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David Low MS PhD


I’d like to be interviewed about my book Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice: an Informal Textbook for Discerning Seekers—how it came about, what it says, and why its message is important. Its intent is to bring the reader to a deeper understanding and experience of the profound truths at the heart of all faiths. Here’s a brief description of the book:

This 200-page book presents all the central insights of mystical experience, and relates them in a practical way to psychological understandings of spiritual maturity. Topics covered include the unimportance of belief, the “deep structure” of religion, rebuttals of orthodoxy, cosmologies and theories of enlightenment, types of spiritual teachers and groups, the mechanics of alternative healing and dreams as they relate to spiritual progress, and more. Over 20 different spiritual practices are reviewed, and 48 illustrations and lively, word-balloon graphics make for easy reading. The book is intentionally succinct, clarifying only the most important core truths in each chapter area. Readers who are sick of all the fighting and politics around religion, and who      long to experience something deeper, will appreciate USPP’s systematic approach, which takes them to a deeper experience by starting to dissolve the cultural and linguistic conditionings which confine us spiritually as we grow up. Short appendices are devoted to more detailed understandings of meditation, and crucial, usually overlooked philosophical understandings connected with the religions.

During the interview, I’d like to be asked the following questions:

1. So what gave you the idea for this book? How did it come about?

2. There are lots of books that talk about how all the religions say the same thing. What’s unique about yours?

3. Who did you write it for? What would the average seeker get out of reading it?

4. What do you mean by spirituality? That’s a really vague term.

5. So, I guess there are some things about the religions that really bug you. What are those things, and how did they motivate your writing?

6. So, you’re frustrated that people are so conditioned by their cultures.

7. Can you give me an example of an underlying similarity between all the religions?

8. You go over all these practices that people can do on their own to get in touch with God.

9. What can we do about the attachments we have to our own opinions about things? For example, a conservative might say, “I think everyone should own a gun so they can protect themselves,” or a liberal might say, “I think everyone should get an organic diet.” What do we do about that?

10. What have some of your own experiences been?

11. Do you think that you’re enlightened in some way?

Plus anything else the interviewer would like to ask that we have time for. I assume you will need a copy of the book; I can send you one.


DAVID LOW, MS (Community Counseling), PhD (Religious Studies) was an adjunct professor at Rutgers, Rowan, LaSalle and Holy Family Universities for 10 years, a drug counselor for 7 years, has taught meditation, maintains a small counseling practice and currently runs meetup groups involving dreamwork, recovery, and agnostic spiritual seeking. He lived in both eastern and western spiritual communities for a total of five years (one of them in India), and even worked for three years as a juggler our of college. Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice is his first book.

Neena Dayal

Mental Resilience* is my chosen signature subject, which I will keep working upon throughout my life. I am extremely passionate about it. I have identified the need for Mental Resilience* in all the functions of an organization namely, HRM/D, Sales, Marketing, Administration and R&D. It is mandatory for all influencing aspects like Leadership, Relationship Building, Communication extending to Vibrational Communication, Teamwork, Organizational Behavior and Culture Management, Organizational Development and Change, Image Building, etc. Mental Resilience* is - 1) Capability of exercising Mental Toughness and Mental Flexibility in the righteous way. 2) Capability of taking productive decisions in all professional and personal situations. 3) Capability of Emotional Competence. 4) Capability of control over Mental Forces. 5) Capability of solution-oriented thinking. 6) Capability of realizing changes in habitual behaviours. 7) Capability of Effective Leadership. 8) Capability of taking right action under most challenging situations. 9) Capability of on-going upward mobility. 10) Capability of creating desired enhancement in all professional and personal results. And much more...


My name is Neena Dayal.

Professionally, I am a Capability Building Specialist, Business Coach and Writer.

As a Thought Leader and Professional Public Speaker, my signature subject is Mental Resilience* attained through Critical Thinking.

I am mentored by some of the best Human Potential Enhancement Experts of the world.

I am Mr. Bob Proctor's Torchbearer. I am the only person in the Indian subcontinent privileged to be a part of Bob's Advanced Mind Camp.

I have a background of journalism, writing, content development, advertising and films. I have also been presenting my short stories on All India Radio.

