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Shawna Allard

I would be interested in sharing the knowledge I've been blessed with on your platform, to reach out to more people and hopefully help them deal with these hard times we're facing. My focus right now is current relationship struggles people face and how to better manage relationships. I think it's very important to know how to better support each other during these times.

I am also open to speaking on various other topics that you think would be of interest to your listeners.

Let me know how you feel about this. Have a lovely day.


I'm Shawna Allard, psychic intuitive, medium, energy healer and life coach from San Diego, CA.  I am the founder of The Divine Knowing Institute for the Study and Exploration of the Divine.

I offer psychic medium readings over the phone and over live video chat, channeling, intuitive life coaching, spiritual counseling, spiritual healing, past life regression, hypnotherapy, chakra and aura balancing, house clearing and blessing, feng shui. Serving all San Diego County residents. I have been a psychic all my life, I have been helping people in all aspects of life health, wealth, happiness, love, relationship, death and so much more.

Nita Beqiri

Nita's Niche is on a mission to help anybody, anywhere take their life from average to great by knowing themselves ( strengths, weaknesses, traits, emotions), setting and monitoring goals, find meaning and purpose, develop strong sense of well being. Our core values are OPTIMISM ( future is bright), BRAVERY ( courage and motivation to face challenges), and AUTHENTICITY ( be true to yourself). We want to inspire moments of hope, courage and self-love. 

United States

I, NIta Beqiri, worked in the social service industry for more than 14 years in various positions serving diverse communities such as low-income, intellectual disability, victims of crime . I have Masters degree in Psychology from Long Island University. In 2019, I found my calling which is to help as many people as I can by educating and inspiring moments of hope, courage and self-love , which led me to start my personal development company named Nita's Niche. 

Michael Levy

in an uncertain world with covid19, economic downturn, stock market bubbles and political unrest, how can we continue to enjoy every second on earth? It may seem impossible for many who think that way, and for them it is, however it does not need to be that way. We can live life in a truly joyful state of mind once we understand the authentic choices we have and how to put them into action.


Michael Levy, author of 17 inspirational books, poet, philosopher and talk show host is a gifted keynote speaker on many aspects of everyday living including but not limited to wealth creation and maintenance, excellent health and joy-filled state of mind

Jon Paul PR Guy

About Jon Paul | PR Guy

~ Jon Paul | PR Guy

Attention! Warning! "Parental Guidance Strongly Suggested"

Dear Business Owners:

Please don't misinterpret my style of marketing vs. flushing out the possible cream of the crop as clientele. The method of my madness is similar but, not the same thing as confusing my rhetoric vs. my chivalry.

So, in other news...

What do you get... when you combine... the news, your business, social media, keywords, buzz marketing, and a little chutzpah?

You Almost Everywhere.

Almost Anywhere You Want to Be.

* I look at what you're into, do some research online, and then see what I can do with it...

* Test the ideas out in small ways, then ramp up proven profits, and/or results...

* Write up some proven pr campaigns to help you start, buy, and/or grow your businesses..

1) Wish Perk Advisor: Help you see the limitless money pools hidden in your markets.

2) Strategic Publicist: Position your messages to stay front of mind in your potential client's ear.

3) Rogue Publicist: Absorb the pulse in your markets to help you create more of what you want, from what you are already doing.

Writes direct-response public relations and marketing communications that helps small business owners increase leads and sales.

Writes Intuitive Cause Marketing PR Venture campaigns in the arts/sciences of self-fulfilling, self-sustaining, self-efficiency and "Going green" markets.

Also writes the sales copy that helps business owners start, buy or geometrically grow businesses in the nutritional supplements, personal development, talent scout curation, e-preneur and publisher niches.

And, also builds marketing funnels that acquire new customers, get them to buy more, and get them to buy faster.

Lastly... monitors business owners markets, looks for ways to keep people talking about your businesses, and channel it into goodwill -- with the owners: motivations... intentions... meditations... visualizations... and/or manifestations... off what they're trying to do.

About Jon Paul | PR Guy

~ Jon Paul | PR Guy

Attention! Warning! "Parental Guidance Strongly Suggested"

Dear Business Owners:

Please don't misinterpret my style of marketing vs. flushing out the possible cream of the crop as clientele. The method of my madness is similar but, not the same thing as confusing my rhetoric vs. my chivalry.

