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Sharyn Abbott

<p>We have more than 200,000 living on the streets in the U.S. without an adult to provide or protect them. 50% of these children will end up incarcerated or dead by the 35th birthdate. My brother Tony was adopted by my parents when he was 5 and I took him when I was 24 and he was 15. Having come from foster care, his stories would give anyone nightmares. By the time he was 40, we devised a plan to help get children off the streets and into a healthy safe environment. The concept of Ultimate Business University was created to do just that. We will have 6,000 boys and girls who will be given the best education ever provided youth.</p>

<p>We are encouraging others to step up and do what they can in their own communities to create a safe place for children who don't have parents to provide for them.</p>


<p>Sharyn Abbott provided training for entrepreneurs for more than 20 years in the San Francisco Bay Area and is a published author of 10 books. She is the founder of UBU and spent 8 years in the Fortune 500 arena in a sales position. She has owned three entrepreneurial companies and spent the better part of 23 years as an entrepreneur. Sharyn founded Youth Enterprise in 1977; was on the Board of Directors for American Diabetes Association and Easter Seals; and did fund raising for Rubicon Homes for abused children throughout the 90s. Sharyn created the idea for UBU after her adopted brother became terminally ill in 1998. She became his primary health care advocate and through the ten years of his care became aware of the number of children living on the streets because of the stories he told about being in foster care. UBU is designed to take children off of the streets and empower them to live the fulfilling life they deserve through unique educational and wellness programs.</p>

The Genius Factor
Adam Hall

Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve

By Adam C. Hall

Hall Paves the Way for You to Access Your Own Divine Genius;

His Extraordinary Journey Opens the Door for Yours


There he lay, splayed out on an altar deep in an Incan temple in Peru at midnight, a two-snake-headed bronze staff beside him, awaiting the energy and light to come, on the 52nd anniversary of his conception.

What brought Adam C. Hall to this place, the Temple of the Moon, slipping past the guards at midnight? An extraordinary journey that began 81 days before, deconstructing everything and every belief he thought to be true.

And therein lies the seeds of what he can offer he learned to access his Genius Mind and the Divine Genius that is within and without us all.

In his true adventure journey from Santa Barbara, CA to Peru, the twilight world of ascended guides and the deepest depths of his soul, Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve, Adam imparts The Thirteen Universal Wisdom Teachings, and his Genius Process for integrating them into your life. This process enables you to shed the layers of ego, pretentiousness, false beliefs, and values that separate you from the Divine Genius, your authentic creative, loving and abundant life force.  

So where did this story actually begin? The year that Adam’s life fell apart. A handsome, successful real estate developer with a trophy wife, three lovely daughters, an expansive million-dollar home in an exclusive neighborhood, a country club membership and all the golf he wanted to play. A success by all traditional American standards. And then, it was gone! His business collapsed, an acrimonious divorce, estrangement from his daughters, their move to Utah from California with his former spouse, bitterness, depression, anger and loneliness….

It was then that Adam really began to look for answers beyond the success, money and prestige that his ego craved. The initial phase of his transformation began by exploring spiritual teachings, under the tutelage of shamonic sage Alberto Villoldo and the conscious evolutionary leader Barbara Marx Hubbard. He became a deep student of A Course of Miracles and the ancient Mayan culture. Clearly, he was evolving, working to help conserve valued open space though innovative real estate deals, shepherding the earth, becoming an EarthKeeper. But more was needed. He was still raw with rage, loss and self-recrimination.   

And that was when me met MEN. It was deep in meditation when MEN first came to him. An ascended master, who Adam named for the Mayan word “eagle,” associated with the concept of “the wise one.” This mysterious hooded figure called for him to embark on an 81-day journey that would reveal to him the path out of his pain and toward the light of the Divine Genius.

Over the course of the next weeks, each day MEN would impart more of the Thirteen Universal Wisdom Teachings, each which had a profound impact on Adam, allowing him to unpack and unlearn the layers of false pretenses which previously ruled his mind and veiled the truth of his heart. Allowing him to finally hear to voice of his Divine Mind and the guidance of the Divine Genius.