I have been working with private and public sector companies as a Consultant, Trainer, Business Coach & Capability Building Specialist with the focus on my signature subject of Mental Resilience*, and its application in all the core business functions like HR, Administration, Marketing, Sales, R&D and subsidiary ones like Leadership, Organizational Culture, Organizational Behaviour, Teamwork, Communication, Change Management, Image Building and others.

I also work with executives from mid to apex levels, and entrepreneurs as a Mentor and Coach. I do counseling exercises also with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

I have more than 4000 hours of intensive coaching experience with a diversified and distinguished international clientele.

The sectors I have been active in are IT, Online sales, Textile, FMCG, Oil, Aerospace, Construction, Solar power, Healthcare, Travel and Tourism, Hospitality. Education, Public Service and Scientific Research.

I have a proprietorship company, Success Synergy Enterprises (SSE). It is an initiative to breathe a new life in the Human Potential Enhancement industry.

We undertake branding, advertising and content development assignments under our trademark, WordPep (TM).

We also conceptualize and facilitate several public and in-house events under our brand, Life Transformation Events (LTE).

Success Synergy Enterprises (SSE) is headquartered at Lucknow, UP; and has prominent presence at Pune in Maharashtra and Bangalore in Karnataka in India; and operates pan India and worldwide.

Kimberly McGeorge

Dr. Kimberly McGeorge is an Internationally Naturopathic Energy Healer. She has a client list of some of the world’s most talented healers as well as thousands of clients in person and remotely around the world.

Dr. Kimberly has practiced alternative and naturopathic medicine for over 25 years. She began as an herbalist and wrote as an herbal columnist for an international magazine, Open Arms. She created and distributed her own line of herbal organic products through an international mail order company. She also maintained multiple clinical practices in Columbus, Ohio before she began teaching all over the country. In 2010, she began the Secret to Everything radio podcast and the brand was born.

She has also participated in many large teleseminars and live appearances.  Dr.Kimberly speaks to groups and gives classes on topics of interest to her audience.  Kimberly’s outreach has connected to over 25,000 opt-in subscribers and 215,000 twitter followers. She has over 5,000 listeners a month to her own radio show. Her previous FaceBook page reached 17,000 before she closed it. The Secret to Everything also airs on Ztalk radio, iTunes and  Stitcher.

Thanks for your consideration. Many blessings and looking forward to hearing from you soon.  Please get in touch with me directly in order to schedule an interview as Dr. Kimberly’s schedule books up weeks in advance.

United States

Dr. Kimberly McGeorge is an Internationally known Frequency Master, Conscious Creation Expert and Naturopathic Energy Healer. She has taught conscious principles of harmonic living for over two decades. She has a client list of some of the world’s most talented healers as well as thousands of clients in person and remotely around the world.

Mary Barr

Therapist Mary Barr and Steve Reichmuth are in telepathic contact with beings from Zeta Reticuli I. We have appeared on radio shows, lectured at MUFON,and provided a demonstration at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.  We have written two books, with more coming, that are verbatim exchanges between therapist and these beings.


Mary Barr, B.A., is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Behavioral Therapist.  She retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory as a Training Specialist. She assists people with missing time events and abduction memories. Our books are a sharing of many hypnotic sessions held with Steve Reichmuth. Non-Earth beings responded to an open invitation to talk through Steve. They identify themselves as sentient physical beings residing in the Zeta Reticuli star system. Mary resides in the Central Valley of California.  She may contacted by e-mail at

Steve Reichmuth is the former Assistant State Director and Chief Investigator for Northern California MUFON. Steve has assisted many UFO experiencers by serving as a compassionate listener and counselor.  Steve has richly contributed his time by making himself available to serve as a conduit for a friendly, non-Earth species.  This has entailed years of sessions in which the Therapist placed Steve in deep hypnotic trances and invited aliens to speak. The response has been startling and continues to this day. Steve resides in the San Francisco Bay area.

Dr Lana Marconi PhD

This spring 2016 my upcoming film will be released. The film is called "New Human, New Earth, New Humanity," and it's my third film in a series of three consciousness raising films I have produced along with "The Resonance" and "The Wellness Story."

In "New Human, New Earth, New Humanity," fourteen experts describe what it will take for humanity to thrive, what the transition from the old paradigm to the new paradigm looks like, and how the life of humans will be different as they encounter other beings from the galaxy among experiencing other profound changes. 

