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Tara Ventura

I will talk about Numerology, and why it is brilliant because it is a blueprint that identifies your uniqueness, why you think the way you do, special gifts talents and values that you were born with. Instead of fitting in the mold and doing what you thought you were supposed to be doing, what society told you, it creates awareness and a big AHA , "that is WHY I’m different", so you gain clarity. People feel better about themselves by being aware of their uniqueness and also helps them to realize that others have different values too that can be recognize. Therefore it validates you as a human being and teaches self love. On the show, I would love to demonstrate through Numerology how it relates to Past Life Strengths and experiences. Our name reveals the blueprint of our soul, and what characteristics we used in other lifetimes. After revealing these, I intuitively tune in to a person and use my empathic skills to receive snapshots or visions of what and how these characteristics may have played out. Many times people resonate with what their past life strengths and that is because they're part of our souls journey and DNA. I am clairvoyant and empathic. Friends and family can be part of the past and I will ask for a their birth name or birthdate, as well. Their deceased loved ones may come in to the picture, too. I ask them to take a couple of deep breaths so I can tune into them and their chakras and get more information. I also balance chakras to align with any emotional or physical issues that may be from past life traumas. My nature is compassionate so I listen intently to what a client expresses, how they feel or what they want to clear. I also encourage them to live out their abilities and what they came here to do.


Tara Ventura is an intuitive numerologist of 27 years, clairvoyant, empath and does balancing chakras. Her client's throughout the U.S are attracted to her joyful, communicative and compassionate nature. Tara's background in right brained professions such as art compels her to inspire people to sense their uniqueness. She listen's and captures her client's specific desires, filters their information, and feeds back empowerment to energize their goals.

Tara feels it is important that other's understand their own gifts, and teaches classes locally and via teleconference. She writes blogs and has done podcasts for Annie Jennings PR. She has also been a speaker and guest on Awakening in Austin radio show.

Lynn Van Praagh Gratton

The Bridge Between Worlds, Messages from the Other Side. Lynn would like to do on air medium readings to help those grieving to move into healing and understudying that the messages from the Other Side is love.


Lynn met a woman who told her she is “A Bridge Between Worlds.” That was it! It was that simple phrase that connected for her the journey on which she’d been on and the road on which she was to continue to travel. Lynn likens this calling to being on the precipice of an abyss, hearing whispers and seeing images of those desperately looking for someone to hear them. She stands on that bridge, arms outstretched to embrace and give voice to those who need to speak and deliver to those here on earth in pain, messages of love and comfort. "I want to heal people by speaking for those who can no longer be heard by loved-ones left behind" is the mantra behind Lynn Van Praagh-Gratton’s work. Utilizing her unique gift, she can convey messages of hope, love and compassion to those who have suffered the loss of loved ones. These messages bring closure, peace and love to people all over the country. For many years, Lynn believed everyone had her gift and pushed it aside, unaware that she would someday fulfill her life’s journey by becoming the psychic medium she is today. It wasn’t until her husband’s untimely death that she fully embraced her gifts and began to share them with those in need. Lynn comes from a humble family in Bayside, New York. Lynn's mother had the gift as do some of her siblings. Lynn was one of four children, raised by a stay at home mom and a father who worked as a stagehand for Broadway and Lynn Van Praagh Gratton doing Gallery Readings. Denver, Colorado January 2012 TV. She began to receive messages and feel that she was unique at the young age of ten. After high school, Lynn was also a stay at home mom and then went on to become a FlightService Manager at American Airlines. After retiring from the airlines she began to focus more on her gifts. She has four children and is a grandmother to six. Lynn would never have imagined the worlds that have opened to her over these past few years. Her warm demeanor and cerulean blue eyes show depth and compassion to her audience, which instills confidence and trust. She is very clear in her role as the messenger and always seeks confirmation for her messages before delivery. Lynn begins all of her events with a simple explanation of her gifts, what they mean and how they can help. She has a way about her that comforts even the most fearful or skeptical and promotes an overall atmosphere of calm and peace.

Colleen Miller JD CPCC OM


Women comprise 51% of the world population, yet are absent or underrepresented in the essential global conversations that define our world, our nations, and our communities. If we are to powerfully come to emerge as leaders who represent the global citizen majority we must redefine our power from an authentic feminine model.

