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Acharya Shunya

Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom: A Complete Prescription to Optimize Your Health, Prevent Disease, and Live with Vitality and Joy

By Acharya Shunya


Demystifying the Ancient Health Balancing System for All of the Rest of Us!

Dear BBS Host:

If you are like most of us, what you know of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian spiritual and healing wisdom, is that some people swear by its restorative impact, it has something to do with botanicals and there are a growing number of practitioners and products that adhere to it today. Otherwise, it’s pretty much a mystery.

But if you happen to pick up a copy of Acharya Shunya’s new book Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom: A Complete Prescription to Optimize Your Health, Prevent Disease, and Live with Vitality and Joy (Sounds True, Feb. 2017), the veil of mystery will be lifted and you will absolutely understand how this is something you can do for yourself to not only obtain optimal health, but to heal many of the illness and conditions that have plagued you.

Acharya Shunya (Acharya is a title bestowed on a master of this art and science, Shunya is her name), is a woman who stands between two worlds. Her lineage of Ayuveda sacred teachers and masters goes back centuries, and yet she feels it is her sacred duty and honor to put this knowledge into the hands of everyone today, especially people who have sought answers in modern medicine, but need to find another way.

Learning Ayuveda on the knee of her beloved grandfather, who was revered throughout India, Acharya Shunya has become one of the leading American practitioners and advocates. She is the founder of Vedika Global, a spiritual foundation dedicated to elevating consciousness, building community, and serving humanity by illuminating India’s Vedic spiritual traditions of Ayurveda, yoga, and Vedanta. She was named among the 100 Ayurveda and Yoga Trailblazers by Spirituality and Health magazine and is president of the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine.

What Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom provides is a “do-able” approve to this time-tested methodology and an understanding of how the natural forces are constantly at play with the inner forces that impact our level of energy, digestive ease or dis-ease, mental alertness, weight gain and specific health conditions. She makes it simple to see how what you do and eat  or drink at specific times each day will profoundly affect your level of wellness. And what you can do to transform your health and mental outlook by following her simple guidelines.

Furthermore, this narrative-based guidebook meticulously covers the how-to’s of morning and evening self-care, daily contemplations, self-massage and skin care, cooking (including recipes), beauty rituals, and more.

Acharya Shunya can address for your listeners:

How the diurnal, lunar and solar rhythms impact your wellness.

How there are three subtle matter states that regulate and sustain all of our bodily functions and psychology – and when one of these is out of balance, the body begins to dis-regulate, causing illness, sluggishness or mental/emotional fatigue—and what you can do to adjust this!

How waking early before sunrise can jumpstart your whole mental, physical and emotional health.

How drinking cold water and other iced beverages may be damaging your constitution.

How the Ayurvedic method for teeth cleaning using a twig actually works as well or better than modern dental care practices and products

How massaging with oils daily before bath or shower has profound health implications.

And more...

Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom combines beautiful and charming reminiscences of enlightened learning at the knees of a beloved master, client case histories, an easy-to grasp understand of Ayurveda’s basic teachings and practical advice.

To book Acharya Shunya for an eye-opening look at how you can implement Ayurveda at home to create a lifetime of wellness, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Acharya Shunya is one of the extraordinary teachers of the living, embodied wisdom of Ayurveda. She transmits it through the roots of her ancient family lineage as well as throughout her newest book, Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom (Sounds True, February 2017), in which Shunya awakens the power to abiding health, all naturally, with ease.

Shunya is the driving force behind Vedika Global, a wisdom school dedicated to awakening health and consciousness by illuminating the sciences of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Vedanta. She is a sought after speaker who delivers keynote addresses at national and international conferences.

Shunya is the President of California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, and is advisor to several noteworthy national and international organizations, including to the Government of India on international Ayurveda and Yoga affairs. She was recognized as one of the “Top 100 Trailblazer of Ayurveda and Yoga in America” by Spirituality and Health Magazine in 2015 and awarded for her Distinguished Service in Ayurveda and Yoga by the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco.