All films can be watched on my website:


Lana Marconi, Ph.D., is a Canadian documentary filmmaker, having directed and produced three feature length films. She has also written, produced and hosted over 50 healthy living television shows on Rogers TV Canada as well as independent interviews. She has authored several books on healthy living that have been featured in bookstores such as Chapters and Indigo. She has been a published writer in Canada’s Vitality Magazine and Energy Works Magazine. One of her inspiring stories was published in the “Wake Up And Live The Life You Love” book series that included authors such as Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer and became a Barnes and Noble Bestseller.

All of her films can be accessed on her Website:

Her films are also available on Vimeo movies on demand:

New Human, New Earth, New Humanity Film
Dr Paulette Kouffman Sherman


Starr fuentes recommended I talk to you as I have a new book coming out with Llewellyn in August called, The Book of Sacred Baths.  Its about how to use your bath as a path to transformation.  Sacred baths are a way to center, get creative ideas, gain mental clarity and connect to Spirit.  It is your spiritual hygiene.  I have bath meditations to help people shift various parts of their lives. 

Hope to hear from you,


United States

Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman is a licensed psychologist, certified life coach and is the author of Dating from the Inside Out, published by Atria Books and When Mars Women Date, The Cancer Path and numerous other books.  She’s the winner of 15 book awards and her books have been translated into five languages.  After having survived breast cancer 3 years ago, she decided to publish a legacy of 22 books and started self-publishing. She’s now on book #21 which will be coming out with Llewellyn Worldwide in 2016 and is feeling great.

Paulette has a private psychotherapy practice in Manhattan and does phone coaching a few days a week.  She was named Woman of the Year in 2013 for Psychology, awarded by the national Association of Professional Women. She has twenty years of experience as a psychotherapist and has worked with many age groups and settings including group and private practice, hospitals, nursing homes, partial programs, universities and schools. She has worked with a range of issues including anxiety, depression, life transitions, marital issues, divorce, family issues, grief and loss, career issues, self-esteem, perfectionism, stress, work-life balance, illness and decision-making.  Her coaching specialty is relationship issues.  Paulette loves helping clients unblock obstacles to love.

Paulette is a speaker and teacher.  She was an adjunct professor at two universities in New York and a monthly speaker at The Learning Annex in Manhattan for two years. She also ran My Dating School in Manhattan, which offered seminars on dating for many years.  She is a Relationship Advice expert, regularly featured in JDate's JMag with a monthly dating column on Eligible Magazine and Digital Romance. She’s also been an expert on television shows like the CBS Early Show & the AM Northwest Early Show and a radio guest on the Curtis Sliwa show, NPR’s Cityscape, Pathways and others.   She was quoted on, USA Weekend, the NY Post, Newsweek,, More,,, Fox Business, Crains, Better Homes & Gardens, Reader’s Digest, Redbook, Glamour, Forbes, Woman’s Day, Metro newspapers, Men’s Health, Seventeen, Men’s Health, New York Magazine, Web MD, Everyday Health, Complete Woman magazines, the Huffington Post and the NY Times. She has written articles in over 60 media outlets.

Christopher L Melchizedek

I am inquiring about guest speaking and/or being interviewed one of your broadcast stations. It will be a wonderful opportunity for me to share with the world my amazing story and gifted work I do which will make an interesting show for your viewers. 

My name is Christopher L. Melchizedek and I was a Doctor for 9 years before an accident rendered me 100% disabled. This accident redirected my path and lead me to the healing work that I do today. After suffering for two years with a painfully crippling neurological disease, I looked for every way possible to heal myself through conventional medicine and surgery. Nothing helped until an ominous celestial being known as Melchizedek lead me down a spiritual path called the "inner journey" that included sacred knowledge and practices. Now, since this accident, I’ve been blessed with an ability to see and sense energy. I teach others to manipulate their own energy in order to heal themselves and drastically improve their lives in every aspect. 

I have brought all of this information together in my book titled "Melchizedek's Pearls of Love." This book's info ranges from the truth about consciousness and energy to what makes up the very fabric of our being; who and what we are described in its entirety. The book stresses the importance of purifying our subconscious mind of all negativity to allow our conscious mind the capability to escape duality and create a life of unity. My book explains the ascension process along with many other ancient hidden secrets.

