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Guest Occupation: NZ Diploma in Physiotherapy, Diploma of Natural Healing Sciences in Auric Healing, Doctor of Religion, Light Energy Specialist
Guest Biography:

My role is to energetically transmit the sound and light codes to prepare individuals on all levels of mind, body and spirit for soul ascension, so that we may better adjust to the energetic changes ahead and so that our bodies may be recreated into greater light.

When I work I transmit very fast sequences of sound and light as 'Light Language' directly into the DNA template and cells of the body. My body is used by Spirit as a vehicle, and I am used as a catalyst to switch people on to their inherent spiritual gifts and abilities as well as to reconfigure the body’s energy anatomy and recode the DNA.

It is my belief that the Earth is to be advanced soon into a new evolutionary cycle. Our physical bodies must be made ready to exist in the faster vibrating frequency of the fifth dimension. To remain in sync with the earth we must ‘take our bodies with us’ as it is said in the bible and put on new ‘garments of light‘.

We must be cleared of much of the karmic miasmic patterning which is distorting the energy conduction through our bodies. This is affecting many people right now, physically and emotionally.

We are being prepared not just to return to our original empowerment as in the days of the ‘first times’, 'Zep Tepi', but to move beyond the 12 dimensional spectrum of light into new creation.

I live in New Zealand, the place of ‘Aroha’ love and ‘Mana’, strength, for it is with love and the power of the mind centered in the heart that we will create our own Heaven on Earth.

My role is to prepare YOU energetically so that YOU TOO may do what your soul is called to do at this very important time on Earth.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, UFOs, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: B.S. Degree in Physics, M.S. and Ph.D. in Space Physics, Professor, Adjunct Researcher, School District Consultant, Author
Guest Biography:

Ramon E. Lopez received his B.S. in Physics in 1980 from the University of Illinois, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Space Physics in 1984 and 1986, respectively, from Rice University. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Texas at Arlington. Dr. Lopez is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). His awards include the 2002 APS Nicholson Medal, the 2010 Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Distinguished Scientist Award, the 2012 APS Edward A. Bouchet Award, and two NASA Group Achievement Awards. Dr. Lopez leads a research group that is working in both space physics and science education.

Dr. Lopez's space physics research interests are primarily in magnetospheric physics and space weather, as well as solar wind variations and what it tells us about solar activity. Topics of study include solar wind-magnetosphere coupling, magnetic storms and substorms, auroral dynamics and structure, current systems, particle energization, and space weather. The group is part of the Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling (CISM), a Science and Technology Center funded by the NSF for which Dr. Lopez is a Co-PI and Co-Director for Diversity.  CISM research centers on detailed comparisons between observations (space- and ground-based) and the results of 3-D MHD simulations of the magnetosphere as a means of validating models for space weather prediction.  Other research focuses on solar wind-magnetosphere coupling during periods of large values of the interplanetary magnetic field. This work is supported by NASA and the NSF. The current activites of the research group may be found here.

Dr. Lopez's physics education research interests are primarily in issues related to spatial intelligence and visual cognition. Dr. Lopez is an Adjunct Researcher with the Spatial Intelligence Learning Center. In addition, he is one of the Co-Directors for UTeach Arlington. In 2003, he was elected Vice Chair of the APS Forum on Education and served as Chair in 2005. Dr. Lopez has also served various education-related committees of the AGU (American Geophysical Union) and the APS, and as a member of the Board of Directors of SACNAS. In the Fall of 2003, he was co-organizner of the Introductory Calculus-Based Physics Course Conference, sponsored by the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Dr. Lopez is active in K-12 science education as well. He has served as a consultant for a number of school districts around the country, as well as other organizations, particularly the National Science Resources Center. He has been a consultant to the Texas Department of Education for physics content in the STAAR end-of-course physics exam. He worked on the College Board Standards for College Success, coauthoring the physical science standards, and he was one of the authors for the 3rd edition of Active Physics. He is current one of the leaders of the team developing the Next Generation Science Standards.

Dr. Lopez is also the co-author of a popular book on space weather entitled "Storms from the Sun", published by Joseph Henry Press, the tradebook arm of the National Academy Press. This book is now available as a free PDF directly from the National Academy Press.