Our survival as a species requires us to define a new power paradigm—one that is not male or female dominated, but one that collaboratively blends the innate natural abilities of both men and women to define a new paradigm of leadership and power.

In order to most powerfully and effectively participate at leadership levels, join Colleen in learning:

• How to accurately define authentic feminine power, which is very different from the ever- popular distorted version of male power—are Power Suits a good idea?

• What can women’s innate and exceptional abilities most powerfully contribute to policy and governance conversations at all levels of society.

• How to take ownership within yourself of your authentic, internal power and know how to remain in alignment with that in every aspect of your life.

Other topics that Colleen can speak on:

Does a hectic parenting and working schedule seem to zap your life dry? Do you want to return to the happy person you once were? Laughter provides dramatic biochemical benefits. People, who laugh live longer, are healthier, are better problem solvers, and manage turmoil with greater facility. Then there’s the simple matter of enjoying your life. We all know laughter adds to our experiences. We just don’t know how to infuse more laughter into our days.

Do you feel stuck in life? We all get bogged down in life, stuck in dysfunctional relationships, tedious jobs, or financial distress. Are you feeling overwhelmed, bored, frustrated, hopeless, or exhausted? You may have been stuck so long that change seems impossible. You can unleash your full potential and live the life you dream of.


Colleen Miller is one of the most sought after leadership and empowerment women's coaches in Colorado. Colleen is a noted Attorney, Certified Professional Coactive Coach, Ordained Minister, keynote transformational speaker, author & top executive coach.

Colleen works primarily with women who desire to accomplish their life purpose and wish to remove the barriers that prevent them from creating the lives they envision for themselves.

"As a direct result of working with Colleen I was able to achieve the unimaginable, meeting challenges and toppling barriers to far exceed my previously conceived personal and business goals."
- Lisa Hill, Colorado 9News Leader of the Year 2014

“This work has put my business, my career and my life back on track. I can finally see a future that’s brighter than my past.” -- Orvel Ray Wilson, CSP

Crash Those Cymbals in Hell Lorraine Grisky, Mining My Childhood for Truth, Freedom & Laughter by Colleen Miller
Paul Sutliff

I am the author of Stealth Jihad Phase 2: Infiltrate American Colleges and an Assistant Editor with Brenner Brief News. I would like to talk to your audience about the network of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. During this time I address: sharia, taqiyya, terrorism, the current active work of civilization jihad and more. I also talk about being an average guy and how I found out about the Muslim Brotherhood at Nazareth College.

At the end, I provide a few ways to get active. I have an FOIA campaign I am assisting the Clarion Project with and could use some help.

My research has been appreciated by men like P. David Gaubatz author of Muslim Mafia, and Ryan Mauro of the Clarion Project and FOX News.

If this topic interests you email me and I will send you an ecopy of my book. Samples of my experiences on TV and radio can be easily Googled.


Paul Sutliff,

"To achieve a dream you must race towards your goal!"


Paul Sutliff considers himself only an awakened American. He is an educator and writer working to make America safe through sharing and teaching what truth even if it is politically incorrect.