If you are interested, my team and I have just recently started recording teaching segments along with testimonials from my work and have posted them on our YouTube channel, "Christopher L. Melchizedek." We have many more informative videos on the way. What you will see on YouTube is only barely scratching the surface of this ancient knowledge.

I look forward to future collaboration with you and getting to know each other.

Christopher L. Melchizedek

United States of America

My name is Christopher Melchizedek and here is my story in short. I was a specialized physician for nine years until an accident rendered me 100% disabled. I spent two painful, crippling, bed ridden years with a condition deemed incurable. From the accident, I discovered an amazing ability to sense and see energy. These extraordinary senses allowed me to manipulate my own energy and heal myself to a much higher state of existence than I was prior to the incident that changed my life. I was led through an amazing process of raising my own consciousness, truly learning what life is all about. This was the ultimate awakening process that placed me on my divine path as a high priest after the Order of Melchizedek. My story is absolutely amazing, as yours will be, once you awaken to the truth. If your life is not stranger than fiction, you are living a lie. This process is very delicate and profound and requires proper guidance through a series of soul cleansings associated with an inner journey of one's self. Be careful of the many false prophets throughout the world that will unintentionally lead you right off the cliff. Although they may come in the name of Jesus or Melchizedek, this doesn't mean they have the proper knowledge and wisdom. I am here with complete authority of the Priest Most High to teach on his behalf and perform the spiritual cleansings that were taught to me. I am not a new age guru or a religious fanatic. I am a spiritualist that has an ability to profoundly change your life and your health. The proof will be evident. Go by the words of people who have already experienced this process. Please take time to listen to my testimonials on my YouTube channel “Christopher L. Melchizedek.” I will prove to you that I am the real deal, a true high priest after the Order of Melchizedek. I am number 9 of 9 high priests on this earth today. Please allow me and my team to earn your trust and we will give you 100%.

Duane Stjernholm

The Next Evolution of Online Networking

How many hours are spent daily on the internet? How are those billions of hours  are contributing to the positive evolution of humankind.  How can we utilize the internet to Co-Create the Greatest and Highest Good? 

Challenged by the late Futurist, Inventor and World Citizen, R. Buckminster Fuller, to find a way to change the human mindset from a prevalence  of competition to the more sustainable mindset of cooperation and collaboration, Duane Stjernholm (Pen Name Dane Starland)  has forged an unprecedented  new path to the Co-Creation of the Greatest and Highest Good by utilizing the internet in support  of  Poll-itical Networking for Collective Consensus.  Poll-itical networking is Global Democracy at its finest,  an internet platform for Pure Global Democracy where every United Earth Ecclesia Member gets one vote without the undue influence of lobbyists, PACs, or corporate financial pressure and manipulation.  The resultant Endorsed Poll-itical Consensuses will determine Our Evolution  priorities, direction, and the Collaborative Action steps we need to take to Collectively Co-Create the Greatest and Highest Good for all.

As part of this process, writing under the Pen Name Dane Starland  (which is the English translation of his Danish heritage name) the Author of 5 screenplays, video scripts, and published articles, has published two books to exemplify and elaborate on exactly how Poll-itical Networking for Collective Consensus can be utilized to facilitate the positive evolution and sustainability of the human race.

United States

These two books are:

UEE or Not UEE That is the Question: Whether ‘Tis Wiser to Suffer in the Modern World or Take Action Against the Inequities in it.

This book, set five years in the future, recounts one day in the hypothetical Life of Jane, a thirty-something, unemployed, Hotel Catering Executive.  The book is ordered to give a glimpse of what is possible in the future if the mindset of cooperation and collaboration takes precedence over the current unsustainable mindset of competition.

The book is divided into two scenarios.  In Scenario 1, Jane goes through her day without the Benefits of being a Member of the United Earth Ecclesia. In Scenario 2, UEE Member Jane goes through the same hypothetical day, but with surprisingly different and significant experiences and results.  To paraphrase Robert Frost, she took the road less traveled, and it made all the difference.

