( the Zulus) and how it can be used to help us make contact with our star family. I would also like to talk a bit about the science of the unified field and a bit about quantum physics and how that is relevant for learning to make contact. Non locality is a key. You dont have to physically be there in order to know and make contact. Family Constellations can be used to help people heal there pasts, their present and create their futures. It can also be used in an applied way to make contact with star family. We can also talk about orbs, time travel, bilocation and other super abilities which should be the norm. I would also like to talk about the Stones at Adams Calendar and other stones around South Africa as we have constellated those and the information that came from that. Stones from the Stars. We can also talk about Plasma and the Healing Fields from Plasma as we also have our own plasma healing beds and chairs here in South Africa. We can talk about this great awakening that is taking place and how this disclosure is slowly moving around the planet. It would also be great to talk about clearing from psychic attacks and how to protect yourself from that and possibly a short section on lymes and ways of healing that. Dr Klingheart says that you should do Family Constellations when healing from these retroviruses to work with the quantum level of reality. You can talk to a disease as well in a Family Constellation and find out what its all about and how to get rid of it. You can help people die consciously aswell as conscious birthing processes, talking to the soul of the child. In some ways, a Family Constellation can function like a Transpersonal Healing Session as the information arises in the field and it can be cleared non-locally and this will effect the person whose field we are working with. Family Constellations and this invisible quantum field of consciousness is an incredible tool. We have star family ... so why dont we include them in our Constellations? I did two recently about the Giants and the information that came through was incredible. I would like to share about this. I have also had a life time of contact experiences and chipping and tracking. I would like to share a clearing protocol for self chip removal.

South Africa

Brief Bio: Amanda Gifford is a Health Professional Council of SA HPCSA Registered Arts Therapist ( Drama Therapist)– Registered Therapist ( Johannesburg, South Africa) with a private practice in Fourways Bryanston Area. She has an MA Counselling Psychology in Drama Therapy from the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco USA 2004 and an Honours University of Cape Town, South Africa 1994 as well as a BA UCT 1993 South Africa. She uses Family Constellations as an integral part of her practice. She also trained with Family Constellations Africa 2005/2006 and Family Constellations Africa 2007/2008 with various local and international facilitators. She is busy with her Shamanic Constellations training with Guilherme Barcellos C. Souza ( Gui) from Brazil. She is studying Gamma Wave Healing with Matthew Ryan and she has also been a student at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment for 20 years. Her work is an integration of her 20 years of her spiritual journey and education. She offers a mix of Drama Therapy, GammaWave Healing, Remote Viewing, EFT and Family Constellations work as well as other transpersonal awakening practices. She has written one short story about learning to see like Henry Sugar called Number 7 on the Roulette Wheel. This is available on her website for download. She runs individual and group healing sessions both locally and remote using Family Constellations with great success. You can get hold of her through her email: or on her website

Lee Austin
Good Afternoon BBS Radio,
Controversy sells....Imagine a story where Lucifer reveals the mysteries of his flat earth and occultic kingdom.  
Foreknowing humans will reject his uncomfortable revelation, emboldens Morning Star to disclose the whole truth.
This is the plot of my new book "Morning Star's Tale." I've attached an E-Book copy for your review.
Should you find the topic of interest, I'm available for an interview.

Lee Austin
United States

Lee Austin is an American broadcaster known for his alternative talk show, Outcast Radio. Pushing the existential envelope with topics including theology, metaphysics, and conspiracy theories, Lee's show flourished as a late-night favorite for those in search of the truth.

Born in Boston, Lee move to Los Angeles in his early twenties to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. With the entertainment bug firmly planted, Lee found his calling in radio.

For over thirty years, he’s criss-crossed the country as a talk show host, disc-jockey, copy-writer and program director for numerous radio stations.

In 2018, he wrote Morning Star's Tale, a sci-fi novella, covering many of topics discussed on Outcast Radio.