Guest Category: Arts, Earth & Space, Education, K-12, Physics & Metaphysics, Science
Guest Occupation: Social Historian, Professional Intuitive, Author, Writer, Professional Psychic and Medium, Doctorate in Archaeology and Art History, Professor
Guest Biography:

Julia Assante is an established social historian of the ancient Near East (PhD Columbia University). Yet for over three decades she has also been an active professional intuitive. In her book, The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death, she applies the insights and methodologies gained from both fields in order to present a uniquely rigorous investigation of where we go after we die.

From 1977 to the present Julia has been an active professional psychic and medium. In addition to private sessions, she has taught workshops on remote viewing, healing arts and aura reading, afterdeath communication, remembering the future and reincarnational recall in the US, Canada, Germany, France and Spain, with the next one scheduled in Austria for February 2012. She has also coached physicists, medical professionals, entertainers and athletes to develop specific career-related psychic skills. She believes, however, that the real power of good psychic work is not about accurate information. It lies instead in its affect—the spontaneous revelation of a greater reality, the most important experience a person can have. Nothing brings that closer to home than afterdeath communication. Although it is a great wonder and privilege for Julia to assist the dying, officiate at funerals and contact the dead for others, what really changes people, what really heals and ends grief, what unveils the truth of immortality is making direct contact themselves.

Julia Assante received her doctorate in Archaeology and Art History of the Ancient Near East from Columbia University. On invitation, she studied the cuneiform languages of Sumerian (the first known written language) and Akkadian (the first known Semitic language) at Yale. She taught at Columbia, Bryn Mawr and the University of Münster and excavated in Crete (Minoan levels) and Israel. She has given talks at major universities and conferences in the United States and Europe and has written numerous scholarly articles. Her specific area of interest is religion, magic and sexuality, three categories that were closely interconnected in antiquity.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Languages, Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Writer, Author, Received a BA and MA in Psychology and Counselling, Member of the Southern Christian Writers Guild
Guest Biography:

Rebecca Willman Gernon started writing at age 11 when she produced the Dolland News a small daily newspaper typed on her grandmother's old manual typewriter. She also wrote small plays and skits that she had her dolls perform.
Her career with the federal government included a great deal of writing, most of it boring and full of legal mumbo jumbo. In the evening she wrote humor.

Twelve years ago she took an early retirement and was given the opportunity to devote her free time to writing. Her first published story was a veggie fairy take about an eggplant. This was accomplished after two years of writing and submitting manuscripts.

Her plays have won awards or had reading in Missouri, Louisiana, Nebraska, and Virginia. Gernon has won a national food writing contest and paced third in a national humor writing contest. She has been published in a number of anthologies. Amy Signs, A Mother, Her Deaf Daughter, and Their Stories, which she co-wrote with her daughter is her first book. She is currently editing her humorous novel for the umpteenth time.

Guest Category: Literature, Psychology, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Writer, Producer, Director, Filmmaker, Videographer, Editor, Writer, Effects Artist, Researcher of Metaphysics
Guest Biography:

Every filmmaker has their story, that they went against all odds and made the impossible happen and cut corners each step of the way with obstacles in their path. But my story is how I made something out of nothing. All I had was an idea; a dream and I had no idea how I was going to manifest it into reality. In 1994, I was living in Dallas Texas, fresh out of college with an economics degree. I was waiting tables at Macaroni Grill. The world that I lived in just didn’t seem right to me. We were still fighting wars over land, race and religion. Nobody seemed to care that this was still going on. It was like people just accepted it the way it was and wanted to stay oblivious to what was happening on our planet as a whole. But I never accepted it as the reality that I was going to live in and I set out to change it. I started to see a pattern-that there was actually a solution to the problem. There were so many spiritual ideas and teachings out there that seemed to be saying the same things about non-violence and love but in so many diverse ways. I saw this as part of the problem. So I decided that if I found this common theme, I would re-package it into a language for the common man and try to bring it to the world by the year 2012.

I stumbled upon an old book called “Three Magic Words by U.S. Andersen, and in it, was the answer I was searching for. This became the inspiration to create the movie and I made the move to Los Angeles. In 2006, with empty pockets, a little film knowledge and a video camera, I began the project. I got fired from my desk job and took a year off to write the screenplay for 3 Magic Words. The biggest challenge in making and completing the film was having no budget, and no experience- except for a short film (Skeptic) I tried to make that fell through the cracks. So I took on another desk job and I purchased my own equipment on credit cards. I threw a green screen up on the wall and with the help of my friend Maura Hoffman; I began contacting the authors, teachers and spiritual leaders who had the most impact on people’s lives. I had to wear practically every hat you can wear in filmmaking since I had little to no money. I tackled editing, animation, titles, graphics, cinematography, sound, color correction and all aspects of production. This film was made in four years on weekends with a full time job and a skeleton crew.

