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Drake Eastburn

Drake Eastburn is one of the most prolific hypnotherapists of his time. He has taught his proprietary methods all over the world, and has authored numerous books, mostly pertaining to hypnosis. Drake is extremely well-versed in topics such as trance, altered states of consciousness, out-of-body experiences, and regression therapy. He enjoys busting numerous myths often associated with hypnosis, allaying the common and misguided fears regarding the hypnotic state. Drake frequently assists clients with a broad array of psychological issues, ranging from various fears and anxieties, to breaking life-long habits like smoking and nail biting, to assisting clients in getting the pounds to “melt away like butter on a hot summer’s day”. Clients and business professionals from all over the globe seek Drake’s expertise; he offers Skype sessions for those unable to visit in-person. Drake has worked with world-class athletes, including Olympians and other professional sports players. He has served as entrepreneurial inspiration for many business owners and industry trailblazers. Some of his favorite topics of discussion include:

What is hypnosis? Myths: Can you “get stuck” in hypnosis, as movies like Office Space often portray? Can a hypnotist force me to reveal my deepest, darkest secrets while in trance? Can the hypnotist force me to do things out of my normal character, or beyond my control? Can someone lie while hypnotized? Is hypnosis mind control? Can anyone be hypnotized, or can only certain “types” of people be hypnotized? Are only “weak minded” people capable of being hypnotized? Is hypnosis harmful? Is hypnosis sleep? How long does hypnosis last? Only a short time/48 hours? What is self-hypnosis? Is all hypnosis self-hypnosis?

Drake Eastburn is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Instructor through the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). He is a member of multiple hypnotherapy and psychotherapy organizations worldwide, including the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE), the Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute, as well as being a member of the National Federation of Hypnotists, OPEIU Local #104. A former board member of the Colorado Association of Psychotherapists (CAP), and a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT), Drake is the Director and co-founder, with his wife, Lynsi, of the Eastburn Hypnotherapy Center and the Eastburn Institute of Hypnosis.

Drake is a regular presenter at the Mid-America Hypnotists convention in Illinois, and the National Guild of Hypnotists annual convention held in Marlboro, MA. With more than 30 years experience in the field of hypnotism, Drake maintains a thriving private practice with two offices in the Denver Metro area. He has trained students to become Certified Hypnotherapists worldwide and he offers abundant post-graduate and continuing education coursework for those who wish to specialize and/or broaden their practice.

Drake is in high demand as a dynamic lecturer who regularly presents public education seminars locally through Colorado Free University, colleges and high schools, and corporate venues. Drake has facilitated numerous advanced trainings internationally in the U.K., Australia and Canada, as well as throughout the U.S. He has been featured on television news and radio, and in print media including The Denver Post.

One of the most prolific authors in contemporary hypnotism, he is the official hypnotherapist to the U.S. Olympic Cycling Team.  Drake has written The Power of the Past, a book chronicling his decades of experience with hypnotic regression and a unique script book for hypnotists called Power Patter. His book on weight loss, No Time to Waist, is not only an enjoyable and informative read, but a complete weight loss program which includes six CDs to guide the reader through the entire hypnotic weight mastery program. Drake’s most recent publications are The Power of Suggestion, The Therapeutic Hypnotist, and the definitive work on his profession, What Is Hypnosis? (Really). A gifted teacher and a life-long learner, Drake Eastburn has put his passion for helping others maximize their potential to excellent use, and has never failed to improve upon the wellbeing of all those whose lives he touches.

Jenny Hogg Ashwell

Guided by intuition and Spirit, I discovered my soul assignment to scribe the book, Love's Curriculum: Messages of Enlightenment, for the High Council. As our companions through the current spiritual Awakening, Jesus, the archangels, and other spiritual teachers have gathered as the High Council and now share with us in Love's Curriculum their messages of enlightenment. These Divine messages have a clear goal: To awaken us to the Love that connects all. This book is the High Council's gift to us--a guidebook for the journey.

Through Divine grace and enormous trust, I traveled a path from lawyer to student of spirituality and mother of three, to spiritual counselor and intuitive, to learn of my soul assignment. It is with great humility, courage, and gratitude that I have brought forth Love's Curriculum. Now, I work to spread its messages and help individuals and groups connect with the High Council on their path to Awakening, to being LOVE, to igniting Divine LOVE in the world.


