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Guest Occupation: Founder of the Clearing Institute, Spiritual Seeker, Kundalini Experiencer, Healer, Philosopher, Researcher, Energy Conduit, Reiki Tummo, Advanced Pranic Healer, Akashic Records Consultant, Quantum Entrainment, Reiki Usui
Guest Biography:

Kane is the founder of The Clearing Institute (also creator of the Flow Meditation). He has been an avid spiritual seeker since early childhood and has spent many years studying and researching spiritual literature and healing methods as well as becoming certified in many of them.

Besides completing his catechism at an early age, some of the cultures, religions and philosophies Kane has researched and studied include Buddhism, Gnosticism, Hinduism, Kabbalah, “New Age-ism”, Shamanism, Sufism and Taoism. He has explored India and Nepal while living in Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries and a Hindu Ashram as well as spent time in a Zen Buddhist Monastery nestled in a national forest in Brazil.

Since his kundalini spontaneously awakened after a series of spiritual events, Kane embarked on an intense 9 year spiritual clearing/purification process when his own clearing took place to the point where he can now be an open conduit for higher levels of awareness and energies.

"At first you are with The Flow. Then you are in The Flow. Finally, you ARE The Flow."
- Kane

Kane has many years of experience in helping others through their clearing processes via individual sessions, group gatherings and workshops. His aim is to continue and expand his work via the The Clearing Institute so he may benefit the greatest number of people he is able to in accordance with his Soul’s Purpose.

Certificates: Kane is certified in Reiki Tummo under internationally known Master Rama, a senior disciple of founder GrandMaster Irmansyah Effendi. Kane is certified in Advanced Pranic Healing under internationally known Master Stephen Co, a senior disciple of the late founder Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Kane is certified in Akashic Records Consultation under internationally known teacher Gabrielle Orr, a member instructor of Akashic Pathway Teachings. Kane is certified in Quantum Entrainment under internationally known founder Dr. Frank Kinslow. Kane is certified in traditional Reiki Usui and Magnified Healing. Kane has also studied/researched other modalities.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Religion, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Course Teacher, Workshop and Retreat Leader, Author, Course Developer, Abundance Expert, Intuitive, Esoteric Researcher, Energetic Healer
Guest Biography:

Rebecca Cherry is the Founder of  She is a Certified Course teacher, Workshop & Retreat Leader and Author of; ‘Notes from the Universe’, and ‘Follow Your Heart, It’s Smarter Than You Think’. Both are self-guided books designed to assist others to move more easily through this time of great transformation. As the creator of the Follow Your Heart Certified Courses, Workshops, and Retreats in Tuscany, Italy, Cherry is an expert on topics of living a life full of Passion, Purpose and Abundance Creation.  Her new books; ‘Your Energetic Immune System’ and her children’s adventure novel ‘Isabella’s Earth and the Forces of Doom’ are due out in Fall 2013.

Rebecca was born highly intuitive, with a knowing acceptance of all people and grew up enjoying a close connection to Mother Earth and Nature.  At the age of 15, she began studying a wide range of esoteric subjects, and by the age of twenty had expanded her focus to include studying The Science of the Subconscious Mind, taught by a Professor at the UCLA Brain Institute, The Course of Miracles, Past Life Regression Therapy, Meditation, Gem Therapy, Reflexology and a variety of Energetic Healing modalities.

Rebecca studied under three Master Intuitive Teachers both in Los Angeles and New York, further fine-tuning her intuitive talents and energetic healing abilities. She continued over the years to compliment her expanding view of the healing arts through continued study and integration of the Akashic Records, Western Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Feng Shui, Crystal and Gem Therapy, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Amino Acid Therapy and Nutritionally-based cleansing and alternative health techniques.

Rebecca also loves working with the beauty of Mother Earth’s beautiful gems, and reprogramming the subconscious mind with supportive beliefs that are in alignment with your Heart’s desire.  For Rebecca, it is a connection of the Heart, an unmistakable sense of belonging with this beautiful and most magnificent of Planets that humanity calls home. And it is what drives her to share the messages that accompany each of her jewelry collections here at

Rebecca’s innate intuitive and healing abilities, extensive knowledge and combined expertise create a cohesive and unique new system she calls Integrated Energetics. Her comprehensive and gentle approach offers the divinely inspired guidance to assist others in transforming their lives into the one they not only desire, but also the one they are divinely destined to live.

As Rebecca’s path to living her purpose so clearly demonstrates for us all, sometimes in life, it’s all about the timing. Rebecca feels honored and blessed to be able to finally share her jewelry, her books and what she calls; her new renaissance blueprint for living a life full of passion and purpose with you today.

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Psychic, Reader, Medium, Author, Workshop Leader, Speaker, Guide, Intuitive
Guest Biography:

Carole J. Obley has been the bridge between heaven and earth in over 7000 group and individual readings. It’s no surprise that she is fast becoming a sought-after medium, author, workshop leader and speaker given the startling clarity, specificity and accuracy with which she sees, hears and senses people’s loved ones in spirit. Names, descriptions of loved ones’ personalities and uncanny, validating details as well as grief support and teachings about the Afterlife are typically delivered in her readings. Heartfelt and compassionate in her approach, Carole is also well known for her practical, down-to -earth guidance and insight into life issues, such as relationships, career and finance.

Through her inspiring books, CD’s, media work, seminars and workshops, Carole has touched thousands, helping them to move through the grieving process more easily and importantly, to open their hearts and minds to the Divine within. After experiencing a session, many people comment on how much lighter and more connected they feel, renewed by the power of love and comforted by the confirmation that death does not separate us from those we love. Carole’s passionate intent is to use her talents to mirror the divine essence of others, thereby empowering them to reach for the stars in all avenues of their lives.

