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Karen A Thomas CEC CA

I am a certified etiquette expert hailing from CT.  I am your #1 resource for all of your etiquette conundrums and humor etiquette banter.

I look foward to working with you - as I have hosted my own radio program on WAPJ locally here in Torrington CT. for over a year. and co hosted the am show prior to that.

I welcome any interviews I may be so happy to receive.

Yours for a more civil society,

Karen A.Thomas


Civility Analyst Etiquette Expert  2001 - present

College Instructor, Author, Keynote Speaker, Corporate Trainer

Dan Perkins

Most Effective Terrorist Attack: Attack A Nation’s Economy

Guest:  Dan Perkins – Nationally Acclaimed Author of “The Brotherhood of the Red Nile: A Terrorist’s Perspective” and Financial Expert on the Global Influence of Terrorism on World Economies

We know the destruction terrorism causes across the globe and the impact the aftermath has on the area.  However, physical attacks are not as effective as you may think – they won’t cripple a nation.  In reality an economic attack causes far more destruction.  When our economy is hit, it hurts the entire nation – not just an isolated area.  The problem is a terrorist attack on the economy is sometimes harder to recognize until it’s too late.

One theory is that terrorists want us to be at war with them because it drains our economy.  Look at our economy post 9-11 being involved with Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia and parts of Pakistan.  Look at the divide it caused the US and the trillions of dollars we are dropping to fight this cause – heck America is almost bankrupt.  Do the terrorists actually want us to continue to fight because of the destruction it has on our economy?

Dan Perkins, a noted author on terrorism believes a terrorist attack on our economy will have a more profound impact than the isolated attacks we’re used to.  He’s willing to expand upon his theory to the public by discussing these topics.

Why haven’t more attacks on our economy or other nation’s economies been performed by terrorists? How will a terrorist attack on a nation’s economy cripple them worse than isolated attacks like what happened on 9-11? Are the terrorists waging a war on our economy by involving us with so many wars? How are terrorist attacks on a nation’s economy harder to detect and thwart than a isolated attack? Do attacks on finances by terrorist’s effect individuals as well as governments?  If so how?

Dan Perkins Bio

Is the author of a Trilogy on terrorism called the Brotherhood of the Red Nile. He has been on Radio and TV and been interviewed by newspapers about his books. Dan believes that money is at the root of terrorism and taking away or diverting America’s wealth is a way to bring America under Islam control. With 40 years of global investment experience Mr. Perkins is uniquely qualified to talk about financial implications of terrorism.


Interviews are available for radio, TV and print.  Contact Your Publicity Company at (888) 368-9081 e mail  If you are interested, please reply to this pitch by e mail with a time (EST), day and station info and we can set up the interview that way as well.

Is the author of a Trilogy on terrorism called the Brotherhood of the Red Nile. He has been on Radio and TV and been interviewed by newspapers about his books. Dan believes that money is at the root of terrorism and taking away or diverting America’s wealth is a way to bring America under Islam control. With 40 years of global investment experience Mr. Perkins is uniquely qualified to talk about financial implications of terrorism.

Connie Shaw

Dear Host,

BBS Radio hosts have interviewed many of Sentient Publication’s authors in the past. We are now pleased to introduce author/artist duo Alice and Richard Matzkin. Theirs is a timely human interest story – a very positive take on aging that would appeal to a large segment of the population. Despite the media’s anti-aging bias, the Matzkins have become PRO-aging, accepting the aging process and enjoying the preciousness of their golden years. I think that your listeners would be interested in an interview with the authors.

Both artists are in their sixties, and have spent the past dozen years confronting their fear of aging through their artwork. Alice Matzkin has two portraits in the permanent collection in the Smithsonian, her portraits have hung in the White House, and her Women of Age series was featured on the Oprah Winfrey show.

Richard Matzkin is a sculptor, musician, therapist and writer. He has numerous one-man shows and his sculptures are featured in collections throughout the United States. The Matzkins currently live in Ojai, California, near Santa Barbara.