Charlotte King

Teaching others who are biologically sensitive to be able to forecast the earthquakes for their own safety  By learning the symptoms that I connected to specific locations no one need ever be surprised by a quake, volcanic eruption or solar event again.

Although I do not have a book at this time,  I have had nearly a thousand requests for one, I have appeared on dozens of television and radio programs including but not limited to That's Incredible, In Search Of, The Other Side, Sightings, Encounters,PM Magazine, Good Morning Sacramento,  The Edge, and The Learning Channel and The Discovery Channel, and BBC as well as all the cable and major network and many of the Independent stations.  I spoke on VOA in November 1987, and the have been a guest on Coast to Coast Radio 2 times, Paul Harvey, guest , and even Larry King Live on the radio and many other shows such as X Zone Radio, and Ground Zero, and other smaller radio stations, and have been written up in hundreds of newspapers, magazines and other media.  Such as LA Times, NY TImes, NY Post, SF Chronicle, Sacramento Bee, Oregonian, Daily American * Rome Italy * Armed Forces News paper,  Paris Match Magazine, Science Magazine, Mekong Magazine, as well as all the rags.. and many many more.


My name is Charlotte King and I am the Pioneer of Biological Earthquake Forecasting..

I prefer to use the name “ forecasting “ vs prediction because all my “ forecast “ are based on past experiences and that is all I can go on.. I am 70 years old and was born in Salem Oregon in August 1946 the second of four children of my parents.  I guess I had a normal childhood but my Aunt Alberta told me one time, “ when you were about 2 years old, you used to be playing with toys and all the sudden stand totally still and turn your head as if you were hearing something and were turning your head to find the source of what you were hearing” She said “ I thought you might be empty upstairs ” a nice way of saying I was crazy but she was a awesome aunt. My mom told me that I would scream and cover my ears each time I would hear the steam train going through town, the vacuum running or even water going down a drain. So perhaps even at the age of 2, I was already picking up the sounds that I somehow blocked out and they came back to me in 1976 and changed my life forever.   When the sounds began to be heard by me, in May 1976, I was surprised, shocked and totally determined to find the source of the sound. After numerous tests and visits to my home from the DEQ, Oregon State University on two occasions, and eventually the USEPA. No one has been able to identify the source of the sound.

To say “the sound” as I call it changed my life is an understatement. When it first began it was just there but soon it was everywhere and then I began to notice changes in the rhythm of “ the sound “ and variations in the tone. In June 1979 “the sound” changed and I called our local television station in Portland KATU Channel 2 and asked if something was happening. I had been calling them on and off with the changes I was noticing in “ the sound ” and watching to see what happened 3 days later, so when they said “ Nothing is happening” I couldn’t let it go, I knew something was happening. A few hours later, the news carried reports of a major beaching of Sperm Whales off the Southern Oregon coast at Florence, 41 massive creatures died. I was waiting to see what would happen in 3 days and 3 days later there was a series of moderate quakes in Big Bear CA.. it all began to make sense. The whales heard the same sound I heard, they became confused, perhaps in pain and beached and then the quakes hit in Big Bear. So it all began to fit together like pieces of a puzzle..a “the sound” changed, the whales beached the quakes hit. It was not a coincidence. So far all I was experiencing was sound but that was about to change.  I am best known for my accurate prediction of the major eruption of Mt St Helens.  I called the televison station in Portland Oregon the evening before the  eruption, and talked to the Assignment Editor as well as the night anchor and told them to log my call for 8:20 PM and that Mt St Helens would blow within 12 hours or less.  The  next morning May 18, 1980 we all know what happened.

Since that time I have made hundreds if not thousands of accurate quake, volcanic eruption and or solar events/ forecast.  Most notable were Mexico, 1985 Loma Prieta, CA, 1989, Landers, CA 1992, Northridge CA 1994, Indonesia 2004, Chile 2010 and Japan in 2011.. and many many more. 