Stealth Jihad Phase 2
Mr Aleks George

Possible Show Titles/Themes: The 7 Keys to Authentic Success How to Avoid Life's Deepest Regret and Make Your Destiny Defining Decision Today How to Build a Successful Business Based on your Own Passions that Actually Matters There are a couple of options. One is a show directly related to my book (details below) or a more generalist themed show where the aim is to inspire and teach the listeners how they could get unstuck from their fears and doubts, live authentically and make a key dramatic life change for the better. I'll leave sample interview questions related to both types of show below the book synopsis. My upcoming book that I can freely talk about is about self-development and inspirational stories of success, as each author answers the question “What was the thought process behind the best life decision you have ever made?” Synopsis: “Destiny Defining Decisions” offers new and established entrepreneurs the opportunity to receive inspirational and practical guidance from 11 best-selling business experts and reveals 7 key skills of success and a simple 5 phase step by step business blueprint to allow readers to start or enhance their passions based business immediately. The list of guests include experts who run multi-multi-million dollar companies, who publish New York Times Bestselling books (with some individual title’s having sold more than 1 million copies on their own) and who have a combined net worth of over $300 million. Receive: • Negotiation strategies from the world’s most respected negotiation teacher. • Executive coaching insights from a top 5 world ranked executive coach. • Life purpose clarity techniques from a hall of fame keynote speaker • Creativity tips from a leading Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist • Successful start from scratch business building tips from an extremely high net worth serial entrepreneur. And more… BOOK BASED SAMPLE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: 1.What is the core inspiration behind Destiny Defining Decisions? 2. Based on your findings, what is the #1 key to success? 3.There are sections of the book where you mock the business/self-development industry through your “fantasy gifts.” What was the purpose of that? 4.What is a “must do” strategy from the book you can share 5.What is a passions-based business? 6.Which was your favorite interview? 7.As a relatively “unknown” author, how did you get such big name experts to agree to participate? 8.You even take a brief look at historical heroes and the decisions made that changed the course of history. Who is your biggest inspiration? 9.What are the key skills people will learn through this book? What is the MARVELS model? 10. Will people specifically know how to start or enhance their business by the end of this book? BONUS - You have a special gift for our audience today. What is it? GENERALIST SHOW QUESTIONS: What have you found to be the #1 life regret people have and how can it be avoided? What is a destiny defining decision? What kind of people have you studied who have made such decisions? How do you break free from potential crushing habits and develop an abundance focus? How did your life transformation occur? How can others do the same? How do we avoid inspirational impotence? Why do you say we all have multiple parents and how did your 3 fathers and 2 mothers change your life? How do we overcome our invisible toxic addictions and create enriching addictions? Based on your findings, what is the #1 key to success? You're often quite critical or even mocking of the self-development industry. Why is that? What is the one thing a person must do to follow their passion and turn it into a business? What is a passions-based business and why is it the most important thing you could do with your life? What are some of the key skills for business success? Who is your biggest inspiration?


Aleks George Srbinoski is an author, speaker and multidisciplinary psychologist focusing on mental health, success, happiness and entrepreneurship. Known as a leading expert in success and happiness strategies, he is the founder of and author of the Success Secrets Series, and the Fulfilling Happiness Program. His most recent book, “Destiny Defining Decisions”, is based on the interviews from his radio show and reveals the wisdom and inspiration behind the success of some of the most respected entrepreneurs in the world. Addicted to self-development, humor and connecting to like-minded people you can follow him on Twitter (@AleksPsych) or email and he will respond in a timely fashion.

Destiny Defining Decisions - Aleks George Srbinoski
Leon Moscona

Everyone who purifies and develops their seven spiritual bodies - the physical, etheric, astral, causal, buddhic and atmic, becomes a personification of the Divine Spirit - an Avatar, a materialisation of Divinity in flesh. An Avatar lives in the whole three-fold structure of the Universe simultaneously: with a purified physical body and personality on Earth, with a blossoming soul in the celestial world and with an awakened Higher Self in the highest Divine world. In a long spiritual journey I was able to build my seven spiritual bodies helped by the Divine Masters and Saints - Zoroaster, Ramakrishna, Beinsa Douno, St. Peter, St. John, Maitreya Buddha and the Cosmic Christ. This process was a synthesis of the spiritual worlds of their religions. As a result, I received Enlightenment and became an Avatar of Synthesis. Furthermore this process was connected with the mystery of the Second Coming (or the New Coming) of these Divine Masters. In my recently published autobiographical eBook On the Path of Enlightenment I shared my most sacred experiences of metaphysical and mystical meetings with the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine in more detail. The book also contains deep spiritual insights and inspiring mystical visions about the coming New Reality. As an Avatar of Synthesis I was blessed to receive a new fruit from the Tree of Life – The Initiation of the Holy Spirit. This Initiation reveals the spiritual essence of our epoch, the mystery of the Second Coming, the essence of the Divine Wedding in Heaven and the beginning of the New Cycle of existence of humankind in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. The activation of these celestial archetypes from the Book of Revelation is the essence of my spiritual work. From this point of view I could speak symbolically about deciphering the Book of Revelation as a Code for the spiritual transformation of humankind. The Initiation of the Holy Spirit provides keys to the spiritual past, present and future in the history of humankind. The past is concluding metaphysically the Indo-European cycle of evolution and harvesting the fruits from it; the present is the dramatic transition from the old world to the world to come, by experiencing the Day of Resurrection and Judgment and the fall of the present Babylonian-type culture, based on ego-centrism; the future is an entry into a new Cycle of Existence in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth; there humankind will establish a new celestial culture, based on Life for the Whole and will gather fruits from the Tree of Life ‘twelve times a year’. I have introduced the main aspects of the Initiation of the Holy Spirit in more than 400 lectures, in a number of books, eBooks and booklets, in 12 International Assemblies on the sacred mountain Rila in Bulgaria and in many other spiritual activities over the years. My recently published autobiographical eBook On the Path of Enlightenment reveals the metaphysical and mystical essence of my journey towards Enlightenment and the spiritual work in line with the Initiation of the Holy Spirit.