So, in other news...

What do you get... when you combine... the news, your business, social media, keywords, buzz marketing, and a little chutzpah?

You Almost Everywhere.

Almost Anywhere You Want to Be.

* I look at what you're into, do some research online, and then see what I can do with it...

* Test the ideas out in small ways, then ramp up proven profits, and/or results...

* Write up some proven pr campaigns to help you start, buy, and/or grow your businesses..

1) Wish Perk Advisor: Help you see the limitless money pools hidden in your markets.

2) Strategic Publicist: Position your messages to stay front of mind in your potential client's ear.

3) Rogue Publicist: Absorb the pulse in your markets to help you create more of what you want, from what you are already doing.

Writes direct-response public relations and marketing communications that helps small business owners increase leads and sales.

Writes Intuitive Cause Marketing PR Venture campaigns in the arts/sciences of self-fulfilling, self-sustaining, self-efficiency and "Going green" markets.

Also writes the sales copy that helps business owners start, buy or geometrically grow businesses in the nutritional supplements, personal development, talent scout curation, e-preneur and publisher niches.

And, also builds marketing funnels that acquire new customers, get them to buy more, and get them to buy faster.

Lastly... monitors business owners markets, looks for ways to keep people talking about your businesses, and channel it into goodwill -- with the owners: motivations... intentions... meditations... visualizations... and/or manifestations... off what they're trying to do.

 Work With Me...: How to Work With Me... Kindle Edition
Rebecca Costa

Acclaimed technology & science futurist, Rebecca Costa.  Costa’s landmark work has been heralded by global thought, innovation and business leaders Richard Branson, John Sculley, E.O Wilson, Alan Dershowitz, Jim Lehrer, George Mitchell, Trudie Styler and Nobel laureates James Watson, Charles Townes.  She has been featured in The Washington Post, USA Today, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, etc.   

According to Costa climate change, tariff wars, terrorism, immigration and nuclear disarmament remain unresolved because they are similar in nature. The real culprit is the absence of models for solving complex, global problems wherein stakeholders have competing interests. Costa reveals how AI and predictive analytics hold the key to solving dangerous, systemic issues.  Intelligent, humorous and entertaining, Costa offers a unique scientific perspective on the headlines of the day. 

Rebecca can also discuss COVID-19 Topics including:

Vaccines and the Complications Involved

The Spread of COVID-19

COVID and the Future  

The Effects of Lockdown on Society and the Economy

United States

Rebecca D. Costa is an American sociobiologist and futurist. She is the preeminent global expert on the subject of “fast adaptation” and recipient of the prestigious Edward O. Wilson Biodiversity Technology Award. Her career spans four decades of working with founders, key executives and venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. Costa’s first book, The Watchman’s Rattle: A Radical New Theory of Collapse, was an international bestseller. Her follow‐on book, titled On the Verge was introduced in 2017 to critical acclaim, shooting to the top of Amazon’s #1 New Business Releases. Costa’s work has been featured in The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, SF Chronicle, The Guardian, and other leading publications.

Janine Regan-Sinclair
Hi, I’m Jon Paul, PR Guy of Here’s my client Janine Regan-Sinclair of to answer your question...

Show Idea: 4 Programs Boost Post Traumatic Growth When Depressed

Show Idea: 6 Ways to Upgrade Self-Help and What to Do About It

Show Idea: The Consciousness Architect - How your Cube of Consciousness and DNA manifest your Reality and Health, and How to Change it!

Janine Regan-Sinclair – The Consciousness Architect, is a certified Therapist, Medical Intuitive and International Speaker. She is qualified in Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Neuro-linguistic Programming and Energy Realignment. Janine is an Author of 4 books and 35 Self-Help Audio Programs.  She specialises in Post-Traumatic Growth, helping people overcome all kinds of trauma, either one to one or with her revolutionary digital audio programs. She has a consulting room at No10 Harley Street, London, UK and offers treatments internationally via Skype or Telephone.   