Jenny Hogg Ashwell is a natural bridge to the spiritual realm, and gifted guide and mentor on the spiritual journey. Also a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, Jenny is dedicated to awakening Love in the world. In her work she displays a beautiful balance between the intellect and the spiritual mystic, being highly gifted in both areas. Jenny began her career with a bachelor of science in business administration with honors in finance from the University of California, Berkeley in 1992. She then went on to earn her juris doctorate from Northwestern University School of Law in 1996. After graduating from law school, Jenny worked as a lawyer for a large law firm in Phoenix, Arizona. It was then that she embarked on a path of spiritual and personal discovery; a path that led to her leaving her first marriage, and leaving her career as a lawyer when she realized it was not her soul’s calling. Jenny then moved to Canada in 1999, remarried shortly thereafter, and eventually became mom to two beautiful girls.

In Canada she continued her spiritual and personal growth. Her journey brought her through a second divorce, remarriage, the birth of her son, personal development workshops with Insight Counseling and Training, and a diploma in trans-personal counseling psychology from Clearmind International Institute in 2013. All the while, Jenny tuned in to her connection to Spirit to help guide and direct her through healing, learning, and growing. Her spiritual and personal growth path led to the discovery of her soul’s assignment to scribe Love’s Curriculum for the High Council. You may read more about her journey in the Afterword to the book. Jenny lives with her husband and three children in Western Canada where she enjoys walks in the woods with her dogs. In addition to raising her children with as much love and consciousness as she knows how, and continuing to step into her assignment as conduit for the High Council’s messages, she also operates her own private practice, Shining Heart Personal Growth.

Love's Curriculum: Messages of Enlightenment--The High Council
Phil Thomas

Greetings,  I'm the foremost authority on Edgar Cayce's natural health products.

Former house painter, I studied the Cayce readings in Virgina Beach during the 90's with a focus on the concepts dealing with the health/illness question, and developed the concepts which were unique to Mr. Cayce including the Radial Device, Animated Ash, The Wet Cell, and a number of other concepts/products.  I was so successful in demonstrating the viability of these ideas that the organization discredited my work as a means of protecting their own dysfunctional approach and handling of the readings for several decades.  Mr Cayce presented a comprehensive overview of natural healing which set the standard for the industry, but today this knowledge is all but forgotten due to the pervasive fear consciousness within the controling body.

Kathy Cholod Publicist

Why are businesses failing?

Catherine Bell  believes in doing business in a  More Mindful Way. See some sample questions below. Catherine is the author of the book "The Awakened Company"


Catherine is cofounder of BluEra, an executive search company recognized as one of Alberta, Canada’s best workplaces. She holds a degree from Western University and an MBA from Queen’s University, is certified in the Riso- Hudson Enneagram and the Nine Domains, and has more than a decade of international executive search experience in industries including renewables, oil and gas, power, infrastructure, high-technology, and private equity. 

Renowned for her ability to build high-performance teams, Catherine speaks frequently on leadership and careers to both business schools and companies. She has also been involved in a number of not-for-profit

The Awakened Company
Colin Richards

Since 2005,  I have been committed to my mission of teaching people how to achieve sensual intimacy, better communication and erotic fulfilment within relationships. I am passionate about this subject. My treatments and expertise are open and accessible to all. I work with men, women and couples from all ethnicities, backgrounds, cultures, sexual orientations and ages.

I also run workshops teaching the importance on intimacy and sexual foreplay. I host public events on the subject of sexuality. I have recentlky been featured in a 6 page article in both UK and Australian Cosmopolitan, I am shortly to be featured in GQ Magazine and The Time Newspaper and am currently working on a pilot TV show for a leading UK broadcaster of the subject of female sexuality and the female clients that I help and support.

Amongst my services, I:-

give private and confidential sensual massage treatments to male and female clients as individual appointments offer couples the opportunity to explore and expand their sexual horizons by exploring sensual massage offer psycho-sensual treatments combining bodywork with counselling to help with sexual performance and confidence advise and mentor men who are exploring same-sex attraction treat women who have a lack of sensual intimacy, eroticism or sexual confidence in their lives work with couples who want to expand and enliven their sexual relationships teach men how to become more knowledgeable and confident sensual and sexual partners to women run interactive private and group workshops on sensual massage, sex and sexuality mentor single men, women and couples on how to improve intimacy and sexual performance speak on sex and sexuality at public and private events provide face to face or Skype mentoring usually see most of my clients at my riverside treatment rooms in Pimlico, central London.
United Kingdom

I am happy to be interviewed about:-

the importance of developing sexual competence within relationship and particularly the importance of sensual intimacy

Teaching men how to become more confident and assertive lovers to their female partners

Couples opening up their relationships by expanding their sexual horizons to empower their relationship further

Women seek to be desired / Men seek approval - get this and then your sex becomes dynamic


I hope you are happy and healthy.