At last, it was time to leave for the culmination of the journey, first in the jungles of Peru, under the mind and soul-opening ayahausca and the magical silver moonlight, and ultimately to that altar for a true activation of his soul and mission.

Today, through his book, coaching and speaking, Adam helps people speed up the UNLEARNING CURVE, to access their Divine Mind and the unlimited wisdom, guidance and knowledge of the Divine Genius through the Genius Process.

Adam can help your listeners explore:

Can they get out of this life alive?—And what that means The first and most important of the 13 Wisdom Teachings Why the beliefs around death are such transformative teachings for us The difference between Divine Doing and Divine Being What is Involution as opposed to Evolution A process to unlearn the problem that creates all problems

If you would like to interview Adam C. Hall on the Unlearning Curve, the path to returning to the Divine Genius, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Missi Hatfield                                               Jackie Lapin

(772) 332 0528                                              (818) 707 1473    

United States

Adam C. Hall is committed to helping individuals unlearn the beliefs, behaviors, and habits that shield them from discovering their Divine Genius, the key to acknowledging and activating their true Divine selves. In his new book Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve, Adam shares the 13 Universal Wisdom Teachings and the Genius Process that lead to his transformation, discovered on the extraordinary journey that took him from the shores of Santa Barbara, CA to the jungles of Brazil and Peru. He is passionate about sharing this information with the world.

An author, speaker, futurist, social architect, impact investor, advisor and conservationist—27 years as a CEO & serial entrepreneur-- Adam began his professional career as a self-described Earth Conqueror, ultimately turning to the role of EarthKeeper. He was the founder of three successful real estate development companies, before personal and professional devastation forced him to reevaluate everything in his life.

Ultimately, he began to integrate a deeply spiritual and more authentic and natural approach, becoming a trained shaman, and teacher of The Course of Miracles. It was then he chose to focus on creating a company that protected the planet, and particularly open space at risk of development. As the CEO of Renaissance Capital, Adam raised $1.5+ billion in capital investment to rescue and conserve premiere natural landscapes. He spent two decades as an impact investor dedicated to the quadruple bottom line: People, Planet, Profits with Purpose -- and founded of the EarthKeeper Alliance. He also contributes to replanting the earth through the organization 8 Billion Trees.

Committed to helping others get in touch with their innate power for personal, professional, and planetary transformation, Adam has 10 years of experience as an Inner Wealth Advisor and Inner Leadership Consultant, helping people enrich their Inner and Outer Wealth Portfolio by integrating Science, Spirituality and Success. Says Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D, world-renowned shaman and CEO Four Winds: “Adam is a business genius, and has the wings that carry you to places few people dream of.”

Adam has dedication himself to fostering Conscious Evolution, Business and Culture over the past two decades.

Though his books — Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve and the first book in his autobiographical trilogy The EarthKeeper, Undeveloping the Future-- his 40 keynotes and the more than 60 radio and television show interviews he has done, Adam continues to seek ways to elevate consciousness.

Today he is the founder/CEO of the Genius Studio, creator of the Genius Process and works particularly with accomplished men who are seeking more contentment, alignment and personal meaning in their lives.

Adam is a believer of lifelong learning and unlearning. He enjoys reading, writing, golfing, biking, skiing, hiking, yoga, vision questing and adventure travel. Adam is the father of three daughters, grandfather to five granddaughters.

Sally Page

<p>Access to doctors, medical procedures, even surgeries have come to a grinding halt because of COVID</p>

<p dir="ltr"><strong>Your audience needs to hear strategies they can do right now, at home, to heal themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally.</strong></p>

<p dir="ltr">Sally is a speaker, medical intuitive, master sound healer, soul purpose coach, international best-selling author, and host of the World Awakening Vibrations Radio Show for 2 years.</p>

<p dir="ltr">Once a NASA engineer, Sally combines science, consciousness, and intuition to help clients heal and thrive! She has survived two near-death experiences where she found ways to recover far beyond the expectations of doctors. Her experience led her to help others find profound healing and soul metamorphosis. She empowers her clients to express their gifts and live their inner truth with purpose, fulfillment, and joy. She is interested in sharing her knowledge on your show.</p>