Contact Details - Web:  

Janine Regan-Sinclair - The Consciousness Architect

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist/Counsellor, 

NLP Practitioner, International Speaker & Author

Accredited by the Royal College of Nursing

Registered Member of The American Union of NLP

About Janine

Janine Regan-Sinclair created the Crystal Ki (pronounced key) healing system in 2003. She is a Therapist, Author, Medical Intuitive and speaker and her testimonials speak for themselves. Known as the Consciousness Architect, she has the ability to help you access higher levels of consciousness, as well as gently releasing trauma memories and fear from the subconscious mind, and cell memory. Since childhood, Janine realized she was a service oriented person; but it wasn’t until she suffered a trauma that turned her world upside down, that her life purpose was made clear. That's when she decided to leave her 18 year long career in Architecture and chose to become a Therapist, Speaker and Writer.

In 2003 Janine Regan-Sinclair had a vision, a forum for well-being and a place for personal and spiritual development. As a result, she formulated a powerful energy realignment system called Crystal Ki Healing. Her system changed the frequency of the energy in and around people, land and buildings, uplifting their mind-set and creating positive change on a personal and global scale. 

In 2012, Janine wrote and produced a documentary about mental health and addiction. She has many goals and in order to support her mission, Janine has written and produced a series of books and an extensive range of self-help audios. She also produced and hosted a radio show called Cosmic Truth, merging science and spirituality. Janine is a visionary, a pioneer in her field, a woman on a mission.


"Janine Regan-Sinclair’s program worked miracles in my life, in every respect – my health, my career, my wealth, my emotions, and my relationships. Her program literally changed my life in a matter of weeks. Her audio programs are awesome!" ~ Lt. Colonel Michael Zacchea, USMC (Ret)

"Janine is truly a gifted woman." Natalie Ledwell, Best-Selling Author and Mind Movies Co-Founder

"I have had the opportunity to meet many 'healers' over the course of my life and I believe that Janine is exceptional and that is why so many people, with a huge variety of physical and psychological issues go to her for help. She has an innate ability to get straight to the root of the issue, a rare gift." Dr Mah Hussain-Gambles, MBE

I met Janine Regan Sinclair about 2 years ago (2017) and found her to be personnel, professional, and very knowledgeable in her field. I sought treatment with Janine for her outstanding healing and therapy skills. At that time, I was in treatment for Chronic Lyme Disease that presented as Chronic Fatigue after returning from a military deployment and had made some progress. During several treatments with her, Janine utilized her DNA field modification on my Lyme Disease. My next lab studies revealed no trace of Lyme and just two co-infections remaining which was tested at DNA Connections. Since then I have felt less fatigued and less symptomatic.

She also did a distant healing on my mother who resides in a nursing home with mental and physical immobilities. She became gravely ill and was on death’s bed in the local ICU with congestive heart failure and pneumonia. Janine’s healing work on her brain and body was so miraculous that she turned around and shockingly improved that same day. She was discharged eventually back to the nursing home. She remains on 2 litres of oxygen however, she is a new person who no longer is angry, manipulative or a difficult patient. I am so grateful for Janine’s unique gifts of healing for myself and my mother. I would highly recommend her for any position she would seek in health care and complementary medicine. Respectfully, January 18, 2020, Elizabeth S. Sublett, LCDR, NC, Ret.

"I am so grateful that the universe brought Janine to me. Without her I wouldn’t have healed my Bipolar Disorder. She showed me the root of what was unbalanced in my mind and brought me clarity, light and healing. I now have equanimity in life and I am incredibly grateful to her! Her healing treatment is truly a life changing experience". Kathy Willis


The Consciousness Architect — Akaschic Record and Astral Projection Workshops…

Got Life Problems? Suffering Relationships? Career Gridlocked? The Consciousness Architect Speaks Solutions. Want Them?…

Janine Regan-Sinclair – The Consciousness Architect, is a certified Therapist, Medical Intuitive and International Speaker. She is qualified in Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Neuro-linguistic Programming and Energy Realignment. Janine is an Author of 4 books and 35 Self-Help Audio Programs. She specialises in Post-Traumatic Growth, helping people overcome all kinds of trauma, either one to one or with her revolutionary digital audio programs. She has a consulting room at No10 Harley Street, London, UK and offers treatments internationally via Skype or Telephone. 

