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Paul Sutliff
Your Pitch

I am the author of Stealth Jihad Phase 2: Infiltrate American Colleges and an Assistant Editor with Brenner Brief News. I would like to talk to your audience about the network of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. During this time I address: sharia, taqiyya, terrorism, the current active work of civilization jihad and more. I also talk about being an average guy and how I found out about the Muslim Brotherhood at Nazareth College.

At the end, I provide a few ways to get active. I have an FOIA campaign I am assisting the Clarion Project with and could use some help.

My research has been appreciated by men like P. David Gaubatz author of Muslim Mafia, and Ryan Mauro of the Clarion Project and FOX News.

If this topic interests you email me and I will send you an ecopy of my book. Samples of my experiences on TV and radio can be easily Googled.


Paul Sutliff,

"To achieve a dream you must race towards your goal!"


Paul Sutliff considers himself only an awakened American. He is an educator and writer working to make America safe through sharing and teaching what truth even if it is politically incorrect.

Stealth Jihad Phase 2