<p dir="ltr">I hope to hear from you soon.</p>

United States

<p>Sally is a speaker, medical intuitive, master sound healer, soul purpose coach, international best-selling author, and host of the World Awakening Vibrations Radio Show for 2 years. Once a NASA engineer, Sally combines science, consciousness, and intuition to help clients heal and thrive! She has survived two near-death experiences where she found ways to recover far beyond the expectations of doctors. Her experience led her to help others find profound healing and soul metamorphosis. She empowers her clients to express their gifts and live their inner truth with purpose, fulfillment, and joy.</p>


<p>I'm Currently 100 miles away from the Chinese border, risking life, trying to get the word out about the horrors inside China.</p>

<p>21-year investigative life's work, exposing The Forced Live Organ Harvesting Genocide against Innocent Falun Gong practitioners covered up by the CCP in China and how the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is terrorizing our world, unlike any other regime we have ever seen before.</p>

<p>Our website:</p>

<p><a href="; rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"></a></p&gt;

<p>My interview on Steve Bannon's War Room with Peter Navarro and my good friend Dr. Enver Tohti who committed Forced organ harvesting in China and lived to tell about it:</p>

<p><a href="…; target="_blank">…;

<p>My Interview on The Stew Peters Show and The National file article:</p>

<p><a href="…; rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">…;

<p>Below is my Alex Jones interview:</p>

<p>Banned by Youtube and Basically ALL platforms:</p>

<p><a href="…; rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">…;

<p>I think it will captivate you and your audience from what I will share.</p>

<p>I also would like to bring on with me The Doctor (who conducted Forced organ harvesting in China) and who first exposed this new form of evil that has not hit the mainstream yet... but when it does people will be shocked!</p>

<p>Please consider Watching our presentation from London with The main investigators confirming this new form of evil is true:</p>

<p><a href="; rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"></a></p&gt;

<p>As humans how can we not talk about this?&nbsp;Therefore,&nbsp;please consider having a discussion together, as To fail to support the good and to fail to expose evil is unacceptable.</p>

<p>I believe strongly in a quote Id like to share with you:</p>

<p>“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke</p>

<p>I trust that I will hear back from you or your producer.</p>


<p>Mitchell Nicholas Gerber</p>


<p><strong>Mitchell Nicholas Gerber</strong> is an investigative journalist, who has dedicated 21 years to exposing The Forced Organ Harvesting of The Falun Gong spiritual movement in China. With a resilient character and a determined mind, he has been working hard on the frontline of a significant cause; which has been coined a “New form of evil.” Mitchell has been traveling the world in a crucial attempt to raise awareness about The Forced Organ Harvesting of The Falun Gong in China; where hundreds of thousands of these innocent practitioners have been rounded up, sent to over eight hundred state-mandated hospitals; their organs cut out of their bodies while Alive; the organs then sold for massive amounts of profit, and the bodies then burned in crematories to conceal the evidence.</p>

<p>Mitchell’s intention is to get the word out about The Forced Organ Harvesting in China, as well as, gain support across as many media outlets and channels as possible about this new form of evil, especially against the innocent Falun Gong practitioners; and he calls to action kind-hearted human beings who will welcome an interesting discussion about this continuing crime and pressing topic.</p>

<p><strong>Location / Time Zone: </strong>Hanoi, Vietnam, GMT+7</p>

<p><strong>Email: </strong><a href=""></a></p…;

<p><strong>WhatsApp: </strong>+1 678 434 2282</p>

<p><strong>Skype</strong>: mitchellnicholasgerber<strong>Books Recommended:</strong></p>

<p><a href=""><em>Bloody Harvest: Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China</em></a></p>

<p><strong>Key documents:</strong></p>


<p><a href="…; target="_blank">…;

Sharon Valenti


<p>I’m Sharon Valenti, founder of BluePrint for Stress Release, LLC.&nbsp; A parent company of online courses that show people how to change unhappy relationships into ones that truly feel good.</p>

<p>We all have a mission in life we’re born to do.&nbsp; My purpose is to spread peace through the world.&nbsp; As a result of my own trials and tribulations (physical and emotional abuse, sexual abuse, death of a child, etc.)&nbsp;in life and a determination to live a life of peaceful thoughts and genuine happiness has made me an expert in this field.</p>