I was part of a volunteer project aptly named " Project Migraine " which was a project started by Biologist Dr Chris Dodge * deceased * of the US Library of Congress, CRS .... together we worked to inform the public and others that predicting quakes was no longer " impossible " because I was doing it. Not by the usual means of maps and experience as a geologist but my physical and painful body symptoms. 

I had connected each of my body's reaction to a quake in a specific location and each time that symptom showed up, a quake would hit that area within 12-72 hrs or less.  This is not unique to me.. thousands if not hundreds of thousands feel these symptoms but they did not know what they meant.    What I did was show them that the symptoms precursors for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  

The government sent me to 3 other states and had specific testing done to confirm my sensitivity.

In Hyperbaric Decompression Chambers, Seattle, WA, The Anechoic Chambers,Sacramento, CA,  Therm-O-Gram research Facility in Modesto, CA, and the US Bureau of Standards, Magnetic Testing Labs, Boulder CO.

I have lectured to Emergency Mangement Groups, Colleges, Geology Classes, American Red Cross and IEEE among others..

Now 40 years later I am still sharing my information with others, and helping others to learn what all the unexplained pains and symptoms might mean in the absensce of medical problems.  I have a free email update I try to send out once a week, sometimes its a bit off due to how I am feeling with current quake activity.  I also have my blog which I try to update several times a week..

In recent years I have begun to experience major symptoms which as bad as St Helens was in the beginning, makes it seem like a walk in the park.

Now I also react to solar activities.. I pick them up about 12-24 hours give or take 12 hrs before they happen. This includes CME/s Partial or Full Halo's, and filament collapses.   As bad as the quake and volcanic symptoms were for St Helens the symptoms for the sun are or can be far worse.

With St Helens I have spent many hours in the emergency rooms of hospitals in 3 states but with the solar etc symptoms it was bad enough they had to call a ambulace to take me to the hospital. I was not able to breathe..

With the increase in activites the last few years, there are more and more people who are finding themselves experiencing symptoms and then once they learn the locations, they are also able to tie the events together.

With the geothermal drilling in the last 10 years or more the quakes have increased in many locations, including Oregon, Oklahoma, California and Turkey/Italy and others..  finally the scientsts are starting to connect the dots I put together back in 1980 ...

So I continue to watch, log symptoms,  sounds and share the information with others as a mentor on at least one private FB sight and contributor on another.. I have a Free Email Update and I also have my blog.  I do not charge for any of these services ... but I do accept donations and have a pay pal account...

I am always available via email, text and or cell phone.. 503-999-5745 * its ok to post my private number * note, I found out that it is free to text to anywhere, any country if you have text coverage on your service and its free... I can't call out of the country but I can text. 

I have a paper copy of information I used to sell for 25$  including shipping 17 pages but I am in the process of translating it into a digital format which I will send the file for $15.00 or available on disc for $20.00 including shipping this is a combination of the background of The Charlotte King Effect, as well as a list of symptoms vs locations and tying it all together.

Charlotte King © 2016

Kat Hobson

I have hosted the Paranormal Experienced radio show for over two years & been with WCJB -DB for more than a year & a half. I was recently featured on Coast To Coast AM as an up and coming podcaster with a promo for my program & a short interview, I have interviewed many wonderful guests including parapsychologyist Loyd Auerbach, Andrea Perron, survivor of The Conjuring & author of the House of Darkness, House of Light trilogy as well co-authoring In a Flicker,Steve DiSchaivi of Traoel Channel's The Dead Files, Dr. Raymond Moody who authored Life After Life & created the term "near-death experience",  Richard Senate, paranormal investigator, archeologist & author, John DeSouza who authored The Para-Investigators  and The Extra-Dimensionals.

