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Tracee Sioux
1. How do you know it's your Soul? 2. What are the Ego's biggest tricks? 3. Why are people afraid to live their Soul's purpose 4. What are the clues that it's your Ego? 5. Why are people so afraid of living their Soul's Purpose? 6. How do you know what your Soul's Purpose is? 7. Does everyone have a Soul's Purpose? 8. How do you get your friends and family on board with your Soul's Purpose? 9. Why are people really so busy? 10. Why does the richest country in the world feel so broke all the time?

Tracee Sioux’s work has been featured in New York Times Magazine,

and as well as many online and regional publications. She won the

Utah State Newspaper Association Best Photograph award and the Utah State

School Board Association Award for Exceptional Journalism. She is a featured

essayist in PunditMom’s Mothers of Intention: How Women and Social Media

are Revolutionizing Politics in America. She has written for The Broad Side,

getborn magazine and Blog Fabulous. Sioux holds a bachelor's degree from

University of Utah in creative writing and political science. Sioux lives with her

two children in Colorado.

Soul vs. Ego Smackdown by Tracee Sioux
Edie Summers

The Memory of Health is a meditation and conversation on well-being.  What makes you thrive, even in the face of great odds?

At the age of 22, Edie developed chronic fatigue after having surgery for a ski accident.  While physical therapy was helpful, she had to seek alternative treatment to regain full use of her knee.  In the course of seeking answers to her health challenges, she discovered the power of mindful living and became a conscious consumer in her quest for true well-being.

Whether you like mainstream, alternative, or integrative medicine as your solution for health and well-being, be conscious of the choices you make, because the choices you make matter.


Edie Summers is an author, executive, wellness coach, yoga instructor, and top-rated radio host.  She is pursuing her Ph.D. in Health Psychology, and certifications in Functional Medicine and Clinical Nutrition.

Amina Tafra

Art and Abolition is a non-profit organization based in Nairobi, Kenya that aims to restore justice to female youth surivors of sex-slavery. We are currently hosting a "$1600 in 16 Days #everygirl Campaign" to rent a new foster home for our girls and Art and Abolition founder, Britannie Richardson, for one full year. Due to threats of violence from their caregivers and extreme poverty, girls are forced to sell their bodies for everyday needs like water, food, clothing and school fees. Art and Abolition is currenlty doing something to change this through our education, art therapy, and economic empowerment programs. This campaign is focused on housing our girls in a safe, healthy environment so they can continue to heal, mentally, physically and emotionally as well as feeling free to just be children who's only job is to succeed in school and build healthy realationships with thier caregivers and peers. To secure our new Foster Home we need to raise money by April 1st. 

United States

Amina Tafra is currenlty a Dance/Movement Therapist whose been an activist for Art and Abolition for the past year. Her passion is to heal and treat youth survivors of trauma especially in domestic-abuse and sexual-violence cases. She has had the pleasure to perform DMT to Art and Aboltion's girls during thier 10-day art therapy camp which was held in November 2015. With the hope of Art and Abolition securing this new foster home, she will be returning to volunteer and provide creative art therapy to the girls duirng their upcoming fall camp which (agian hopefully!) will be held this August along with Art and Abolition's staff and DMT colleague.  

John Lykurgus Wade

Pitch: In this day of sky-rocketing mental illness, prescription drug abuse and overdose, a broken criminal justice system, and a presidential election characterized by divisive language and an emphasis on blaming others, it's nice to hear that modern neuroscience indicates that we use the power of neuroplasticity to cultivate and strengthen our overall wellbeing. 

Through years of study and rigorous mental training, guided by generous mentors and teachers, John Lykurgus Wade overcame alcholism, depression, severe PTSD, and 8 1/2 of incarceration, and now teaches Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT), developed at Emory University and is now even taught at the Emory School of Medicine. In fact Research is currently being conducted at Emory and other universities to examine the benefits of CBCT for a variety of populations including medical students, nurses, cancer survivors, veterans with PTSD, HIV+ individuals, school children, and parents of autistic children.