Their book The Art of Aging: Celebrating the Authentic Aging Self contains beautiful paintings, color photographs, and personal narrative, which explore the art of aging and demonstrate that life itself is a work of art in which the end is as important as the beginning. Their humility, gratefulness, and wisdom are encouraging evidence that the golden years can be just that.

Some questions Alice and Richard Matzkin can be asked include:

1.      What inspired you to focus your work on aging?

2.      How has creating your art projects changed your attitude towards aging – toward your body, toward your relationship, toward life, toward death, toward your future? 

3.      What is it like now for you to be an elder?

4.      You are now in the youth of old age. What are your thoughts about late old age?

5.      You mention being initially afraid of your aging self, what helped you most to overcome that notion of fear?

6.      You feature some famous figures in your book, who where they and how did their involvement enhance the book?

7.      Any future projects?

I believe the readers of COMPANY would find inspiration and hope through The Art of Aging. I would be happy to mail you a copy of the book, along with publicity materials if you are interested. If you have any questions, please call me at the number below, or email me at Please let me know if you do decide to do an interview with the authors.


Connie Shaw


(303) 443-2188

Alice and Richard Matzkin Alice Matzkin has painted most of her life. She has two paintings in the permanent collection of the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian. Her portraits have hung in the White House and have appeared in national magazines. HerWomen of Age series was featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Richard Matzkin is a sculptor, musician, therapist, and writer. He has numerous one-man shows and his sculptures are in collections throughout the United States. He attended the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles and later received his Master of Arts in Psychology from California State University. The Matzkins share a studio next to their home in Ojai, California, near Santa Barbara. For the past dozen years, their work has focused on projects that confront their fear and curiosity about growing old.

Art of Aging
Bruno Cignacco

I am Dr. Bruno Roque Cignaccn  the author of the book published called  HOW TO ATTRACT MONEY EFFORTLESSLY. Techniques to be more prosperous.

This book was published in 2013 in English by O- Books (John Hunt Publishing, UK, USA)

I write to make a proposal to hold an interview with me during your programme  to talk about topics related to the book.

Please find below book synopsis and a brief resume of mine.


This book is primarily focused on the most relevant techniques to attract more money.  This text pinpoints the main metaphysical principles related to the creation of wealth. It also sets out wrong assumptions about money and replaces them with positive connotations about it. The book goes on to highlight the main requirements to attract more abundance.

This text describes an overarching series of strategies to attract more prosperity, such as visualization, meditation, affirmations, Feng Shui, emotional release, objective setting, playfulness, generosity perspective, gratitude, intuitive insights, de-cluttering, positive thinking, chakra cleansing and energy management, among others. All these techniques are explained in detail, accompanied with easy practical exercises.


Dr. Bruno Roque Cignacco (PhD) studied Metaphysics for more than 15 Years. He wrote a business book “Fundamentals of International Marketing. SMES” 2010 (Atlantic Publishers) also published in Spanish and Portuguese. He also published a novel called “El niño errante (The Wandering Child)” (2010), Bergerac Ediciones.

The author is also a University Professor both at undergraduate and postgraduate level in business subjects in the UK (London School of Business and Finance, Lancaster University, University of Central Lancanshire, among others) and an international speaker and advisor on International Business topics.

If you are interested in interviewing me, please contact me

Yours sincerely

Dr. Bruno Roque Cignacco (PhD)


Dr. Bruno Roque Cignacco (PhD) studied Metaphysics for more than 17 years. He is a very well known author, Master Life Coach and certified NLP Master Practitioner. He is the author of the book "How to Manifest Money Effortlessly. Techniques to be more prosperous" (John Hunt Publishing 2013). This book has been published in several languages, such as Italian and  Korean, among others. 

He is also the author of "How to Become a Miracle-worker with Your Life. Simple Steps to Use the Almighty Ancient Technique of Ho' oponopono" (John Hunt Publishing, 2015). He is the author of several business books. He is an international speaker, university professor and business consultant. He has delivered countless talks, seminars and conferences in several countries.

Maya Britan

We are putting togther an amazing Metaphysical Sci Fi film and would like to come on show to talk about it.. 