<p>People who have worked with me experience a 360⁰ turnaround in their lives.&nbsp; They accelerate from unhappiness, blame, shame, not-enoughness, etc. to happy, balanced, confident, sure, peaceful individuals.&nbsp; I don’t tell them how to. I show them how to!&nbsp; I teach people how to master their thoughts and emotions.</p>

<p>These are some of the areas we work with in the courses.</p>

<p>1. Find the hidden beliefs that drive the patterns in your life.</p>

<p>2. Uncover when and where they started.</p>

<p>3. Find out if they’re true.</p>

<p>4. Let the new beliefs begin to be the dominant, positive ones.</p>

<p>5. Start living the life you’d only dreamed of before.</p>

<p>I’m sure your listeners would benefit immensely from my experiences.&nbsp; Especially the part about uncovering hidden beliefs (fears) that have been running their lives.&nbsp;</p>

<p>I’d be honored to partner with you and explore ways of customizing these topics some more so they suit your listeners perfectly.</p>

<p>In return I would love to spread the word about your show.&nbsp; I’d be happy to provide reviews if that works for you.</p>

<p>I’m looking forward to your response to having me as a guest on your show.&nbsp; Please feel free to contact me with any questions or for a general chat.</p>

United States

<p>I lived half of my life living lies about myself until I learned how to unearth the debilitating beliefs that kept me a prisoner of my own doing. As I identified each negative belief &amp; let it go after finding it wasn’t even the truth, I also let go of blaming others for what was happening inside of me. I realized that putting the weight of making others responsible for my happiness was not only unfair, it isn’t even their responsibility. The more often I practiced this new conditioning of myself the more peaceful my thoughts became and of course, so did my life. I began teaching others how to find their underlying beliefs and start this reconditioning of themselves. Hundreds of people have learned from me how to begin this journey to peaceful thoughts, a life of love, happiness, freedom, internal stability and happy relationships. It starts with one moment in time when they were emotionally suffering, unearthing the strong belief about themselves that’s causing this suffering, questioning it to learn “is it true?” and letting it go.</p>

Ivory LaNoue

<p>I have seen, heard and felt the presence of angels my entire life.&nbsp; My many experiences with angels have guided me to become a professional Angel Communicator.&nbsp; I have book coming out within a month called Let Your Angels Lead.&nbsp; It teaches people how to create a close bond with their angels in order to receive the maximum guidance they provide.&nbsp; I have taught the basics of this program to thousands of people in my Meet Your Angelic Guides session.&nbsp; This book goes into much more detail about how to gain these skills, why it's important, and how to overcome any internal barriers getting in the way.&nbsp; I worked in radio for years, hosting a talk show.&nbsp; I'm very comfortable on-air and love to interact with callers if that is part of your show.&nbsp; I have the ability to call in angels so that your listeners feel their presence during an interview.&nbsp; This can be a profound moment for many.</p>

United States

<p>I have been a professional Angel Communicator for going on 10 years.&nbsp; Before that I had a career in radio followed by a long career in the field of mental health.&nbsp; I bring my psychology knowledge and experience into my spiritual work.&nbsp; I'm known for my profound connection to angels, my timelines (due to angels assisting me), and my down to earth approach. In 2020 I was on an episode of Life to Afterlife on Amazon Prime, called "I Want to Talk to the Dead" about my experience being a student of mediumship with Susanne Wilson years ago. I taught a class on angel communications to students worldwide for Spirit Guides Media. My business, Sedona Soul Sisters, is located in Sedona, AZ.&nbsp; I see clients from all over the world; CEO's, authors, spiritual leaders, therapists and just about everybody inbetween.&nbsp;</p>

Wendy Darling

Guest for Your Show

Create Your Miraculous Life: It's Never Too Late

Wendy L. Darling

For Those Who Wonder If Life Has Passed Them By...

Wendy Darling Gives You a Plan to Get Back in the Game & Get Those Dreams Realized Now!

The Booster Shot That Inspires and Propels Your Soul and Spirit To Go For It! 


If you've been telling yourself it may too late to fulfill your dream, find your purposeful path, have the relationship you want, start a family, or even find love again later in life, regardless of the reason (age, money, family commitments, marriage breakdown, exhaustion, health, past failure, lack of education...) think again! 