United States

In 2014, John and his wife Roxy reached out to Timothy Harrison, the Assistant Director of CBCT and Carol Beck, the Assistant Director of the Emory-Tibet Partnership (ETP) to learn more about CBCT and its ability to develop and cultivate well-being. Realizing compassion training’s (which includes “mindfulness") ability to foster prosocial mental states (including mental stability, resilience, gratitude, empathy, and compassion), John, and his wife Roxy, travelled from their home in the Hill Country of Central Texas to Atlanta Georgia to attend the Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT) Foundation Course. Acceptance into the extensive CBCT Teacher Training program followed, led by Geshe Lobbing Tenzin Negi, PhD.

In 2015, John and Roxy, working with Timothy Harrison, and with the approval of Dr. Negi, led an initiative to bring Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT) to an online platform, motivated by the wish to bring the program to a wider audience. And after months of research and experimentation, John and Roxy were given approval to launch the world’s first platform (Living Heart+Mind) to offer Online Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT). 

juliet grayson

In her book, Landscapes of the Heart: the working world of a sex and relationship therapist, published April 7 2016, Juliet Grayson takes us through the doorway into the hidden world or a psychotherapy session.  She shakes our assumptions about how relationships work, and what to expect from our intimate partners, showing us different routes to more satisfying and loving intimacy, and giving us a grounded understanding of what makes relationships successful. 

These compelling stories give us privileged access to the therapy room, providing a vivid picture of the therapeutic process, which includes the therapist’s inner thoughts.  We sit on Juliet’s shoulder and witness her humanity and compassion, as she uses a rich blend of life-changing approaches, drawing on twenty-five years of clinical experience.  In each fascinating journey, we follow the client(s) through two or more sessions, covering weeks or months.  Thus we can track the effects of the insights her clients (five couples and one individual) have gained, as they progress to more loving relationships. In each case, Juliet shares a particular aspect of theory, so we can see the methodologies that underpin her work. 

A variety of methodologies

Juliet shows us a range of methods from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), emotional fusion, anger management, Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (PBSP), and introduces us to two of her new models: ‘The Pleaser,The Boss, The Loner and the Self-Developer’, and Five Star Conscious Relating.

The first book showing sessions of Pesso Boyden System Psychmotor Therapy in the UK

Juliet introduces us to PBSP: a potent methodology that is relatively unknown in the UK.  PBSP was established in USA in 1960’s, and is well known in Holland and many European countries.  She shows us how PBSP works in action, both in one-to-one sessions, and within a group.

This book is for the general public, anyone interested in relationships, for one-to-one therapists who want to learn about working with couples, for students of counselling and psychotherapy

This book will give helpful insights, tips and tools to anyone who wants to have a good relationship.  It will be fascinating for anyone thinking of attending a therapy session.  It is a must for students of counselling and psychotherapy. It is an invaluable resource for any therapist who wants to learn more about working with couples, and stands alongside Juliet’s six modular workshop on: How To Work With Couples: for therapists who usually work one-to-one.

What others say about the book

A powerful, compassionate & authoritative guide to the secrets of an exceptional sex and couples counsellor.  Juliet Grayson captures the essence of this mysterious, transformational process of working successfully with couples on their most painful and intimate issues.  It's an essential read for anyone who also want to enhance their own self awareness and emotional intelligence.

Judith Lowe, PPD Learning Ltd, NLP Training Institute


Beautifully written. A compelling and lively read, steeped in humanity and

compassion. I found her great many insights into the relatively new

methodology of Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor fascinating.

Sue Parker Hall, Relational Psychotherapist and Author of

Anger, Rage and Relationship: An Empathic Approach to Anger



Juliet is a skilled therapist who combines an intuitive understanding

of relationships with a sound grasp of couples therapy techniques.