The Earth Citizen’s Guide to Co-Creating The Greatest And Highest Good

As Earth Citizens we have many tools to help us Co-Create the Greatest and Highest Good for all Earth Citizens.  This book provides a detailed clarification of many of these available tools offered from the new global organization the United Earth Ecclesia.  These tools include the Harmonic and Co-Creative Power of Lenergy (the Real Energy of Love), The Exclamation of Love (ExLo) Mark and sign, the vibration raising benefits of prayer/meditation, the United Earth Ecclesia Earth Citizen Covenant (UEEECC, pronounced ‘You Ease Seas’), and the unprecedented platform that has been recently provided by UEE website for, among other things, Poll-itical Networking for Collective Consensus.  UEE Membership is free, but it does require that all prospective Members attest to the Earth Citizen Covenant and live up to it to the best of their ability.  The  UEE Earth Citizen Covenant reads as follows:

"As Active United Earth Citizens, We Promise that We will not harm or trespass in any way on the person and property of any other United Earth Citizen. That includes a Promise to uphold the Bonds of Trust that connect all United Earth Citizens who have sworn to this Covenant.

     As Loving United Earth Citizens We Promise to Love one another and act toward Others as We would like them to act toward Us.

      As Rational United Earth Citizens, We Promise to promote World Peace and protect every United Earth Citizen's Right to total Individual Freedom as long as that Freedom does not harm the Person and Property of any other United Earth Citizen.    

      Finally, As Responsible United Earth Citizens We Promise to strive to do everything We possibly can to Protect and Improve the Ecology of Our Communal Environment."

From the Founding Member Phase to the collaborative and enduring evolution of the website, this book explores the real world-changing possibilities of Co-Creative Evolution by those of us who wish to be instrumental contributors in producing a more positive future for our collective home,  Planet Earth.

Both books are available in print versions, e-books (Kindle and Nook) and audio books. Free, downloadable  PDF and audiobook  excerpts are available at ExLo  as well as the unabridged volumes.


            Duane D. Stjernholm (Pen Name Dane Starland) was born in La Junta, Colorado, a small town in the southeastern corner of the state.  Raised in nearby Cheraw, an even smaller town, he graduated Co-Valedictorian from Cheraw High School and continued his education at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, earning a B.S. Degree in Psychology. Seeking to explore the world in search of adventure, he joined the Peace Corps and spent two years in the Philippines working in Rice Irrigation Water Management in the Province of Pampanga, and subsequently teaching Introductory Social Sciences at the University of the Philippines at Los Baños, Laguna.           

            Recovering from “Reverse Culture Shock” upon his return to Colorado, he attended the Iliff School of Theology in Denver earning a Master of Arts in Religion Degree, specializing in Religious Philosophy and Metaphysics.  Soon after graduation from Iliff  he was fortunate to attend a live speech by the renown World Citizen and Inventor, R. Buckmaster Fuller, who inspired him on his current 35 year Mission of changing the prevalent mind-set of humanity from competition to cooperation and collaboration in order to Co-Create the Greatest and Highest Good. To that end he founded the unprecedented Member organization, the United Earth Ecclesia.

            To support and further his Mission he has worked in a number of hospitality and service oriented positions culminating in one of his current positions as Production Administrator at the nationwide non-profit, Learning Ally (formerly Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic), culminating in the publication of his two books and the recently launched United Earth Ecclesia website, ExLo, dedicated to the Co-Creation of the Greatest and highest Good for all Earth Citizens.

            Carly Stjernholm was born in Rapid City SD and raised in Sioux Falls SD where she graduated high school. She continued her education in Omaha NE and after moves to Santa Clara CA, Wichita KS and Dallas TX, she joined the rest of her family in Littleton CO. She has spent 44 years in Sales and Marketing including,  10 years in the Ski Industry, 15 years in Space Planning and Design and 19 years in Retail Management.

            13 years ago Carly and Duane joyously married on the top of Pikes Peak, and they currently reside in a southwest suburb of Denver, Colorado.