Contact Details - Web:
Janine Regan-Sinclair - The Consciousness Architect
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist/Counsellor, 
NLP Practitioner, International Speaker & Author
Accredited by the Royal College of Nursing
Registered Member of The American Union of NLP

About Janine

Janine Regan-Sinclair created the Crystal Ki (pronounced key) healing system in 2003. She is a Therapist, Author, Medical Intuitive and speaker and her testimonials speak for themselves. Known as the Consciousness Architect, she has the ability to help you access higher levels of consciousness, as well as gently releasing trauma memories and fear from the subconscious mind, and cell memory. Since childhood, Janine realized she was a service oriented person; but it wasn’t until she suffered a trauma that turned her world upside down, that her life purpose was made clear. That's when she decided to leave her 18 year long career in Architecture and chose to become a Therapist, Speaker and Writer.

In 2003 Janine Regan-Sinclair had a vision, a forum for well-being and a place for personal and spiritual development. As a result, she formulated a powerful energy realignment system called Crystal Ki.

Healing. Her system changed the frequency of the energy in and around people, land and buildings, uplifting their mind-set and creating positive change on a personal and global scale. In 2012, Janine wrote and produced a documentary about mental health and addiction. She has many goals and in order to support her mission, Janine has written and produced a series of books and an extensive range of self-help audios. She also produced and hosted a radio show called Cosmic Truth, merging science and spirituality. Janine is a visionary, a pioneer in her field, a woman on a mission.


"Janine Regan-Sinclair’s program worked miracles in my life, in every respect – my health, my career, my wealth, my emotions, and my relationships. Her program literally changed my life in a matter of weeks. Her audio programs are awesome!" ~ Lt. Colonel Michael Zacchea, USMC (Ret) "Janine is truly a gifted woman." Natalie Ledwell, Best-Selling Author and Mind Movies Co-Founder "I have had the opportunity to meet many 'healers' over the course of my life and I believe that Janine is exceptional and that is why so many people, with a huge variety of physical and psychological issues go to her for help. She has an innate ability to get straight to the root of the issue, a rare gift." Dr Mah Hussain-Gambles, MBE

I met Janine Regan Sinclair about 2 years ago (2017) and found her to be personnel, professional, and very knowledgeable in her field. I sought treatment with Janine for her outstanding healing and therapy skills. At that time, I was in treatment for Chronic Lyme Disease that presented as Chronic Fatigue after returning from a military deployment and had made some progress. During several treatments with her, Janine utilized her DNA field modification on my Lyme Disease. My next lab studies revealed no trace of Lyme and just two co-infections remaining which was tested at DNA Connections. Since then I have felt less fatigued and less symptomatic.

She also did a distant healing on my mother who resides in a nursing home with mental and physical immobilities. She became gravely ill and was on death’s bed in the local ICU with congestive heart failure and pneumonia. Janine’s healing work on her brain and body was so miraculous that she turned around and shockingly improved that same day. She was discharged eventually back to the nursing home. She remains on 2 litres of oxygen however, she is a new person who no longer is angry, manipulative or a difficult patient. I am so grateful for Janine’s unique gifts of healing for myself and my mother. I would highly recommend her for any position she would seek in health care and complementary medicine. Respectfully, January 18, 2020, Elizabeth S. Sublett, LCDR, NC, Ret.

"I am so grateful that the universe brought Janine to me. Without her I wouldn’t have healed my Bipolar Disorder. She showed me the root of what was unbalanced in my mind and brought me clarity, light and healing. I now have equanimity in life and I am incredibly grateful to her! Her healing treatment is truly a life changing experience". Kathy Willis

Vivien Schapera

Hi, I’m Jon Paul, PR Guy of Here’s my client Vivien Schapera of to answer your question...

Show Idea: Tired of feeling down? Here’s a real-life story guaranteed to uplift you.