A valuable book for anyone curious about this field of therapy.

Dr Michael Crowe, DM, FRCPsych


I am delighted to see Juliet publish the first book in the UK describing

the effectiveness of Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (PBSP)

in individual and group sessions. This continues Juliet’s passion:

to spread the message that PBSP is a transformative method that

supports people becoming more fully who they truly are and finding

greater meaning and pleasure in life.

Al Pesso, Co-Founder of PBSP


Landscapes of the Heart can be read from several perspectives. Its easy to-

read style will inform struggling couples – as well as benefit couples

who want to improve a satisfactory relationship. Therapists (or anyone

interested in becoming a therapist) will learn about the systemic nature

of working with couples from the comprehensive client cases. And

there are powerful examples with explanations of how to use the Pesso

Boyden method in psychosexual work. This is an absorbing, practical

and beautifully written book we will recommend to many people.

Penny Tompkins and James Lawley, Authors of

Metaphors in Mind: Transformation through Symbolic Modelling

United Kingdom

Couples and relationship issues

The new book 'Landscapes of the Heart: The working world of a sex and relationship therapist'.

Workshops using the relatively-unknown-in-the-UK method of Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (PBSP) - a profoundly effective therapeutic method.

Training therapists in how to work with couples and sexual issues...and how that is different from one-to-one therapy.

Leslie Caplan

I wrote an essay recently called Healing the Mother Wound that was published. Little did I know that baby would grow wings and fly all around the world. It went viral. I tapped into a universal vein that had mind blowing impact.  I received letters worldwide thanking me for writing that piece- a deep, personal window into rage, grief and healing.  A forgiveness that not many come to in life.

These letters in my inbox spilled out cathartic releases from people.  One woman said her tears had been locked up inside her, a dry- to- the- bone empty well that she had to live with, bury, hide. When she landed on my essay, she said a waterfall of tears poured out of her for the first time in years. A healing so deep penetrated the core of her anger and resentment toward her mother, and she found her way back 'home' to herself. Softened. Open. Fueled with compassion. 

This is the direct impact of sharing our stories. The hard ones. The ones that make me cringe to send out into the world, exposing my under belly to thousands of people.  The ripple effect that I witnessed is the very reason why I write, why I help writers' write, why writing the truth, being courageous enough to craft it out, is powerful beyond measure. 

Not only is the process of writing an alchemical unveiling, it has the ability to reveal yourself to yourself. A peeling of layers, an unearthing of personal truth has the capacity to reach deep inside another person and literally change their lives as it changes your life. 

I am a writing coach. I edit books and essays. I look beneathe the grammar and typos for the deeper story, the voice that wants to be speak and be heard, for the heart's pulse threading the words together like strands of pearls.  

There are many people with poignant stories they keep hidden in the darkest cavern of their memory, in fear of letting them out into the light of day, of being vulnerable, of hurting others.  Maya Angelou said, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you."  The weight of it is exhausting and detrimental to the soul and peace of mind. To lay it down on paper and step by step, saying it out loud, the load of life lightens and we realize our grief, our shame, our wound is universal. What is also universal is resilience, the cultivation of wisdom that can come from our hurt, and the shared journey of being ever so bone and blood-filled human.


Leslie Caplan is a fiercely courageous heart who has found her way whole through the alchemy of writing. She is a powerful advocate for writers, and uses the depth of her skill and innate abilities to guide writers deeper into their stories. An editor, writing coach and internationally published writer, Leslie brings it to real with an unwavering passion for authenticity, fluidity and telling your story from the inside out. 



I am AEON, CEO of AEON Network. I would love to have an opportunity to be on your show to empower your audience about their innate divinity that transcends color, race, culture, gender, and politic's. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience! My mission is to raise the conscious evolution of mankind where we can truly learn how to experience 'god' as creator of our reality. As a metaphysican I can discuss the Divinie Feminine, and numerology as the secret language of all mysteries, events and personalities on ANY Topic!

