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Tracee Sioux
Your Pitch
1. How do you know it's your Soul?
2. What are the Ego's biggest tricks?
3. Why are people afraid to live their Soul's purpose
4. What are the clues that it's your Ego?
5. Why are people so afraid of living their Soul's Purpose?
6. How do you know what your Soul's Purpose is?
7. Does everyone have a Soul's Purpose?
8. How do you get your friends and family on board with your Soul's Purpose?
9. Why are people really so busy?
10. Why does the richest country in the world feel so broke all the time?

Tracee Sioux’s work has been featured in New York Times Magazine,

and as well as many online and regional publications. She won the

Utah State Newspaper Association Best Photograph award and the Utah State

School Board Association Award for Exceptional Journalism. She is a featured

essayist in PunditMom’s Mothers of Intention: How Women and Social Media

are Revolutionizing Politics in America. She has written for The Broad Side,

getborn magazine and Blog Fabulous. Sioux holds a bachelor's degree from

University of Utah in creative writing and political science. Sioux lives with her

two children in Colorado.

Soul vs. Ego Smackdown by Tracee Sioux