Because she ardently believes that each person has the ability to connect with the voice of God within by accessing intuition, Carole has created three levels of intuition development, which she teaches in fun-filled, affordable weekend intensives. She loves to teach and share many of the easy- to-apply techniques she personally utilized to develop her own abilities as a medium.

Guest Category: Psychic & Intuitive, Self Help, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Midwife, Holistic Health Provider, Alternative Healer, Integrative Medicine Doctorate
Guest Biography:

Heather Clarke answered the call to become a midwife over 30 years ago. After graduating from Columbia University with a masters degree in midwifery, she attended over 1,000 babies and cared for countless more women from adolescence to post menopause. Her career has been driven by the obsession to find “the most holistic” way to care for women –mind, body and spirit, and a search for the key to overcome her own health challenges. These forces led her to study various forms of alternative healing practices including herbology, homeopathy, yoga, acupressure and harmonic medicine, and prenatal/perinatal psychology. In 2004 after completing a 2 year doctoral program in Integrative Medicine Heather expanded her midwifery practice to incorporate more alternative modalities.

Guest Category: Arts, Visual Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Sound Healing, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Musician, Composer, Sound Therapy Practitioner
Guest Biography:

Richard Plunkett is a Musician, Composer and Sound Therapy Practitioner.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Sound Healing, Music, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Regina Rose Murphy, Teacher, Emotional Therapist, Lecturer, Speaker, Columnist, Author, Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Sound Therapist, Photographer
Guest Biography:

Since 2004, Regina has been teaching free classes on the emotional therapies. The public library has sponsored over 30 of her lectures on Emotional Sound Techniques and has requested presentations of her Multi-Dimensional photos. She teaches at pre-schools to children as young as 3 and in adult day care centers.

She has written numerous articles for magazines and periodical publications. She is the author of The Elusive Gift of Tragedy, a book about her life and her son’s death and the workbook on Emotional Sound Techniques. Her photos have appeared in Mystic Pop and Mysteries Magazine.

Regina is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Certified in the Body Talk System, Certified in Acutonics-Level I and is a founder of the Emotional Sound Techniques Association: an Approved Provider for the NCBTMB. She and her son, John, started a local non-profit corporation, Love In Action, Inc, which has helped local organizations financially, who care for children with emotional problems.  This non-profit corporation also offers free training for organizations that want to learn Emotional Sound Techniques.

Regina’s dimensional photos reflect emotions, energetic releases and amazing images. Regina’s interpretation of them will be available on this site as part of her series of articles called “Picture This”.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Sound Healing, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Professor, Adjunct Instructor, Served as a Youth Pastor, Philosopher, PhD in Theology and Apologetics, Biblical Studies
Guest Biography:

Guest Biography From:

Ronnie (P.J.) Campbell has a BA in Youth Ministry (Moody Bible Institute), a MAR in Biblical Studies (Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary), a MARS in Philosophy of Religion/Philosophical Theology (Liberty University), and is working on a PhD in Theology and Apologetics (Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary). He is currently adjunct professor at Liberty University's School of Religion and at Grand Canyon University's School of Theology.

As an adjunct instructor, Ronnie has taught courses on systematic theology, Christian worldview, philosophy, and biblical interpretation. He is passionate about discipling students and walking alongside them in their academic journey. He is most passionate about seeing them grow in their walk with Jesus.

Ronnie has presented papers at the Eastern regional meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society and the International Society of Christian Apologetics on topics related to God and time, the problem of evil, and Christianity and culture.  Further, he has been involved as associate editor for Elutheria, an online peer-reviewed journal for students hosted by Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. His research interests include, but not limited to:

The Doctrine of God
Theology and Philosophy of Time
The Problem of Evil
Apologetics (Philosophical, Historical, and Cultural)
The Resurrection and Afterlife
Spiritual Formation

He has also served as a youth pastor for two different congregations.

In his spare time, Ronnie enjoys hanging out with his wife, Debbie, and three kids, Abigayle Grace (5 years), Caedmon Alexzander (3 years), and Caleb Justus (>1). He also enjoys a fine cup of coffee with a friend, having deep conversations, playing guitar, reading good books, and watching science fiction.

Guest Category: Philosophy, Religion, Christianity, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Political Science, Writer, Co-Editor, Co-Author, Senior Fellow at Baylor University’s Institute for the Studies of Religion, Expert on Church and State Relations, President of the National Organization Christians in Political Science
Guest Biography:

Mark David Hall has been at George Fox since 2001. He received a BA in political science from Wheaton College and a PhD in political science from the University of Virginia. Mark is on sabbatical 2012-2013.

Mark’s primary research and writing interests are American political theory and the relationship between religion and politics. He has written or co-edited The Political and Legal Philosophy of James Wilson, 1742-1798 (1997); The Founders on God and Government (2004); Collected Works of James Wilson 2 vol. (2007); The Forgotten Founders on Religion and Public Life (2009); The Sacred Rights of Conscience: Selected Readings on Religious Liberty and Church-State Relations in the American Founding (2009); America’s Forgotten Founders (2011), and Roger Sherman and the Creation of the American Republic (Oxford University Press, 2013).  He has also written more than fifty journal articles, book chapters, reviews, and sundry pieces.  He is currently co-editing Faith and the Founders of the American Republic (forthcoming, Oxford University Press) and co-authoring a book tentatively titled America’s “Godless” Constitution, Deist Founders, and other Myths About Religion and the American Founding.

Mark also serves as a Senior Fellow at Baylor University’s Institute for the Studies of Religion.

Mark is listed in Wikipedia and is recognized as an expert on church-state relations by Christians in Political Science and ReligionLink. He is currently president of the national organization Christians in Political Science and serves on the Board of Veritas Christian School.

Guest Category: Politics & Government, Religion