You have a Fairy Godmother in Wendy L. Darling... 

That's what her clients and followers call her because they have all but given up, and she makes the miracles happen...with or without her magic wand!

In her lovingly written, gently urgent manual for reinvention, Create Your Miraculous Life: It's Never Too Late, Darling guides you through the tools to reset your passion, focus, energy and mindset on the life that has eluded you, the one that is waiting and ready for you to step into! Once you've recaptured that, your dreams and intentions unfold seamlessly.

Recognized worldwide as an expert on navigating change and achieving desired results, Wendy, has more than 40 years of experience as a business and life transformation expert, keynote speaker, master healing practitioner, management and organizational development consultant, executive, entrepreneur, and radio talk show personality. Her Miraculous Living Institute provides seminars, training courses, personal coaching and retreats to reignite the pilot lights of individuals, couples and company executives. 

Using her own life as a template, Wendy is brutally honest about her own personal meltdown-sabotaging her marriage, losing custody of her son, a near-fatal accident after falling over a wall at Dallas-FT Worth Airport resulting from fainting from illness when she shouldn't have been traveling, the loss of her successful corporate career. 

And then the glimmer of hope...starting over and succeeding beyond her wildest dreams. Even finding love again when she thought it would never happen at her age. Most importantly, Wendy refused to give up and she'll inspire you to be unstoppable, too. She'll also relate many stories from her clients and friends that illustrate that miracles are not nearly as rare as you may think-they happen every day! 

Wendy's proprietary Miraculous Living Method is at the core of her success. As part of that process, she invites clients and now readers to fill out the Personal Results Accelerator, which jumpstarts the reassessment process of where to focus for faster transformation. ( Wendy also trains experts in her highly acclaimed program.

Wendy gives you the tools to spot and stymie those "Mischief Makers," the thoughts and doubts that undermine your vision. She gives your soul and spirit the booster shot it needs to go for it! 

Says Wendy: "I know what it's like to keep trying to "make" life work. I know what it's like to feel empty and lonely. I know what it's like to work on making a living and attempting to grow a business. I know what it's like to run out of steam, wondering if my dreams were ever going to come true. I cannot even imagine how much ice cream, dark chocolate, and boxes of Kleenex I've used throughout the years. And I also know what it's like to take a breath and somehow begin believing again. So, this book is going to be about what I have learned. By the end of this book, I am going to show you how to reach for the stars, turn your life around, and have your heart's desires fulfilled.

"I believe with every fiber of my being that the desires of your heart were put there to remind you of who you really are, what you are capable of experiencing, and having you stretch not only to reach your potential, but to make your mark in life. I believe we are all born with gifts that, when cultivated, have the ability to make a difference. And the theme of "it's never too late" is now very timely, maybe even critical. It's never been more important for you to step up and step out. For you to offer whatever gifts and talents you have, to be a part of the healing our world needs. THIS IS YOUR TIME!"

It's never too late to book Wendy L. Darling for an inspiring and compelling interview that's a gateway to personal miracles! Please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Missi Hatfield

(772) 332 0528

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473

Create Your Miraculous Life was written during very challenging times: a global pandemic, political and social unrest, to name a few. Yet, Wendy dug deep and shares ways to best support you, regardless of your circumstances. Everyone needs and will benefit from this information of purpose, passion and performance. You can now make living a miraculous life happen for you! ~ Stedman Graham, New York Times Bestselling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur

Create Your Miraculous Life - It's NEVER Too Late will not only inspire you, you will be guided to the steps to take to fully awaken your deepest desires and finally learn how to materialize them. Those desires are yours. And they are there waiting for you to open your arms to receive them. ~ September Dohrmann, CEO, CEO Space International 

As human beings, we have two choices how we respond to the inexorable march of time: 1. We can live in fear that our time is running out or 2. We can act with the knowledge that it's never too late to be, do and have the important things in life. In this inspiring and powerful book (which is a quick and entertaining read), Wendy Darling teaches perspectives and techniques for creating an increasingly miraculous life - no matter how long you have been on this planet. This is, quite literally, wisdom for the ages. ~ Steve Farber Founder, The Extreme Leadership Institute Author, Radical Leap, Greater Thank Yourself and Love Is Just Damn Good Business 