The Game of One is a true story of an ancient School of Tarot that was last used in during the late 18th dynasty in Egypt. The School  of Tarot was primarily designed for members of the royal family in order to prepare kings and queens for their destiny, where they would have to demonstrate the model of a perfect human being.  Before actually assuming the throne, the royal student was to achieve his/her ultimate initiation from the great I AM  (God).  As in ancient times, initiation even today takes place when the student can honestly say that he or she is ONE, meaning that the graduated student has managed to obtain all qualities of life within one awakened consciousness, including all that is good and all that is bad. The royal Master of Tarot was then considered an evolved human being entitled to attach the word ATONE to his or her personal name (“Atone” means “one”), thus being accepted by society as being wise and knowledgeable in all of life’s matters. good as it royalty had ever managed to be as accomplished and for all we know, one by one, all rulers ends up choosing power and control over people rather than knowledge. 

Rebecca J Steiger
CONTACT: Rebecca J. Steiger, 607.862.6435
WILLIAMSVILLE, MISSOURI, October 10, 2013 – Author, intuitive life coach and radio talk-show host Rebecca J. Steiger of Williamsville, Missouri, has released her third inspirational and self-help book “And the Angels Speak” through Balboa Press, a division of Hay House Publishing.
“And the Angels Speak” was written through Steiger’s spiritual connection to the Angelic Realm, to help others with positive inspiration. “This book will lead you to connect your mind, body and spirit in unison as one”, Steiger says. “Through the Angels, you can manifest and recreate your life, realizing the powerful being that you are”.
Steiger’s connection to the Angels came in 1993 from a near death experience during a tornado, when she was thrown from her home with her young grandson clinging to her chest. She explains that she stood before God and was sent back in order to help others on their life journey. After that horrific event, Steiger says she slowly came to learn of the gifts God had given her and what the higher purpose and divine mission of her life was meant to be on Earth. “I was afraid that, at any time, God might decide that I was not doing things right and take me home”, says Steiger. “What I had thought was the worst and scariest thing that ever happened to me actually was the best”.
In 2005, Steiger published her first book “And the Angels Spoke”, which is the first volume of the “Rebecca’s Pathways” series of books, which also includes “From Ashes to Angel Light” (2006). Her latest book, “And the Angels Speak”, is an updated and revised edition of “And the Angels Spoke” and is the first of three books that Steiger will publish during 2014 and 2015.
Steiger currently hosts a weekly talk-show on Blog Talk Radio, “Connecting with Your Angels and Pathways” and writes an online journal about new age, metaphysical and spiritual topics called “Rebecca’s Angel Blog”. She also helps others around the world through private Angelic Channeling consultations, connecting with the Angelic Realm and receiving the answers needed to coach her clients on their everyday path in this life.
Rebecca J. Steiger is available for interviews, lectures, seminars and other appearances. For booking presentations, media appearances, interviews and/or book-signings contact
United States

Rebecca's journey began in 1993 when her life was transformed in an instant, through the most horrid experience ever. a tornado. Rebecca and her grandson were blown out of a house and into a field under an old satellite dish.  At that time, she saw herself standing before God and his judgment.  Her sister-in-law, who had previously passed away, was leaning over God's shoulder and said, "Not now, Lord; for she still has lots of things to do."

After that horrific event, Rebecca slowly came to learn of the gifts God had given her, and why she was returned to this Earth. She not only helps others through the Angelic Realm, but is also a Master Reiki through which she uses her God given gifts to heal others.-law, who had previously passed away, was leaning over God's shoulder and said, "Not now, Lord; for she still has lots of things to do."

Rebecca is a twice published author of "And The Angels Spoke" (2005) and "From Ashes to Angel Light" (2006). In 2013, Rebecca revised and updated her first book and has been republished by Balboa Press as "And the Angels Speak". Her second book will be republished in 2014 and a third book will follow shortly thereafter.

Rebecca hosts a weekly internet talk show on where she discusses a wide ranging view of topics relating to metaphysical and spiritual subjects. She is also an Inspirational Lecturer for public, private and corporate events where she shares her knowledge with others.