     The Fearless Puppy project donates all author profits from sales of the books Reincarnation Through Common Sense and Fearless Puppy on American Road to sponsoring wisdom professionals--beginning with but not exclusive to Buddhist Nuns and Monks. These books have twenty-two 5* reviews and one 4* on Amazon.

     The unusual part is that this project is invented and directed by a 64 year old ex-junkie who was once pronounced medically dead and has since traveled over 100,000 miles without ever driving a car, having a bank account, or owning a phone. I also invented and directed previous charitable efforts that involved a governor, senators, rock stars, pro sports teams, and more--often while remaining homeless myself just to prove that anyone can accomplish good things for their culture as well as for themselves. 

      Interviews at the website confirm a strong entertainment value here. Other documentation at the website confirms everything else. For a good time (and an authentic, enlightening, and entertaining experience for your public) please contact me. Thanks. Be well, Tenzin (Doug "Ten" Rose) 


Here is how my editor puts it in two short paragraphs.

    Albert Einstein said, “Once you accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite nothing which is something, wearing stripes with plaid is easy.” Doug “Ten” Rose has metaphorically worn stripes with plaid all his life. He has thirty years experience raising funds at street level for various causes, often while working under very adverse personal circumstances. He has invented and directed charity projects involving rock stars, pro sports teams, a governor, mayors, and senators. These projects raised awareness and large sums of money for others. Much of this was done while Tenzin remained homeless and panhandled for food money on the streets. 

    He has recently written two amazing books, Fearless Puppy on American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense. True to Ten’s form, all author profits from these books will be donated to sponsor Wisdom Professionals (beginning with but not exclusive to Tibetan Nuns and Monks).  Ten is a graduate of heroin addiction and death, as well as thirty-five years and over a hundred thousand miles of travel without ever driving a car, having a bank account, telephone, or a bill in his name. He may be the most comedic smartass as well as one of the most entertaining survivors of the hitchhiking adventurers that used to cover America’s highways. The term “crazy wisdom” is often used, but rarely meets its match the way it does in this author. Ten Rose and his work are a vibrant part of the present and future as well as an essential remnant of a vanishing breed.

Amanda Grieme

Although I was diagnosed with Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder with some sassy schizoaffective delusions tossed into the mix when I was 20-years-old, it truly wasn’t until my tumble from the living one February, many winter’s ago… that I was not-so-gently shown my path to be a mental health awareness advocate and creative empowerment mentor.  I live to share how I stay afloat in this ever-cycling existence, and to help others understand that they can, too.

It was while I was curled into myself, cradled uncomfortably into the corner of my parent’s couch following a psychotic episode… incapacitated, overmedicated and unable to keep my coveted job as a high school English teacher, that I found my way out of my own hell with a pen and paper.  It was all I could do, and the first step in     a separation from an insidious diagnosis that did not allow itself to be ignored, until then.  Despite the ever-present fog and deleterious effects from prescribed little blue and pink imagination slayers that riddled me, I wrote letters.  I wrote letters that documented my fall to those I loved and admired, here and gone.  And with each letter I wrote, a piece of MYSELF, riddled with rapid cycling bipolar disorder smothering my solar plexus unraveled, detangling the viscous knot that choked the essence of who I am: ME. 

My self-absorption index, inherent with mental illness, slowly dwindled into nothingness.  I unfurled from the chrysalis state back into the world of the living, and by mid-Spring, I was able to reenter the world and work as a bartender and server.  It was then, with a new clarity, that I saw the profound importance of the letters I wrote as a potential creative tool to help others with their own struggle with mental illness, and life stuff in general.  I crafted a frame story about Ana, an alter-ego like MYSELF around the letters… a fictionalized account of a mentally ill Ana’s escape from a Rhode Island State Hospital and her existential journey to the Florida Keys to meet her demise, unsuccessfully.  Her story is narrated by an angel guide named Gabriel, who shows her the importance of her life to the tapestry that connects her to others.  Gabriel shows her how time is only linear in our perception, and our purpose is timeless and unfathomably deep. Loosely based on my own experience with mental illness, “Dear Prudence” was born. 