The sign of a master is that they live what they facilitate in others. The sign of a masterful author is that they convey a lifetime's worth of wisdom in an incredibly easy-to-read way. The sign of a masterful trainer is that they translate their wisdom into easy-to-implement processes that invoke miraculous shifts. Wendy Darling embodies all of these things in this book. Give yourself the gift of allowing it to guide you toward creating a miraculous life. It truly is never too late. ~ Dr. David Gruder Integrative Psychologist and 12-Awardwinning Bestselling Author

United States

Wendy Darling is the founder of the Miraculous Living Institute, a personal and professional growth organization offering presentations, seminars, retreats, and private coaching.  Wendy is a recognized expert on navigating change and achieving your desired results.  Her transformational system, the Miraculous Living MethodTM, provides the vehicle for achieving those results with greater ease and speed.

With more than 40 years of experience as a business and life transformation expert, Wendy is also a keynote speaker, master healing practitioner, management and organizational development consultant, manager and executive, entrepreneur, radio talk show personality,

Wendy has a way of presenting simple, yet profound questions, ideas and thoughts in a way that her clients are motivated, but more important, inspired to action. She guides people to the core of their desires, navigating them to their best path to achieve their desired results.  She blends traditional business ideas with innovative techniques and practical life skills.

Wendy has designed and delivered more than 50 seminar and presentation topics to well over 200,000 people across the United States.  Some of her signature presentations and programs include:  CREATE YOUR MIRACULOUS LIFE - It’s NEVER Too Late; LIVE LOVE LEAD: The NEW Formula For Ultimate Fulfillment and Success; The Miracle of Attracting Love Now (for singles); More Money Now; Loving Yourself Lean; The ROI of Collaborative Relationships; Winning At Business By Mastering Your Inner Game.

In addition, Wendy has provided consulting and keynote presentations to some of the country’s leading organizations.  Wendy now trains and certifies coaches and practitioners in The Miraculous Living Method transformational system, so their clients are able to achieve easier and faster results.

Wendy is a former contributing columnist for Metro Family, Dallas Family, Today’s Dallas Woman, Today’s Innovative Woman and hosted her own radio shows on CBS The Sky Radio, and also in Boca Raton, Fla.  She has been featured in Forbes and other publications, and as a guest on numerous radio, podcasts and TV shows.  Wendy is the #1 best-selling author of Create Your Miraculous Life - It’s NEVER Too Late and The Miracle That Is Your Life.

Wendy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in education, a Master of Education in counseling psychology, a Specialist’s degree, and post-graduate work in Management and Organization Development from the University of Missouri – Columbia.  Clients have dubbed Wendy as their personal “fairy godmother” for her ability to help them live the life of their dreams. 

Create Your Miraculous Life: It’s Never Too Late
Sherry Fernandez

Guest for Your Show

Life Mastery: 

Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential

By Sherry Stirling Fernandez

USA Today & Wall Street Journal Bestseller!

The Formula for Continual Expansion into Your Own Greatness:

Contentment + Progress = Happiness


Though deep in the throes of childhood family chaos with two unstable and unhappy parents -- divorcing, marrying others, then remarrying-amidst constant moving and dysfunctional childrearing -- Sherry Stirling Fernandez still knew that she was destined for great things. She believed in her potential for greatness!

And that is something she wants you to instill in you! Along with the clearly defined pathway to achieve it!

Sherry's new USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential makes the case that if you are not progressing toward a better version of yourself, you can never achieve any true sense of joy...For happiness comes from recognizing and celebrating the fulfillment of your personal goals no matter how challenging -- and then setting out on the road to the next one. A lifetime of progress toward your infinite potential is what makes you exceptional, fills your heart and enables you to leave your imprint on the world -- your legacy! 

Her incredibly powerful book provides you the keys to embark on this quest-the determination of your WHY -- without which you will likely fail quickly. The WHAT -- what needs your focus and attention to achieve Life Mastery in eight different aspects of your life. And the HOW -- getting an assessment of where you are; what goals and action steps to take; the systems to put in place and the habits you need to instill (or replace). This exceptional manual gives you everything you need to get you on the road to Life Mastery, and inspires you to take that first step!