Show Idea: 3 Ways to Upgrade Healing With Crystal Energy

Show Idea: 5 Lessons Apartied vs. America—How to Find Healing Everywhere

** Bio 1: Vivien Schapera, Pioneering Teacher/Healer/Author

Vivien is the author of a groundbreaking textbook entitled The Complete Guide to Crystal Surgery (2020). She has rare expertise in each of our 3 layers of existence – the physical, the mental and the spiritual; and she specializes in translating intuitive, energetic and spiritual dynamics into practical information for celebrating life. In Everyday Magic (2002 and 2020), Vivien relates how the spirit world guided her, from childhood in Apartheid South Africa, through coming to the USA, and founding FourWinds Academy, a school for training healers. Vivien wrote The Energy of Money A Healer's Guide in Massage & Bodywork (Feb./Mar. 2004), as a spin off from her book How to Lose Weight and Gain Money (2004). Internationally renowned as a teacher of the Alexander Technique, and co-author of Guided Lessons for Students of the Alexander Technique (2010), after 25 years of intense research, Vivien is also poised to burst forth as a world leader in crystal healing.

** Bio 2: Vivien Schapera, at Work and at Home

Vivien Schapera began her career by training first in clinical psychology, and then in the Alexander Technique, a hands-on method for retraining neuromuscular dynamics. Through this work, Vivien developed a refined sensitivity to energy, leading her to add healing to her skills. Perceiving a need for healing to become a recognized profession, Vivien founded FourWinds Academy for the Healing Arts & Sciences (1999), a school for training healers. Vivien's books include Everyday Magic (2002 and 2020) a memoir, and How to Lose Weight and Gain Money (2004). In 2020, Vivien published a groundbreaking textbook, The Complete Guide to Crystal Surgery, introducing the world to a new form of crystal healing. When not teaching, healing or writing, Vivien can be found gardening, cooking and spending time with her two granddaughters. Other interests include travel, photography and making YouTube videos. Vivien lives in Cincinnati, OH with her husband and two cats.

Thank You Vivien for your response. Hi, Jon Paul, PR Guy here. For an epic interview, please contact me below. And, I’ll share Vivien Schapera of Bio, pics, and etc. to help your readers live the best life possible.


The Complete Guide to Crystal Surgery is a winner in the 2020 IAN Book of the Year Awards!…

Tired of feeling down? Here’s a real-life story guaranteed to uplift you.…

Vivien Schapera

Here are 2 bios, written from different slants, depending which is more appropriate for the situation:

Bio 1 Vivien Schapera, Pioneering Teacher/Healer/Author

Vivien is the author of a groundbreaking textbook entitled The Complete Guide to Crystal Surgery (2020). She has rare expertise in each of our 3 layers of existence – the physical, the mental and the spiritual; and she specializes in translating intuitive, energetic and spiritual dynamics into practical information for celebrating life. In Everyday Magic (2002 and 2020), Vivien relates how the spirit world guided her, from childhood in Apartheid South Africa, through coming to the USA, and founding FourWinds Academy, a school for training healers. Vivien wrote The Energy of Money A Healer's Guide in Massage & Bodywork (Feb./Mar. 2004), as a spin off from her book How to Lose Weight and Gain Money (2004). Internationally renowned as a teacher of the Alexander Technique, and co-author of Guided Lessons for Students of the Alexander Technique (2010), after 25 years of intense research, Vivien is also poised to burst forth as a world leader in crystal healing.

Bio 2 Vivien Schapera, at Work and at Home

Vivien Schapera began her career by training first in clinical psychology, and then in the Alexander Technique, a hands-on method for retraining neuromuscular dynamics. Through this work, Vivien developed a refined sensitivity to energy, leading her to add healing to her skills. Perceiving a need for healing to become a recognized profession, Vivien founded FourWinds Academy for the Healing Arts & Sciences (1999), a school for training healers. Vivien's books include Everyday Magic (2002 and 2020) a memoir, and How to Lose Weight and Gain Money (2004). In 2020, Vivien published a groundbreaking textbook, The Complete Guide to Crystal Surgery, introducing the world to a new form of crystal healing. When not teaching, healing or writing, Vivien can be found gardening, cooking and spending time with her two granddaughters. Other interests include travel, photography and making YouTube videos. Vivien lives in Cincinnati, OH with her husband and two cats.