On-Air introduction for Duane Stjernholm/Dane Starland

Raised in an extremely small town, Cheraw (2013 population, 248),  a tight-knit community in southeastern Colorado, Duane Stjernholm's only avenue to the broader world and an expansion of his horizons was books.  Able to read before starting first grade at the age of five, Duane's love of books and the lessons within propelled him to Co-Valedictorian of his high school class of 10 people. Beckoned by broader horizons he then joined a Freshman class of a couple of thousand student  at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. However, not content with broad enough horizons, he joined the Peace Corps and spent two years in the Philippines working in Rice irrigation water management and teaching introductory Social Sciences at the University of the Philippines. This developing country experience not only made him more grateful for the opportunities and possibilities available in developed countries, it made him question his role in how to he could be more instrumental in bringing equality to all people with limited means and possibilities. Recognizing the unifying importance of spirituality and metaphysical quantum mechanics in all peoples realities, he studied the universal power of Love in his pursuit of a Master of Arts in Religions Degree at Denver's Iliff School of Theology.  Soon after graduation he accepted his Life's mission from a challenge issued in a Live speech by the late futurist, inventor and World Citizen, R. Buckminster Fuller, to change the predominant mindset of humans from one of competition to a more sustainable one of cooperation and collaboration.  This lead him to found the United Earth Ecclesia dedicated to the Co-Creation of the Greatest and Highest Good for all Earth Citizens and to write two books on the importance of this unprecedented undertaking.

Please welcome the founder of the next evolution of internet networking, Duane Stjernholm.

Questions for Dane Starland/Duane Stjernholm

1. With all the organizations in the world, why do we need the United Earth Ecclesia?

2. Is the UEE a religious organization?

3. How is the UEE different from similar organizations?

4. Is Membership in the United Earth Ecclesia open to anyone?

5. What does it cost to become a member of the United Earth Ecclesia?

6. Why do potential members of the UEE (Pronounced 'you-ease") need to attest to the UEE Earth Citizen Covenant?

7. What are the benefits of becoming a Member of the United Earth Ecclesia, and who would benefit the most?

8. In your book you've stated that your Mission is to change the predominant mind set of humans from a mind set of competition to one of cooperation and collaboration. How do you propose to do that?

9. In your book you mention something called "Lenergy".  Exactly what is "Lenergy"?

10. Another concept you mention in your book is "Poll-itical Networking for Collective Consensus".  Could you please expand on what that means?

11. What types of Polls and Surveys do you have on your website?

12. Christians often ask , "What would Jesus do?". What is your organization asking?

13. The United Earth Ecclesia has a Registered Collective Mark. What is that and what is it used for?

14. What is the difference between and ExLo Mark and an ExLo sign?

15. How is the United Earth Ecclesia funded?

16. How many Members are you looking to have in the organization?

17. Where can you buy your books and in what formats are they available?

18. Are you available to speak to groups about the UEE?

19. How do people contact you?

20. How do you see the future of the organization?


Facebook Pages:





Dane Starland Video Biography (Rated R):

ExLo Explanation video:



Cell - 303-525-2611

Landline - 303-948-8833







Bob Tiede

My book "Great Leaders ASK Questions - A Fortune 100 List" is a free eBook which was downloaded by leaders in over 100 Nations the first week it was released.   

From the introduction:

"Are you familiar with T.A.? You are probably familiar with A.A. – Alcoholics Anonymous. Well, T.A. stands for “Tellers Anonymous!” I have an addiction – I am addicted to telling! At T.A. meetings I stand up and introduce myself: “My name is Bob and I am a teller.” Today, I am a recovering teller. However, the temptation to “lead by telling” has never left me. You could say that this e-book – sharing my favorite questions with you – is part of my recovery program, as is my blog. Leading with questions takes preparation, intentionality, discipline and practice. Good news! If I can move from telling to asking, so can you!"

Here is what my publicist Whitney Heins ( wrote: 
As part of his recovery process, Bob, leadership developer at Cru, wrote the free e-book Great Leaders Ask Questions: A Fortune 100 List and launched the blog, to help himself and others start leading by asking.
I think Bob would be a wonderful fit for your show. He’s a very compelling interview and storyteller that your audiences would greatly enjoy and benefit from listening to. You can hear some of his past interviews on The Ziglar Show and First Person Interview.
Some of his knowledge includes:
·         how to learn to lead with questions in less than 30 seconds
·         the 4 key questions one consultant uses to make a six-figure income
·         the best question to ask someone you’re connecting with for the first time
·         the art and effectiveness of one-word questions
·         the 3 best questions to ask during small talk that have nothing to do with weather
·         5 simple questions to increase effectiveness
If you’re interested in booking Bob or learning more, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Also, I invite you to download his e-book here which he created for the sole reason of serving others—and to stop being a teller!
Thanks for your consideration,