As a paranormal investigator I have been fortunate enough to investigate Sloss Furnaces, Old South Pittsburg Hospital, Sorrel Weed House, Pensacola Light House, Moon River Brewery, St. Augustine Lighthouse, the Pioneer Saloon & multiple locations in Key West as well as smaller, private locations. I have also worked on numerous residential cases with my investigative team, SCARE of Alabama founded by Kim Johnston and Shane Busby and featured on the 2016 seasons' opening episode of Paranormal Witness titled Voodoo Preacher. We were also the only paranormal team allowed to investigate a wonderful abandoned hospital in the Birmingham, Alabama area with amazing paranormal activity.


Kat Hobson is a seasoned paranormal researcher, investigator and host of Paranormal Experienced Radio. She and her guests share knowledge and experience and offer advice about the paranormal useful to both novice enthusiasts and seasoned veterans of the field alike. They discuss paranormal news, investigation advice, equipment tech tips, investigation experiences, paranormal trivia and much more.

Kat has many gifts including discernment of spirits & is able to know intent & to communicate with them. She has worked extensively with her teams and their clients to resolve many cases to date. While investigations in known haunted locations is good training & interesting, Kat feels that her gifts were given to aid individuals in distress in what should be their safe environments. Residential hauntings are where her heart lies. 

Kat joined Spirit Communications & REsearch (SCARE) of Alabama in 2013 as an experienced paranormal investigator and researcher. In addition to helping residential clients, she has also investigated many haunted locations including the Sorrel Weed House, Pensacola Lighthouse, St. Augustine Lighthouse, the Key West Lighthouse, Sloss Furnace, the Old South Pittsburgh Hospital & was on the only team to investigate abandoned hospitals in the Birmingham, Alabama metro area. Her experiences in the field have led her into more research & education seeking answers to be better able to help her clients.

Karen Tate

Rev. Dr. Karen Tate, author, speaker, radio show host and social justice activist discusses how reawakening our earliest sacred stories - goddess mythology - can reshape our culture and lead humanity toward a paradigm shift of caring, sharing, peace and equality.  Hear Karen discuss the relevance of Goddess as deity, archetype and ideal as we strive toward that 100th Monkey, raising the vibration of all beings on Mother Earth.


Rev. Dr. Karen Tate, four-times published author, internationally known speaker and radio show host and social justice activist has recently been named one of the 13 Most Influential Women in Goddess Spirituality and a Wisdom Keeper of the Goddess Spirituality Movement.  Her long-running radio show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine has been called a treasure trove of wisdom for our time and she's just been picked to moderate a panel and give a talk at the prestigious Council for the Parliament of World Religions being held this October in Salt Lake City, UT.  For more information about her books, talks, radio show or vision, please contact her at

Goddess Calling
Pamela Miles

How often do you agree to something because you can’t bring yourself to refuse? Are you overwhelmed at the end of the day because you just took on too much? Do you give more than you receive in your relationships? Does it feel like other people have more of a say in your life and the use of your time than you do? Are you afraid if you say no, you’ll be viewed as selfish?

Then there’s a pretty good likelihood that unclear boundaries are the problem. Without the protection of firm, clear and compassionate boundaries, you are at the mercy of others— whether they intentionally bully you or not. Whether it’s societal pressure, a dominating spouse or partner, or the way you were raised, the effect of not having strong boundaries spills over into every aspect of life—not just your relationships.

Unclear boundaries impact your health, your work life, your vitality, your self-respect, your finances, all your relationships -- with your child and your parents, your partner, your friends and colleagues – and dozens of other ways you might never fathom. Unclear boundaries leave you vulnerable to be manipulated easily and often.

But salvation is at hand. Boundary expert Pamela Miles is revealing her 7 Tips to Create Blessed Boundaries, a brief selection from her life-changing Blessed Boundaries three-week interactive online program that features “Pamela’s Pearls,” nuggets from her 40+ years as a professional leader in health, wellness, self-care, meditation and other spiritual practice. Blessed Boundaries teaches people in a gentle and loving way how to hold their own in the world with skill, grace and compassion. And invites participants to be supported by a private online community among people who are also on the path to Boundary Recovery.


