Therapist Mary Barr and Steve Reichmuth are in telepathic contact with beings from Zeta Reticuli I. We have appeared on radio shows, lectured at MUFON,and provided a demonstration at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. We have written two books, with more coming, that are verbatim exchanges between therapist and these beings.
Mary Barr, B.A., is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Behavioral Therapist. She retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory as a Training Specialist. She assists people with missing time events and abduction memories. Our books are a sharing of many hypnotic sessions held with Steve Reichmuth. Non-Earth beings responded to an open invitation to talk through Steve. They identify themselves as sentient physical beings residing in the Zeta Reticuli star system. Mary resides in the Central Valley of California. She may contacted by e-mail at
Steve Reichmuth is the former Assistant State Director and Chief Investigator for Northern California MUFON. Steve has assisted many UFO experiencers by serving as a compassionate listener and counselor. Steve has richly contributed his time by making himself available to serve as a conduit for a friendly, non-Earth species. This has entailed years of sessions in which the Therapist placed Steve in deep hypnotic trances and invited aliens to speak. The response has been startling and continues to this day. Steve resides in the San Francisco Bay area.