United States

AEON is a Visionary, Humanitarian, Master numerologist, Screenwriter, Spiritual consultant, Empowerment life coach and Metaphysician. Founder of the AEON Network that umbrella’s her services, AEON Network is dedicated to the Evolution of Human consciousness, a consciousness that will allow us to see beyond race, sex, religion, politic's and war.

The AEON Network is a site that empowers, inspires and provides self help information on spirituality, metaphysic's, health, ecological living, etc to help humanity aspire and achieve a higher conscious vibratory rate.

AEON Network has introduced AEON Tours to her services. In keeping with the elevation of human consciousness AEON Tours will take you to meet your brothers and sisters all over the planet. The tours are essentially spiritual journeys that will raise your vibrational frequency, empower and inspire you; and that each sacred place and power spot will enable you to embrace the Evolution of Being. 

AEON is the ‘original numerologist’ that has intuited the difference that defines a karmic, soulmate and twin flame relationship with numerology. She is able to tell you the ‘type’ of relationship that you are in and where it is going.  She is one of the leading numerologist that does Skyped consultations. Her excellence lies in her authenticity, service and compassion. She is has also designed ‘Numberwear’ clothing line for additional empowerment of your number vibration!

AEON has been on many internet and live radio shows, hosting teleconferences on World Events, Prophecy, the Book of Revelation, 2012, Relationships, Career & Business using numerology in a unique way that has helped people understand the science of numbers in symbology as a ‘coded language’ to reveal the secrets behind various subject matters. Her presentation engages the visionary breadth of how she is able to show the ‘genius’ that is numerology.

Born in Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania, Carmen Stevenson, uses  AEON as an alias in her spiritual vocation. Under Carmen Stevenson she is a  background actress, screenwriter and author of “The Oracle: the Voice of Visionary Poetry”. Her paranormal experiences and abilities, cosmic and extraterrestrial ideologies are woven with the archetype of the Divine Feminine, tarot, biblical eschatology and the history of world cultures.

Ana Melikian

Following up from a LinkedIn conversation with Donald Newsom.

I've been a guest in several online radio show:

I can speak about several topics of interes to solo-preneurs and service-based basinesses, including how to enroll more clients using LinkedIn.

United States

Ana Melikian (me-LEEK-yan) is the host of the MINDSET ZONE podcast, Director of Education for the Book Yourself Solid® School of Coach Training, and Co-Founder of

Her podcast MINDSET ZONE is featured in The Huffington Post “15 Podcasts That Will Leave You Pondering Life’s Big Questions,” and during its launch, reached #1 in iTunes’ New & Noteworthy in Business, Management & Marketing, Health, Self-Help, Education, and Training.

You can find more about her at MINDSET.ZONE – instead of dot com, it dot ZONE.

Royce Gomez

Today Royce Gomez is an author and speaker. She has written and published: Freedom Trails, an 8-module curriculum for women and teens; 7 Beautiful Weeks, The Love Affair That Wasn’t Meant to Last; The Spontaneous Journey; and co-authored the forthcoming book to be released Jan 9, 2016 Discover Your Destiny, Live Your Dreams, Love Your Life. She offers keynotes and complete workshops.

My story inspires women to go from adversity to victory. 
United States

Royce Gomez has a heart for women from high school through adulthood. After earning five certifications in at-risk populations Royce wrote a curriculum of 8 modules helping females: recognize self-worth, create healthy boundaries in relationships, and establish effective communication patterns. She spent over 5 years facilitating workshops on these topics.

Royce was married for 23-years and encourages women to go from a life of survival to thriving and living out their dreams.She has encouraged women for more than 15 years, mentoring and discipling them as they faced difficulties in marriage. Royce often uses an equine mask in her speech to help her audience look at the topic from a different perspective. This engages the audience and impacts them significantly.