In her private time, Rebecca leads an active life with her two children, Amy and Andy, and five grandchildren, Clay, Kinzie, Montana, Abby and Cole. She also enjoys raising and showing Registered Quarter Horses and German Shepherd dogs. Being a free spirit, Rebecca enjoys long walks through the beautiful forests that surround her family farm and taking in the quiet, spiritual surroundings.

"And the Angels Speak", the latest book from author Rebecca J. Steiger
Tanique Wright

My name is Tanique Wright and I am a volunteer with an organization called A Just Cause. and I am sure you have a mother, father, sibling, child, or friend you would do anything for. What would you do if they were in prison when they were innocent? If they were serving time for a crime they never committed? How would you feel if they did not receive a fair trial? If their 5th amendments were violated by a judge? And the very transcript which could prove their rights were violated was destroyed? If their expert witness's were not allowed to testify for them? Our goal is to get these men out on bond, pending the outcome of the Appeals Process. These men were out on bond before for months and NEVER once violated their bails, which are still in effect. I know of a case of six men who were wrongly convicted of committing mail/wire fraud in Colorado Springs, CO. The FBI raided their business and tried to steal their intellectual property. These men were developing software for law enforcement, so they were not doing anything wrong! These men have wives and children who are suffering needlessly. This story needs to be heard!!

My name is Tanique Wright and I am a volunteer with an organization called A Just Cause. and I am sure you have a mother, father, sibling, child, or friend you would do anything for. What would you do if they were in prison when they were innocent? If they were serving time for a crime they never committed? How would you feel if they did not receive a fair trial? If their 5th amendments were violated by a judge? And the very transcript which could prove their rights were violated was destroyed? If their expert witness's were not allowed to testify for them? Our goal is to get these men out on bond, pending the outcome of the Appeals Process. These men were out on bond before for months and NEVER once violated their bails, which are still in effect. I know of a case of six men who were wrongly convicted of committing mail/wire fraud in Colorado Springs, CO. The FBI raided their business and tried to steal their intellectual property. These men were developing software for law enforcement, so they were not doing anything wrong! These men have wives and children who are suffering needlessly. This story needs to be heard!!

Jason Dowd

Horrifying Life Changing Paranormal Experiences

Contact Your Publicity Company at 888-368-9081 or e mail to schedule an interview

Guest:  Jason Dowd – Author of “A Haunted Soul” and Internationally Exhibiting Photographer of the hit "haunted' art series "Dreams, Nightmares, Fears and Fantasy"

Some believe and some don’t believe in ghosts but for Jason Dowd his life long struggle with ghosts altered his life forever.  He questioned his religion, he isolated himself from society, he felt like something was missing in his life and didn’t know what, he questioned his own sanity, and he faced the experiences without support from the age of 7.

He had no idea he had a deceased twin sister, he had no idea he was psychic and could communicate with ghosts and at the age of 12 he battled the demon that took over his room, hurting and haunting him and his friends.  Now he is a paranormal investigator and using his vast knowledge of photography, is an expert paranormal photographer.

His book depicts these stories and features photos he created in his internationally exhibiting art series to illustrate some of these nightmares he encountered growing up.  His story will send chills down your spine; yet you won’t want to stop talking about his amazing experiences.

Dowd is eager to discuss:

His first ghost encounter (1987) at Connecticut’s famous “Green Lady Cemetery” on Halloween night His demonic encounter and how he dealt with it Why he questioned his religion but NOT his religious beliefs How these encounters changed his life How he found out he was a twin, why he never knew about her and how twins have that special connection that most don’t understand The difference between “paranormal” and “haunted” What are orbs and why are orbs misunderstood in pictures and video Anything else you want to know about ghosts, his life and his book


Interviews are available for radio, TV and print.  Contact Your Publicity Company at (888) 368-9081  If you are interested, please reply to this pitch by e mail with a time (EST), day and station info and we can set up the interview that way as well.