Dr. Margaret

Show Idea: from Blitzkrieg Birth to PTSD Lifestyle Liaison COVID-19 and the Colloidal Silver Solution:
** Please Note: Consult your Doctor, Pediatrician, Herbalist, Healthcare Provider, Nutritionist, etc. by Founder of, (AUTHOR); PR Guy, ~ Jon Paul | (FOREWORD) (ID: 35545764) FREE download at

Lessons Learned for Change for the Better — How future generations may or may not make sense of the pandemic.…

Hi, I’m Jon Paul, PR Guy of Here’s my client to answer your question...

Show Idea: My Life. My Story. My Take on a “Journey Into an Unknown World” (iTunes show and book on [links below…])

“I am Professor Margaret Rogers Van Coops, Ph.D. DCH(IM). Founder of Sumaris Education Center & Clinic since 1976 in both UK & USA. I have been, in the past, guests on Various American and British news, ABC, NBC & BBC from 1970 - 1990 approx. Later I was interviewed for Japanese, Spanish and other programs as well as many radio shows across the US, UK and Europe and Japan... Author of 15 metaphysical books, the latest to be released: “Donald Trump: The Enigma of Society.” And, featured in the “Optimize Mental Health,” Think Before You Speak,” “Filmmakers Making A Social Impact,” “Ways to Develop Serenity During Anxious Times,” “Women in Wellness,” and "Thought Leadership" Series on, Founder—, websites and on too. And, also on where my book “The Rejection Syndrome” was featured in the “Conquer Your Insecurities With These 18 Powerful Books. I also have been featured on podcast, Dove and Dragon Radio, “Create with Trip Elix,” “,” and “Living and Thriving with Rustie: Rustie MacDonald.”

Door #1...

Perhaps you might like to take a "Journey Into The Unknown" the title of one of my books and my radio show where I teach for 1/2 hr on over 120 topics. So, let me introduce myself. I was born in the UK during WWII when a bomb dropped across the road killing hundreds. That day, my first day here, a couple of nurses came to see me and held me and they were healed so my mother told me.

Door #2…

Well, I finally wrote my life story in my book: My Journey Into The Oneness, after having already published 14 books on metaphysical works and a novel Henry's Secrets" A mystery with a surprise ending. I have also written three screenplays. Writing comes easily to me, since I am fortunate to be a Medium and can download my books in only four days if left alone to work. Yes, my life is full with travels to foreign countries to teach and to be entertained which gives me a great opportunity to enjoy a variety of cultures and religions of the world.

Door #3...

I am an ordained minister, was a nurse, works with psychology and psychiatry, counseling and a variety of alternative therapies and medicinal ways to cure maladies and serious illnesses. I.e. the corona virus with colloidal silver in distilled water. I have used and worked with so many different therapies, some that I created and have tested over 30 years and now made public in books, too many to mention here. If you are interested in having a chat with me, I can be contacted through Jon Paul | PR Guy, my representative and advisor.

Margaret is known as "The Voice of the Oneness." She is the "teacher of mediums," having trained over 20,000 students internationally over the past 20 years. She founded Sumaris Psychic Education Center in Essex England and has evolved to establishing Sumaris Education Center & Clinic in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Her focus is on healing the whole person with her seven proprietary therapies that remove stress, fear and pain along with resolving emotional and mental issues that seem impossible to heal.

Dr. Margaret has been awarded two Ph.D. degrees for her advanced work in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Integrated Medicine. Her credits include her pioneer work and research in the paranormal, psychology, psychiatry, crystal therapies, hypnosis, religious studies and her accomplishments as an accurate counselor and unusually adept psychic medium. Dr. Margaret is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Ordained Minister and counselor and is currently serving as elected Director of Education for the Universal Christ Church (School of

She has developed a strong internet presence, including radio and TV shows, videos on YouTube and a website with a shopping cart. Her international schedule includes demonstrations, lectures, workshops, courses and seminars. She is also available for private consultation and education.

Dr. Margaret on amazon.
Janine Regan-Sinclair

Hi, I’m Jon Paul, PR Guy of Here’s my client Janine Regan-Sinclair of to answer your question...

Show Idea: 4 Programs Boost Post Traumatic Growth When Depressed

Show Idea: 6 Ways to Upgrade Self-Help and What to Do About It

Show Idea: The Consciousness Architect - How your Cube of Consciousness and DNA manifest your Reality and Health, and How to Change it!

