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Stephen Sakellarios
Your Pitch

I'd like to suggest myself as a guest on your radio show. I've been working for about 20 years to bring accurate information about reincarnation to the public, beginning with an independent documentary entitled "In Another Life: Reincarnation in America." That film was broadcast on one public television station in Denver, Colorado, and it was then picked up for distribution to universities by Films Media Group. This was in 2003, and the film had taken me five years to create on a shoestring budget. However, during that time I had studied the strongest reincarnation cases available, with their various methods of investigation.

In 2005, I became aware of a past life of my own, obscure 19th-century author Mathew Franklin Whittier, and decided to apply the same methods I'd seen other investigators use, to my own case. I began researching it in earnest in 2009, and have just wrapped up that phase, so that it took me  exactly ten years to prove the match beyond any reasonable doubt. According to historians, Mathew had only published about 70 pieces, relating to one series--but I learned that he had published a great deal more, anonymously. I ended up with roughly 2,100 of his published works, plus eight books, all written under a great many pseudonyms.

Because Mathew would never surface publicly to defend his works, a great deal of it was claimed for other authors, or even stolen by other authors. Most of these authors are unknown today, except to historians specializing in them--but a handful of them were famous. These claims for Mathew's pen are generally not believed, and I don't really blame people, but I can prove them, nonetheless.

Because Mathew wrote a great many essays, editorials and travelogues, I have what amounts to an extensive public diary, which I could not possibly have known of before I began my study. I can compare these writings to my own earlier writings in this lifetime, and in this way I can demonstrate that my higher mind was essentially identical to his. I have also verified a few very past-life memories which are so specific and unique, that I was able to prove the case is genuine, by verifying them in the deep historical record.

Reincarnation has been "surgically removed" from Western society for hundreds of years--and the effects have been highly toxic, on both the personal and collective levels. Of course, reincarnation is just one phase of the *life cycle*--and it is a deep understanding of the life cycle which must be restored to materialistic society. I can talk about all of those deeper issues if desired.

Please let me know if you'd have an interest in having me appear on your program. All of the relevant information is readily available on my home page, which I'll list below my signature; but in particular, you can see the interviews I've done recently on this page:

My newest book, "Reincarnation *Can* Be Proven," has just been released on Amazon:

Best regards,
Stephen Sakellarios, M.S.
(843) 582-6010


Stephen Sakellarios has studied Eastern mysticism since 1973, and has a master's degree in Counseling and Human Systems. He began work on a documentary entitled "In Another Life: Reincarnation in America" in 1997, and completed it over a five-year period. It was broadcast on PBS affiliate KBDI in Denver, Colorado in January of 2003, and was accepted for distribution to universities by Films Media Group. His website, launched to support the documentary project in 1998, continues to provide accurate information on reincarnation.

In 2005, he became aware of a past-life in the 19th century as author Mathew Franklin Whittier, and in 2009 he began researching the proposed match with the most rigorous methods possible, given that the project was unfunded. His two e-books, "Mathew Franklin Whittier in his own words," and a sequel, "Mathew Franklin Whittier in his own world," set forward the research process and the results in rigorous detail. The second book was written after moving from South Carolina to Maine, where he was in a position to visit the scenes connected with Whittier's life.

Stephen lives in an attic studio apartment in the historical Woodford's Corner neighborhood of Portland, Maine; Mathew Franklin Whittier often rented "garrets," and lived for over 20 years in Portland.

Reincarnation Can Be Proven