In a long spiritual journey lasting more than 40 years, through exciting mystical contacts with the Divine Masters, Christ, Ramakrishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Mohamed, Beinsa Douno and others, as well as the Divine Mother, I was initiated into the mysteries of the Second Coming and the emerging New Reality. The metaphysical basis of these mysteries is described in my book The Second Coming as well as in many lectures and seminars in Bulgaria, Ireland, Switzerland, UK, USA, and Russia. I was born on 15th August 1941 in Sofia, Bulgaria and graduated, with postgraduate studies, in Moscow, Russia (1964-1973) in musicology and philosophy. My spiritual journey started with an awakening from the restricted, materialistic and atheistic consciousness in 1971 in Moscow. Soon after this I found my Spiritual Teacher and Divine Master - Beinsa Douno (1864-1944) from Bulgaria. As a devoted disciple of the Master Beinsa Douno, like an apostle, I brought his Teaching and sacred dance Paneurhythmy to Russia for the first time. The Master had predicted that his Teaching would spread to Russia and other countries and would become the basis for the development of the new solar culture and the new sixth race, the race of Love. During my last months in Moscow (1973) I came across the extraordinary initiatic book The Rose of the World by the great Russian mystic Daniil Andreev. The Rose of the World is a poetic symbol of the heart centre of the human race. It is a symbol of the integration of all spiritual traditions. Each one of the traditions is like a petal of this "cosmic rose" with an exquisite spiritual fragrance. After my return to Bulgaria I rearranged all aspects of my life in accordance with the spiritual guidance of the Master Beinsa Douno. I found himself mystically in some kind of a celestial university on Earth where even the smallest details in daily life were integrated with the spiritual life in the higher worlds. Under the guidance of my beloved Master Beinsa Douno I merged subsequently with the Divine Spirits of Zoroaster, Ramakrishna, Babaji, Buddha, Christ and Beinsa Douno himself and received their initiations. In exciting cosmic-spiritual romances with the Masters, full of wonders, miracles and divine coincidences I was prepared for the mystery of the Rose of the World – the revelation of the wholeness of the Kingdom of God where there are many mansions, and the mystery of the Second Coming. The result of my "celestial study" on Earth was the revelation about the New Jerusalem (Revelation: 21:9-27) as the wholeness of the Kingdom of God, which I described in the manuscript The Book of Resurrection (1982-1984). With the blessing of the Master Beinsa Douno and the guidance of the Divine Guru Babaji I started my spiritual Teachership, sharing the ideas of the Second Coming and the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth within a small circle of friends. In July 1986 I was guided by the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother to the West in order to continue my spiritual work. On the one hand I shared my revelation about the Second Coming and the New Jerusalem in many countries (UK, Ireland, Switzerland, U.S.A. France, Germany) in the form of lectures, seminars, initiatic cycles, special celebrations, a spiritual school of Paneurhythmy, etc. On the other hand, I became familiar with the western spiritual culture including the depths of the religious traditions, the variety of New Age movements, the special care for the Earth and the environment and so on. An important aspect of my time in the West was meditation and receiving visions about the mission of all the countries I visited in the Divine Plan for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Thus, this time I served as a living bridge between the Eastern European spiritual culture and the Western spiritual culture. As a result of my intensive spiritual work and my mystical journey in the West, I received the Enlightenment of Christ-Maitreya with the revelation of the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path (1991). Christ-Maitreya is the glorious and victorious Cosmic Christ who reveals the New Reality coming out from the Living God in accordance with the prophetic words: "And now I make all things new" (Revelation 21:5). In essence, Christ-Maitreya is the integrative name of the Second Coming of all Divine Masters, which is now initiated by the Lord God Almighty. The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path bestowed on us by Christ-Maitreya is the Path which leads us back to the Kingdom of God and helps us to bring this celestial reality down on Earth. The New Enlightenment and the Nine Fold Rainbow Path are described in my book The Second Coming, published in Ireland in 1995, and translated and published in Bulgaria in 1998. The book serves as a basis for the integration of all religions and brings together the "Great Drawing" of the Rose of the World, described by Daniil Andreev, the Teaching of the Master Beinsa Douno and the richness of the Western spiritual culture. It introduces a new fruit from the Tree of Life – the Initiation of the Holy Spirit. The book was the impulse to initiate the Second Coming Integral Mission. After publishing my book, The Second Coming, with the full support of the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother, my spiritual work was brought on a new level. In exciting and challenging lectures, seminars, initiatic cycles and mystery schools I now activate the mystery of the Second Coming, introduce the Initiation of the Holy Spirit and lead people to the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