Along the way, Sherry tells her own inspiring story: how she left home at 17, a wild teen flirting with thievery, drugs and self-destruction, pregnant at 19, married by 22 and living a "hippie" lifestyle with all that implied in the 1970s. She and husband Ken lived on the edge of destitution until they began to explore personal development through books, tapes and live events with leaders in the movement. Slowly they inched themselves and their six-yes, count them! -- six children forward toward a better, more rewarding and financially strong life. 

Much of the impetus for that came from Sherry's relentless pursuit of inner fortitude, wisdom and the goals she set for herself to overcome habits, fears and resistance that held back her progress toward infinite potential -- and sharing with Ken what she learned along the way. Ultimately, Ken started a highly successful construction supply company, and Sherry launched FitMania, boutique fitness and personal development business, that also guided clients on mastery over all aspects of their life that contributed to achieving or exceeding the goals they set for themselves and the dreams they had in their hearts.

Her years with FitMania were rich and rewarding, but it was the transformation of her clients that so inspired Sherry to turn her entire attention to coaching individuals on achieving full Life Mastery by focusing on the physical, the spiritual, relationships, education, motivation, vocation, money, lifestyle and character.

In fact, her book features an excellent assessment tool that let's readers determine what areas of their life need tuning up, and then how to take each of those vulnerable areas forward with the steps to keep moving ahead on the road to to stay motivated and committed to the outcome, never losing sight of your WHY!

So often Sherry observed people in personal transformation programs leave excited and vowing change, only to slip back into old habits without a practical accountable way to implement that change. A solution to that is what Life Mastery brings to the discourse.    

For, as Sherry holds, as you reach each new victory, that feeling of contentment can only be sustained by continued progress. And in that combination, lies the key to prolonged happiness. 

If you would like to interview Sherry Stirling Fernandez on the essential mission of making personal progression toward an infinite potential, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the call-in details.

United States

For nearly three decades Sherry Stirling Fernandez has been a speaker, a teacher, a mentor, and is now the author of Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential.

Sherry, and her husband Ken Fernandez, are a rags-to-riches story. Against all odds they found success, not only financially, but in each of the eight areas of Life Mastery - physical, spiritual, relationships, education, motivation, money, lifestyle and character. The Life Mastery program is a result of their careful study of the principles of success and a lifetime of practicing those principles. What makes Sherry unique in her ability to teach personal development is the years of study and practice she invested to master the principles she now teaches. 

In 2009, in the midst of the recession, Sherry opened a boutique fitness and personal development business. For more than 25 years, while raising her large family and previous to opening her business, she had been involved in the leadership of several civic and church programs. She also mentored individuals, taught classes, goal setting, motivation, what men and women want in marriage, preparing for marriage, ecclesiastical topics, nutrition for weight loss, exercise, leadership and teambuilding. Having developed a wealth of knowledge and skills, she began looking for a way to put those skills to work on her own terms, and in her own way. It was this desire that led her to open the fitness business, FitMania, and the parallel personal development program, FitLife.

At FitMania Sherry created and intense group workout program using high intensity interval resistance training, (HIIRT) and was eventually voted Best in Boise competing with all local gyms. FitMania wasn’t just a gym. FitMania was very invested in the nutrition side of being lean and healthy as well. In addition to one-on-one food coaching, it hosted cooking and nutrition classes. On the FitLife side, there were classes on goal setting, finances, and relationships. As the program grew she developed a certification program to train clients to be trainers. Here they learned workout physiology, nutrition, leadership, and the FitMania/FitLife culture. Many of these trainers are now mentors for the Life Mastery Mentoring program.

It was important to Sherry to give back to the community. That meant that FitMania, as a business, was involved in the community doing free demonstrations, free workouts, body composition analysis at events and participating in fundraisers. The company also held its own yearly fund raiser for WCA (The Women and Children’s Alliance) and Sherry was eventually nominated for their prestigious TWIN (Tribute to Women in Industry) Award. The year following she was their speaker at the reception for the TWIN Award nominee’s.