In November of 2010 we traveled to Tokyo and screened the movie in Japanese subtitles. It was a huge success. In April of 2010, we had our big Hollywood Premiere at the Harmony Gold Theater. We sold out 400 seats the day before the event. On August 22 we screened it in Santa Monica, California at the Laemmle Monica 4-plex where we sold out 3 times and had to continue to move into bigger theaters. It looks like Hollywood is finally ready for metaphysics.

After finishing the film I quit my job, sold my furniture, move out of my apartment and bought an RV to take the film on the road. Homeless and broke, I was able to finish the final director’s cut of the film to meet the deliverable requirements on my Macbook pro at Starbucks and land a Warner Bros. Digital Distribution Deal.

As we approach this auspicious date of Dec 21, 2012 (the end of the Mayan Calendar) and the beginning of a new world and a new shift in consciousness for humanity- we have chosen this date to create a cosmic celebration for Earth’s Entrance into the Golden Age by creating a conscious film experience with the 3 Magic Words European Premiere event in London. At the event, a Declaration of Consciousness will be announced to the world. World leaders, prime ministers, presidents and celebrities will sign this document. This is the moment of truth- the day of the final hour when we will all find out if 3 words really can change the world. I hope they will.

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Multi-Dimensional Psychic Medium, Trance-Channeler, Reiki Master
Guest Biography:

When I was 17 years old, over the course of six weeks, I heard a male voice speaking to me. I vividly remember stating, “I cannot hear you, you do not exist! I am not crazy, and no one is going to tell me I’m crazy.” At that time I had no knowledge or experience with the energies that exist in the universe. I was also sure that if my parents knew that I was hearing a voice they would have intervened with medical attention. Other than the strange voice, I lived an ordinary life, and went out of my way to avoid horror movies, ghost stories, and The Twilight Zone

     Throughout my life, people often said that I was “psychic.” I had a clear knowing about future outcomes in my life and the lives of others. I attributed this to “COINCIDENCE”. Tarot cards became a hobby for me when I was in my twenties, but my life continued in a mundane way. Eventually, I began reading Tarot cards for friends.

     Suddenly while shopping one morning, at a local supermarket, I saw my dead Aunt Doris who had passed on 15 years earlier. Aunt Doris, was speaking to me on a full sized Technicolor screen in my head! I abandoned the shopping cart and left the market. For the rest of that day I was sobbing and confused. Much later, I came to understand that my third eye had opened. While this may seem exciting to some, at the time it was completely overwhelming and scary. I had no knowledge base for this and without the support of my remarkable husband, I would have wound up medicated in a hospital

     Within a few weeks after seeing Aunt Doris, the first Archangel approached me. At first I ignored him, but then he unfolded his energy and spoke to me in a booming voice. I actually felt crushed by his energy and became short of breath. His name was Jophiel, and he continues to connect to me in his thunderous way, bringing messages and teachings.

     Now, at a critical point, I sat at the edge of a precipice the height of Mt. Everest. I had a choice to make. I could take a flying leap of faith or climb all the way back down. I took the leap and stepped beyond the fear. Over time I have been visited by many Angels and they have brought so much good into my life. I stand in gratitude as they continue their teachings with me to this day.

     My work as a psychic medium in Salem, Massachusetts has grown and I now work with clients all over the world offering guidance and support from the Angelic Realm.

Guest Category: Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Tarot & Other Cards, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Peace and Justice Activist, Writer, Author, Self-Described Revolutionary, Traveler, Co-Founder of the U. of Montana Green Party and Ozark Heritage Region Peace & Justice Network, 2004 Nominated Democratic Congressman in Missouri's 8th Disrict
Guest Biography:

Dean Henderson was born and raised on a cattle ranch near Faulkton, SD.  He earned a BLS from the University of South Dakota in 1987 and an MS in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana in 1991.  He founded/published/edited one of America’s first political “zines” – The Missoula Paper - in 1990 in Missoula, MT – where he was also a regular columnist for the Montana Kaimin.