Leon Moscona, On the Path of Enlightenment
Rocky Krogfoss

I am a healer and a teacher. I have answered some of the most profound questions about WHO WE REALLY ARE as humans. I have studied Quantum Physics, The Science of Emotional Energy, Conscious Energy, and put it all together in one powerful effective healing process. I can GUARANTEE that i can heal any pain issue in the cellular body. I also work with mental health issues effectively eliminating depression, panic attacks and anxiety. I have two videos who demonstrate and report scientifically why this highly advanced process is so effective. I would love to share them with you. I have been on dozens of radio shows and I am a great interview. I can go as deep into the rabbit hole as the interviewer is willing to go. 1) Rocky Krogfoss: How Stress is Created 2) HeartMath Institute: Dr. Rollin McCrady – PhD Executive Vice President and Director of Research “Heart – Brain Coherrence” Love to hear back from you and talk some more. I guarantee you I will peak your curiosity bone.


Business Biography Rocky Krogfoss, President New Beginnings Therapy Healing and Education Services I grew up in a violent home in the 1960’s. That mental and physical violence generated a life of struggle and constant conflict. After my marriage ended in 1993, I had an emotional breakdown in 1996. That propelled me into a medical system that did nothing to help me heal the wounded scars of my inner child. I quickly discovered I had to heal myself and found an incredibly talented alternative healer whom I formed a strong relationship with as a client and a friend. I experienced her loving gift as she began unraveling the myriad of self loathing beliefs imprinted deep into my mindset. As a result of her work with me for over 10 years and my healing of the wounds of my inner child started to reveal a new kinder, gentler ME. I discovered a new passion, the science of Emotional Energy. As I searched for answers, new scientific discoveries marched in lock step with my ability to understand outside the box wisdom and how these truths began to align to all these new scientific discoveries. I began to perform healing work using my own inner wisdom and experiences from my healing journey to discover I have an amazing gift. People felt incredibly better after I interacted with them. I started working with women who had migraine headaches, healing each one in 20 m inutes or less. I then expanded into all physical pain with the same results. The next stage was mental health, and it took many kore sessions but I am proud to say that I have successfully helped people heal all of these conditions successfuly to bring them back into a positive vibrancy which cannot be measured. My journey has taken me to the heart of Quantum Physics Research, Emotional Energy Research, and Consciousness Energy Research. All these combined have laid out a new way of thinking about “who we really are”, and how our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs directly impact our day to day life experiences and our well being. I began creating workshops that have evolved and taken complex science down to a wonderful state of simplicity with clarity. For over 10 years, I performed core belief healings and helped women and men heal a myriad of conditions that current medical processes cannot. Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Panic Attacks, Severe Anxiety, Bipolar Symptoms, Anger Management, Suicidal Thinking, Grief Counselling and so much more. I have been told that my presence and my passion come through in my genuine love for all people. The business world would benefit immensely by hearing what I have to say, and begin learning how to generate higher profits, higher productivity, a positive workplace culture, and lower costs. Today, I have multiple presentations ready for many diverse situations. Business Success, Relationships, Healing Pain and Depression Without Drugs, Men’s Workshops, Women’s Workshops, Couples Workshops. I am proud of my dedication and perseverance to be who I am today, a vibrant and gifted speaker, a stress reduction counselor and a teacher of advanced wisdom that will shift the mindsets of people everywhere. Letting go of old unworthiness beliefs, reduce stress dramatically and reinstall new empowering beliefs, will generate new positive possibilities. I share this information with you in the belief it will help you understand who I am and what my gifts can do to make this planet and its inhabitants a better place to live and work together. Rocky Krogfoss, President New Beginnings Therapy Healing and Educational Services