After selling FitMania to one of her team members, Sherry rebranded her FitLife mentoring program, including the workbook she had developed, from FitLife to Life Mastery. She continued to mentor, do some workshops and to speak. Sherry does digital formats for teaching and speaking but she still prefers to mentor in person.

Life Mastery
Chris Riedel

Guest for Your Show

Blood Money:

One Man's Bare-Knuckle Fight to Protect Taxpayers 

from Medical Lab Fraud 

By Chris Riedel

A Harrowing Tale of Widespread Illegal Payments and Kickbacks that Costs Taxpayers Billions and Cost Chris Riedel Tremendous Personal Sacrifice

His Dogged & Courageous Pursuit of the Perpetrators for Himself, His Industry, The Taxpayers and Other Whistleblowers has Earned Him the Title of "Fraud Fighter"


Blood Money is the true legal thriller of a terrifying David vs. Goliath fight against massive healthcare fraud brought by a brave Whistleblower, at tremendous personal sacrifice and cost over many years.

Chris Riedel never saw himself as a crusader. He lived the Silicon Valley dream, founding his first company at 24, then starting two others while he was still a young man. The first two companies revolutionized how bacterial infections were diagnosed and treated -- saving hundreds of thousands of lives around the world. He retired early to enjoy raising his young sons with his wife Marcia.

Aware of the diminishing number of medical labs in Northern California, Marcia encouraged them to return to the business and they started Meris Laboratories -- and that's where the trouble began! In the decade since they left the business, two major behemoths, Quest and LabCorp, had assumed dominance in the industry, euphemistically referred to as the "Blood Brothers." 

After investing millions into the development of Meris, it became apparent that the "Blood Brothers" pursued predatory business practices that drove their competitors out of business, and at the same time illegally billed millions to Medicaid, while providing kickbacks to doctors and medical practices. Chris had a Sophie's choice -- join them and break the law, or fight them to stop the practice, level the playing field for other labs, and get back some of those millions for the taxpayers.

He chose the latter, filing what is called a Qui-tam, or Whistleblower lawsuit (also called the Lincoln Law, because that President signed it into law to prevent massive fraud by U.S. Army contractors during the Civil War). With a Qui-tam suit, the plaintiff sues on behalf of the taxpayer, and if the suit is won, is rewarded with up to 30% of the recovered monies and damages -- to be shared, of course, with the attorneys. Nevertheless, it's a major legal gamble because many of these cases go nowhere after huge time and money investment. But staying with them can ultimately catch and punish the lawbreakers -- while restoring millions or even billions to the public till. And so, Chris stood up for justice! 

But that's where things get really interesting...Chris relates accounts of attempted murder, extortion, money-laundering, hidden money in the Caymen Islands, gold buried in a storage container in a CEO's backyard, an assistant attorney general sabotaging her state's case and a corrupt governor torpedoing litigation by his own attorney general. 

Never realizing the headaches, heartaches, and the financially and emotionally crushing retaliatory actions that the" Blood Brothers" had in store, Chris refused to give in, even as the cases (they sued in several states beside CA) dragged on -- to the point that Meris Labs could no longer sustain itself and the family savings was gone. And finally, while he and Marcia were on the edge of financial Armageddon, a landmark settlement for millions saved the day, and forced the end to those specific illegal practices. At the time, then California Attorney General Kamala Harris said: "This historic settlement affirms that Medi-Cal exists to help the state's neediest families rather than illicitly line private pockets."

With Meris Labs closed and his family now restored to financial sustainability, Chris traded his CEO role to focus more time as a Fraud Fighter. In addition to pursuing the lawsuits to their end in the other states, he has become a guide, consultant and supporting partner for other Whistleblowers who decide to file Qui-tam lawsuits to right the wrongs that cost taxpayers billions. One thing that is clear in Blood Money, One Man's Bare-Knuckle Fight to Protect Taxpayers from Medical Lab Fraud, medical laboratory fraud is enormously widespread by ostensibly reputable companies throughout North America, and Chris could be kept busy the rest of his life fighting this pervasive taxpayer theft. His actions have already resulted in more than $550 million in settlements and a court verdict...and counting.

If you'd like to interview Chris Riedel (pronounced Rye-Dell) on his wild ride to pursue justice and his work as a Fraud Fighter, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

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