When Pamela Miles was eleven, she asked her mother for a book about yoga. When she opened the book, the direction of her life shifted, imperceptibly and irrevocably. It set her on a life-long path to find methods of natural healing for herself and other. Her pursuits took her from yoga to vegetarianism, to self-hypnosis to botanicals to meditation and even to two years in an Indian monastery.

Soon people began to flock to her for ways to feel better and be happier, using the simple shifts she offered, impacting them spiritually, mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically. Her career unfolded from there, as she assumed a leadership role in the introduction of meditation to her generation of Americans and then  became one of the leading pioneers in Reiki, bringing that energy healing practice to the mainstream medical community. She has collaborated with prestigious healthcare  institutions on care, education and research, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), medical schools (Harvard, Yale, Einstein) and hospitals (New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, Beth Israel Medical Center, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center).

Over the years she has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals, developed the first Reiki program in a hospital infectious disease clinic, collaborated on medical research, presented at major academic medical centers, wrote an award-winning book REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide (Tarcher/Penguin) and developed a highly regarded meditation audio, along with master bansuri flutist Steve Gorn.

Pamela has been interviewed by a wide range of media, including CNN, NBC, FOX, Allure, US News and World Report and Dr. Oz.

In her ongoing private practice--both virtually and in person on New York’s Upper West Side--Pamela realized that one of the major obstacles to personal success and peace of mind is her clients’ failure to set appropriate boundaries. Thus was born her quest to find a methodology to help people set Blessed Boundaries with grace, skill and compassion. Her program has been changing lives and winning accolades.

Russell H Ford

I grew up in the fire service and law enforcement fields in Washington State.  I have been a fire fighter, EMT, fire trainer, commissioned deputy sheriff, writer, artist, inventor, and husband for over 40 years. There are 5 PH.d's in my immediate family. My writings, while entertaining in nature, are absolutely rooted in facts.  When I was a kid, there was much acclaim about the world television premier of Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho', I made a ho-hum comment to my Mother about how unexciting that could be, an old black and white movie, big deal!  My Mother was college educated, traveled the world, and was very much in tune with world events. She stopped and looked at me and said, "You have no idea how terrified women were to take showers for years after that movie was released." I sat back, even as a kid, and realized I had been sent a message. My Mother being astute and educated and hung around with other similar folks was bedeviled by a mere snippet of black and white film. I thought, "If i could write well enough to create that sort of emotion, then I would be doing okay!" My evil intent is that a few years after you read de-pop, when you are in the bathroom and the mirror is all foggy, you reach up and clear a space for you to see your reflection, and the instant before the toothpaste touches your lips, you stop, and think, "That guy may have put something in here!"

United States

Fire Service, EMT, Eagle Scout, Law Enforcement, trainer, construction, writer, patent holder, artist.

Cheryl L Wheeler MA

Together we learn how to apply analytic thinking from business application and adapt it to creating a catalyst of change. This change occurs when we are able to see full spectrum, our reactions and reactive behaviors.

When you are ready to take a journey of self discovery and achieve healthy personal empowerment, call me. Let the journey begin! Virtual (secure video conferencing) and telephone sessions available.

As your Intuitive Transformational Coach we can work together in finding new and effective ways for moving forward.


Trained as a psychotherapist I've come to find a more fulfilling approach through the practice of Intuitive Transformational Coach. Transitioning from marketing and contract management, I was allowed the opportunity to return to school and study my life's dream of working with people in overcoming childhood trauma and abuse. Education includes a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology through Argosy University (2007), and in the home stretch of completing a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Capella University. Also, pursuing my Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D. specializing in Transpersonal Counseling through the University of Sedona. Trained as a psychotherapist I've come to find a more fulfilling approach to helping others through the practice of "Transformational Coaching".