Kate Bazilevsky

Greetings, My name is Kate Bazilevsky. I am an expert in Gender Relations based on a new direction in Psychology called Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. I speak English and Russian fluently. I have reviewed your show and I believe that I would be a great guest for your audience. Proposed Topic: Gender Relations And How Images Affect Human Psychophysiology. Did you know that images are the foundation of human functioning? This knowledge has been hidden for centuries. In our civilization artificial images were and still are created by men. New proven studies have shown that life based on artificial, made-up images causes a breakdown in human psychophysiology, leading to premature aging. Also, researchers found and proved that knowledge of natural (created by nature) images of human psyche exists. This powerful information is necessary for all people, and especially for women because it gives them a chance to live using their full potential. I propose the following interview questions: What is Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis? What are images? What is the difference between a natural image and an artificial image? Who creates artificial images? Why female filmmakers, writers, artists, scientists or politicians did not exist a couple of centuries ago? Today women participate in all of the above, why do you state that men control women? What do men do this for? Why do women believe that the images that they use are a secret? Why does life based on artificial images lead to a breakdown in human psychophysiology? And, isn't this true for men as well as women? Where can one get information about natural images? I assure you that our time together will be focused on delivering value to your audience. My goal is to empower people with information based on facts. I am happy to provide additional information at your request. Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you. Warm regards, Kate Bazilevsky

United States

Kate Bazilevsky is the Director of the Human Population Academy. She holds a degree in MIS and Psychology. In 2008, she began her studies in the field of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis, based on scientific research by Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk. Kate founded the Human Population Academy in 2011, and opened a publishing company called HPA Press in 2012. HPA Press publishes works that further Human Population Academy‘s mission: to educate people around the world about the laws of human Nature, the Catalog of Human Population (Catalog of Human Souls) and scientific research of its source Shan Hai Jing, based on discoveries by Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk.

HUMAN POPULATION ACADEMY Laws of Human Nature based on Shan Hai Jing research discoveries by A. Davydov and O. Skorbatyuk
Hillary Raimo

Hillary's interviews, writings and client work include her focus on personal and on current world situations and events, interpretations and perspectives with a deep understanding of ancient cultures, sacred sites, the paranormal, and esoteric systems applied within the context of the unique universal tapestry of unfolding knowledge, with her intuitive insights. Her writings share the combination of her special intuitive and self-empowerment skills to help people on all levels and from all cultures so they can become aware of current paradigms and choices available for their future. She presents updated researching and information that can help everyone move into states of higher frequency in order to live in the best of health and well-being for multi-dimensional living.

Hillary has a gift of decoding and reading the energy of world events as she aligns them with Earth based events such as earthquakes, volcanos, and cosmic events such as solar flares. Hillary follows the headlines and codes found within them to see how the energies are coordinated. She is relevant and real time as she tracks and breaks down these events for people and infuses the perspective into the microcosmic element so people can put it to use within their own lives.


Formally a project consultant to the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty founded by Dr. Carol Rosin for two years. Hillary is currently a board member for Yraceburu Earthwisdom and founding member of Taa-nash-kaa-daa Sanctuary in New Mexico. Hillary is a sought after facilitator and has been invited to numerous conferences as a key note speaker, and has participated frequently on guest panels across the country as an expert on a variety of topics ranging from higher consciousness to healing.

Hillary has contributed to numerous articles and publications including recently published books entitled Kids Who See Ghosts by Dr. Caron Goode, Prophetic Voices by Maria Yraceburu, Whose Stuff Is This? by best-selling author Yvonne Perry, and Oracle of Initiation: Rainbows in the Dark by Melissa Weiss-Steele. Hillary is the author of Money Matters for Mind, Body & Spirit, and Life According to an Unknown and is currently working on her 3rd book co-authored with Maria Yraceburu to be released late 2013.