I eventually found my way back to teaching, and shared my manuscript with my creative writing students.  In 2009, illustrated by Amanda Kunzman who was a 14-year-old creative writing student, with special artistic contributions by Jean Melancon, Mishelle Wilson and endless inspiration from all of my students, family and friends, I published “Dear Prudence,” my first novel, followed by Motherhood Made ME Get Over MYSELF: A Metamorphosis in 2014, a self-help anecdote.  It was my metamorphosis.  By telling Ana’s story of hope, I was able to help, honestly… not hide from a so often stigmatized bipolar disorder.  I was finally ME.

I didn’t succumb to the illness; that was my choice.  I live with it like a roommate, sometimes home too long, sometimes gone for days.  Often times punctual with the rent, many times shirking all responsibility.  Sometimes deliciously fun, often times infinitely dark.  She (MYSELF) is always there, but at arms length.

MYSELF is an appendage of my totality; she can overcome like thick fog, but will dutifully go back to her room, back to her chrysalis state when I am needed.  ME; it is my choice.   I LIVE with Bipolar Disorder, and advocate mental health awareness; it is not to be ignored.  I choose writing and radio as my creative, cathartic medium to help others, provide mentoring and welcome sharing my story in a public speaking forum.  My life experience with mental illness, self-medication and ten years in education lends listeners, readers and client’s invaluable, empowering, often quirky life advice.  

Please tune into "Dear Prudence" Radio - Life Advice to Help YOU Cope to share in life's struggles, folly, laughter, tears... idiosyncratic oddities cradled by eclectic music selections.  It will provide you with entertaining and informative fodder about life stuff, backed by research, justified by public opinion, and humbled by ill-experience.


I would love to be interviewed about my writing, my experience with mental illness, how I stay afloat... how I will help others find purpose.  As a mental health awareness advocate, I feel it is essential to give the so oftern stigmatized mentally ill a voice... rather than hide them from the "Jones'" - It is imperative... and creativity is the medium!  Write.  Speak. Share.

"Dear Prudence" by Amanda Grieme
Jessika Vidal-Johnson

I am a Psychic Medium and do live readings for people. I also bring messages from Angels and Guides and from those who have crossed over. I channel important information on all topics metaphysical. Past lives, dream interpretation, healing, Angel communication, Spirituality, Twin Flame , Love and Relationships, and anyting Paranormal. I also am a Paranormal Investigator as well as a Psychic Detective. If you want to know the truth I have got it for you, and I am not afraid to tell you!

United States

I am a Psychic Medium who brings messages from deceased loved ones, from the angelic realm and from the higher dimensional light beings. It is my job to make your journey here an enlightened one , and it is my passion to use my abilities and gifts to help others. I have worked on missing person cases, and I also work as a Paranormal Investigator and mentor to gifted and Psychic children. 

Paranormal Rona

I have been seeing spirits and other phenomena since I was a child. In early 2000's I paired up with my husband and we started the Paranormal Explorers in Edmonton Alberta, Canada. We do investigations into paranormal phenomena at people's homes and businesses and then I remove the spirit(s) and send them to the other side. I have over a hundred stories of unusual phenomena, humorous happenings and creepy spirits that have tried to scare the inhabitants. We have traveled to the Edinburgh Ghost Fest, spent Halloween in New Orleans in a haunted Bed and Breakfast, spent a night in a haunted penitentiary, and many other locations. We also own our own hearse and belong to The Edmonton Bonewagon Assoc., Edmonton Krampusnacht group, Nightmare Circus and Deadmonton House Haunted Amusement.

Our stories will blow your mind!!


I am a psychic medium who sees spirits and other phenomena that have not "crossed over" to the other side. It started when I was a toddler and had an "invisible" friend. I saw a lot of things that my parents dismissed as an overactive imagination. As I became a teenager I temporarily tried to shut it off, but then I started having some scary and bizarre phenomena happening. When I became an adult, I had a better understanding of the paranormal and my fear left me. After doing countless investigations and research material for paranormal programs, I stumbled onto how to send a spirit into the light. I have a magazine article on the Niddry Vaults Vigil at the Edinburgh Ghost fest, wrote a chapter in 2 books, one by the renowned Jeff Belanger and the other by Dora L. Williams. I help people deal with the paranormal and especially children who see spirits more than adults ever do.

I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and have done Ghost tours in our Old Strathcona neighborhood as well as some cemetery tours for people in our hearse. We have also put on Ghost Dinners that were very popular.