Dr Sakira Jackson

I work with professional business owners and entrepreneurs committed to growing their business or practice to 7 figures in 2017. I show business owners how  Intentionally maximize their business model, Magnetize their customers and Optimize their profits.

This training is for business owners growing their business from 6 figures to 7 figures and those who are stuck at 7 figures. In 2016 alone, my clients have generated more than $50 million dollars revenue as members of my Masters of Business Academy and using my 7 Figure CEO Mastermind processes.


Dr. Sakira Jackson

Sakira Jackson, M. A., Business Psy.D. is one of the most highly regarded Personal and Business Transformational Coaches and Psycho-Economic and Behavioral Consultants in Chicago. She was also Vistage CEO Chair, providing personal and business growth and transformational consulting to her multimillionaire clientele.

Dr. Jackson is one of Chicago’s sought after trainers and consultant whose business and personal development transformational methods are used by some of the most recognized and successful companies in the world and as has helped shape over a many successful leaders, managers and employees.

She is a highly acclaimed keynote speaker, consultant and executive coach. Dr. Sakira addresses thousands of men and women each year on the subjects of vivid visioning, leadership, team dynamics, personal transformation and peak performance. Her consulting and training firms, Brainpower Consulting and Masters of Business Academy have attracted clients from across the United States.

Dr. Sakira is also one the few Chicago’s coaches of the world renowned Life Transformational Program, Thinking Into Results. As a part of the global Life Success team, Dr. Sakira coaches both women and men, groups and organizations, using her Change Your Thinking- Radical Success methods. Based in the highly recognized Personal Development runaway movie “The Secret” and the film “Beyond the Secret.”

Her prolific publishing includes several business development articles and author of 12 Steps to Owning Your Own Business as well as the founder of the 7Figure CEO Mastermind: a peer mentoring organization for CEO/Presidents. Her books have been added to many start-up book collections and are sold on Dr. Jackson continues to publish her series of QuikBooks: a Series of Short Lessons for CEOs. The series currently includes: How to Stay Up in a Down Economy, How to Keep the IRS out of Your Books, and How to Manage Your time as a Chief Executive Officer. Her eBooks include: Happiness is More than a State of Mind; and 12 Steps to Owning Your Own Business.

Her clients have included, State Farm, AllState Insurance, Museum Africa, Home Depot, Target, The City of Chicago, University of Illinois, Chicago State University, University of Arkansas, Verizon, CSX and over 50 other organizations nationwide.

Dr. Jackson is married mother of 8 children and grandmother of nineteen. She believes that everyone deserves to live an exceptional life and has made it her mission to help others do so through vivid visioning.

C B Cane

I Write The Music You Love To FEEL! Discussing being an indeoendent artist trying to get exposure also not having a major label to support you also trying to get radio stations to play your music and you are not main stream the cost of recording

talk about the Glaucoma Project I am working on ALso I have written a book A Loved Ones Destruction


I am a minister, writer, singer and a musician. I have performed with the likes of Shirley Caeser, Twinkie Clark, Mattie Moss Clark, The Florida Mass Choir where I was the Director of the Fort Lauderdale Component. I have also been an instrumental part of the Church Of God In Christ Music ministry before starting my own ministry, as well as helping other artist's church's and organization's to achieve their musical goals.

I have several recorded CD's to my credit and am linked to, itunes, spotify as well as having my own website. I come from a musical family, my mother was a musician my father sang and all of my siblings were involved in music in some way.

I began writing during my tenure with the COGIC and began recording during my tenure with the Florida Mass Choir.

My goal is to align myself with a record company that will pay attention to me and help mold my abilities to become successful at what I love to do. I am not afraid of hard work, but I feel that this is my hour, it is time for me now. I have helped others and I feel that it is time for me to help myself.

Musical World of C.B.Cane