His Left Hook columns have appeared on Infowars,, David Icke and other websites.  His print articles have appeared in Multinational Monitor, In These Times, Paranoia and several other journals.   He is a featured columnist for Veterans Today &, and appears regularly on Press TV, al Etejah TV and other international stations.

A self-described revolutionary and traveler to 50 countries, Dean co-founded of the U. of Montana Green Party and Ozark Heritage Region Peace & Justice Network. He was Vice-President of the Central Ozarks Farmer’s Union and former President of the Howell County Democrats.  In 2004 he won the Democratic nomination for Congress in Missouri’s 8th District.  He has authored four books.

His first book, Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network (, has become a global cult classic among conspiracy researchers.

His second book, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries (, chronicles insights gained from a lifetime of overseas travel.

His third book, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve: Acht Familien beherrschen die Welt, is published is German language by Kopp Verlag.  This is Chapter 19: The Eight Families of his Big Oil… book.

His latest book, Stickin’ it to the Matrix (, is a practical guide to dropping out of the evil Illuminati system and kicking it in the nuts!

Guest Category: Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Neuro-Surgeon, Shaman, Author, Chief Ambassadors of the Mayans' Cultural Wisdom, Myan Expert, Heart Transplant Survivor
Guest Biography:

Don Miguel Ruiz was born into a humble family with ancient traditions in rural Mexico, the youngest of 13 children. He considers himself very lucky, as this was where he learned from an early age that everything is possible, if we really want it.

His parents, Don Jose and Dona Sarita, as well as his grandfather, Don Leonardo, all believed that Miguel would continue their legacy in the centuries old Toltec tradition. Instead Don Miguel attended medical school, and became a surgeon.

For several years he practiced neurosurgery with his brothers, and he realized that what needed to be healed was not only the physical brain, but the human mind as well.

A near fatal car accident changed the direction of Don Miguel’s life. He experienced himself as pure awareness outside of the constraints of his physical body. He realized that the Toltec wisdom of his family contained all of the tools needed to change the human mind. Don Miguel promptly returned to his mother to finish his training and he became a Shaman.

Don Miguel moved to the United States to share his wisdom, and spent the next 15 years exploring ways to heal and change the human mind. He witnessed his students struggling to quiet their minds and sought to create tools to assist them. The result of this quest was The Four Agreements®. This book contains a specific series of practical steps, that when used by anyone, can result in consistent and long-term personal transformation.

In February of 2002, Don Miguel suffered a near-fatal heart attack. The damage from the heart attack and subsequent coma left him with a heart functioning at only 16% of capacity and in constant pain. Don Miguel would not accept his doctor’s prognosis that he would be restricted to an inactive life of resting at home. He personally embodied the message he shares, by continuing to joyfully live his life, sharing his message through books, lectures and journeys. Though he was enjoying life he also knew that he was slowly dying and focused on preparing his sons to carry on his legacy.

In 2009 Don Miguel’s body began to deteriorate much more rapidly and he applied for a heart transplant. In August 2010 he was put on the transplant waiting list. On October 9th 2010, Don Miguel successfully received a heart transplant. For Don Miguel this is a new beginning and with deep gratitude and generosity he is eager to share his message with all of humanity.

In the tradition of the Toltec, a Nagual (shaman) guides an individual to personal freedom. After exploring the human mind from a Toltec as well as scientific perspective, Don Miguel has combined old wisdom with modern insights and created a new message for all mankind, based in truth and common sense. He has dedicated his life to sharing this new message through practical concepts that promote transformation. His message is simple and when implemented, even incrementally, changes lives.

Don Miguel is highly respected throughout the world. He has received numerous recognitions, including a US Air Force challenge coin engraved with The Four Agreements, and he is referenced as a National Heirloom of Mexico.

The Four Agreements®, published in 1997; was a New York Times bestseller for more than 7 years and the 36th bestselling book of the decade. Other books have followed; The Mastery of Love, The Voice of Knowledge, Prayers, Beyond Fear and The Fifth Agreement, a collaboration with his son Don Jose. All of his books are international bestsellers.

‘Please help us to change the world’! Only you can change the world that you create, and by changing your world, the world will change… ‘and that is the Truth that will set you free’.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, History, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual