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Jenny Hogg Ashwell
Your Pitch

Guided by intuition and Spirit, I discovered my soul assignment to scribe the book, Love's Curriculum: Messages of Enlightenment, for the High Council. As our companions through the current spiritual Awakening, Jesus, the archangels, and other spiritual teachers have gathered as the High Council and now share with us in Love's Curriculum their messages of enlightenment. These Divine messages have a clear goal: To awaken us to the Love that connects all. This book is the High Council's gift to us--a guidebook for the journey.

Through Divine grace and enormous trust, I traveled a path from lawyer to student of spirituality and mother of three, to spiritual counselor and intuitive, to learn of my soul assignment. It is with great humility, courage, and gratitude that I have brought forth Love's Curriculum. Now, I work to spread its messages and help individuals and groups connect with the High Council on their path to Awakening, to being LOVE, to igniting Divine LOVE in the world.


Jenny Hogg Ashwell is a natural bridge to the spiritual realm, and gifted guide and mentor on the spiritual journey. Also a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, Jenny is dedicated to awakening Love in the world. In her work she displays a beautiful balance between the intellect and the spiritual mystic, being highly gifted in both areas. Jenny began her career with a bachelor of science in business administration with honors in finance from the University of California, Berkeley in 1992. She then went on to earn her juris doctorate from Northwestern University School of Law in 1996. After graduating from law school, Jenny worked as a lawyer for a large law firm in Phoenix, Arizona. It was then that she embarked on a path of spiritual and personal discovery; a path that led to her leaving her first marriage, and leaving her career as a lawyer when she realized it was not her soul’s calling. Jenny then moved to Canada in 1999, remarried shortly thereafter, and eventually became mom to two beautiful girls.

In Canada she continued her spiritual and personal growth. Her journey brought her through a second divorce, remarriage, the birth of her son, personal development workshops with Insight Counseling and Training, and a diploma in trans-personal counseling psychology from Clearmind International Institute in 2013. All the while, Jenny tuned in to her connection to Spirit to help guide and direct her through healing, learning, and growing. Her spiritual and personal growth path led to the discovery of her soul’s assignment to scribe Love’s Curriculum for the High Council. You may read more about her journey in the Afterword to the book. Jenny lives with her husband and three children in Western Canada where she enjoys walks in the woods with her dogs. In addition to raising her children with as much love and consciousness as she knows how, and continuing to step into her assignment as conduit for the High Council’s messages, she also operates her own private practice, Shining Heart Personal Growth.

Love's Curriculum: Messages of Enlightenment--The High Council