Janine Regan-Sinclair – The Consciousness Architect, is a certified Therapist, Medical Intuitive and International Speaker. She is qualified in Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Neuro-linguistic Programming and Energy Realignment. Janine is an Author of 4 books and 35 Self-Help Audio Programs. She specialises in Post-Traumatic Growth, helping people overcome all kinds of trauma, either one to one or with her revolutionary digital audio programs. She has a consulting room at No10 Harley Street, London, UK and offers treatments internationally via Skype or Telephone.

Contact Details - Web:

Janine Regan-Sinclair - The Consciousness Architect
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist/Counsellor,
NLP Practitioner, International Speaker & Author
Accredited by the Royal College of Nursing
Registered Member of The American Union of NLP

About Janine
Janine Regan-Sinclair created the Crystal Ki (pronounced key) healing system in 2003. She is a Therapist, Author, Medical Intuitive and speaker and her testimonials speak for themselves. Known as the Consciousness Architect, she has the ability to help you access higher levels of consciousness, as well as gently releasing trauma memories and fear from the subconscious mind, and cell memory. Since childhood, Janine realized she was a service oriented person; but it wasn’t until she suffered a trauma that turned her world upside down, that her life purpose was made clear. That's when she decided to leave her 18 year long career in Architecture and chose to become a Therapist, Speaker and Writer.

In 2003 Janine Regan-Sinclair had a vision, a forum for well-being and a place for personal and spiritual development. As a result, she formulated a powerful energy realignment system called Crystal Ki Healing. Her system changed the frequency of the energy in and around people, land and buildings, uplifting their mind-set and creating positive change on a personal and global scale.

In 2012, Janine wrote and produced a documentary about mental health and addiction. She has many goals and in order to support her mission, Janine has written and produced a series of books and an extensive range of self-help audios. She also produced and hosted a radio show called Cosmic Truth, merging science and spirituality. Janine is a visionary, a pioneer in her field, a woman on a mission.

"Janine Regan-Sinclair’s program worked miracles in my life, in every respect – my health, my career, my wealth, my emotions, and my relationships. Her program literally changed my life in a matter of weeks. Her audio programs are awesome!" ~ Lt. Colonel Michael Zacchea, USMC (Ret)

"Janine is truly a gifted woman." Natalie Ledwell, Best-Selling Author and Mind Movies Co-Founder

"I have had the opportunity to meet many 'healers' over the course of my life and I believe that Janine is exceptional and that is why so many people, with a huge variety of physical and psychological issues go to her for help. She has an innate ability to get straight to the root of the issue, a rare gift." Dr Mah Hussain-Gambles, MBE

I met Janine Regan Sinclair about 2 years ago (2017) and found her to be personnel, professional, and very knowledgeable in her field. I sought treatment with Janine for her outstanding healing and therapy skills. At that time, I was in treatment for Chronic Lyme Disease that presented as Chronic Fatigue after returning from a military deployment and had made some progress. During several treatments with her, Janine utilized her DNA field modification on my Lyme Disease. My next lab studies revealed no trace of Lyme and just two co-infections remaining which was tested at DNA Connections. Since then I have felt less fatigued and less symptomatic.

She also did a distant healing on my mother who resides in a nursing home with mental and physical immobilities. She became gravely ill and was on death’s bed in the local ICU with congestive heart failure and pneumonia. Janine’s healing work on her brain and body was so miraculous that she turned around and shockingly improved that same day. She was discharged eventually back to the nursing home. She remains on 2 litres of oxygen however, she is a new person who no longer is angry, manipulative or a difficult patient. I am so grateful for Janine’s unique gifts of healing for myself and my mother. I would highly recommend her for any position she would seek in health care and complementary medicine. Respectfully, January 18, 2020, Elizabeth S. Sublett, LCDR, NC, Ret.