Septimius The Great

From the streets of Baltimore to America's Got Talent to Grammy's Red Carpet and the Ballot

United States


(Sep - tim - me - us)

Septimius the Great, a Maryland based dance music artist, is an International Multi-Award Winning Entertainer and Creative innovator. Known around the globe for his dance music in domestically and abroad, he has worked with some of the industry’s biggest names including Fantasia, Chrisette Michele, Lil Kim, Lil Mo, Pat Benetar, Patti Labelle, Crystal Waters, and Ultra Nate’ just to name a few.  

9x Grammy Ballot Listed and Grammy Voting Member

Contestant on NBC's America's Got Talent TV show 

Music Featured on Empire TV Show and Rich Kids of Beverly Hills TV Show

14x Indie Music Channel Awards winner

7x Radio Music Awards winner

From Opera to Rap, Dance to Hip Hop, Electronic to Pop, Septimius the Great’s music, magnetic personality, and flair for fashion, have announced his permanent presence on the music scene. He is here to stay!

Confident and Charismatic, with an infectious boatload of charm felt by his team all the way to his fans is the foundation of Septimius’ brand. Working with a multitude of producers, Septimius creates infectious beats and catchy songs that continually repeat through a person's mind that are inspired by ancient European style with a blend of dance, hip-hop, pop and rock.  

With a style reminiscent of many the likes of:, Cee Lo Green, Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna, Lady Gaga and Pitbull, Septimius the Great has performed in front of audiences in small lounges to large stadiums. 

He is currently being featured on several TV Shows, Radio Stations and Magazines worldwide.

A conscientious performer, Septimius believes that it is important to inspire our youth. Stressing education, he constantly teaches the importance of fairness and honesty.

Like the Roman Emperor, Septimius the Great will leave his mark in music history.

Midori Verity

As a modern-day professional, you’re charged with the monumental task of being everything to everyone. A rockstar in your profession, a stellar partner in your relationship, and finding time to take care of yourself. This causes an internal tug of war that usually leads to burn out, diminished self-confidence, and lackluster results because your attention is divided all over the place. All you really want is to feel like you’re achieving some level of success in all areas of your life… but instead, you feel like you’re falling short everywhere.

What if you could create the success you crave inside and outside of work? This looks like achieving your professional goals, while also “having a life.” What if all it took was retraining your brain so that instead of everything being so hard, overwhelming, or busy it became easy?

Midori Verity inspires your audience to address what’s really causing their problems - negative behavioral loops - so they can catapult to new levels in all their roles.


Midori Verity is the Founder and CEO of MOX Life, a certified human behavior specialist, and is a mindset success coach, best-selling author, and show host. She is completely transforming the way ambitious professionals go for their goals by helping them discover their best path to excellence - the path of least resistance. In order to do that, you must break down her negative behavioral loops and replace them with new patterns. This is what creates easeful, lasting success in all areas of life - you feel like you’ve finally arrived.

Stephen Sakellarios

I'd like to suggest myself as a guest on your radio show. I've been working for about 20 years to bring accurate information about reincarnation to the public, beginning with an independent documentary entitled "In Another Life: Reincarnation in America." That film was broadcast on one public television station in Denver, Colorado, and it was then picked up for distribution to universities by Films Media Group. This was in 2003, and the film had taken me five years to create on a shoestring budget. However, during that time I had studied the strongest reincarnation cases available, with their various methods of investigation.

In 2005, I became aware of a past life of my own, obscure 19th-century author Mathew Franklin Whittier, and decided to apply the same methods I'd seen other investigators use, to my own case. I began researching it in earnest in 2009, and have just wrapped up that phase, so that it took me  exactly ten years to prove the match beyond any reasonable doubt. According to historians, Mathew had only published about 70 pieces, relating to one series--but I learned that he had published a great deal more, anonymously. I ended up with roughly 2,100 of his published works, plus eight books, all written under a great many pseudonyms.

Because Mathew would never surface publicly to defend his works, a great deal of it was claimed for other authors, or even stolen by other authors. Most of these authors are unknown today, except to historians specializing in them--but a handful of them were famous. These claims for Mathew's pen are generally not believed, and I don't really blame people, but I can prove them, nonetheless.