Jason Dowd was born in Bristol, CT.  He graduated from Land O Lakes High School in Florida in 1997, and continued his education and training at ITT Technical Institute in Tampa. Though he likes to dabble in many art mediums, Dowd focuses his passion on photography.  In 2003, he created Dowd Studios, Inc. and then in 2004, began video editing for various bands.  In addition to his editing work, Dowd has helped musicians develop their CD covers, produce videos and help with other various creative items needed.  He has worked with some of the biggest names in the music industry.  In 2010, Dowd started his first art collection titled, "Dreams, Nightmares, Fears and Fantasy."  He has since followed with many other series.  His work has been seen in galleries all across the nation, and even has had his photos displayed in Hong Kong.  He has won numerous awards over the years for his photography.  In 2008 the San Diego Voice and Viewpoint hired Dowd to photograph the only campaign stop during the Democratic primary election of Sen. Barack Obama. Since 2010, Dowd has been on 35 radio interviews and has made many television appearances.  In 2011, Dowd published a book titled, A Haunted Soul: A True Story of One Man's Struggle with the Paranormal.  To purchase his book, please visit: or Today, Dowd resides in New Port Richey, FL with his wife, Fran.

For more information visit or

Sue Fries

One in 13 American children suffer from asthma. Over 20-million Americans suffer from the disease. One in 8 children have asthma in California. Other states have reported an increase in asthma, particularly with pre-school aged children. In this country alone, there were 2,000,000 emergency room visits for asthma in 2012. With the upcoming winter months – known as “asthma season” – just around the corner, what can YOU do to protect yourself and your family from this terrifying disease?



One determined, spiritually driven mother –

the leading female pest control operator in America –

engages in a life and death battle to save her son from life-threatening asthma and lethal indoor allergens in…



One Woman’s Heroic Journey to Save Her Son’s Life, and Yours

coming this Fall from Xulon Press

“Heartrending, thrilling, and richly informative, Sue Fries’ journey to save her son from asthma will inspire you to live a more heroic life…” –

“This book is an invaluable asset to help anyone with asthma to take back their life.” – Dr. Natalie A. Nevins, CEO, AD+World Health Corp.

We invite your review/coverage of Sue Fries’ LEARNING TO BREATHE, co-written with award-winning journalist and On Gratitude author Todd Aaron Jensen.

STATS: One in 13 American children suffer from asthma. Over 20-million Americans suffer from the disease. One in 8 children have asthma in California. Other states have reported an increase in asthma, particularly with pre-school aged children. In this country alone, there were 2,000,000 emergency room visits for asthma in 2012. With the upcoming winter months – known as “asthma season” – just around the corner, what can YOU do to protect yourself and your family from this terrifying disease?

So what if your child could not breathe? What would you do? What would you give? How would your life change? When 4-year old Tyson Fries is stricken with the first of many devastating asthma attacks, his family’s life is forever changed. LEARNING TO BREATHE is the riveting true story of how Tyson’s mother, Sue, the most recognized, environmentally-friendly female pest control operator in the nation, squared off in a life and death battle against the asthma that threatened her young son’s life and still affects tens of millions of Americans each year.

A hero’s journey for the parent in all of us, a how-to manual for keeping your child healthy, written with the passion of a loving mother, the wisdom of a successful businesswoman, the devotion of a deeply spiritual woman, and the emotional charge and high-voltage suspense of a great thriller, LEARNING TO BREATHE is a must-read book – revealing previously untold truths about asthma, uncovering its secret causes, its surprising cures, the harmful indoor allergens that can aggravate them and, most importantly, how you can save your child’s life with wisdom, compassion, and faith.

For advanced copies of LEARNING TO BREATHE or to schedule a live event, in-store signing, or speaking engagement with Sue Fries, please email


Author Sue Fries, the Termite Lady of Ecola Services Inc., has been in the pest management industry for 30 years. Since 2000, Fries has worked at the vanguard of environmentally-friendly and alternative pest management technologies, and has been featured on Discovery Channel and History Channel. In 2012, Fries launched United Against Indoor Air Pollution (UAIAP), an organization dedicated to the health, safety, and welfare of families nationwide struggling with the often hidden dangers of harmful indoor allergens. Additionally, she hosts a weekly, syndicated radio show, Pursuit of Passion, Purpose, and Connection, in Ventura County, CA. She has two children, Tyson and Tiana.