"I am so grateful that the universe brought Janine to me. Without her I wouldn’t have healed my Bipolar Disorder. She showed me the root of what was unbalanced in my mind and brought me clarity, light and healing. I now have equanimity in life and I am incredibly grateful to her! Her healing treatment is truly a life changing experience". Kathy Willis


The Consciousness Architect — Akaschic Record and Astral Projection Workshops…

Got Life Problems? Suffering Relationships? Career Gridlocked? The Consciousness Architect Speaks Solutions. Want Them?…

Janine Regan-Sinclair – The Consciousness Architect, is a certified Therapist, Medical Intuitive and International Speaker. She is qualified in Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Neuro-linguistic Programming and Energy Realignment. Janine is an Author of 4 books and 35 Self-Help Audio Programs. She specialises in Post-Traumatic Growth, helping people overcome all kinds of trauma, either one to one or with her revolutionary digital audio programs. She has a consulting room at No10 Harley Street, London, UK and offers treatments internationally via Skype or Telephone.
Contact Details - Web:
Janine Regan-Sinclair - The Consciousness Architect
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist/Counsellor,
NLP Practitioner, International Speaker & Author
Accredited by the Royal College of Nursing
Registered Member of The American Union of NLP

About Janine

Janine Regan-Sinclair created the Crystal Ki (pronounced key) healing system in 2003. She is a Therapist, Author, Medical Intuitive and speaker and her testimonials speak for themselves. Known as the Consciousness Architect, she has the ability to help you access higher levels of consciousness, as well as gently releasing trauma memories and fear from the subconscious mind, and cell memory.

Since childhood, Janine realized she was a service oriented person; but it wasn’t until she suffered a trauma that turned her world upside down, that her life purpose was made clear. That's when she decided to leave her 18 year long career in Architecture and chose to become a Therapist, Speaker and Writer.

In 2003 Janine Regan-Sinclair had a vision, a forum for well-being and a place for personal and spiritual development. As a result, she formulated a powerful energy realignment system called Crystal Ki.

Healing. Her system changed the frequency of the energy in and around people, land and buildings, uplifting their mind-set and creating positive change on a personal and global scale.

In 2012, Janine wrote and produced a documentary about mental health and addiction. She has many goals and in order to support her mission, Janine has written and produced a series of books and an extensive range of self-help audios. She also produced and hosted a radio show called Cosmic Truth, merging science and spirituality. Janine is a visionary, a pioneer in her field, a woman on a mission.


"Janine Regan-Sinclair’s program worked miracles in my life, in every respect – my health, my career, my wealth, my emotions, and my relationships. Her program literally changed my life in a matter of weeks. Her audio programs are awesome!" ~ Lt. Colonel Michael Zacchea, USMC (Ret)

"Janine is truly a gifted woman." Natalie Ledwell, Best-Selling Author and Mind Movies Co-Founder

"I have had the opportunity to meet many 'healers' over the course of my life and I believe that Janine is exceptional and that is why so many people, with a huge variety of physical and psychological issues go to her for help. She has an innate ability to get straight to the root of the issue, a rare gift." Dr Mah Hussain-Gambles, MBE

I met Janine Regan Sinclair about 2 years ago (2017) and found her to be personnel, professional, and very knowledgeable in her field. I sought treatment with Janine for her outstanding healing and therapy skills. At that time, I was in treatment for Chronic Lyme Disease that presented as Chronic Fatigue after returning from a military deployment and had made some progress. During several treatments with her, Janine utilized her DNA field modification on my Lyme Disease. My next lab studies revealed no trace of Lyme and just two co-infections remaining which was tested at DNA Connections. Since then I have felt less fatigued and less symptomatic.

She also did a distant healing on my mother who resides in a nursing home with mental and physical immobilities. She became gravely ill and was on death’s bed in the local ICU with congestive heart failure and pneumonia. Janine’s healing work on her brain and body was so miraculous that she turned around and shockingly improved that same day. She was discharged eventually back to the nursing home. She remains on 2 litres of oxygen however, she is a new person who no longer is angry, manipulative or a difficult patient. I am so grateful for Janine’s unique gifts of healing for myself and my mother. I would highly recommend her for any position she would seek in health care and complementary medicine. Respectfully, January 18, 2020, Elizabeth S. Sublett, LCDR, NC, Ret.

"I am so grateful that the universe brought Janine to me. Without her I wouldn’t have healed my Bipolar Disorder. She showed me the root of what was unbalanced in my mind and brought me clarity, light and healing. I now have equanimity in life and I am incredibly grateful to her! Her healing treatment is truly a life changing experience". Kathy Willis

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