Because Mathew wrote a great many essays, editorials and travelogues, I have what amounts to an extensive public diary, which I could not possibly have known of before I began my study. I can compare these writings to my own earlier writings in this lifetime, and in this way I can demonstrate that my higher mind was essentially identical to his. I have also verified a few very past-life memories which are so specific and unique, that I was able to prove the case is genuine, by verifying them in the deep historical record.

Reincarnation has been "surgically removed" from Western society for hundreds of years--and the effects have been highly toxic, on both the personal and collective levels. Of course, reincarnation is just one phase of the *life cycle*--and it is a deep understanding of the life cycle which must be restored to materialistic society. I can talk about all of those deeper issues if desired.

Please let me know if you'd have an interest in having me appear on your program. All of the relevant information is readily available on my home page, which I'll list below my signature; but in particular, you can see the interviews I've done recently on this page:

My newest book, "Reincarnation *Can* Be Proven," has just been released on Amazon:

Best regards,
Stephen Sakellarios, M.S.
(843) 582-6010


Stephen Sakellarios has studied Eastern mysticism since 1973, and has a master's degree in Counseling and Human Systems. He began work on a documentary entitled "In Another Life: Reincarnation in America" in 1997, and completed it over a five-year period. It was broadcast on PBS affiliate KBDI in Denver, Colorado in January of 2003, and was accepted for distribution to universities by Films Media Group. His website, launched to support the documentary project in 1998, continues to provide accurate information on reincarnation.

In 2005, he became aware of a past-life in the 19th century as author Mathew Franklin Whittier, and in 2009 he began researching the proposed match with the most rigorous methods possible, given that the project was unfunded. His two e-books, "Mathew Franklin Whittier in his own words," and a sequel, "Mathew Franklin Whittier in his own world," set forward the research process and the results in rigorous detail. The second book was written after moving from South Carolina to Maine, where he was in a position to visit the scenes connected with Whittier's life.

Stephen lives in an attic studio apartment in the historical Woodford's Corner neighborhood of Portland, Maine; Mathew Franklin Whittier often rented "garrets," and lived for over 20 years in Portland.

Reincarnation Can Be Proven
Michelle Ann Collins

Yoga, meditation and an ayurvedic lifestyle helped me recover and thrive after surviving trauma, grief and loss. In an interview, I will share how I used my skills and developed new ones through losing my mom to cancer and my second husband to suicide. I offer easy to access tips and practices that help calm the mind and relieve stress, and get the body into a healing state. My coaching practice and yoga teaching allow me to spread my message of recovery and resilience, no matter what happens to you, it is possible to live a healthy and joyful life. My book will be coming out next year and I will be speaking and writing to continue to spread my message, educating people about stress relief, trauma recovery and how to overcome challenging times with health practices developed thousands of years ago, and being proven effective by current medical science.

United States

Michelle Ann Collins is a speaker, writer, certified yoga therapist and wellness coach who has taught yoga for over a decade. In her work, she integrates the ancient practices of yoga, and meditation combined with modern psychology and neuroscience to promote optimal well being in her clients. After suffering a series of heartbreaking losses, including the loss of her mother to cancer, her divorce, and losing her second husband to suicide, Michelle dove deeply into the healing studies of Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Through study and practice, she developed life-changing skills to survive, recover and ultimately thrive. Now, Michelle teaches what she received from her studies and her journey, that post-traumatic growth can happen and with the right coaching and support, everyone, no matter what challenges they face, can live in vibrant health and joy.


I am writing books about Modern Spiritualism, it' birth life and death here in America. 


I am a lifelong student of history and religion and the interaction of the celestial spiritual forces with the terrestrial. It is my belief that the study of natural law is the course we must follow in order to avoid another such calamity as happened in this country from the years 1861 through 1865. As far as relevant credentials, I have a bachelors degree in History, a diploma from the US Army Intelligence Center and School and diploma from the Morris Pratt Institute. My ambition is to continue writing and lecturing about turning the face of the people away from selfish pursuits and towards the light of truth for their own survival and the survival of the country.